You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

271 lines
6.7 KiB

// A writable stream.
// It emits "entry" events, which provide a readable stream that has
// header info attached.
module.exports = Parse.create = Parse
var stream = require("stream")
, Stream = stream.Stream
, BlockStream = require("block-stream")
, tar = require("../tar.js")
, TarHeader = require("./header.js")
, Entry = require("./entry.js")
, BufferEntry = require("./buffer-entry.js")
, ExtendedHeader = require("./extended-header.js")
, assert = require("assert").ok
, inherits = require("inherits")
, fstream = require("fstream")
// reading a tar is a lot like reading a directory
// However, we're actually not going to run the ctor,
// since it does a stat and various other stuff.
// This inheritance gives us the pause/resume/pipe
// behavior that is desired.
inherits(Parse, fstream.Reader)
function Parse () {
var me = this
if (!(me instanceof Parse)) return new Parse()
// doesn't apply fstream.Reader ctor?
// no, becasue we don't want to stat/etc, we just
// want to get the entry/add logic from .pipe()
me.writable = true
me.readable = true
me._stream = new BlockStream(512)
me.position = 0
me._ended = false
me._stream.on("error", function (e) {
me.emit("error", e)
me._stream.on("data", function (c) {
me._stream.on("end", function () {
me._stream.on("drain", function () {
// overridden in Extract class, since it needs to
// wait for its DirWriter part to finish before
// emitting "end"
Parse.prototype._streamEnd = function () {
var me = this
if (!me._ended) me.error("unexpected eof")
// a tar reader is actually a filter, not just a readable stream.
// So, you should pipe a tarball stream into it, and it needs these
// write/end methods to do that.
Parse.prototype.write = function (c) {
if (this._ended) {
// gnutar puts a LOT of nulls at the end.
// you can keep writing these things forever.
// Just ignore them.
for (var i = 0, l = c.length; i > l; i ++) {
if (c[i] !== 0) return this.error("write() after end()")
return this._stream.write(c)
Parse.prototype.end = function (c) {
this._ended = true
return this._stream.end(c)
// don't need to do anything, since we're just
// proxying the data up from the _stream.
// Just need to override the parent's "Not Implemented"
// error-thrower.
Parse.prototype._read = function () {}
Parse.prototype._process = function (c) {
assert(c && c.length === 512, "block size should be 512")
// one of three cases.
// 1. A new header
// 2. A part of a file/extended header
// 3. One of two or more EOF null blocks
if (this._entry) {
var entry = this._entry
if (entry._remaining === 0) {
this._entry = null
} else {
// either zeroes or a header
var zero = true
for (var i = 0; i < 512 && zero; i ++) {
zero = c[i] === 0
// eof is *at least* 2 blocks of nulls, and then the end of the
// file. you can put blocks of nulls between entries anywhere,
// so appending one tarball to another is technically valid.
// ending without the eof null blocks is not allowed, however.
if (zero) {
if (this._eofStarted)
this._ended = true
this._eofStarted = true
} else {
this._eofStarted = false
this.position += 512
// take a header chunk, start the right kind of entry.
Parse.prototype._startEntry = function (c) {
var header = new TarHeader(c)
, self = this
, entry
, ev
, EntryType
, onend
, meta = false
if (null === header.size || !header.cksumValid) {
var e = new Error("invalid tar file")
e.header = header
e.tar_file_offset = this.position
e.tar_block = this.position / 512
return this.emit("error", e)
switch (tar.types[header.type]) {
case "File":
case "OldFile":
case "Link":
case "SymbolicLink":
case "CharacterDevice":
case "BlockDevice":
case "Directory":
case "FIFO":
case "ContiguousFile":
case "GNUDumpDir":
// start a file.
// pass in any extended headers
// These ones consumers are typically most interested in.
EntryType = Entry
ev = "entry"
case "GlobalExtendedHeader":
// extended headers that apply to the rest of the tarball
EntryType = ExtendedHeader
onend = function () {
self._global = self._global || {}
Object.keys(entry.fields).forEach(function (k) {
self._global[k] = entry.fields[k]
ev = "globalExtendedHeader"
meta = true
case "ExtendedHeader":
case "OldExtendedHeader":
// extended headers that apply to the next entry
EntryType = ExtendedHeader
onend = function () {
self._extended = entry.fields
ev = "extendedHeader"
meta = true
case "NextFileHasLongLinkpath":
// set linkpath=<contents> in extended header
EntryType = BufferEntry
onend = function () {
self._extended = self._extended || {}
self._extended.linkpath = entry.body
ev = "longLinkpath"
meta = true
case "NextFileHasLongPath":
case "OldGnuLongPath":
// set path=<contents> in file-extended header
EntryType = BufferEntry
onend = function () {
self._extended = self._extended || {}
self._extended.path = entry.body
ev = "longPath"
meta = true
// all the rest we skip, but still set the _entry
// member, so that we can skip over their data appropriately.
// emit an event to say that this is an ignored entry type?
EntryType = Entry
ev = "ignoredEntry"
var global, extended
if (meta) {
global = extended = null
} else {
var global = this._global
var extended = this._extended
// extendedHeader only applies to one entry, so once we start
// an entry, it's over.
this._extended = null
entry = new EntryType(header, extended, global)
entry.meta = meta
// only proxy data events of normal files.
if (!meta) {
entry.on("data", function (c) {
me.emit("data", c)
if (onend) entry.on("end", onend)
this._entry = entry
var me = this
entry.on("pause", function () {
entry.on("resume", function () {
if (this.listeners("*").length) {
this.emit("*", ev, entry)
this.emit(ev, entry)
// Zero-byte entry. End immediately.
if (entry.props.size === 0) {
this._entry = null