You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

98 lines
3.2 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
// does node think that i18n was enabled?
let enablei18n = process.config.variables.v8_enable_i18n_support;
if (enablei18n === undefined) {
enablei18n = 0;
// Returns true if no specific locale ids were configured (i.e. "all")
// Else, returns true if loc is in the configured list
// Else, returns false
function haveLocale(loc) {
const locs = process.config.variables.icu_locales.split(',');
return locs.indexOf(loc) !== -1;
// Always run these. They should always pass, even if the locale
// param is ignored.
assert.strictEqual('Ç'.toLocaleLowerCase('el'), 'ç');
assert.strictEqual('Ç'.toLocaleLowerCase('tr'), 'ç');
assert.strictEqual('Ç'.toLowerCase(), 'ç');
assert.strictEqual('ç'.toLocaleUpperCase('el'), 'Ç');
assert.strictEqual('ç'.toLocaleUpperCase('tr'), 'Ç');
assert.strictEqual('ç'.toUpperCase(), 'Ç');
if (!common.hasIntl) {
const erMsg =
'"Intl" object is NOT present but v8_enable_i18n_support is ' +
assert.strictEqual(enablei18n, 0, erMsg);
common.skip('Intl tests because Intl object not present.');
} else {
const erMsg =
'"Intl" object is present but v8_enable_i18n_support is ' +
enablei18n +
'. Is this test out of date?';
assert.strictEqual(enablei18n, 1, erMsg);
// Construct a new date at the beginning of Unix time
const date0 = new Date(0);
// Use the GMT time zone
const GMT = 'Etc/GMT';
// Construct an English formatter. Should format to "Jan 70"
const dtf =
new Intl.DateTimeFormat(['en'],
{timeZone: GMT, month: 'short', year: '2-digit'});
// If list is specified and doesn't contain 'en' then return.
if (process.config.variables.icu_locales && !haveLocale('en')) {
common.skip('detailed Intl tests because English is not ' +
'listed as supported.');
// Smoke test. Does it format anything, or fail?
console.log('Date(0) formatted to: ' + dtf.format(date0));
// Check casing
assert.strictEqual('I'.toLocaleLowerCase('tr'), 'ı');
// Check with toLocaleString
const localeString = dtf.format(date0);
assert.strictEqual(localeString, 'Jan 70');
// Options to request GMT
const optsGMT = {timeZone: GMT};
// Test format
const localeString = date0.toLocaleString(['en'], optsGMT);
assert.strictEqual(localeString, '1/1/1970, 12:00:00 AM');
// number format
const numberFormat = new Intl.NumberFormat(['en']).format(12345.67890);
assert.strictEqual(numberFormat, '12,345.679');
const collOpts = { sensitivity: 'base', ignorePunctuation: true };
const coll = new Intl.Collator(['en'], collOpts);
assert.strictEqual('blackbird', 'black-bird'), 0,
'ignore punctuation failed');
assert.strictEqual('blackbird', 'red-bird'), -1,
'compare less failed');
assert.strictEqual('bluebird', 'blackbird'), 1,
'compare greater failed');
assert.strictEqual('Bluebird', 'bluebird'), 0,
'ignore case failed');
assert.strictEqual('\ufb03', 'ffi'), 0,
'ffi ligature (contraction) failed');