You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

537 lines
15 KiB

module.exports = doJSON;
// Take the lexed input, and return a JSON-encoded object
// A module looks like this:
var marked = require('marked');
function doJSON(input, filename, cb) {
var root = {source: filename};
var stack = [root];
var depth = 0;
var current = root;
var state = null;
var lexed = marked.lexer(input);
lexed.forEach(function (tok) {
var type = tok.type;
var text = tok.text;
// <!-- type = module -->
// This is for cases where the markdown semantic structure is lacking.
if (type === 'paragraph' || type === 'html') {
var metaExpr = /<!--([^=]+)=([^\-]+)-->\n*/g;
text = text.replace(metaExpr, function(_0, k, v) {
current[k.trim()] = v.trim();
return '';
text = text.trim();
if (!text) return;
if (type === 'heading' &&
!text.trim().match(/^example/i)) {
if (tok.depth - depth > 1) {
return cb(new Error('Inappropriate heading level\n'+
// Sometimes we have two headings with a single
// blob of description. Treat as a clone.
if (current &&
state === 'AFTERHEADING' &&
depth === tok.depth) {
var clone = current;
current = newSection(tok);
current.clone = clone;
// don't keep it around on the stack.
} else {
// if the level is greater than the current depth,
// then it's a child, so we should just leave the stack
// as it is.
// However, if it's a sibling or higher, then it implies
// the closure of the other sections that came before.
// root is always considered the level=0 section,
// and the lowest heading is 1, so this should always
// result in having a valid parent node.
var d = tok.depth;
while (d <= depth) {
finishSection(stack.pop(), stack[stack.length - 1]);
current = newSection(tok);
depth = tok.depth;
} // heading
// Immediately after a heading, we can expect the following
// { type: 'code', text: 'Stability: ...' },
// a list: starting with list_start, ending with list_end,
// maybe containing other nested lists in each item.
// If one of these isnt' found, then anything that comes between
// here and the next heading should be parsed as the desc.
var stability
if (state === 'AFTERHEADING') {
if (type === 'code' &&
(stability = text.match(/^Stability: ([0-5])(?:\s*-\s*)?(.*)$/))) {
current.stability = parseInt(stability[1], 10);
current.stabilityText = stability[2].trim();
} else if (type === 'list_start' && !tok.ordered) {
current.list = current.list || [];
current.list.level = 1;
} else {
current.desc = current.desc || [];
if (!Array.isArray(current.desc)) {
current.shortDesc = current.desc;
current.desc = [];
state = 'DESC';
if (state === 'AFTERHEADING_LIST') {
if (type === 'list_start') {
} else if (type === 'list_end') {
if (current.list.level === 0) {
current.desc = current.desc || [];
// finish any sections left open
while (root !== (current = stack.pop())) {
finishSection(current, stack[stack.length - 1]);
return cb(null, root)
// go from something like this:
// [ { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: '`settings` Object, Optional' },
// { type: 'list_start', ordered: false },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'exec: String, file path to worker file. Default: `__filename`' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'args: Array, string arguments passed to worker.' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'Default: `process.argv.slice(2)`' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_start' },
// { type: 'text',
// text: 'silent: Boolean, whether or not to send output to parent\'s stdio.' },
// { type: 'text', text: 'Default: `false`' },
// { type: 'space' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_end' },
// { type: 'list_item_end' },
// { type: 'list_end' } ]
// to something like:
// [ { name: 'settings',
// type: 'object',
// optional: true,
// settings:
// [ { name: 'exec',
// type: 'string',
// desc: 'file path to worker file',
// default: '__filename' },
// { name: 'args',
// type: 'array',
// default: 'process.argv.slice(2)',
// desc: 'string arguments passed to worker.' },
// { name: 'silent',
// type: 'boolean',
// desc: 'whether or not to send output to parent\'s stdio.',
// default: 'false' } ] } ]
function processList(section) {
var list = section.list;
var values = [];
var current;
var stack = [];
// for now, *just* build the heirarchical list
list.forEach(function(tok) {
var type = tok.type;
if (type === 'space') return;
if (type === 'list_item_start') {
if (!current) {
var n = {};
current = n;
} else {
current.options = current.options || [];
var n = {};
current = n;
} else if (type === 'list_item_end') {
if (!current) {
throw new Error('invalid list - end without current item\n' +
JSON.stringify(tok) + '\n' +
current = stack.pop();
} else if (type === 'text') {
if (!current) {
throw new Error('invalid list - text without current item\n' +
JSON.stringify(tok) + '\n' +
current.textRaw = current.textRaw || '';
current.textRaw += tok.text + ' ';
// shove the name in there for properties, since they are always
// just going to be the value etc.
if (section.type === 'property' && values[0]) {
values[0].textRaw = '`' + + '` ' + values[0].textRaw;
// now pull the actual values out of the text bits.
// Now figure out what this list actually means.
// depending on the section type, the list could be different things.
switch (section.type) {
case 'ctor':
case 'classMethod':
case 'method':
// each item is an argument, unless the name is 'return',
// in which case it's the return value.
section.signatures = section.signatures || [];
var sig = {}
sig.params = values.filter(function(v) {
if ( === 'return') {
sig.return = v;
return false;
return true;
parseSignature(section.textRaw, sig);
case 'property':
// there should be only one item, which is the value.
// copy the data up to the section.
var value = values[0] || {};
section.typeof = value.type;
delete value.type;
Object.keys(value).forEach(function(k) {
section[k] = value[k];
case 'event':
// event: each item is an argument.
section.params = values;
// section.listParsed = values;
delete section.list;
// textRaw = "someobject.someMethod(a[, b=100][, c])"
function parseSignature(text, sig) {
var params = text.match(paramExpr);
if (!params) return;
params = params[1];
// the [ is irrelevant. ] indicates optionalness.
params = params.replace(/\[/g, '');
params = params.split(/,/)
params.forEach(function(p, i, _) {
p = p.trim();
if (!p) return;
var param = sig.params[i];
var optional = false;
var def;
// [foo] -> optional
if (p.charAt(p.length - 1) === ']') {
optional = true;
p = p.substr(0, p.length - 1);
p = p.trim();
var eq = p.indexOf('=');
if (eq !== -1) {
def = p.substr(eq + 1);
p = p.substr(0, eq);
if (!param) {
param = sig.params[i] = { name: p };
// at this point, the name should match.
if (p !== {
console.error('Warning: invalid param "%s"', p);
console.error(' > ' + JSON.stringify(param));
console.error(' > ' + text);
if (optional) param.optional = true;
if (def !== undefined) param.default = def;
function parseListItem(item) {
if (item.options) item.options.forEach(parseListItem);
if (!item.textRaw) return;
// the goal here is to find the name, type, default, and optional.
// anything left over is 'desc'
var text = item.textRaw.trim();
// text = text.replace(/^(Argument|Param)s?\s*:?\s*/i, '');
text = text.replace(/^, /, '').trim();
var retExpr = /^returns?\s*:?\s*/i;
var ret = text.match(retExpr);
if (ret) { = 'return';
text = text.replace(retExpr, '');
} else {
var nameExpr = /^['`"]?([^'`": \{]+)['`"]?\s*:?\s*/;
var name = text.match(nameExpr);
if (name) { = name[1];
text = text.replace(nameExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var defaultExpr = /\(default\s*[:=]?\s*['"`]?([^, '"`]*)['"`]?\)/i;
var def = text.match(defaultExpr);
if (def) {
item.default = def[1];
text = text.replace(defaultExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var typeExpr = /^\{([^\}]+)\}/;
var type = text.match(typeExpr);
if (type) {
item.type = type[1];
text = text.replace(typeExpr, '');
text = text.trim();
var optExpr = /^Optional\.|(?:, )?Optional$/;
var optional = text.match(optExpr);
if (optional) {
item.optional = true;
text = text.replace(optExpr, '');
text = text.replace(/^\s*-\s*/, '');
text = text.trim();
if (text) item.desc = text;
function finishSection(section, parent) {
if (!section || !parent) {
throw new Error('Invalid finishSection call\n'+
JSON.stringify(section) + '\n' +
if (!section.type) {
section.type = 'module';
if (parent && (parent.type === 'misc')) {
section.type = 'misc';
section.displayName =; =
.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
if (section.desc && Array.isArray(section.desc)) {
section.desc.links = section.desc.links || [];
section.desc = marked.parser(section.desc);
if (!section.list) section.list = [];
// classes sometimes have various 'ctor' children
// which are actually just descriptions of a constructor
// class signature.
// Merge them into the parent.
if (section.type === 'class' && section.ctors) {
section.signatures = section.signatures || [];
var sigs = section.signatures;
section.ctors.forEach(function(ctor) {
ctor.signatures = ctor.signatures || [{}];
ctor.signatures.forEach(function(sig) {
sig.desc = ctor.desc;
sigs.push.apply(sigs, ctor.signatures);
delete section.ctors;
// properties are a bit special.
// their "type" is the type of object, not "property"
if ( { (p) {
if (p.typeof) p.type = p.typeof;
else delete p.type;
delete p.typeof;
// handle clones
if (section.clone) {
var clone = section.clone;
delete section.clone;
delete clone.clone;
deepCopy(section, clone);
finishSection(clone, parent);
var plur;
if (section.type.slice(-1) === 's') {
plur = section.type + 'es';
} else if (section.type.slice(-1) === 'y') {
plur = section.type.replace(/y$/, 'ies');
} else {
plur = section.type + 's';
// if the parent's type is 'misc', then it's just a random
// collection of stuff, like the "globals" section.
// Make the children top-level items.
if (section.type === 'misc') {
Object.keys(section).forEach(function(k) {
switch (k) {
case 'textRaw':
case 'name':
case 'type':
case 'desc':
case 'miscs':
if (parent.type === 'misc') {
if (Array.isArray(k) && parent[k]) {
parent[k] = parent[k].concat(section[k]);
} else if (!parent[k]) {
parent[k] = section[k];
} else {
// parent already has, and it's not an array.
parent[plur] = parent[plur] || [];
// Not a general purpose deep copy.
// But sufficient for these basic things.
function deepCopy(src, dest) {
Object.keys(src).filter(function(k) {
return !dest.hasOwnProperty(k);
}).forEach(function(k) {
dest[k] = deepCopy_(src[k]);
function deepCopy_(src) {
if (!src) return src;
if (Array.isArray(src)) {
var c = new Array(src.length);
src.forEach(function(v, i) {
c[i] = deepCopy_(v);
return c;
if (typeof src === 'object') {
var c = {};
Object.keys(src).forEach(function(k) {
c[k] = deepCopy_(src[k]);
return c;
return src;
// these parse out the contents of an H# tag
var eventExpr = /^Event(?::|\s)+['"]?([^"']+).*$/i;
var classExpr = /^Class:\s*([^ ]+).*?$/i;
var propExpr = /^(?:property:?\s*)?[^\.]+\.([^ \.\(\)]+)\s*?$/i;
var braceExpr = /^(?:property:?\s*)?[^\.\[]+(\[[^\]]+\])\s*?$/i;
var classMethExpr =
/^class\s*method\s*:?[^\.]+\.([^ \.\(\)]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/i;
var methExpr =
/^(?:method:?\s*)?(?:[^\.]+\.)?([^ \.\(\)]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/i;
var newExpr = /^new ([A-Z][a-z]+)\([^\)]*\)\s*?$/;
var paramExpr = /\((.*)\);?$/;
function newSection(tok) {
var section = {};
// infer the type from the text.
var text = section.textRaw = tok.text;
if (text.match(eventExpr)) {
section.type = 'event'; = text.replace(eventExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(classExpr)) {
section.type = 'class'; = text.replace(classExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(braceExpr)) {
section.type = 'property'; = text.replace(braceExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(propExpr)) {
section.type = 'property'; = text.replace(propExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(classMethExpr)) {
section.type = 'classMethod'; = text.replace(classMethExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(methExpr)) {
section.type = 'method'; = text.replace(methExpr, '$1');
} else if (text.match(newExpr)) {
section.type = 'ctor'; = text.replace(newExpr, '$1');
} else { = text;
return section;