You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
5.2 KiB

var path = require("path");
common = require("../common");
assert = common.assert
var f = __filename;
assert.equal(path.basename(f), "test-path.js");
assert.equal(path.basename(f, ".js"), "test-path");
assert.equal(path.extname(f), ".js");
assert.equal(path.dirname(f).substr(-11), "test/simple");
assert.equal(path.dirname("/a/b/"), "/a");
assert.equal(path.dirname("/a/b"), "/a");
assert.equal(path.dirname("/a"), "/");
assert.equal(path.dirname("/"), "/");
path.exists(f, function (y) { assert.equal(y, true) });
assert.equal(path.existsSync(f), true);
assert.equal(path.extname(""), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/path/to/file"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/path/to/file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/path/to/f.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/path/to/..ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("file"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname(".file"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname(".file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/file"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("/.file"), "");
assert.equal(path.extname("/.file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname(".path/file.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("file.ext.ext"), ".ext");
assert.equal(path.extname("file."), ".");
// path.join tests
var failures = [];
var joinTests =
// arguments result
[[['.', 'x/b', '..', '/b/c.js' ], 'x/b/c.js' ]
,[['/.', 'x/b', '..', '/b/c.js' ], '/x/b/c.js' ]
,[['/foo', '../../../bar' ], '/bar' ]
,[['foo', '../../../bar' ], '../../bar' ]
,[['foo/', '../../../bar' ], '../../bar' ]
,[['foo/x', '../../../bar' ], '../bar' ]
,[['foo/x', './bar' ], 'foo/x/bar' ]
,[['foo/x/', './bar' ], 'foo/x/bar' ]
,[['foo/x/', '.', 'bar' ], 'foo/x/bar' ]
,[['./' ], './' ]
,[['.', './' ], './' ]
,[['.', '.', '.' ], '.' ]
,[['.', './', '.' ], '.' ]
,[['.', '/./', '.' ], '.' ]
,[['.', '/////./', '.' ], '.' ]
,[['.' ], '.' ]
,[['','.' ], '.' ]
,[['', 'foo' ], 'foo' ]
,[['foo', '/bar' ], 'foo/bar' ]
,[['', '/foo' ], '/foo' ]
,[['', '', '/foo' ], '/foo' ]
,[['', '', 'foo' ], 'foo' ]
,[['foo', '' ], 'foo' ]
,[['foo/', '' ], 'foo/' ]
,[['foo', '', '/bar' ], 'foo/bar' ]
,[['./', '..', '/foo' ], '../foo' ]
,[['./', '..', '..', '/foo' ], '../../foo' ]
,[['.', '..', '..', '/foo' ], '../../foo' ]
,[['', '..', '..', '/foo' ], '../../foo' ]
,[['/' ], '/' ]
,[['/', '.' ], '/' ]
,[['/', '..' ], '/' ]
,[['/', '..', '..' ], '/' ]
,[['' ], '.' ]
,[['', '' ], '.' ]
,[[' /foo' ], ' /foo' ]
,[[' ', 'foo' ], ' /foo' ]
,[[' ', '.' ], ' ' ]
,[[' ', '/' ], ' /' ]
,[[' ', '' ], ' ' ]
// preserving empty path parts, for url resolution case
// pass boolean true as LAST argument.
,[['', '', true ], '/' ]
,[['foo', '', true ], 'foo/' ]
,[['foo', '', 'bar', true ], 'foo//bar' ]
,[['foo/', '', 'bar', true ], 'foo///bar' ]
,[['', true ], '.' ]
// filtration of non-strings.
,[['x', true, 7, 'y', null, {} ], 'x/y' ]
joinTests.forEach(function (test) {
var actual = path.join.apply(path, test[0]);
var expected = test[1];
var message = "path.join("+test[0].map(JSON.stringify).join(",")+")"
+ "\n expect="+JSON.stringify(expected)
+ "\n actual="+JSON.stringify(actual);
if (actual !== expected) failures.push("\n"+message);
// assert.equal(actual, expected, message);
assert.equal(failures.length, 0, failures.join(""))
assert.equal(path.normalize("./fixtures///b/../b/c.js"), "fixtures/b/c.js");
assert.equal(path.normalize("./fixtures///b/../b/c.js",true), "fixtures///b/c.js");
assert.equal(path.normalize("/foo/../../../bar"), "/bar");
assert.deepEqual(path.normalizeArray(["fixtures","b","","..","b","c.js"]), ["fixtures","b","c.js"]);
assert.deepEqual(path.normalizeArray(["fixtures","","b","..","b","c.js"], true), ["fixtures","","b","c.js"]);
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//../b", true), "a//b/b");
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//../b"), "a/b");
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//./c", true), "a//b//c");
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//./c"), "a/b/c");
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//.", true), "a//b/");
assert.equal(path.normalize("a//b//."), "a/b");