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.TH "NPM\-INDEX" "7" "March 2016" "" ""
\fBnpm-index\fR \- Index of all npm documentation
.SS npm help README
a JavaScript package manager
.SH Command Line Documentation
Using npm on the command line
.SS npm help npm
javascript package manager
.SS npm help access
Set access level on published packages
.SS npm help adduser
Add a registry user account
.SS npm help bin
Display npm bin folder
.SS npm help bugs
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe
.SS npm help build
Build a package
.SS npm help bundle
.SS npm help cache
Manipulates packages cache
.SS npm help completion
Tab Completion for npm
.SS npm help config
Manage the npm configuration files
.SS npm help dedupe
Reduce duplication
.SS npm help deprecate
Deprecate a version of a package
.SS npm help dist\-tag
Modify package distribution tags
.SS npm help docs
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe
.SS npm help edit
Edit an installed package
.SS npm help explore
Browse an installed package
.SS npm help help\-search
Search npm help documentation
.SS npm help help
Get help on npm
.SS npm help init
Interactively create a package\.json file
.SS npm help install\-test
Install package(s) and run tests
.SS npm help install
Install a package
.SS npm help link
Symlink a package folder
.SS npm help logout
Log out of the registry
.SS npm help ls
List installed packages
.SS npm help outdated
Check for outdated packages
.SS npm help owner
Manage package owners
.SS npm help pack
Create a tarball from a package
.SS npm help ping
Ping npm registry
.SS npm help prefix
Display prefix
.SS npm help prune
Remove extraneous packages
.SS npm help publish
Publish a package
.SS npm help rebuild
Rebuild a package
.SS npm help repo
Open package repository page in the browser
.SS npm help restart
Restart a package
.SS npm help root
Display npm root
.SS npm help run\-script
Run arbitrary package scripts
.SS npm help search
Search for packages
.SS npm help shrinkwrap
Lock down dependency versions
.SS npm help star
Mark your favorite packages
.SS npm help stars
View packages marked as favorites
.SS npm help start
Start a package
.SS npm help stop
Stop a package
.SS npm help tag
Tag a published version
.SS npm help team
Manage organization teams and team memberships
.SS npm help test
Test a package
.SS npm help uninstall
Remove a package
.SS npm help unpublish
Remove a package from the registry
.SS npm help update
Update a package
.SS npm help version
Bump a package version
.SS npm help view
View registry info
.SS npm help whoami
Display npm username
.SH API Documentation
Using npm in your Node programs
.SH Files
File system structures npm uses
.SS npm help 5 folders
Folder Structures Used by npm
.SS npm help 5 npmrc
The npm config files
.SS npm help 5 package\.json
Specifics of npm's package\.json handling
.SH Misc
Various other bits and bobs
.SS npm help 7 coding\-style
npm's "funny" coding style
.SS npm help 7 config
More than you probably want to know about npm configuration
.SS npm help 7 developers
Developer Guide
.SS npm help 7 disputes
Handling Module Name Disputes
.SS npm help 7 index
Index of all npm documentation
.SS npm help 7 orgs
Working with Teams & Orgs
.SS npm help 7 registry
The JavaScript Package Registry
.SS npm help 7 scope
Scoped packages
.SS npm help 7 scripts
How npm handles the "scripts" field
.SS npm help 7 removing\-npm
Cleaning the Slate
.SS npm help 7 semver
The semantic versioner for npm