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278 lines
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var mkdir = require("mkdirp")
, assert = require("assert")
, git = require("../utils/git.js")
, once = require("once")
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, log = require("npmlog")
, path = require("path")
, url = require("url")
, chownr = require("chownr")
, zlib = require("zlib")
, crypto = require("crypto")
, npm = require("../npm.js")
, rm = require("../utils/gently-rm.js")
, inflight = require("inflight")
, locker = require("../utils/locker.js")
, lock = locker.lock
, unlock = locker.unlock
, getCacheStat = require("./get-stat.js")
, addLocalTarball = require("./add-local-tarball.js")
// 1. cacheDir = path.join(cache,'_git-remotes',sha1(u))
// 2. checkGitDir(cacheDir) ? 4. : 3. (rm cacheDir if necessary)
// 3. git clone --mirror u cacheDir
// 4. cd cacheDir && git fetch -a origin
// 5. git archive /tmp/random.tgz
// 6. addLocalTarball(/tmp/random.tgz) <gitref> --format=tar --prefix=package/
// silent flag is used if this should error quietly
module.exports = function addRemoteGit (u, silent, cb_) {
assert(typeof u === "string", "must have git URL")
assert(typeof cb_ === "function", "must have callback")
function cb (er, data) {
unlock(u, function () { cb_(er, data) })
cb_ = inflight(u, cb_)
if (!cb_) return
log.verbose("addRemoteGit", "u=%j silent=%j", u, silent)
var parsed = url.parse(u, true)
log.silly("addRemoteGit", "parsed", parsed)
// git is so tricky!
// if the path is like ssh://foo:22/some/path then it works, but
// it needs the ssh://
// If the path is like ssh://foo:some/path then it works, but
// only if you remove the ssh://
var origUrl = u
u = u.replace(/^git\+/, "")
.replace(/#.*$/, "")
// ssh paths that are scp-style urls don't need the ssh://
if (parsed.pathname.match(/^\/?:/)) {
u = u.replace(/^ssh:\/\//, "")
lock(u, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// figure out what we should check out.
var co = parsed.hash && parsed.hash.substr(1) || "master"
var v = crypto.createHash("sha1").update(u).digest("hex").slice(0, 8)
v = u.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, "-")+"-"+v
log.verbose("addRemoteGit", [u, co])
var p = path.join(npm.config.get("cache"), "_git-remotes", v)
checkGitDir(p, u, co, origUrl, silent, function(er, data) {
addModeRecursive(p, npm.modes.file, function(erAddMode) {
if (er) return cb(er, data)
return cb(erAddMode, data)
function checkGitDir (p, u, co, origUrl, silent, cb) {
fs.stat(p, function (er, s) {
if (er) return cloneGitRemote(p, u, co, origUrl, silent, cb)
if (!s.isDirectory()) return rm(p, function (er){
if (er) return cb(er)
cloneGitRemote(p, u, co, origUrl, silent, cb)
var args = [ "config", "--get", "remote.origin.url" ]
var env = gitEnv()
// check for git
git.whichAndExec(args, {cwd: p, env: env}, function (er, stdout, stderr) {
var stdoutTrimmed = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim()
if (er || u !== stdout.trim()) {
log.warn( "`git config --get remote.origin.url` returned "
+ "wrong result ("+u+")", stdoutTrimmed )
return rm(p, function (er){
if (er) return cb(er)
cloneGitRemote(p, u, co, origUrl, silent, cb)
log.verbose("git remote.origin.url", stdoutTrimmed)
archiveGitRemote(p, u, co, origUrl, cb)
function cloneGitRemote (p, u, co, origUrl, silent, cb) {
mkdir(p, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var args = [ "clone", "--mirror", u, p ]
var env = gitEnv()
// check for git
git.whichAndExec(args, {cwd: p, env: env}, function (er, stdout, stderr) {
stdout = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim()
if (er) {
if (silent) {
log.verbose("git clone " + u, stdout)
} else {
log.error("git clone " + u, stdout)
return cb(er)
log.verbose("git clone " + u, stdout)
archiveGitRemote(p, u, co, origUrl, cb)
function archiveGitRemote (p, u, co, origUrl, cb) {
var archive = [ "fetch", "-a", "origin" ]
var resolve = [ "rev-list", "-n1", co ]
var env = gitEnv()
var resolved = null
var tmp
git.whichAndExec(archive, {cwd: p, env: env}, function (er, stdout, stderr) {
stdout = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim()
if (er) {
log.error("git fetch -a origin ("+u+")", stdout)
return cb(er)
log.verbose("git fetch -a origin ("+u+")", stdout)
tmp = path.join(npm.tmp,"-"+Math.random(), "tmp.tgz")
function verifyOwnership() {
if (process.platform === "win32") {
log.silly("verifyOwnership", "skipping for windows")
} else {
getCacheStat(function(er, cs) {
if (er) {
log.error("Could not get cache stat")
return cb(er)
chownr(p, cs.uid, cs.gid, function(er) {
if (er) {
log.error("Failed to change folder ownership under npm cache for %s", p)
return cb(er)
function resolveHead () {
git.whichAndExec(resolve, {cwd: p, env: env}, function (er, stdout, stderr) {
stdout = (stdout + "\n" + stderr).trim()
if (er) {
log.error("Failed resolving git HEAD (" + u + ")", stderr)
return cb(er)
log.verbose("git rev-list -n1 " + co, stdout)
var parsed = url.parse(origUrl)
parsed.hash = stdout
resolved = url.format(parsed)
if (parsed.protocol !== "git:") {
resolved = "git+" + resolved
// node incorrectly sticks a / at the start of the path
// We know that the host won't change, so split and detect this
var spo = origUrl.split(
var spr = resolved.split(
if (spo[1].charAt(0) === ":" && spr[1].charAt(0) === "/")
spr[1] = spr[1].slice(1)
resolved = spr.join(
log.verbose("resolved git url", resolved)
function next () {
mkdir(path.dirname(tmp), function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var gzip = zlib.createGzip({ level: 9 })
var args = ["archive", co, "--format=tar", "--prefix=package/"]
var out = fs.createWriteStream(tmp)
var env = gitEnv()
cb = once(cb)
var cp = git.spawn(args, { env: env, cwd: p })
cp.on("error", cb)
cp.stderr.on("data", function(chunk) {
log.silly(chunk.toString(), "git archive")
cp.stdout.pipe(gzip).pipe(out).on("close", function() {
addLocalTarball(tmp, null, null, function(er, data) {
if (data) data._resolved = resolved
cb(er, data)
var gitEnv_
function gitEnv () {
// git responds to env vars in some weird ways in post-receive hooks
// so don't carry those along.
if (gitEnv_) return gitEnv_
gitEnv_ = {}
for (var k in process.env) {
if (!~["GIT_PROXY_COMMAND","GIT_SSH","GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY"].indexOf(k) && k.match(/^GIT/)) continue
gitEnv_[k] = process.env[k]
return gitEnv_
// similar to chmodr except it add permissions rather than overwriting them
// adapted from
function addModeRecursive(p, mode, cb) {
fs.readdir(p, function (er, children) {
// Any error other than ENOTDIR means it's not readable, or doesn't exist.
// Give up.
if (er && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
if (er || !children.length) return addMode(p, mode, cb)
var len = children.length
var errState = null
children.forEach(function (child) {
addModeRecursive(path.resolve(p, child), mode, then)
function then (er) {
if (errState) return undefined
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (--len === 0) return addMode(p, dirMode(mode), cb)
function addMode(p, mode, cb) {
fs.stat(p, function (er, stats) {
if (er) return cb(er)
mode = stats.mode | mode
fs.chmod(p, mode, cb)
// taken from
function dirMode(mode) {
if (mode & parseInt("0400", 8)) mode |= parseInt("0100", 8)
if (mode & parseInt( "040", 8)) mode |= parseInt( "010", 8)
if (mode & parseInt( "04", 8)) mode |= parseInt( "01", 8)
return mode