mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/node.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1085 lines
32 KiB
1085 lines
32 KiB
// Copyright 2010-2012 Mikeal Rogers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
var http = require('http')
, https = false
, tls = false
, url = require('url')
, util = require('util')
, stream = require('stream')
, qs = require('querystring')
, mimetypes = require('./mimetypes')
, oauth = require('./oauth')
, uuid = require('./uuid')
, ForeverAgent = require('./forever')
, Cookie = require('./vendor/cookie')
, CookieJar = require('./vendor/cookie/jar')
, cookieJar = new CookieJar
, tunnel = require('./tunnel')
, aws = require('./aws')
if (process.logging) {
var log = process.logging('request')
try {
https = require('https')
} catch (e) {}
try {
tls = require('tls')
} catch (e) {}
function toBase64 (str) {
return (new Buffer(str || "", "ascii")).toString("base64")
// Hacky fix for pre-0.4.4 https
if (https && !https.Agent) {
https.Agent = function (options) {
http.Agent.call(this, options)
util.inherits(https.Agent, http.Agent)
https.Agent.prototype._getConnection = function (host, port, cb) {
var s = tls.connect(port, host, this.options, function () {
// do other checks here?
if (cb) cb()
return s
function isReadStream (rs) {
if (rs.readable && rs.path && rs.mode) {
return true
function copy (obj) {
var o = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (i) {
o[i] = obj[i]
return o
var isUrl = /^https?:/
var globalPool = {}
function Request (options) {
this.readable = true
this.writable = true
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = {uri:options}
var reserved = Object.keys(Request.prototype)
for (var i in options) {
if (reserved.indexOf(i) === -1) {
this[i] = options[i]
} else {
if (typeof options[i] === 'function') {
delete options[i]
options = copy(options)
util.inherits(Request, stream.Stream)
Request.prototype.init = function (options) {
var self = this
if (!options) options = {}
if (process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /request/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG)) console.error('REQUEST', options)
if (!self.pool && self.pool !== false) self.pool = globalPool
self.dests = []
self.__isRequestRequest = true
// Protect against double callback
if (!self._callback && self.callback) {
self._callback = self.callback
self.callback = function () {
if (self._callbackCalled) return // Print a warning maybe?
self._callback.apply(self, arguments)
self._callbackCalled = true
self.on('error', self.callback.bind())
self.on('complete', self.callback.bind(self, null))
if (self.url) {
// People use this property instead all the time so why not just support it.
self.uri = self.url
delete self.url
if (!self.uri) {
throw new Error("options.uri is a required argument")
} else {
if (typeof self.uri == "string") self.uri = url.parse(self.uri)
if (self.proxy) {
if (typeof self.proxy == 'string') self.proxy = url.parse(self.proxy)
// do the HTTP CONNECT dance using koichik/node-tunnel
if (http.globalAgent && self.uri.protocol === "https:") {
var tunnelFn = self.proxy.protocol === "http:"
? tunnel.httpsOverHttp : tunnel.httpsOverHttps
var tunnelOptions = { proxy: { host: self.proxy.hostname
, port: +self.proxy.port
, proxyAuth: self.proxy.auth }
, ca: this.ca }
self.agent = tunnelFn(tunnelOptions)
self.tunnel = true
if (!self.uri.host || !self.uri.pathname) {
// Invalid URI: it may generate lot of bad errors, like "TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined" in CookieJar
// Detect and reject it as soon as possible
var faultyUri = url.format(self.uri)
var message = 'Invalid URI "' + faultyUri + '"'
if (Object.keys(options).length === 0) {
// No option ? This can be the sign of a redirect
// As this is a case where the user cannot do anything (he didn't call request directly with this URL)
// he should be warned that it can be caused by a redirection (can save some hair)
message += '. This can be caused by a crappy redirection.'
self.emit('error', new Error(message))
return // This error was fatal
self._redirectsFollowed = self._redirectsFollowed || 0
self.maxRedirects = (self.maxRedirects !== undefined) ? self.maxRedirects : 10
self.followRedirect = (self.followRedirect !== undefined) ? self.followRedirect : true
self.followAllRedirects = (self.followAllRedirects !== undefined) ? self.followAllRedirects : false;
if (self.followRedirect || self.followAllRedirects)
self.redirects = self.redirects || []
self.headers = self.headers ? copy(self.headers) : {}
self.setHost = false
if (!self.headers.host) {
self.headers.host = self.uri.hostname
if (self.uri.port) {
if ( !(self.uri.port === 80 && self.uri.protocol === 'http:') &&
!(self.uri.port === 443 && self.uri.protocol === 'https:') )
self.headers.host += (':'+self.uri.port)
self.setHost = true
self.jar(self._jar || options.jar)
if (!self.uri.pathname) {self.uri.pathname = '/'}
if (!self.uri.port) {
if (self.uri.protocol == 'http:') {self.uri.port = 80}
else if (self.uri.protocol == 'https:') {self.uri.port = 443}
if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) {
self.port = self.proxy.port
self.host = self.proxy.hostname
} else {
self.port = self.uri.port
self.host = self.uri.hostname
self.clientErrorHandler = function (error) {
if (self._aborted) return
if (self.setHost) delete self.headers.host
if (self.req._reusedSocket && error.code === 'ECONNRESET'
&& self.agent.addRequestNoreuse) {
self.agent = { addRequest: self.agent.addRequestNoreuse.bind(self.agent) }
if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) {
self.timeoutTimer = null
self.emit('error', error)
self._parserErrorHandler = function (error) {
if (this.res) {
if (this.res.request) {
this.res.request.emit('error', error)
} else {
this.res.emit('error', error)
} else {
this._httpMessage.emit('error', error)
if (options.form) {
if (options.oauth) {
if (options.aws) {
if (self.uri.auth && !self.headers.authorization) {
self.headers.authorization = "Basic " + toBase64(self.uri.auth.split(':').map(function(item){ return qs.unescape(item)}).join(':'))
if (self.proxy && self.proxy.auth && !self.headers['proxy-authorization'] && !self.tunnel) {
self.headers['proxy-authorization'] = "Basic " + toBase64(self.proxy.auth.split(':').map(function(item){ return qs.unescape(item)}).join(':'))
if (options.qs) self.qs(options.qs)
if (self.uri.path) {
self.path = self.uri.path
} else {
self.path = self.uri.pathname + (self.uri.search || "")
if (self.path.length === 0) self.path = '/'
if (self.proxy && !self.tunnel) self.path = (self.uri.protocol + '//' + self.uri.host + self.path)
if (options.json) {
} else if (options.multipart) {
self.boundary = uuid()
if (self.body) {
var length = 0
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(self.body)) {
if (Array.isArray(self.body)) {
for (var i = 0; i < self.body.length; i++) {
length += self.body[i].length
} else {
self.body = new Buffer(self.body)
length = self.body.length
} else {
length = self.body.length
if (length) {
self.headers['content-length'] = length
} else {
throw new Error('Argument error, options.body.')
var protocol = self.proxy && !self.tunnel ? self.proxy.protocol : self.uri.protocol
, defaultModules = {'http:':http, 'https:':https}
, httpModules = self.httpModules || {}
self.httpModule = httpModules[protocol] || defaultModules[protocol]
if (!self.httpModule) throw new Error("Invalid protocol")
if (options.ca) self.ca = options.ca
if (!self.agent) {
if (options.agentOptions) self.agentOptions = options.agentOptions
if (options.agentClass) {
self.agentClass = options.agentClass
} else if (options.forever) {
self.agentClass = protocol === 'http:' ? ForeverAgent : ForeverAgent.SSL
} else {
self.agentClass = self.httpModule.Agent
if (self.pool === false) {
self.agent = false
} else {
self.agent = self.agent || self.getAgent()
if (self.maxSockets) {
// Don't use our pooling if node has the refactored client
self.agent.maxSockets = self.maxSockets
if (self.pool.maxSockets) {
// Don't use our pooling if node has the refactored client
self.agent.maxSockets = self.pool.maxSockets
self.once('pipe', function (src) {
if (self.ntick && self._started) throw new Error("You cannot pipe to this stream after the outbound request has started.")
self.src = src
if (isReadStream(src)) {
if (!self.headers['content-type'] && !self.headers['Content-Type'])
self.headers['content-type'] = mimetypes.lookup(src.path.slice(src.path.lastIndexOf('.')+1))
} else {
if (src.headers) {
for (var i in src.headers) {
if (!self.headers[i]) {
self.headers[i] = src.headers[i]
if (src.method && !self.method) {
self.method = src.method
self.on('pipe', function () {
console.error("You have already piped to this stream. Pipeing twice is likely to break the request.")
process.nextTick(function () {
if (self._aborted) return
if (self.body) {
if (Array.isArray(self.body)) {
self.body.forEach(function (part) {
} else {
} else if (self.requestBodyStream) {
console.warn("options.requestBodyStream is deprecated, please pass the request object to stream.pipe.")
} else if (!self.src) {
if (self.method !== 'GET' && typeof self.method !== 'undefined') {
self.headers['content-length'] = 0;
self.ntick = true
// Must call this when following a redirect from https to http or vice versa
// Attempts to keep everything as identical as possible, but update the
// httpModule, Tunneling agent, and/or Forever Agent in use.
Request.prototype._updateProtocol = function () {
var self = this
var protocol = self.uri.protocol
if (protocol === 'https:') {
// previously was doing http, now doing https
// if it's https, then we might need to tunnel now.
if (self.proxy) {
self.tunnel = true
var tunnelFn = self.proxy.protocol === 'http:'
? tunnel.httpsOverHttp : tunnel.httpsOverHttps
var tunnelOptions = { proxy: { host: self.proxy.hostname
, post: +self.proxy.port
, proxyAuth: self.proxy.auth }
, ca: self.ca }
self.agent = tunnelFn(tunnelOptions)
self.httpModule = https
switch (self.agentClass) {
case ForeverAgent:
self.agentClass = ForeverAgent.SSL
case http.Agent:
self.agentClass = https.Agent
// nothing we can do. Just hope for the best.
// if there's an agent, we need to get a new one.
if (self.agent) self.agent = self.getAgent()
} else {
if (log) log('previously https, now http')
// previously was doing https, now doing http
// stop any tunneling.
if (self.tunnel) self.tunnel = false
self.httpModule = http
switch (self.agentClass) {
case ForeverAgent.SSL:
self.agentClass = ForeverAgent
case https.Agent:
self.agentClass = http.Agent
// nothing we can do. just hope for the best
// if there's an agent, then get a new one.
if (self.agent) {
self.agent = null
self.agent = self.getAgent()
Request.prototype.getAgent = function () {
var Agent = this.agentClass
var options = {}
if (this.agentOptions) {
for (var i in this.agentOptions) {
options[i] = this.agentOptions[i]
if (this.ca) options.ca = this.ca
var poolKey = ''
// different types of agents are in different pools
if (Agent !== this.httpModule.Agent) {
poolKey += Agent.name
if (!this.httpModule.globalAgent) {
// node 0.4.x
options.host = this.host
options.port = this.port
if (poolKey) poolKey += ':'
poolKey += this.host + ':' + this.port
// ca option is only relevant if proxy or destination are https
var proxy = this.proxy
if (typeof proxy === 'string') proxy = url.parse(proxy)
var caRelevant = (proxy && proxy.protocol === 'https:') || this.uri.protocol === 'https:'
if (options.ca && caRelevant) {
if (poolKey) poolKey += ':'
poolKey += options.ca
if (!poolKey && Agent === this.httpModule.Agent && this.httpModule.globalAgent) {
// not doing anything special. Use the globalAgent
return this.httpModule.globalAgent
// we're using a stored agent. Make sure it's protocol-specific
poolKey = this.uri.protocol + poolKey
// already generated an agent for this setting
if (this.pool[poolKey]) return this.pool[poolKey]
return this.pool[poolKey] = new Agent(options)
Request.prototype.start = function () {
var self = this
if (self._aborted) return
self._started = true
self.method = self.method || 'GET'
self.href = self.uri.href
if (log) log('%method %href', self)
if (self.src && self.src.stat && self.src.stat.size) {
self.headers['content-length'] = self.src.stat.size
if (self._aws) {
self.aws(self._aws, true)
self.req = self.httpModule.request(self, function (response) {
if (response.connection.listeners('error').indexOf(self._parserErrorHandler) === -1) {
response.connection.once('error', self._parserErrorHandler)
if (self._aborted) return response.resume()
if (self._paused) response.pause()
else response.resume()
self.response = response
response.request = self
response.toJSON = toJSON
if (self.httpModule === https &&
self.strictSSL &&
!response.client.authorized) {
var sslErr = response.client.authorizationError
self.emit('error', new Error('SSL Error: '+ sslErr))
if (self.setHost) delete self.headers.host
if (self.timeout && self.timeoutTimer) {
self.timeoutTimer = null
var addCookie = function (cookie) {
if (self._jar) self._jar.add(new Cookie(cookie))
else cookieJar.add(new Cookie(cookie))
if (response.headers['set-cookie'] && (!self._disableCookies)) {
if (Array.isArray(response.headers['set-cookie'])) response.headers['set-cookie'].forEach(addCookie)
else addCookie(response.headers['set-cookie'])
if (response.statusCode >= 300 && response.statusCode < 400 &&
(self.followAllRedirects ||
(self.followRedirect && (self.method !== 'PUT' && self.method !== 'POST' && self.method !== 'DELETE'))) &&
response.headers.location) {
if (self._redirectsFollowed >= self.maxRedirects) {
self.emit('error', new Error("Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop."))
self._redirectsFollowed += 1
if (!isUrl.test(response.headers.location)) {
response.headers.location = url.resolve(self.uri.href, response.headers.location)
var uriPrev = self.uri
self.uri = url.parse(response.headers.location)
// handle the case where we change protocol from https to http or vice versa
if (self.uri.protocol !== uriPrev.protocol) {
{ statusCode : response.statusCode
, redirectUri: response.headers.location
if (self.followAllRedirects) self.method = 'GET'
// self.method = 'GET'; // Force all redirects to use GET || commented out fixes #215
delete self.req
delete self.agent
delete self._started
delete self.body
if (self.headers) {
delete self.headers.host
if (log) log('Redirect to %uri', self)
return // Ignore the rest of the response
} else {
self._redirectsFollowed = self._redirectsFollowed || 0
// Be a good stream and emit end when the response is finished.
// Hack to emit end on close because of a core bug that never fires end
response.on('close', function () {
if (!self._ended) self.response.emit('end')
if (self.encoding) {
if (self.dests.length !== 0) {
console.error("Ingoring encoding parameter as this stream is being piped to another stream which makes the encoding option invalid.")
} else {
self.dests.forEach(function (dest) {
response.on("data", function (chunk) {
self._destdata = true
self.emit("data", chunk)
response.on("end", function (chunk) {
self._ended = true
self.emit("end", chunk)
response.on("close", function () {self.emit("close")})
self.emit('response', response)
if (self.callback) {
var buffer = []
var bodyLen = 0
self.on("data", function (chunk) {
bodyLen += chunk.length
self.on("end", function () {
if (self._aborted) return
if (buffer.length && Buffer.isBuffer(buffer[0])) {
var body = new Buffer(bodyLen)
var i = 0
buffer.forEach(function (chunk) {
chunk.copy(body, i, 0, chunk.length)
i += chunk.length
if (self.encoding === null) {
response.body = body
} else {
response.body = body.toString(self.encoding)
} else if (buffer.length) {
response.body = buffer.join('')
if (self._json) {
try {
response.body = JSON.parse(response.body)
} catch (e) {}
self.emit('complete', response, response.body)
if (self.timeout && !self.timeoutTimer) {
self.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
var e = new Error("ETIMEDOUT")
e.code = "ETIMEDOUT"
self.emit("error", e)
}, self.timeout)
// Set additional timeout on socket - in case if remote
// server freeze after sending headers
if (self.req.setTimeout) { // only works on node 0.6+
self.req.setTimeout(self.timeout, function () {
if (self.req) {
var e = new Error("ESOCKETTIMEDOUT")
self.emit("error", e)
self.req.on('error', self.clientErrorHandler)
self.req.on('drain', function() {
self.on('end', function() {
self.req.connection.removeListener('error', self._parserErrorHandler)
self.emit('request', self.req)
Request.prototype.abort = function () {
this._aborted = true;
if (this.req) {
else if (this.response) {
Request.prototype.pipeDest = function (dest) {
var response = this.response
// Called after the response is received
if (dest.headers) {
dest.headers['content-type'] = response.headers['content-type']
if (response.headers['content-length']) {
dest.headers['content-length'] = response.headers['content-length']
if (dest.setHeader) {
for (var i in response.headers) {
dest.setHeader(i, response.headers[i])
dest.statusCode = response.statusCode
if (this.pipefilter) this.pipefilter(response, dest)
// Composable API
Request.prototype.setHeader = function (name, value, clobber) {
if (clobber === undefined) clobber = true
if (clobber || !this.headers.hasOwnProperty(name)) this.headers[name] = value
else this.headers[name] += ',' + value
return this
Request.prototype.setHeaders = function (headers) {
for (var i in headers) {this.setHeader(i, headers[i])}
return this
Request.prototype.qs = function (q, clobber) {
var base
if (!clobber && this.uri.query) base = qs.parse(this.uri.query)
else base = {}
for (var i in q) {
base[i] = q[i]
this.uri = url.parse(this.uri.href.split('?')[0] + '?' + qs.stringify(base))
this.url = this.uri
return this
Request.prototype.form = function (form) {
this.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8'
this.body = qs.stringify(form).toString('utf8')
return this
Request.prototype.multipart = function (multipart) {
var self = this
self.body = []
if (!self.headers['content-type']) {
self.headers['content-type'] = 'multipart/related; boundary=' + self.boundary;
} else {
self.headers['content-type'] = self.headers['content-type'].split(';')[0] + '; boundary=' + self.boundary;
if (!multipart.forEach) throw new Error('Argument error, options.multipart.')
if (self.preambleCRLF) {
self.body.push(new Buffer('\r\n'))
multipart.forEach(function (part) {
var body = part.body
if(body == null) throw Error('Body attribute missing in multipart.')
delete part.body
var preamble = '--' + self.boundary + '\r\n'
Object.keys(part).forEach(function (key) {
preamble += key + ': ' + part[key] + '\r\n'
preamble += '\r\n'
self.body.push(new Buffer(preamble))
self.body.push(new Buffer(body))
self.body.push(new Buffer('\r\n'))
self.body.push(new Buffer('--' + self.boundary + '--'))
return self
Request.prototype.json = function (val) {
this.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json')
this.setHeader('accept', 'application/json')
this._json = true
if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
if (typeof this.body === 'object') this.body = JSON.stringify(this.body)
} else {
this.body = JSON.stringify(val)
return this
Request.prototype.aws = function (opts, now) {
if (!now) {
this._aws = opts
return this
var date = new Date()
this.setHeader('date', date.toUTCString())
this.setHeader('authorization', aws.authorization(
{ key: opts.key
, secret: opts.secret
, verb: this.method
, date: date
, resource: aws.canonicalizeResource('/' + opts.bucket + this.path)
, contentType: this.headers['content-type'] || ''
, md5: this.headers['content-md5'] || ''
, amazonHeaders: aws.canonicalizeHeaders(this.headers)
return this
Request.prototype.oauth = function (_oauth) {
var form
if (this.headers['content-type'] &&
this.headers['content-type'].slice(0, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.length) ===
) {
form = qs.parse(this.body)
if (this.uri.query) {
form = qs.parse(this.uri.query)
if (!form) form = {}
var oa = {}
for (var i in form) oa[i] = form[i]
for (var i in _oauth) oa['oauth_'+i] = _oauth[i]
if (!oa.oauth_version) oa.oauth_version = '1.0'
if (!oa.oauth_timestamp) oa.oauth_timestamp = Math.floor( (new Date()).getTime() / 1000 ).toString()
if (!oa.oauth_nonce) oa.oauth_nonce = uuid().replace(/-/g, '')
oa.oauth_signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1'
var consumer_secret = oa.oauth_consumer_secret
delete oa.oauth_consumer_secret
var token_secret = oa.oauth_token_secret
delete oa.oauth_token_secret
var baseurl = this.uri.protocol + '//' + this.uri.host + this.uri.pathname
var signature = oauth.hmacsign(this.method, baseurl, oa, consumer_secret, token_secret)
// oa.oauth_signature = signature
for (var i in form) {
if ( i.slice(0, 'oauth_') in _oauth) {
// skip
} else {
delete oa['oauth_'+i]
delete oa[i]
this.headers.Authorization =
'OAuth '+Object.keys(oa).sort().map(function (i) {return i+'="'+oauth.rfc3986(oa[i])+'"'}).join(',')
this.headers.Authorization += ',oauth_signature="'+oauth.rfc3986(signature)+'"'
return this
Request.prototype.jar = function (jar) {
var cookies
if (this._redirectsFollowed === 0) {
this.originalCookieHeader = this.headers.cookie
if (jar === false) {
// disable cookies
cookies = false;
this._disableCookies = true;
} else if (jar) {
// fetch cookie from the user defined cookie jar
cookies = jar.get({ url: this.uri.href })
} else {
// fetch cookie from the global cookie jar
cookies = cookieJar.get({ url: this.uri.href })
if (cookies && cookies.length) {
var cookieString = cookies.map(function (c) {
return c.name + "=" + c.value
}).join("; ")
if (this.originalCookieHeader) {
// Don't overwrite existing Cookie header
this.headers.cookie = this.originalCookieHeader + '; ' + cookieString
} else {
this.headers.cookie = cookieString
this._jar = jar
return this
// Stream API
Request.prototype.pipe = function (dest, opts) {
if (this.response) {
if (this._destdata) {
throw new Error("You cannot pipe after data has been emitted from the response.")
} else if (this._ended) {
throw new Error("You cannot pipe after the response has been ended.")
} else {
stream.Stream.prototype.pipe.call(this, dest, opts)
return dest
} else {
stream.Stream.prototype.pipe.call(this, dest, opts)
return dest
Request.prototype.write = function () {
if (!this._started) this.start()
return this.req.write.apply(this.req, arguments)
Request.prototype.end = function (chunk) {
if (chunk) this.write(chunk)
if (!this._started) this.start()
Request.prototype.pause = function () {
if (!this.response) this._paused = true
else this.response.pause.apply(this.response, arguments)
Request.prototype.resume = function () {
if (!this.response) this._paused = false
else this.response.resume.apply(this.response, arguments)
Request.prototype.destroy = function () {
if (!this._ended) this.end()
// organize params for post, put, head, del
function initParams(uri, options, callback) {
if ((typeof options === 'function') && !callback) callback = options;
if (options && typeof options === 'object') {
options.uri = uri;
} else if (typeof uri === 'string') {
options = {uri:uri};
} else {
options = uri;
uri = options.uri;
return { uri: uri, options: options, callback: callback };
function request (uri, options, callback) {
if (typeof uri === 'undefined') throw new Error('undefined is not a valid uri or options object.')
if ((typeof options === 'function') && !callback) callback = options;
if (options && typeof options === 'object') {
options.uri = uri;
} else if (typeof uri === 'string') {
options = {uri:uri};
} else {
options = uri;
if (callback) options.callback = callback;
var r = new Request(options)
return r
module.exports = request
request.initParams = initParams;
request.defaults = function (options, requester) {
var def = function (method) {
var d = function (uri, opts, callback) {
var params = initParams(uri, opts, callback);
for (var i in options) {
if (params.options[i] === undefined) params.options[i] = options[i]
if(typeof requester === 'function') {
if(method === request) {
method = requester;
} else {
params.options._requester = requester;
return method(params.options, params.callback);
return d;
var de = def(request)
de.get = def(request.get)
de.post = def(request.post)
de.put = def(request.put)
de.head = def(request.head)
de.del = def(request.del)
de.cookie = def(request.cookie)
de.jar = def(request.jar)
return de
request.forever = function (agentOptions, optionsArg) {
var options = {}
if (optionsArg) {
for (option in optionsArg) {
options[option] = optionsArg[option]
if (agentOptions) options.agentOptions = agentOptions
options.forever = true
return request.defaults(options)
request.get = request
request.post = function (uri, options, callback) {
var params = initParams(uri, options, callback);
params.options.method = 'POST';
return request(params.uri || null, params.options, params.callback)
request.put = function (uri, options, callback) {
var params = initParams(uri, options, callback);
params.options.method = 'PUT'
return request(params.uri || null, params.options, params.callback)
request.head = function (uri, options, callback) {
var params = initParams(uri, options, callback);
params.options.method = 'HEAD'
if (params.options.body ||
params.options.requestBodyStream ||
(params.options.json && typeof params.options.json !== 'boolean') ||
params.options.multipart) {
throw new Error("HTTP HEAD requests MUST NOT include a request body.")
return request(params.uri || null, params.options, params.callback)
request.del = function (uri, options, callback) {
var params = initParams(uri, options, callback);
params.options.method = 'DELETE'
if(typeof params.options._requester === 'function') {
request = params.options._requester;
return request(params.uri || null, params.options, params.callback)
request.jar = function () {
return new CookieJar
request.cookie = function (str) {
if (str && str.uri) str = str.uri
if (typeof str !== 'string') throw new Error("The cookie function only accepts STRING as param")
return new Cookie(str)
// Safe toJSON
function getSafe (self, uuid) {
if (typeof self === 'object' || typeof self === 'function') var safe = {}
if (Array.isArray(self)) var safe = []
var recurse = []
Object.defineProperty(self, uuid, {})
var attrs = Object.keys(self).filter(function (i) {
if (i === uuid) return false
if ( (typeof self[i] !== 'object' && typeof self[i] !== 'function') || self[i] === null) return true
return !(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self[i], uuid))
for (var i=0;i<attrs.length;i++) {
if ( (typeof self[attrs[i]] !== 'object' && typeof self[attrs[i]] !== 'function') ||
self[attrs[i]] === null
) {
safe[attrs[i]] = self[attrs[i]]
} else {
Object.defineProperty(self[attrs[i]], uuid, {})
for (var i=0;i<recurse.length;i++) {
safe[recurse[i]] = getSafe(self[recurse[i]], uuid)
return safe
function toJSON () {
return getSafe(this, (((1+Math.random())*0x10000)|0).toString(16))
Request.prototype.toJSON = toJSON