You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.1 KiB

'use strict'
module.exports = exports = search
var npm = require('./npm.js')
var allPackageMetadata = require('./search/all-package-metadata.js')
var packageFilter = require('./search/package-filter.js')
var formatPackageStream = require('./search/format-package-stream.js')
var usage = require('./utils/usage')
var output = require('./utils/output.js')
var log = require('npmlog')
var ms = require('mississippi')
search.usage = usage(
'npm search [--long] [search terms ...]'
search.completion = function (opts, cb) {
cb(null, [])
function search (args, cb) {
var staleness = npm.config.get('searchstaleness')
var include = prepareIncludes(args, npm.config.get('searchopts'))
if (include.length === 0) {
return cb(new Error('search must be called with arguments'))
var exclude = prepareExcludes(npm.config.get('searchexclude'))
// Used later to figure out whether we had any packages go out
var anyOutput = false
// Get a stream with *all* the packages. This takes care of dealing
// with the local cache as well, but that's an internal detail.
var allEntriesStream = allPackageMetadata(staleness)
// Grab a stream that filters those packages according to given params.
var searchSection = (npm.config.get('unicode') ? '🤔 ' : '') + 'search'
var filterStream = streamFilter(function (pkg) {
log.gauge.pulse('search'){section: searchSection, logline: 'scanning ' +})
// Simply 'true' if the package matches search parameters.
var match = packageFilter(pkg, include, exclude, {
description: npm.config.get('description')
if (match) { anyOutput = true }
return match
// Grab a configured output stream that will spit out packages in the
// desired format.
var outputStream = formatPackageStream({
args: args, // --searchinclude options are not highlighted
long: npm.config.get('long'),
description: npm.config.get('description'),
json: npm.config.get('json'),
parseable: npm.config.get('parseable'),
color: npm.color
outputStream.on('data', function (chunk) {
log.silly('search', 'searching packages')
ms.pipe(allEntriesStream, filterStream, outputStream, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
if (!anyOutput && !npm.config.get('json') && !npm.config.get('parseable')) {
output('No matches found for ' + (' ')))
log.silly('search', 'index search completed')
cb(null, {})
function prepareIncludes (args, searchopts) {
if (typeof searchopts !== 'string') searchopts = ''
return searchopts.split(/\s+/).concat(args).map(function (s) {
return s.toLowerCase()
}).filter(function (s) { return s })
function prepareExcludes (searchexclude) {
var exclude
if (typeof searchexclude === 'string') {
exclude = searchexclude.split(/\s+/)
} else {
exclude = []
return (s) {
return s.toLowerCase()
function streamFilter (filter) {
return ms.through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
if (filter(chunk)) {