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// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Flags: --harmony-reflect
(function testReflectConstructArity() {
assertEquals(2, Reflect.construct.length);
(function testReflectConstructNonConstructor() {
assertThrows(function() {
new Reflect.construct(function(){}, []);
}, TypeError);
(function testReflectConstructBasic() {
function Constructor() { "use strict"; }
assertInstanceof(Reflect.construct(Constructor, []), Constructor);
(function testReflectConstructBasicSloppy() {
function Constructor() {}
assertInstanceof(Reflect.construct(Constructor, []), Constructor);
(function testReflectConstructReturnSomethingElseStrict() {
var R = {};
function Constructor() { "use strict"; return R; }
assertSame(R, Reflect.construct(Constructor, []));
(function testReflectConstructReturnSomethingElseSloppy() {
var R = {};
function Constructor() { return R; }
assertSame(R, Reflect.construct(Constructor, []));
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetStrict() {
"use strict";
function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; }
var O = Reflect.construct(Constructor, [], Array);
assertEquals(1, O[9]);
// Ordinary object with Array.prototype --- no exotic Array magic
assertEquals(0, O.length);
assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetSloppy() {
function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; }
var O = Reflect.construct(Constructor, [], Array);
assertEquals(1, O[9]);
// Ordinary object with Array.prototype --- no exotic Array magic
assertEquals(0, O.length);
assertSame(Array.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetStrict2() {
"use strict";
function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; }
Constructor.prototype.add = function(x) {
this[this.length] = x; return this;
var O = Reflect.construct(Array, [1, 2, 3], Constructor);
// Exotic Array object with Constructor.prototype
assertSame(Constructor.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
assertFalse(O instanceof Array);
assertEquals(3, O.length);
assertEquals(undefined, O[9]);
assertSame(O, O.add(4));
assertEquals(4, O.length);
assertEquals(4, O[3]);
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetSloppy2() {
function Constructor() { this[9] = 1; }
Constructor.prototype.add = function(x) {
this[this.length] = x; return this;
var O = Reflect.construct(Array, [1, 2, 3], Constructor);
// Exotic Array object with Constructor.prototype
assertSame(Constructor.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
assertFalse(O instanceof Array);
assertEquals(3, O.length);
assertEquals(undefined, O[9]);
assertSame(O, O.add(4));
assertEquals(4, O.length);
assertEquals(4, O[3]);
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetStrict3() {
"use strict";
function A() {}
function B() {}
var O = Reflect.construct(A, [], B);
// TODO(caitp): bug: newTarget prototype is not used if it is not
// explicitly set.
//assertSame(B.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
(function testReflectConstructNewTargetSloppy3() {
function A() {}
function B() {}
var O = Reflect.construct(A, [], B);
// TODO(caitp): bug: newTarget prototype is not used if it is not
// explicitly set.
//assertSame(B.prototype, Object.getPrototypeOf(O));
(function testAppliedArgumentsLength() {
function lengthStrict() { 'use strict'; this.a = arguments.length; }
function lengthSloppy() { this.a = arguments.length; }
assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, []).a);
assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, []).a);
assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, {}).a);
assertEquals(0, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, {}).a);
for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, new Array(i)).a);
assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, new Array(i)).a);
assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthStrict, { length: i }).a);
assertEquals(i, Reflect.construct(lengthSloppy, { length: i }).a);
(function testAppliedArgumentsLengthThrows() {
function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; }
function noopSloppy() { }
function MyError() {}
var argsList = {};
Object.defineProperty(argsList, "length", {
get: function() { throw new MyError(); }
assertThrows(function() {
Reflect.construct(noopStrict, argsList);
}, MyError);
assertThrows(function() {
Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, argsList);
}, MyError);
(function testAppliedArgumentsElementThrows() {
function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; }
function noopSloppy() { }
function MyError() {}
var argsList = { length: 1 };
Object.defineProperty(argsList, "0", {
get: function() { throw new MyError(); }
assertThrows(function() {
Reflect.construct(noopStrict, argsList);
}, MyError);
assertThrows(function() {
Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, argsList);
}, MyError);
(function testAppliedNonFunctionStrict() {
'use strict';
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(void 0, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(null, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(123, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct("str", []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(Symbol("x"), []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(/123/, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(NaN, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct({}, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct([], []); }, TypeError);
(function testAppliedNonFunctionSloppy() {
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(void 0, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(null, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(123, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct("str", []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(Symbol("x"), []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(/123/, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(NaN, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct({}, []); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct([], []); }, TypeError);
(function testAppliedArgumentsNonList() {
function noopStrict() { 'use strict'; }
function noopSloppy() {}
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, null); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, null); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, 1); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, 1); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, "BAD"); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, "BAD"); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, true); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, true); }, TypeError);
var sym = Symbol("x");
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopStrict, sym); }, TypeError);
assertThrows(function() { Reflect.construct(noopSloppy, sym); }, TypeError);
(function testAppliedArgumentValue() {
function firstStrict(a) { 'use strict'; this.a = a; }
function firstSloppy(a) { this.a = a; }
function lastStrict(a) {
'use strict'; this.a = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; }
function lastSloppy(a) { this.a = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; }
function sumStrict() {
'use strict';
var sum = arguments[0];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
sum += arguments[i];
this.a = sum;
function sumSloppy() {
var sum = arguments[0];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
sum += arguments[i];
this.a = sum;
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstStrict, ["OK!"]).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstSloppy, ["OK!"]).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstStrict,
{ 0: "OK!", length: 1 }).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(firstSloppy,
{ 0: "OK!", length: 1 }).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastStrict,
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, "OK!"]).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastSloppy,
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, "OK!"]).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastStrict,
{ 9: "OK!", length: 10 }).a);
assertEquals("OK!", Reflect.construct(lastSloppy,
{ 9: "OK!", length: 10 }).a);
assertEquals("TEST", Reflect.construct(sumStrict,
["T", "E", "S", "T"]).a);
assertEquals("TEST!!", Reflect.construct(sumStrict,
["T", "E", "S", "T", "!", "!"]).a);
assertEquals(10, Reflect.construct(sumStrict,
{ 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 4 }).a);
assertEquals("TEST", Reflect.construct(sumSloppy,
["T", "E", "S", "T"]).a);
assertEquals("TEST!!", Reflect.construct(sumSloppy,
["T", "E", "S", "T", "!", "!"]).a);
assertEquals(10, Reflect.construct(sumSloppy,
{ 0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, length: 4 }).a);