mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
568 lines
21 KiB
568 lines
21 KiB
// vim: set softtabstop=16 shiftwidth=16:
try {
readJson.log = require("npmlog")
} catch (er) {
readJson.log = {
info: function () {},
verbose: function () {},
warn: function () {}
try {
var fs = require("graceful-fs")
} catch (er) {
var fs = require("fs")
module.exports = readJson
var LRU = require("lru-cache")
readJson.cache = new LRU({max: 1000})
var path = require("path")
var glob = require("glob")
var slide = require("slide")
var asyncMap = slide.asyncMap
var semver = require("semver")
// put more stuff on here to customize.
readJson.extraSet = [gypfile, wscript, serverjs, authors, readme, mans, bins]
var typoWarned = {}
// http://registry.npmjs.org/-/fields
var typos = { "dependancies": "dependencies"
, "dependecies": "dependencies"
, "depdenencies": "dependencies"
, "devEependencies": "devDependencies"
, "depends": "dependencies"
, "dev-dependencies": "devDependencies"
, "devDependences": "devDependencies"
, "devDepenencies": "devDependencies"
, "devdependencies": "devDependencies"
, "repostitory": "repository"
, "prefereGlobal": "preferGlobal"
, "hompage": "homepage"
, "hampage": "homepage"
, "autohr": "author"
, "autor": "author"
, "contributers": "contributors"
, "publicationConfig": "publishConfig"
var bugsTypos = { "web": "url", "name": "url" }
var scriptTypos = { "server": "start", "tests": "test" }
var depTypes = [ "dependencies"
, "devDependencies"
, "optionalDependencies" ]
function readJson (file, cb) {
var c = readJson.cache.get(file)
if (c) {
readJson.log.verbose("from cache", file)
cb = cb.bind(null, null, c)
return process.nextTick(cb);
readJson.log.verbose("read json", file)
cb = (function (orig) { return function (er, data) {
if (data) readJson.cache.set(file, data);
return orig(er, data)
} })(cb)
readJson_(file, cb)
function readJson_ (file, cb) {
fs.readFile(file, "utf8", function (er, d) {
parseJson(file, er, d, cb)
function parseJson (file, er, d, cb) {
if (er && er.code === "ENOENT") {
indexjs(file, er, cb)
if (er) return cb(er);
try {
d = JSON.parse(d)
} catch (er) {
d = parseIndex(d)
if (!d) return cb(parseError(er, file));
extras(file, d, cb)
function indexjs (file, er, cb) {
if (path.basename(file) === "index.js") {
return cb(er);
var index = path.resolve(path.dirname(file), "index.js")
fs.readFile(index, "utf8", function (er2, d) {
if (er2) return cb(er);
d = parseIndex(d)
if (!d) return cb(er);
extras(file, d, cb)
readJson.extras = extras
function extras (file, data, cb) {
asyncMap(readJson.extraSet, function (fn, cb) {
return fn(file, data, cb)
}, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er);
final(file, data, cb)
function gypfile (file, data, cb) {
var dir = path.dirname(file)
var s = data.scripts || {}
if (s.install || s.preinstall) {
return cb(null, data);
glob("*.gyp", { cwd: dir }, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er);
gypfile_(file, data, files, cb)
function gypfile_ (file, data, files, cb) {
if (!files.length) return cb(null, data);
var s = data.scripts || {}
s.install = "node-gyp rebuild"
data.scripts = s
data.gypfile = true
return cb(null, data);
function wscript (file, data, cb) {
var dir = path.dirname(file)
var s = data.scripts || {}
if (s.install || s.preinstall) {
return cb(null, data);
glob("wscript", { cwd: dir }, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er);
wscript_(file, data, files, cb)
function wscript_ (file, data, files, cb) {
if (!files.length || data.gypfile) return cb(null, data);
var s = data.scripts || {}
s.install = "node-waf clean ; node-waf configure build"
data.scripts = s
return cb(null, data);
function serverjs (file, data, cb) {
var dir = path.dirname(file)
var s = data.scripts || {}
if (s.start) return cb(null, data)
glob("server.js", { cwd: dir }, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er);
serverjs_(file, data, files, cb)
function serverjs_ (file, data, files, cb) {
if (!files.length) return cb(null, data);
var s = data.scripts || {}
s.start = "node server.js"
data.scripts = s
return cb(null, data)
function authors (file, data, cb) {
if (data.contributors) return cb(null, data);
var af = path.resolve(path.dirname(file), "AUTHORS")
fs.readFile(af, "utf8", function (er, ad) {
// ignore error. just checking it.
if (er) return cb(null, data);
authors_(file, data, ad, cb)
function authors_ (file, data, ad, cb) {
ad = ad.split(/\r?\n/g).map(function (line) {
return line.replace(/^\s*#.*$/, '').trim()
}).filter(function (line) {
return line
data.contributors = ad
return cb(null, data)
var defDesc = "Unnamed repository; edit this file " +
"'description' to name the repository."
function gitDescription (file, data, cb) {
if (data.description) return cb(null, data);
var dir = path.dirname(file)
// just cuz it'd be nice if this file mattered...
var gitDesc = path.resolve(dir, '.git/description')
fs.readFile(gitDesc, 'utf8', function (er, desc) {
if (desc) desc = desc.trim()
if (!er && desc !== defDesc)
data.description = desc
return cb(null, data)
function readmeDescription (file, data) {
if (data.description) return cb(null, data);
var d = data.readme
if (!d) return;
// the first block of text before the first heading
// that isn't the first line heading
d = d.trim().split('\n')
for (var s = 0; d[s] && d[s].trim().match(/^(#|$)/); s ++);
var l = d.length
for (var e = s + 1; e < l && d[e].trim(); e ++);
data.description = d.slice(s, e).join(' ').trim()
function readme (file, data, cb) {
if (data.readme) return cb(null, data);
var dir = path.dirname(file)
var globOpts = { cwd: dir, nocase: true }
glob("README?(.*)", globOpts, function (er, files) {
if (er) return cb(er);
if (!files.length) return cb();
var rm = path.resolve(dir, files[0])
readme_(file, data, rm, cb)
function readme_(file, data, rm, cb) {
fs.readFile(rm, "utf8", function (er, rm) {
data.readme = rm
return cb(er, data)
function mans (file, data, cb) {
var m = data.directories && data.directories.man
if (data.man || !m) return cb(null, data);
m = path.resolve(path.dirname(file), m)
glob("**/*.[0-9]", { cwd: m }, function (er, mans) {
if (er) return cb(er);
mans_(file, data, mans, cb)
function mans_ (file, data, mans, cb) {
var m = data.directories && data.directories.man
data.man = mans.map(function (mf) {
return path.resolve(path.dirname(file), m, mf)
return cb(null, data)
function bins (file, data, cb) {
if (Array.isArray(data.bin)) {
return bins_(file, data, data.bin, cb)
var m = data.directories && data.directories.bin
if (data.bin || !m) return cb(null, data);
m = path.resolve(path.dirname(file), m)
glob("**", { cwd: m }, function (er, bins) {
if (er) return cb(er);
bins_(file, data, bins, cb)
function bins_ (file, data, bins, cb) {
var m = data.directories && data.directories.bin
data.bin = bins.reduce(function (acc, mf) {
if (mf && mf.charAt(0) !== '.') {
var f = path.basename(mf)
acc[f] = path.join(m, mf)
return acc
}, {})
return cb(null, data)
function final (file, data, cb) {
var ret = validName(file, data)
if (ret !== true) return cb(ret);
ret = validVersion(file, data)
if (ret !== true) return cb(ret);
data._id = data.name + "@" + data.version
typoWarn(file, data)
validRepo(file, data)
validFiles(file, data)
validBin(file, data)
validMan(file, data)
validBundled(file, data)
objectifyDeps(file, data)
unParsePeople(file, data)
parsePeople(file, data)
if (data.description &&
typeof data.description !== 'string') {
warn(file, data,
"'description' field should be a string")
delete data.description
if (data.readme && !data.description)
readmeDescription(file, data)
readJson.cache.set(file, data)
cb(null, data)
// /**package { "name": "foo", "version": "1.2.3", ... } **/
function parseIndex (data) {
data = data.split(/^\/\*\*package(?:\s|$)/m)
if (data.length < 2) return null
data = data[1]
data = data.split(/\*\*\/$/m)
if (data.length < 2) return null
data = data[0]
data = data.replace(/^\s*\*/mg, "")
try {
return JSON.parse(data)
} catch (er) {
return null
function parseError (ex, file) {
var e = new Error("Failed to parse json\n"+ex.message)
e.code = "EJSONPARSE"
e.file = file
return e
// a warning for deprecated or likely-incorrect fields
function typoWarn (file, data) {
if (data.modules) {
warn(file, data,
"'modules' is deprecated")
delete data.modules
Object.keys(typos).forEach(function (d) {
checkTypo(file, data, d)
bugsTypoWarn(file, data)
scriptTypoWarn(file, data)
noreadmeWarn(file, data)
typoWarned[data._id] = true
function noreadmeWarn (file, data) {
if (data.readme) return;
warn(file, data, "No README.md file found!")
data.readme = "ERROR: No README.md file found!"
function checkTypo (file, data, d) {
if (!data.hasOwnProperty(d)) return;
warn(file, data,
"'" + d + "' should probably be '" + typos[d] + "'" )
function bugsTypoWarn (file, data) {
var b = data.bugs
if (!b || typeof b !== "object") return
Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) {
if (bugsTypos[k]) {
b[bugsTypos[k]] = b[k]
delete b[k]
function scriptTypoWarn (file, data) {
var s = data.scripts
if (!s || typeof s !== "object") return
Object.keys(s).forEach(function (k) {
if (scriptTypos[k]) {
scriptWarn_(file, data, k)
function scriptWarn_ (file, data, k) {
warn(file, data, "scripts['" + k + "'] should probably " +
"be scripts['" + scriptTypos[k] + "']")
function validRepo (file, data) {
if (data.repostories) {
warnRepositories(file, data)
if (!data.repository) return;
if (typeof data.repository === "string") {
data.repository = {
type: "git",
url: data.repository
var r = data.repository.url || ""
// use the non-private urls
r = r.replace(/^(https?|git):\/\/[^\@]+\@github.com/,
r = r.replace(/^https?:\/\/github.com/,
if (r.match(/github.com\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\.git\.git$/)) {
warn(file, data, "Probably broken git " +
"url: " + r)
function warnRepostories (file, data) {
warn(file, data,
"'repositories' (plural) Not supported.\n" +
"Please pick one as the 'repository' field");
data.repository = data.repositories[0]
function validFiles (file, data) {
var files = data.files
if (files && !Array.isArray(files)) {
warn(file, data, "Invalid 'files' member")
delete data.files
function validBin (file, data) {
if (!data.bin) return;
if (typeof data.bin === "string") {
var b = {}
b[data.name] = data.bin
data.bin = b
function validMan (file, data) {
if (!data.man) return;
if (typeof data.man === "string") {
data.man = [ data.man ]
function validBundled (file, data) {
var bdd = "bundledDependencies"
var bd = "bundleDependencies"
if (data[bdd] && !data[bd]) {
data[bd] = data[bdd]
delete data[bdd]
if (data[bd] && !Array.isArray(data[bd])) {
warn(file, data, "bundleDependencies " +
"must be an array")
function objectifyDeps (file, data) {
depTypes.forEach(function (d) {
objectifyDep_(file, data, d)
var o = data.optionalDependencies
if (!o) return;
var d = data.dependencies || {}
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) {
d[k] = o[k]
data.dependencies = d
function objectifyDep_ (file, data, type) {
if (!data[type]) return;
data[type] = depObjectify(file, data, data[type])
function depObjectify (file, data, deps) {
if (!deps) return {}
if (typeof deps === "string") {
deps = deps.trim().split(/[\n\r\s\t ,]+/)
if (!Array.isArray(deps)) return deps
var o = {}
deps.forEach(function (d) {
d = d.trim().split(/(:?[@\s><=])/)
var dn = d.shift()
var dv = d.join("")
dv = dv.trim()
dv = dv.replace(/^@/, "")
o[dn] = dv
return o
function warn (f, d, m) {
if (typoWarned[d._id]) return;
readJson.log.warn("package.json", d._id, m)
function validName (file, data) {
if (!data.name) return new Error("No 'name' field")
data.name = data.name.trim()
if (data.name.charAt(0) === "." ||
data.name.match(/[\/@\s\+%:]/) ||
data.name.toLowerCase() === "node_modules" ||
data.name.toLowerCase() === "favicon.ico") {
return new Error("Invalid name: " +
return true
function parseKeywords (file, data) {
var kw = data.keywords
if (typeof kw === "string") {
kw = kw.split(/,\s+/)
data.keywords = kw
function validVersion (file, data) {
var v = data.version
if (!v) return new Error("no version");
if (!semver.valid(v)) {
return new Error("invalid version: "+v)
data.version = semver.clean(data.version)
return true
function unParsePeople (file, data) {
return parsePeople(file, data, true)
function parsePeople (file, data, un) {
var fn = un ? unParsePerson : parsePerson
if (data.author) data.author = fn(data.author)
;["maintainers", "contributors"].forEach(function (set) {
if (!Array.isArray(data[set])) return;
data[set] = data[set].map(fn)
return data
function unParsePerson (person) {
if (typeof person === "string") return person
var name = person.name || ""
var u = person.url || person.web
var url = u ? (" ("+u+")") : ""
var e = person.email || person.mail
var email = e ? (" <"+e+">") : ""
return name+email+url
function parsePerson (person) {
if (typeof person !== "string") return person
var name = person.match(/^([^\(<]+)/)
var url = person.match(/\(([^\)]+)\)/)
var email = person.match(/<([^>]+)>/)
var obj = {}
if (name && name[0].trim()) obj.name = name[0].trim()
if (email) obj.email = email[1];
if (url) obj.url = url[1];
return obj