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805 lines
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var assert = require('assert');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var events = require('events');
var stream = require('stream');
var tls = require('tls');
var util = require('util');
var Timer = process.binding('timer_wrap').Timer;
var Connection = null;
try {
Connection = process.binding('crypto').Connection;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('node.js not compiled with openssl crypto support.');
var debug = util.debuglog('tls');
function SlabBuffer() {
SlabBuffer.prototype.create = function create() {
this.isFull = false;
this.pool = new Buffer(tls.SLAB_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.offset = 0;
this.remaining = this.pool.length;
SlabBuffer.prototype.use = function use(context, fn, size) {
if (this.remaining === 0) {
this.isFull = true;
return 0;
var actualSize = this.remaining;
if (!IS_NULL(size)) actualSize = Math.min(size, actualSize);
var bytes = fn.call(context, this.pool, this.offset, actualSize);
if (bytes > 0) {
this.offset += bytes;
this.remaining -= bytes;
assert(this.remaining >= 0);
return bytes;
var slabBuffer = null;
// Base class of both CleartextStream and EncryptedStream
function CryptoStream(pair, options) {
stream.Duplex.call(this, options);
this.pair = pair;
this._pending = null;
this._pendingEncoding = '';
this._pendingCallback = null;
this._doneFlag = false;
this._retryAfterPartial = false;
this._halfRead = false;
this._sslOutCb = null;
this._resumingSession = false;
this._reading = true;
this._destroyed = false;
this._ended = false;
this._finished = false;
this._opposite = null;
if (IS_NULL(slabBuffer)) slabBuffer = new SlabBuffer();
this._buffer = slabBuffer;
this.once('finish', onCryptoStreamFinish);
// net.Socket calls .onend too
this.once('end', onCryptoStreamEnd);
util.inherits(CryptoStream, stream.Duplex);
function onCryptoStreamFinish() {
this._finished = true;
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
// Generate close notify
// NOTE: first call checks if client has sent us shutdown,
// second call enqueues shutdown into the BIO.
if (this.pair.ssl.shutdown() !== 1) {
if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error)
return this.pair.error();
if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error)
return this.pair.error();
} else {
// Try to read just to get sure that we won't miss EOF
if (this._opposite.readable) this._opposite.read(0);
if (this._opposite._ended) {
// No half-close, sorry
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) this._opposite._done();
function onCryptoStreamEnd() {
this._ended = true;
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
} else {
if (this.onend) this.onend();
// NOTE: Called once `this._opposite` is set.
CryptoStream.prototype.init = function init() {
var self = this;
this._opposite.on('sslOutEnd', function() {
if (self._sslOutCb) {
var cb = self._sslOutCb;
self._sslOutCb = null;
CryptoStream.prototype._write = function write(data, encoding, cb) {
// Black-hole data
if (!this.pair.ssl) return cb(null);
// When resuming session don't accept any new data.
// And do not put too much data into openssl, before writing it from encrypted
// side.
// TODO(indutny): Remove magic number, use watermark based limits
if (!this._resumingSession &&
this._opposite._internallyPendingBytes() < 128 * 1024) {
// Write current buffer now
var written;
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
debug('cleartext.write called with %d bytes', data.length);
written = this.pair.ssl.clearIn(data, 0, data.length);
} else {
debug('encrypted.write called with %d bytes', data.length);
written = this.pair.ssl.encIn(data, 0, data.length);
// Handle and report errors
if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error) {
return cb(this.pair.error(true));
// Force SSL_read call to cycle some states/data inside OpenSSL
// Cycle encrypted data
if (this.pair.encrypted._internallyPendingBytes())
// Get NPN and Server name when ready
// Whole buffer was written
if (written === data.length) {
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
debug('cleartext.write succeed with ' + written + ' bytes');
} else {
debug('encrypted.write succeed with ' + written + ' bytes');
// Invoke callback only when all data read from opposite stream
if (this._opposite._halfRead) {
this._sslOutCb = cb;
} else {
} else if (written !== 0 && written !== -1) {
this._retryAfterPartial = true;
this._write(data.slice(written), encoding, cb);
this._retryAfterPartial = false;
} else {
debug('cleartext.write queue is full');
// Force SSL_read call to cycle some states/data inside OpenSSL
// No write has happened
this._pending = data;
this._pendingEncoding = encoding;
this._pendingCallback = cb;
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
debug('cleartext.write queued with %d bytes', data.length);
} else {
debug('encrypted.write queued with %d bytes', data.length);
CryptoStream.prototype._writePending = function writePending() {
var data = this._pending,
encoding = this._pendingEncoding,
cb = this._pendingCallback;
this._pending = null;
this._pendingEncoding = '';
this._pendingCallback = null;
this._write(data, encoding, cb);
CryptoStream.prototype._read = function read(size) {
// XXX: EOF?!
if (!this.pair.ssl) return this.push(null);
// Wait for session to be resumed
// Mark that we're done reading, but don't provide data or EOF
if (this._resumingSession || !this._reading) return this.push('');
var out;
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
debug('cleartext.read called with %d bytes', size);
out = this.pair.ssl.clearOut;
} else {
debug('encrypted.read called with %d bytes', size);
out = this.pair.ssl.encOut;
var bytesRead = 0,
start = this._buffer.offset;
do {
var read = this._buffer.use(this.pair.ssl, out, size);
if (read > 0) {
bytesRead += read;
size -= read;
// Handle and report errors
if (this.pair.ssl && this.pair.ssl.error) {
// Get NPN and Server name when ready
} while (read > 0 && !this._buffer.isFull && bytesRead < size);
// Create new buffer if previous was filled up
var pool = this._buffer.pool;
if (this._buffer.isFull) this._buffer.create();
assert(bytesRead >= 0);
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
debug('cleartext.read succeed with %d bytes', bytesRead);
} else {
debug('encrypted.read succeed with %d bytes', bytesRead);
// Try writing pending data
if (!IS_NULL(this._pending)) this._writePending();
if (!IS_NULL(this._opposite._pending)) this._opposite._writePending();
if (bytesRead === 0) {
// EOF when cleartext has finished and we have nothing to read
if (this._opposite._finished && this._internallyPendingBytes() === 0) {
// Perform graceful shutdown
// No half-open, sorry!
if (this === this.pair.cleartext)
// EOF
} else {
// Bail out
} else {
// Give them requested data
if (this.ondata) {
var self = this;
this.ondata(pool, start, start + bytesRead);
// Consume data automatically
// simple/test-https-drain fails without it
process.nextTick(function() {
this.push(pool.slice(start, start + bytesRead));
// Let users know that we've some internal data to read
var halfRead = this._internallyPendingBytes() !== 0;
// Smart check to avoid invoking 'sslOutEnd' in the most of the cases
if (this._halfRead !== halfRead) {
this._halfRead = halfRead;
// Notify listeners about internal data end
if (!halfRead) {
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
} else {
CryptoStream.prototype.setTimeout = function(timeout, callback) {
if (this.socket) this.socket.setTimeout(timeout, callback);
CryptoStream.prototype.setNoDelay = function(noDelay) {
if (this.socket) this.socket.setNoDelay(noDelay);
CryptoStream.prototype.setKeepAlive = function(enable, initialDelay) {
if (this.socket) this.socket.setKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay);
CryptoStream.prototype.__defineGetter__('bytesWritten', function() {
return this.socket ? this.socket.bytesWritten : 0;
CryptoStream.prototype.getPeerCertificate = function() {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
var c = this.pair.ssl.getPeerCertificate();
if (c) {
if (c.issuer) c.issuer = tls.parseCertString(c.issuer);
if (c.subject) c.subject = tls.parseCertString(c.subject);
return c;
return null;
CryptoStream.prototype.getSession = function() {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
return this.pair.ssl.getSession();
return null;
CryptoStream.prototype.isSessionReused = function() {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
return this.pair.ssl.isSessionReused();
return null;
CryptoStream.prototype.getCipher = function(err) {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
return this.pair.ssl.getCurrentCipher();
} else {
return null;
CryptoStream.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding) {
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
} else {
// Write pending data first
if (!IS_NULL(this._pending)) this._writePending();
this.writable = false;
stream.Duplex.prototype.end.call(this, chunk, encoding);
CryptoStream.prototype.destroySoon = function(err) {
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
} else {
if (this.writable)
if (this._writableState.finished && this._opposite._ended) {
} else {
// Wait for both `finish` and `end` events to ensure that all data that
// was written on this side was read from the other side.
var self = this;
var waiting = 1;
function finish() {
if (--waiting === 0) self.destroy();
this._opposite.once('end', finish);
if (!this._finished) {
this.once('finish', finish);
CryptoStream.prototype.destroy = function(err) {
if (this._destroyed) return;
this._destroyed = true;
this.readable = this.writable = false;
// Destroy both ends
if (this === this.pair.cleartext) {
} else {
var self = this;
process.nextTick(function() {
// Force EOF
// Emit 'close' event
self.emit('close', err ? true : false);
CryptoStream.prototype._done = function() {
this._doneFlag = true;
if (this === this.pair.encrypted && !this.pair._secureEstablished)
return this.pair.error();
if (this.pair.cleartext._doneFlag &&
this.pair.encrypted._doneFlag &&
!this.pair._doneFlag) {
// If both streams are done:
// readyState is deprecated. Don't use it.
Object.defineProperty(CryptoStream.prototype, 'readyState', {
get: function() {
if (this._connecting) {
return 'opening';
} else if (this.readable && this.writable) {
return 'open';
} else if (this.readable && !this.writable) {
return 'readOnly';
} else if (!this.readable && this.writable) {
return 'writeOnly';
} else {
return 'closed';
function CleartextStream(pair, options) {
CryptoStream.call(this, pair, options);
// This is a fake kludge to support how the http impl sits
// on top of net Sockets
var self = this;
this._handle = {
readStop: function() {
self._reading = false;
readStart: function() {
if (self._reading && self._readableState.length > 0) return;
self._reading = true;
if (self._opposite.readable) self._opposite.read(0);
util.inherits(CleartextStream, CryptoStream);
CleartextStream.prototype._internallyPendingBytes = function() {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
return this.pair.ssl.clearPending();
} else {
return 0;
CleartextStream.prototype.address = function() {
return this.socket && this.socket.address();
CleartextStream.prototype.__defineGetter__('remoteAddress', function() {
return this.socket && this.socket.remoteAddress;
CleartextStream.prototype.__defineGetter__('remotePort', function() {
return this.socket && this.socket.remotePort;
CleartextStream.prototype.__defineGetter__('localAddress', function() {
return this.socket && this.socket.localAddress;
CleartextStream.prototype.__defineGetter__('localPort', function() {
return this.socket && this.socket.localPort;
function EncryptedStream(pair, options) {
CryptoStream.call(this, pair, options);
util.inherits(EncryptedStream, CryptoStream);
EncryptedStream.prototype._internallyPendingBytes = function() {
if (this.pair.ssl) {
return this.pair.ssl.encPending();
} else {
return 0;
function onhandshakestart() {
var self = this;
var ssl = self.ssl;
var now = Timer.now();
assert(now >= ssl.lastHandshakeTime);
if ((now - ssl.lastHandshakeTime) >= tls.CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW * 1000) {
ssl.handshakes = 0;
var first = (ssl.lastHandshakeTime === 0);
ssl.lastHandshakeTime = now;
if (first) return;
if (++ssl.handshakes > tls.CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT) {
// Defer the error event to the next tick. We're being called from OpenSSL's
// state machine and OpenSSL is not re-entrant. We cannot allow the user's
// callback to destroy the connection right now, it would crash and burn.
setImmediate(function() {
var err = new Error('TLS session renegotiation attack detected.');
if (self.cleartext) self.cleartext.emit('error', err);
function onhandshakedone() {
// for future use
function onclienthello(hello) {
var self = this,
once = false;
this._resumingSession = true;
function callback(err, session) {
if (once) return;
once = true;
if (err) return self.socket.destroy(err);
// Cycle data
self._resumingSession = false;
if (hello.sessionId.length <= 0 ||
!this.server ||
!this.server.emit('resumeSession', hello.sessionId, callback)) {
callback(null, null);
function onnewsession(key, session) {
if (!this.server) return;
this.server.emit('newSession', key, session);
* Provides a pair of streams to do encrypted communication.
function SecurePair(credentials, isServer, requestCert, rejectUnauthorized,
options) {
if (!(this instanceof SecurePair)) {
return new SecurePair(credentials,
var self = this;
options || (options = {});
this.server = options.server;
this._secureEstablished = false;
this._isServer = isServer ? true : false;
this._encWriteState = true;
this._clearWriteState = true;
this._doneFlag = false;
this._destroying = false;
if (!credentials) {
this.credentials = crypto.createCredentials();
} else {
this.credentials = credentials;
if (!this._isServer) {
// For clients, we will always have either a given ca list or be using
// default one
requestCert = true;
this._rejectUnauthorized = rejectUnauthorized ? true : false;
this._requestCert = requestCert ? true : false;
this.ssl = new Connection(this.credentials.context,
this._isServer ? true : false,
this._isServer ? this._requestCert :
if (this._isServer) {
this.ssl.onhandshakestart = onhandshakestart.bind(this);
this.ssl.onhandshakedone = onhandshakedone.bind(this);
this.ssl.onclienthello = onclienthello.bind(this);
this.ssl.onnewsession = onnewsession.bind(this);
this.ssl.lastHandshakeTime = 0;
this.ssl.handshakes = 0;
if (process.features.tls_sni) {
if (this._isServer && options.SNICallback) {
this.servername = null;
if (process.features.tls_npn && options.NPNProtocols) {
this.npnProtocol = null;
/* Acts as a r/w stream to the cleartext side of the stream. */
this.cleartext = new CleartextStream(this, options.cleartext);
/* Acts as a r/w stream to the encrypted side of the stream. */
this.encrypted = new EncryptedStream(this, options.encrypted);
/* Let streams know about each other */
this.cleartext._opposite = this.encrypted;
this.encrypted._opposite = this.cleartext;
process.nextTick(function() {
/* The Connection may be destroyed by an abort call */
if (self.ssl) {
util.inherits(SecurePair, events.EventEmitter);
exports.createSecurePair = function(credentials,
rejectUnauthorized) {
var pair = new SecurePair(credentials,
return pair;
SecurePair.prototype.maybeInitFinished = function() {
if (this.ssl && !this._secureEstablished && this.ssl.isInitFinished()) {
if (process.features.tls_npn) {
this.npnProtocol = this.ssl.getNegotiatedProtocol();
if (process.features.tls_sni) {
this.servername = this.ssl.getServername();
this._secureEstablished = true;
debug('secure established');
SecurePair.prototype.destroy = function() {
if (this._destroying) return;
if (!this._doneFlag) {
this._destroying = true;
// SecurePair should be destroyed only after it's streams
this._doneFlag = true;
this.ssl.error = null;
this.ssl = null;
SecurePair.prototype.error = function(returnOnly) {
var err = this.ssl.error;
this.ssl.error = null;
if (!this._secureEstablished) {
// Emit ECONNRESET instead of zero return
if (!err || err.message === 'ZERO_RETURN') {
var connReset = new Error('socket hang up');
connReset.code = 'ECONNRESET';
connReset.sslError = err && err.message;
err = connReset;
if (!returnOnly) this.emit('error', err);
} else if (this._isServer &&
this._rejectUnauthorized &&
/peer did not return a certificate/.test(err.message)) {
// Not really an error.
} else {
if (!returnOnly) this.cleartext.emit('error', err);
return err;