You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

528 lines
20 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
common.globalCheck = false;
const net = require('net');
const repl = require('repl');
const message = 'Read, Eval, Print Loop';
const prompt_unix = 'node via Unix socket> ';
const prompt_tcp = 'node via TCP socket> ';
const prompt_multiline = '... ';
const prompt_npm = 'npm should be run outside of the ' +
'node repl, in your normal shell.\n' +
'(Press Control-D to exit.)\n';
const expect_npm = prompt_npm + prompt_unix;
let server_tcp, server_unix, client_tcp, client_unix, replServer;
// absolute path to test/fixtures/a.js
const moduleFilename = require('path').join(common.fixturesDir, 'a');
console.error('repl test');
// function for REPL to run
global.invoke_me = function(arg) {
return `invoked ${arg}`;
function send_expect(list) {
if (list.length > 0) {
const cur = list.shift();
console.error(`sending ${JSON.stringify(cur.send)}`);
cur.client.expect = cur.expect;
cur.client.list = list;
if (cur.send.length > 0) {
function clean_up() {
function strict_mode_error_test() {
{ client: client_unix, send: 'ref = 1',
expect: /^ReferenceError:\sref\sis\snot\sdefined\n\s+at\srepl:1:5/ },
function error_test() {
// The other stuff is done so reuse unix socket
let read_buffer = '';
let run_strict_test = true;
client_unix.on('data', function(data) {
read_buffer += data.toString('ascii', 0, data.length);
`Unix data: ${JSON.stringify(read_buffer)}, expecting ${
client_unix.expect.exec ?
client_unix.expect :
if (read_buffer.includes(prompt_unix)) {
// if it's an exact match, then don't do the regexp
if (read_buffer !== client_unix.expect) {
let expect = client_unix.expect;
if (expect === prompt_multiline)
expect = /[.]{3} /;
read_buffer = '';
if (client_unix.list && client_unix.list.length > 0) {
} else if (run_strict_test) {
replServer.replMode = repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT;
run_strict_test = false;
} else {
console.error('End of Error test, running TCP test.');
} else if (read_buffer.includes(prompt_multiline)) {
// Check that you meant to send a multiline test
assert.strictEqual(prompt_multiline, client_unix.expect);
read_buffer = '';
if (client_unix.list && client_unix.list.length > 0) {
} else if (run_strict_test) {
replServer.replMode = repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT;
run_strict_test = false;
} else {
console.error('End of Error test, running TCP test.\n');
} else {
console.error('didn\'t see prompt yet, buffering.');
// Uncaught error throws and prints out
{ client: client_unix, send: 'throw new Error(\'test error\');',
expect: /^Error: test error/ },
// Common syntax error is treated as multiline command
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function test_func() {',
expect: prompt_multiline },
// You can recover with the .break command
{ client: client_unix, send: '.break',
expect: prompt_unix },
// But passing the same string to eval() should throw
{ client: client_unix, send: 'eval("function test_func() {")',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Unexpected end of input/ },
// Can handle multiline template literals
{ client: client_unix, send: '`io.js',
expect: prompt_multiline },
// Special REPL commands still available
{ client: client_unix, send: '.break',
expect: prompt_unix },
// Template expressions can cross lines
{ client: client_unix, send: '`io.js ${"1.0"',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '+ ".2"}`',
expect: `'io.js 1.0.2'\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Dot prefix in multiline commands aren't treated as commands
{ client: client_unix, send: '("a"',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '.charAt(0))',
expect: `'a'\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Floating point numbers are not interpreted as REPL commands.
{ client: client_unix, send: '.1234',
expect: '0.1234' },
// Floating point expressions are not interpreted as REPL commands
{ client: client_unix, send: '.1+.1',
expect: '0.2' },
// Can parse valid JSON
{ client: client_unix, send: 'JSON.parse(\'{"valid": "json"}\');',
expect: '{ valid: \'json\' }'},
// invalid input to JSON.parse error is special case of syntax error,
// should throw
{ client: client_unix, send: 'JSON.parse(\'{invalid: \\\'json\\\'}\');',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Unexpected token i/ },
// end of input to JSON.parse error is special case of syntax error,
// should throw
{ client: client_unix, send: 'JSON.parse(\'066\');',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Unexpected number/ },
// should throw
{ client: client_unix, send: 'JSON.parse(\'{\');',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input/ },
// invalid RegExps are a special case of syntax error,
// should throw
{ client: client_unix, send: '/(/;',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Invalid regular expression:/ },
// invalid RegExp modifiers are a special case of syntax error,
// should throw (GH-4012)
{ client: client_unix, send: 'new RegExp("foo", "wrong modifier");',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Invalid flags supplied to RegExp constructor/ },
// strict mode syntax errors should be caught (GH-5178)
{ client: client_unix,
send: '(function() { "use strict"; return 0755; })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Octal literals are not allowed in strict mode/ },
client: client_unix,
send: '(function(a, a, b) { "use strict"; return a + b + c; })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context/ // eslint-disable-line max-len
client: client_unix,
send: '(function() { "use strict"; with (this) {} })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Strict mode code may not include a with statement/
client: client_unix,
send: '(function() { "use strict"; var x; delete x; })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Delete of an unqualified identifier in strict mode/ // eslint-disable-line max-len
{ client: client_unix,
send: '(function() { "use strict"; eval = 17; })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Unexpected eval or arguments in strict mode/ },
client: client_unix,
send: '(function() { "use strict"; if (true) function f() { } })()',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: In strict mode code, functions can only be declared at top level or inside a block./ // eslint-disable-line max-len
// Named functions can be used:
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function blah() { return 1; }',
expect: prompt_unix },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'blah()',
expect: `1\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Functions should not evaluate twice (#2773)
{ client: client_unix, send: 'var I = [1,2,3,function() {}]; I.pop()',
expect: '[Function]' },
// Multiline object
{ client: client_unix, send: '{ a: ',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '1 }',
expect: '{ a: 1 }' },
// Multiline anonymous function with comment
{ client: client_unix, send: '(function() {',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '// blah',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'return 1;',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '})()',
expect: '1' },
// Multiline function call
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function f(){}; f(f(1,',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: '2)',
expect: prompt_multiline },
{ client: client_unix, send: ')',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
// npm prompt error message
{ client: client_unix, send: 'npm install foobar',
expect: expect_npm },
{ client: client_unix, send: '(function() {\n\nreturn 1;\n})()',
expect: '1' },
{ client: client_unix, send: '{\n\na: 1\n}',
expect: '{ a: 1 }' },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'url.format("")',
expect: '' },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'var path = 42; path',
expect: '42' },
// this makes sure that we don't print `undefined` when we actually print
// the error message
{ client: client_unix, send: '.invalid_repl_command',
expect: `Invalid REPL keyword\n${prompt_unix}` },
// this makes sure that we don't crash when we use an inherited property as
// a REPL command
{ client: client_unix, send: '.toString',
expect: `Invalid REPL keyword\n${prompt_unix}` },
// fail when we are not inside a String and a line continuation is used
{ client: client_unix, send: '[] \\',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token/ },
// do not fail when a String is created with line continuation
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'the\\\nfourth\\\neye\'',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}'thefourtheye'\n${
prompt_unix}` },
// Don't fail when a partial String is created and line continuation is used
// with whitespace characters at the end of the string. We are to ignore it.
// This test is to make sure that we properly remove the whitespace
// characters at the end of line, unlike the buggy `trimWhitespace` function
{ client: client_unix, send: ' \t .break \t ',
expect: prompt_unix },
// multiline strings preserve whitespace characters in them
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'the \\\n fourth\t\t\\\n eye \'',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${
prompt_multiline}'the fourth\\t\\t eye '\n${prompt_unix}` },
// more than one multiline strings also should preserve whitespace chars
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'the \\\n fourth\' + \'\t\t\\\n eye \'',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${
prompt_multiline}'the fourth\\t\\t eye '\n${prompt_unix}` },
// using REPL commands within a string literal should still work
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'\\\n.break',
expect: prompt_unix },
// using REPL command "help" within a string literal should still work
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'thefourth\\\\neye\'',
expect: /'thefourtheye'/ },
// empty lines in the REPL should be allowed
{ client: client_unix, send: '\n\r\n\r\n',
expect: prompt_unix + prompt_unix + prompt_unix },
// empty lines in the string literals should not affect the string
{ client: client_unix, send: '\'the\\\n\\\nfourtheye\'\n',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${
prompt_multiline}'thefourtheye'\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Regression test for
{ client: client_unix,
send: '/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/.test(\'123456789\')\n',
expect: `true\n${prompt_unix}` },
// the following test's result depends on the RegEx's match from the above
{ client: client_unix,
send: 'RegExp.$1\nRegExp.$2\nRegExp.$3\nRegExp.$4\nRegExp.$5\n' +
expect: ['\'1\'\n', '\'2\'\n', '\'3\'\n', '\'4\'\n', '\'5\'\n', '\'6\'\n',
'\'7\'\n', '\'8\'\n', '\'9\'\n'].join(`${prompt_unix}`) },
// regression tests for
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {\nreturn \'\\n\';\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${
prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {\nreturn \'\\\\\';\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${
prompt_unix}` },
// regression tests for
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {\n//\'\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${
prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {\n//"\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${
prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {//\'\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {//"\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x() {\nvar i = "\'";\n }',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${
prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x(/*optional*/) {}',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x(/* // 5 */) {}',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: '// /* 5 */',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: '"//"',
expect: `'//'\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: '"data /*with*/ comment"',
expect: `'data /*with*/ comment'\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function x(/*fn\'s optional params*/) {}',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: '/* \'\n"\n\'"\'\n*/',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
// REPL should get a normal require() function, not one that allows
// access to internal modules without the --expose_internals flag.
{ client: client_unix, send: 'require("internal/repl")',
expect: /^Error: Cannot find module 'internal\/repl'/ },
// REPL should handle quotes within regexp literal in multiline mode
{ client: client_unix,
send: "function x(s) {\nreturn s.replace(/'/,'');\n}",
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}` +
`undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix,
send: "function x(s) {\nreturn s.replace(/'/,'');\n}",
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}` +
`undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix,
send: 'function x(s) {\nreturn s.replace(/"/,"");\n}',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}` +
`undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix,
send: 'function x(s) {\nreturn s.replace(/.*/,"");\n}',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}` +
`undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: '{ var x = 4; }',
expect: `undefined\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Illegal token is not recoverable outside string literal, RegExp literal,
// or block comment.
{ client: client_unix, send: 'a = 3.5e',
expect: /\bSyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token/ },
// Mitigate
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function name(){ return "node"; };name()',
expect: `'node'\n${prompt_unix}` },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function name(){ return "nodejs"; };name()',
expect: `'nodejs'\n${prompt_unix}` },
// Avoid emitting repl:line-number for SyntaxError
{ client: client_unix, send: 'a = 3.5e',
expect: /^(?!repl)/ },
// Avoid emitting stack trace
{ client: client_unix, send: 'a = 3.5e',
expect: /^(?!\s+at\s)/m },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function* foo() {}; foo().next();',
expect: '{ value: undefined, done: true }' },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function *foo() {}; foo().next();',
expect: '{ value: undefined, done: true }' },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function*foo() {}; foo().next();',
expect: '{ value: undefined, done: true }' },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'function * foo() {}; foo().next()',
expect: '{ value: undefined, done: true }' },
client: client_unix, send: 'function foo() {\nvar bar = 1 / 1; // "/"\n}',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${prompt_unix}`
client: client_unix, send: '(function() {\nreturn /foo/ / /bar/;\n}())',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}NaN\n${prompt_unix}`
client: client_unix, send: '(function() {\nif (false) {} /bar"/;\n}())',
expect: `${prompt_multiline}${prompt_multiline}undefined\n${prompt_unix}`
function tcp_test() {
server_tcp = net.createServer(function(socket) {
assert.strictEqual(server_tcp, socket.server);
socket.on('end', function() {
repl.start(prompt_tcp, socket);
server_tcp.listen(0, function() {
let read_buffer = '';
client_tcp = net.createConnection(this.address().port);
client_tcp.on('connect', function() {
assert.strictEqual(true, client_tcp.readable);
assert.strictEqual(true, client_tcp.writable);
{ client: client_tcp, send: '',
expect: prompt_tcp },
{ client: client_tcp, send: 'invoke_me(333)',
expect: (`'invoked 333'\n${prompt_tcp}`) },
{ client: client_tcp, send: 'a += 1',
expect: (`12346\n${prompt_tcp}`) },
{ client: client_tcp,
send: `require(${JSON.stringify(moduleFilename)}).number`,
expect: (`42\n${prompt_tcp}`) }
client_tcp.on('data', function(data) {
read_buffer += data.toString('ascii', 0, data.length);
console.error(`TCP data: ${JSON.stringify(read_buffer)}, expecting ${
if (read_buffer.includes(prompt_tcp)) {
assert.strictEqual(client_tcp.expect, read_buffer);
read_buffer = '';
if (client_tcp.list && client_tcp.list.length > 0) {
} else {
console.error('End of TCP test.\n');
} else {
console.error('didn\'t see prompt yet, buffering');
client_tcp.on('error', function(e) {
throw e;
client_tcp.on('close', function() {
function unix_test() {
server_unix = net.createServer(function(socket) {
assert.strictEqual(server_unix, socket.server);
socket.on('end', function() {
replServer = repl.start({
prompt: prompt_unix,
input: socket,
output: socket,
useGlobal: true
replServer.context.message = message;
server_unix.on('listening', function() {
let read_buffer = '';
client_unix = net.createConnection(common.PIPE);
client_unix.on('connect', function() {
assert.strictEqual(true, client_unix.readable);
assert.strictEqual(true, client_unix.writable);
{ client: client_unix, send: '',
expect: prompt_unix },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'message',
expect: (`'${message}'\n${prompt_unix}`) },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'invoke_me(987)',
expect: (`'invoked 987'\n${prompt_unix}`) },
{ client: client_unix, send: 'a = 12345',
expect: (`12345\n${prompt_unix}`) },
{ client: client_unix, send: '{a:1}',
expect: (`{ a: 1 }\n${prompt_unix}`) }
client_unix.on('data', function(data) {
read_buffer += data.toString('ascii', 0, data.length);
console.error(`Unix data: ${JSON.stringify(read_buffer)}, expecting ${
if (read_buffer.includes(prompt_unix)) {
assert.strictEqual(client_unix.expect, read_buffer);
read_buffer = '';
if (client_unix.list && client_unix.list.length > 0) {
} else {
console.error('End of Unix test, running Error test.\n');
} else {
console.error('didn\'t see prompt yet, buffering.');
client_unix.on('error', function(e) {
throw e;
client_unix.on('close', function() {