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var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var common = require('./common');
var _cd = require('./cd');
var _pwd = require('./pwd');
//@ ### ls([options,] [path, ...])
//@ ### ls([options,] path_array)
//@ Available options:
//@ + `-R`: recursive
//@ + `-A`: all files (include files beginning with `.`, except for `.` and `..`)
//@ + `-d`: list directories themselves, not their contents
//@ + `-l`: list objects representing each file, each with fields containing `ls
//@ -l` output fields. See
//@ [fs.Stats](
//@ for more info
//@ Examples:
//@ ```javascript
//@ ls('projs/*.js');
//@ ls('-R', '/users/me', '/tmp');
//@ ls('-R', ['/users/me', '/tmp']); // same as above
//@ ls('-l', 'file.txt'); // { name: 'file.txt', mode: 33188, nlink: 1, ...}
//@ ```
//@ Returns array of files in the given path, or in current directory if no path provided.
function _ls(options, paths) {
options = common.parseOptions(options, {
'R': 'recursive',
'A': 'all',
'a': 'all_deprecated',
'd': 'directory',
'l': 'long'
if (options.all_deprecated) {
// We won't support the -a option as it's hard to image why it's useful
// (it includes '.' and '..' in addition to '.*' files)
// For backwards compatibility we'll dump a deprecated message and proceed as before
common.log('ls: Option -a is deprecated. Use -A instead');
options.all = true;
if (!paths)
paths = ['.'];
else if (typeof paths === 'object')
paths = paths; // assume array
else if (typeof paths === 'string')
paths = [], 1);
var list = [];
// Conditionally pushes file to list - returns true if pushed, false otherwise
// (e.g. prevents hidden files to be included unless explicitly told so)
function pushFile(file, query) {
var name = || file;
// hidden file?
if (path.basename(name)[0] === '.') {
// not explicitly asking for hidden files?
if (!options.all && !(path.basename(query)[0] === '.' && path.basename(query).length > 1))
return false;
if (common.platform === 'win')
name = name.replace(/\\/g, '/');
if ( { = name;
} else {
file = name;
return true;
paths.forEach(function(p) {
if (fs.existsSync(p)) {
var stats = ls_stat(p);
// Simple file?
if (stats.isFile()) {
if (options.long) {
pushFile(stats, p);
} else {
pushFile(p, p);
return; // continue
// Simple dir?
if ( {
pushFile(p, p);
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
// Iterate over p contents
fs.readdirSync(p).forEach(function(file) {
var orig_file = file;
if (options.long)
file = ls_stat(path.join(p, file));
if (!pushFile(file, p))
// Recursive?
if (options.recursive) {
var oldDir = _pwd();
_cd('', p);
if (fs.statSync(orig_file).isDirectory())
list = list.concat(_ls('-R'+(options.all?'A':''), orig_file+'/*'));
_cd('', oldDir);
return; // continue
// p does not exist - possible wildcard present
var basename = path.basename(p);
var dirname = path.dirname(p);
// Wildcard present on an existing dir? (e.g. '/tmp/*.js')
if (\*/) > -1 && fs.existsSync(dirname) && fs.statSync(dirname).isDirectory) {
// Escape special regular expression chars
var regexp = basename.replace(/(\^|\$|\(|\)|<|>|\[|\]|\{|\}|\.|\+|\?)/g, '\\$1');
// Translates wildcard into regex
regexp = '^' + regexp.replace(/\*/g, '.*') + '$';
// Iterate over directory contents
fs.readdirSync(dirname).forEach(function(file) {
if (file.match(new RegExp(regexp))) {
var file_path = path.join(dirname, file);
file_path = options.long ? ls_stat(file_path) : file_path;
if ( = path.normalize(;
file_path = path.normalize(file_path);
if (!pushFile(file_path, basename))
// Recursive?
if (options.recursive) {
var pp = dirname + '/' + file;
if (fs.lstatSync(pp).isDirectory())
list = list.concat(_ls('-R'+(options.all?'A':''), pp+'/*'));
} // recursive
} // if file matches
}); // forEach
common.error('no such file or directory: ' + p, true);
return list;
module.exports = _ls;
function ls_stat(path) {
var stats = fs.statSync(path);
// Note: this object will contain more information than .toString() returns = path;
stats.toString = function() {
// Return a string resembling unix's `ls -l` format
return [this.mode, this.nlink, this.uid, this.gid, this.size, this.mtime,].join(' ');
return stats;