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Encode HTML character references and character entities.

  • Very fast
  • Just the encoding part
  • Reliable: '`' characters are escaped to ensure no scripts run in IE6-8. Additionally, only named entities recognised by HTML4 are encoded, meaning the infamous ' (which people think is a virus) won’t show up


By default, all dangerous, non-ASCII, or non-printable ASCII characters are encoded. A subset of characters can be given to encode just those characters. Alternatively, pass escapeOnly to escape just the dangerous characters (", ', <, >, &, `). By default, numeric entities are used. Pass useNamedReferences to use named entities when possible, or useShortestReferences to use them if that results in less bytes.



npm install stringify-entities


var stringify = require('stringify-entities');

stringify('alpha © bravo ≠ charlie 𝌆 delta');
//=> 'alpha &#xA9; bravo &#x2260; charlie &#x1D306; delta'

stringify('alpha © bravo ≠ charlie 𝌆 delta', {useNamedReferences: true});
//=> 'alpha &copy; bravo &ne; charlie &#x1D306; delta'


stringifyEntities(value[, options])

Encode special characters in value.


Whether to only escape possibly dangerous characters (boolean, default: false). Those characters are ", ', <, > &, and `.


Whether to only escape the given subset of characters (Array.<string>).


Whether to use named entities where possible (boolean?, default: false).


Whether to use named entities, where possible, if that results in less bytes (boolean?, default: false). Note: useNamedReferences can be omitted when using useShortestReferences.


Whether to omit semi-colons when possible (boolean?, default: false). Note: This creates parse errors: don’t use this except when building a minifier.

Omitting semi-colons is possible for certain legacy named references, and numeric entities, in some cases.


Only needed when operating dangerously with omitOptionalSemicolons: true. Create entities which don’t fail in attributes (boolean?, default: false).


MIT © Titus Wormer