You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

170 lines
4.8 KiB

module.exports = log
var output = require("./output.js")
function colorize (msg, color) {
return msg ? "\033["+color+"m"+msg+"\033[0m" : ""
var l = -1
, LEVEL = { silly : l++
, verbose : l++
, info : l++
, "http" : l++
, WARN : l++
, "ERR!" : l++
, ERROR : "ERR!"
, ERR : "ERR!"
, win : 0x15AAC5
, paused : 0x19790701
, silent : 0xDECAFBAD
, COLOR = {}
, SHOWLEVEL = null
, normalNames = {}
normalNames[LEVEL["ERR!"]] = "error"
normalNames[LEVEL.WARN] = "warn"
normalNames[] = "info"
normalNames[LEVEL.verbose] = "verbose"
normalNames[LEVEL.silly] = "silly"
normalNames[] = "win"
Object.keys(LEVEL).forEach(function (l) {
if (typeof LEVEL[l] === "string") LEVEL[l] = LEVEL[LEVEL[l]]
else LEVEL[LEVEL[l]] = l
LEVEL[l.toLowerCase()] = LEVEL[l]
if (l === "silent" || l === "paused") return
log[l] = log[l.toLowerCase()] =
function (msg, pref, cb) { return log(msg, pref, l, cb) }
COLOR[LEVEL.silly] = 30
COLOR[LEVEL.verbose] = "34;40"
COLOR[] = 32
COLOR[LEVEL.http] = "32;40"
COLOR[LEVEL.warn] = "30;41"
COLOR[LEVEL.error] = "31;40"
for (var c in COLOR) COLOR[LEVEL[c]] = COLOR[c]
COLOR.npm = "37;40"
COLOR.pref = 35
var logBuffer = []
, ini = require("./ini.js")
, waitForConfig
log.waitForConfig = function () { waitForConfig = true }
// now the required stuff has been loaded,
// so the transitive module dep will work
var util = require("util")
, npm = require("../npm.js")
, net = require("net")
Object.defineProperty(log, "level",
{ get : function () {
if (SHOWLEVEL !== null) return SHOWLEVEL
var show = npm.config && npm.config.get("loglevel") || ''
show = show.split(",")[0]
if (!isNaN(show)) show = +show
else if (!LEVEL.hasOwnProperty(show)) {
util.error("Invalid loglevel config: "+JSON.stringify(show))
show = "info"
if (isNaN(show)) show = LEVEL[show]
else show = +show
if (!waitForConfig || ini.resolved) SHOWLEVEL = show
return show
, set : function (l) {
npm.config.set("showlevel", l)
function log (msg, pref, level, cb) {
if (typeof level === "function") cb = level, level = null
var show = log.level
if (show === LEVEL.silent || show === LEVEL.paused) return cb && cb()
if (level == null) level =
if (isNaN(level)) level = LEVEL[level]
else level = +level
// logging just undefined is almost never the right thing.
// a lot of these are kicking around throughout the codebase
// with relatively unhelpful prefixes.
if (msg === undefined && level > LEVEL.silly) {
msg = new Error("undefined log message")
if (typeof msg === "object" && (msg instanceof Error)) level = LEVEL.error
if (!ini.resolved && waitForConfig || level === LEVEL.paused) {
return logBuffer.push([msg, pref, level, cb])
if (logBuffer.length && !logBuffer.discharging) {
logBuffer.push([msg, pref, level, cb])
logBuffer.discharging = true
logBuffer.forEach(function (l) { log.apply(null, l) })
logBuffer.length = 0
delete logBuffer.discharging
log.level = show
npm.emit("log", { level : level, msg : msg, pref : pref, cb : cb })
npm.emit("log."+normalNames[level], { msg : msg, pref : pref, cb : cb })
var loglog = log.history = []
, loglogLen = 0
npm.on("log", function (logData) {
var level = logData.level
, msg = logData.msg
, pref = logData.pref
, cb = logData.cb || function () {}
, show = log.level
, spaces = " "
, logFD = npm.config.get("logfd")
if (msg instanceof Error) {
msg = logData.msg = msg.stack || msg.toString()
loglogLen ++
if (loglogLen > 2000) {
loglog = loglog.slice(loglogLen - 1000)
loglogLen = 1000
if (!isFinite(level) || level < show) return cb()
if (typeof msg !== "string" && !(msg instanceof Error)) {
msg = util.inspect(msg, 0, 4, true)
// console.error("level, showlevel, show", level, show, (level >= show))
if (pref && COLOR.pref) {
pref = colorize(pref, COLOR.pref)
if (!pref) pref = ""
if (npm.config.get("logprefix")) {
pref = colorize("npm", COLOR.npm)
+ (COLOR[level] ? " "+colorize(
(LEVEL[level]+spaces).substr(0,4), COLOR[level]) : "")
+ (pref ? (" " + pref) : "")
if (pref) pref += " "
if (msg.indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
msg = msg.split(/\n/).join("\n"+pref)
msg = pref+msg
return output.write(msg, logFD, cb)
}) = function (cb, msg) {
if (!msg) throw new Error(
"Why bother logging it if you're not going to print a message?")
return function (er) {
if (er) log.error(msg)
cb.apply(this, arguments)