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// show that no match events happen while paused.
var tap = require("tap")
, child_process = require("child_process")
// just some gnarly pattern with lots of matches
, pattern = "test/a/!(symlink)/**"
, bashResults = require("./bash-results.json")
, patterns = Object.keys(bashResults)
, glob = require("../")
, Glob = glob.Glob
, path = require("path")
// run from the root of the project
// this is usually where you're at anyway, but be sure.
process.chdir(path.resolve(__dirname, ".."))
function alphasort (a, b) {
a = a.toLowerCase()
b = b.toLowerCase()
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
function cleanResults (m) {
// normalize discrepancies in ordering, duplication,
// and ending slashes.
return (m) {
return m.replace(/\/+/g, "/").replace(/\/$/, "")
}).sort(alphasort).reduce(function (set, f) {
if (f !== set[set.length - 1]) set.push(f)
return set
}, []).sort(alphasort).map(function (f) {
// de-windows
return (process.platform !== 'win32') ? f
: f.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\/, '/').replace(/\\/g, '/')
var globResults = []
tap.test("use a Glob object, and pause/resume it", function (t) {
var g = new Glob(pattern)
, paused = false
, res = []
, expect = bashResults[pattern]
g.on("pause", function () {
g.on("resume", function () {
g.on("match", function (m) {
t.notOk(g.paused, "must not be paused")
t.ok(g.paused, "must be paused")
setTimeout(g.resume.bind(g), 10)
g.on("end", function (matches) {
t.pass("reached glob end")
globResults = cleanResults(globResults)
matches = cleanResults(matches)
t.deepEqual(matches, globResults,
"end event matches should be the same as match events")
t.deepEqual(matches, expect,
"glob matches should be the same as bash results")