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// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file relies on the fact that the following declarations have been made
// in runtime.js:
// var $Object = global.Object;
// var $Boolean = global.Boolean;
// var $Number = global.Number;
// var $Function = global.Function;
// var $Array = global.Array;
// in math.js:
// var $floor = MathFloor
var $isNaN = GlobalIsNaN;
var $isFinite = GlobalIsFinite;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper function used to install functions on objects.
function InstallFunctions(object, attributes, functions) {
if (functions.length >= 8) {
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(object, functions.length >> 1);
for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i += 2) {
var key = functions[i];
var f = functions[i + 1];
%FunctionSetName(f, key);
%AddNamedProperty(object, key, f, attributes);
// Helper function to install a getter-only accessor property.
function InstallGetter(object, name, getter) {
%FunctionSetName(getter, name);
%DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked(object, name, getter, null, DONT_ENUM);
// Helper function to install a getter/setter accessor property.
function InstallGetterSetter(object, name, getter, setter) {
%FunctionSetName(getter, name);
%FunctionSetName(setter, name);
%DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked(object, name, getter, setter, DONT_ENUM);
// Helper function for installing constant properties on objects.
function InstallConstants(object, constants) {
if (constants.length >= 4) {
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(object, constants.length >> 1);
var attributes = DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY;
for (var i = 0; i < constants.length; i += 2) {
var name = constants[i];
var k = constants[i + 1];
%AddNamedProperty(object, name, k, attributes);
// Prevents changes to the prototype of a built-in function.
// The "prototype" property of the function object is made non-configurable,
// and the prototype object is made non-extensible. The latter prevents
// changing the __proto__ property.
function SetUpLockedPrototype(constructor, fields, methods) {
var prototype = constructor.prototype;
// Install functions first, because this function is used to initialize
// PropertyDescriptor itself.
var property_count = (methods.length >> 1) + (fields ? fields.length : 0);
if (property_count >= 4) {
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties(prototype, property_count);
if (fields) {
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
%AddNamedProperty(prototype, fields[i],
for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i += 2) {
var key = methods[i];
var f = methods[i + 1];
%AddNamedProperty(prototype, key, f, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
%InternalSetPrototype(prototype, null);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ECMA 262 - 15.1.4
function GlobalIsNaN(number) {
if (!IS_NUMBER(number)) number = NonNumberToNumber(number);
return NUMBER_IS_NAN(number);
// ECMA 262 - 15.1.5
function GlobalIsFinite(number) {
if (!IS_NUMBER(number)) number = NonNumberToNumber(number);
return NUMBER_IS_FINITE(number);
// ECMA-262 -
function GlobalParseInt(string, radix) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(radix) || radix === 10 || radix === 0) {
// Some people use parseInt instead of Math.floor. This
// optimization makes parseInt on a Smi 12 times faster (60ns
// vs 800ns). The following optimization makes parseInt on a
// non-Smi number 9 times faster (230ns vs 2070ns). Together
// they make parseInt on a string 1.4% slower (274ns vs 270ns).
if (%_IsSmi(string)) return string;
if (IS_NUMBER(string) &&
((0.01 < string && string < 1e9) ||
(-1e9 < string && string < -0.01))) {
// Truncate number.
return string | 0;
string = TO_STRING_INLINE(string);
radix = radix | 0;
} else {
// The spec says ToString should be evaluated before ToInt32.
string = TO_STRING_INLINE(string);
radix = TO_INT32(radix);
if (!(radix == 0 || (2 <= radix && radix <= 36))) {
return NAN;
if (%_HasCachedArrayIndex(string) &&
(radix == 0 || radix == 10)) {
return %_GetCachedArrayIndex(string);
return %StringParseInt(string, radix);
// ECMA-262 -
function GlobalParseFloat(string) {
string = TO_STRING_INLINE(string);
if (%_HasCachedArrayIndex(string)) return %_GetCachedArrayIndex(string);
return %StringParseFloat(string);
function GlobalEval(x) {
if (!IS_STRING(x)) return x;
// For consistency with JSC we require the global object passed to
// eval to be the global object from which 'eval' originated. This
// is not mandated by the spec.
// We only throw if the global has been detached, since we need the
// receiver as this-value for the call.
if (!%IsAttachedGlobal(global)) {
throw new $EvalError('The "this" value passed to eval must ' +
'be the global object from which eval originated');
var global_proxy = %GlobalProxy(global);
var f = %CompileString(x, false);
if (!IS_FUNCTION(f)) return f;
return %_CallFunction(global_proxy, f);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set up global object.
function SetUpGlobal() {
var attributes = DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY;
// ECMA 262 -
%AddNamedProperty(global, "NaN", NAN, attributes);
// ECMA-262 -
%AddNamedProperty(global, "Infinity", INFINITY, attributes);
// ECMA-262 -
%AddNamedProperty(global, "undefined", UNDEFINED, attributes);
// Set up non-enumerable function on the global object.
InstallFunctions(global, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"isNaN", GlobalIsNaN,
"isFinite", GlobalIsFinite,
"parseInt", GlobalParseInt,
"parseFloat", GlobalParseFloat,
"eval", GlobalEval
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object
var DefaultObjectToString = NoSideEffectsObjectToString;
// ECMA-262 -
function NoSideEffectsObjectToString() {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(this) && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(this)) return "[object Undefined]";
if (IS_NULL(this)) return "[object Null]";
return "[object " + %_ClassOf(ToObject(this)) + "]";
// ECMA-262 -
function ObjectToLocaleString() {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Object.prototype.toLocaleString");
return this.toString();
// ECMA-262 -
function ObjectValueOf() {
return ToObject(this);
// ECMA-262 -
function ObjectHasOwnProperty(V) {
if (%_IsJSProxy(this)) {
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(V)) return false;
var handler = %GetHandler(this);
return CallTrap1(handler, "hasOwn", DerivedHasOwnTrap, ToName(V));
return %HasOwnProperty(TO_OBJECT_INLINE(this), ToName(V));
// ECMA-262 -
function ObjectIsPrototypeOf(V) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(V)) return false;
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf");
return %IsInPrototypeChain(this, V);
// ECMA-262 -
function ObjectPropertyIsEnumerable(V) {
var P = ToName(V);
if (%_IsJSProxy(this)) {
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(V)) return false;
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(this, P);
return IS_UNDEFINED(desc) ? false : desc.isEnumerable();
return %IsPropertyEnumerable(ToObject(this), P);
// Extensions for providing property getters and setters.
function ObjectDefineGetter(name, fun) {
var receiver = this;
if (receiver == null && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(receiver)) {
receiver = %GlobalProxy(global);
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(fun)) {
throw new $TypeError(
'Object.prototype.__defineGetter__: Expecting function');
var desc = new PropertyDescriptor();
DefineOwnProperty(ToObject(receiver), ToName(name), desc, false);
function ObjectLookupGetter(name) {
var receiver = this;
if (receiver == null && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(receiver)) {
receiver = %GlobalProxy(global);
return %LookupAccessor(ToObject(receiver), ToName(name), GETTER);
function ObjectDefineSetter(name, fun) {
var receiver = this;
if (receiver == null && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(receiver)) {
receiver = %GlobalProxy(global);
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(fun)) {
throw new $TypeError(
'Object.prototype.__defineSetter__: Expecting function');
var desc = new PropertyDescriptor();
DefineOwnProperty(ToObject(receiver), ToName(name), desc, false);
function ObjectLookupSetter(name) {
var receiver = this;
if (receiver == null && !IS_UNDETECTABLE(receiver)) {
receiver = %GlobalProxy(global);
return %LookupAccessor(ToObject(receiver), ToName(name), SETTER);
function ObjectKeys(obj) {
obj = ToObject(obj);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var names = CallTrap0(handler, "keys", DerivedKeysTrap);
return ToNameArray(names, "keys", false);
return %OwnKeys(obj);
// ES5 8.10.1.
function IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return false;
return desc.hasGetter() || desc.hasSetter();
// ES5 8.10.2.
function IsDataDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return false;
return desc.hasValue() || desc.hasWritable();
// ES5 8.10.3.
function IsGenericDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return false;
return !(IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) || IsDataDescriptor(desc));
function IsInconsistentDescriptor(desc) {
return IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) && IsDataDescriptor(desc);
// ES5 8.10.4
function FromPropertyDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return desc;
if (IsDataDescriptor(desc)) {
return { value: desc.getValue(),
writable: desc.isWritable(),
enumerable: desc.isEnumerable(),
configurable: desc.isConfigurable() };
// Must be an AccessorDescriptor then. We never return a generic descriptor.
return { get: desc.getGet(),
set: desc.getSet(),
enumerable: desc.isEnumerable(),
configurable: desc.isConfigurable() };
// Harmony Proxies
function FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return desc;
var obj = new $Object();
if (desc.hasValue()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "value", desc.getValue(), NONE);
if (desc.hasWritable()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "writable", desc.isWritable(), NONE);
if (desc.hasGetter()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "get", desc.getGet(), NONE);
if (desc.hasSetter()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "set", desc.getSet(), NONE);
if (desc.hasEnumerable()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "enumerable", desc.isEnumerable(), NONE);
if (desc.hasConfigurable()) {
%AddNamedProperty(obj, "configurable", desc.isConfigurable(), NONE);
return obj;
// ES5 8.10.5.
function ToPropertyDescriptor(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("property_desc_object", [obj]);
var desc = new PropertyDescriptor();
if ("enumerable" in obj) {
if ("configurable" in obj) {
if ("value" in obj) {
if ("writable" in obj) {
if ("get" in obj) {
var get = obj.get;
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(get) && !IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(get)) {
throw MakeTypeError("getter_must_be_callable", [get]);
if ("set" in obj) {
var set = obj.set;
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(set) && !IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(set)) {
throw MakeTypeError("setter_must_be_callable", [set]);
if (IsInconsistentDescriptor(desc)) {
throw MakeTypeError("value_and_accessor", [obj]);
return desc;
// For Harmony proxies.
function ToCompletePropertyDescriptor(obj) {
var desc = ToPropertyDescriptor(obj);
if (IsGenericDescriptor(desc) || IsDataDescriptor(desc)) {
if (!desc.hasValue()) desc.setValue(UNDEFINED);
if (!desc.hasWritable()) desc.setWritable(false);
} else {
// Is accessor descriptor.
if (!desc.hasGetter()) desc.setGet(UNDEFINED);
if (!desc.hasSetter()) desc.setSet(UNDEFINED);
if (!desc.hasEnumerable()) desc.setEnumerable(false);
if (!desc.hasConfigurable()) desc.setConfigurable(false);
return desc;
function PropertyDescriptor() {
// Initialize here so they are all in-object and have the same map.
// Default values from ES5 8.6.1.
this.value_ = UNDEFINED;
this.hasValue_ = false;
this.writable_ = false;
this.hasWritable_ = false;
this.enumerable_ = false;
this.hasEnumerable_ = false;
this.configurable_ = false;
this.hasConfigurable_ = false;
this.get_ = UNDEFINED;
this.hasGetter_ = false;
this.set_ = UNDEFINED;
this.hasSetter_ = false;
SetUpLockedPrototype(PropertyDescriptor, $Array(
), $Array(
"toString", function PropertyDescriptor_ToString() {
return "[object PropertyDescriptor]";
"setValue", function PropertyDescriptor_SetValue(value) {
this.value_ = value;
this.hasValue_ = true;
"getValue", function PropertyDescriptor_GetValue() {
return this.value_;
"hasValue", function PropertyDescriptor_HasValue() {
return this.hasValue_;
"setEnumerable", function PropertyDescriptor_SetEnumerable(enumerable) {
this.enumerable_ = enumerable;
this.hasEnumerable_ = true;
"isEnumerable", function PropertyDescriptor_IsEnumerable() {
return this.enumerable_;
"hasEnumerable", function PropertyDescriptor_HasEnumerable() {
return this.hasEnumerable_;
"setWritable", function PropertyDescriptor_SetWritable(writable) {
this.writable_ = writable;
this.hasWritable_ = true;
"isWritable", function PropertyDescriptor_IsWritable() {
return this.writable_;
"hasWritable", function PropertyDescriptor_HasWritable() {
return this.hasWritable_;
function PropertyDescriptor_SetConfigurable(configurable) {
this.configurable_ = configurable;
this.hasConfigurable_ = true;
"hasConfigurable", function PropertyDescriptor_HasConfigurable() {
return this.hasConfigurable_;
"isConfigurable", function PropertyDescriptor_IsConfigurable() {
return this.configurable_;
"setGet", function PropertyDescriptor_SetGetter(get) {
this.get_ = get;
this.hasGetter_ = true;
"getGet", function PropertyDescriptor_GetGetter() {
return this.get_;
"hasGetter", function PropertyDescriptor_HasGetter() {
return this.hasGetter_;
"setSet", function PropertyDescriptor_SetSetter(set) {
this.set_ = set;
this.hasSetter_ = true;
"getSet", function PropertyDescriptor_GetSetter() {
return this.set_;
"hasSetter", function PropertyDescriptor_HasSetter() {
return this.hasSetter_;
// Converts an array returned from Runtime_GetOwnProperty to an actual
// property descriptor. For a description of the array layout please
// see the runtime.cc file.
function ConvertDescriptorArrayToDescriptor(desc_array) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc_array)) {
var desc = new PropertyDescriptor();
// This is an accessor.
if (desc_array[IS_ACCESSOR_INDEX]) {
} else {
return desc;
// For Harmony proxies.
function GetTrap(handler, name, defaultTrap) {
var trap = handler[name];
if (IS_UNDEFINED(trap)) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(defaultTrap)) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_trap_missing", [handler, name]);
trap = defaultTrap;
} else if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(trap)) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_trap_must_be_callable", [handler, name]);
return trap;
function CallTrap0(handler, name, defaultTrap) {
return %_CallFunction(handler, GetTrap(handler, name, defaultTrap));
function CallTrap1(handler, name, defaultTrap, x) {
return %_CallFunction(handler, x, GetTrap(handler, name, defaultTrap));
function CallTrap2(handler, name, defaultTrap, x, y) {
return %_CallFunction(handler, x, y, GetTrap(handler, name, defaultTrap));
// ES5 section 8.12.1.
function GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, v) {
var p = ToName(v);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(v)) return UNDEFINED;
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var descriptor = CallTrap1(
handler, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", UNDEFINED, p);
if (IS_UNDEFINED(descriptor)) return descriptor;
var desc = ToCompletePropertyDescriptor(descriptor);
if (!desc.isConfigurable()) {
throw MakeTypeError("proxy_prop_not_configurable",
[handler, "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", p, descriptor]);
return desc;
// GetOwnProperty returns an array indexed by the constants
// defined in macros.py.
// If p is not a property on obj undefined is returned.
var props = %GetOwnProperty(ToObject(obj), p);
return ConvertDescriptorArrayToDescriptor(props);
// ES5 section 8.12.7.
function Delete(obj, p, should_throw) {
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, p);
if (IS_UNDEFINED(desc)) return true;
if (desc.isConfigurable()) {
%DeleteProperty(obj, p, 0);
return true;
} else if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("define_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
// Harmony proxies.
function DefineProxyProperty(obj, p, attributes, should_throw) {
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(p)) return false;
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var result = CallTrap2(handler, "defineProperty", UNDEFINED, p, attributes);
if (!ToBoolean(result)) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_returned_false",
[handler, "defineProperty"]);
} else {
return false;
return true;
// ES5 8.12.9.
function DefineObjectProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw) {
var current_array = %GetOwnProperty(ToObject(obj), ToName(p));
var current = ConvertDescriptorArrayToDescriptor(current_array);
var extensible = %IsExtensible(ToObject(obj));
// Error handling according to spec.
// Step 3
if (IS_UNDEFINED(current) && !extensible) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("define_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(current)) {
// Step 5 and 6
if ((IsGenericDescriptor(desc) ||
IsDataDescriptor(desc) == IsDataDescriptor(current)) &&
(!desc.hasEnumerable() ||
SameValue(desc.isEnumerable(), current.isEnumerable())) &&
(!desc.hasConfigurable() ||
SameValue(desc.isConfigurable(), current.isConfigurable())) &&
(!desc.hasWritable() ||
SameValue(desc.isWritable(), current.isWritable())) &&
(!desc.hasValue() ||
SameValue(desc.getValue(), current.getValue())) &&
(!desc.hasGetter() ||
SameValue(desc.getGet(), current.getGet())) &&
(!desc.hasSetter() ||
SameValue(desc.getSet(), current.getSet()))) {
return true;
if (!current.isConfigurable()) {
// Step 7
if (desc.isConfigurable() ||
(desc.hasEnumerable() &&
desc.isEnumerable() != current.isEnumerable())) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
// Step 8
if (!IsGenericDescriptor(desc)) {
// Step 9a
if (IsDataDescriptor(current) != IsDataDescriptor(desc)) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
// Step 10a
if (IsDataDescriptor(current) && IsDataDescriptor(desc)) {
if (!current.isWritable() && desc.isWritable()) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
if (!current.isWritable() && desc.hasValue() &&
!SameValue(desc.getValue(), current.getValue())) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
// Step 11
if (IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) && IsAccessorDescriptor(current)) {
if (desc.hasSetter() && !SameValue(desc.getSet(), current.getSet())) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
if (desc.hasGetter() && !SameValue(desc.getGet(),current.getGet())) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
// Send flags - enumerable and configurable are common - writable is
// only send to the data descriptor.
// Take special care if enumerable and configurable is not defined on
// desc (we need to preserve the existing values from current).
var flag = NONE;
if (desc.hasEnumerable()) {
flag |= desc.isEnumerable() ? 0 : DONT_ENUM;
} else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(current)) {
flag |= current.isEnumerable() ? 0 : DONT_ENUM;
} else {
flag |= DONT_ENUM;
if (desc.hasConfigurable()) {
flag |= desc.isConfigurable() ? 0 : DONT_DELETE;
} else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(current)) {
flag |= current.isConfigurable() ? 0 : DONT_DELETE;
} else
flag |= DONT_DELETE;
if (IsDataDescriptor(desc) ||
(IsGenericDescriptor(desc) &&
(IS_UNDEFINED(current) || IsDataDescriptor(current)))) {
// There are 3 cases that lead here:
// Step 4a - defining a new data property.
// Steps 9b & 12 - replacing an existing accessor property with a data
// property.
// Step 12 - updating an existing data property with a data or generic
// descriptor.
if (desc.hasWritable()) {
flag |= desc.isWritable() ? 0 : READ_ONLY;
} else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(current)) {
flag |= current.isWritable() ? 0 : READ_ONLY;
} else {
flag |= READ_ONLY;
var value = UNDEFINED; // Default value is undefined.
if (desc.hasValue()) {
value = desc.getValue();
} else if (!IS_UNDEFINED(current) && IsDataDescriptor(current)) {
value = current.getValue();
%DefineDataPropertyUnchecked(obj, p, value, flag);
} else {
// There are 3 cases that lead here:
// Step 4b - defining a new accessor property.
// Steps 9c & 12 - replacing an existing data property with an accessor
// property.
// Step 12 - updating an existing accessor property with an accessor
// descriptor.
var getter = null;
if (desc.hasGetter()) {
getter = desc.getGet();
} else if (IsAccessorDescriptor(current) && current.hasGetter()) {
getter = current.getGet();
var setter = null;
if (desc.hasSetter()) {
setter = desc.getSet();
} else if (IsAccessorDescriptor(current) && current.hasSetter()) {
setter = current.getSet();
%DefineAccessorPropertyUnchecked(obj, p, getter, setter, flag);
return true;
// ES5 section
function DefineArrayProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw) {
// Note that the length of an array is not actually stored as part of the
// property, hence we use generated code throughout this function instead of
// DefineObjectProperty() to modify its value.
// Step 3 - Special handling for length property.
if (p === "length") {
var length = obj.length;
var old_length = length;
if (!desc.hasValue()) {
return DefineObjectProperty(obj, "length", desc, should_throw);
var new_length = ToUint32(desc.getValue());
if (new_length != ToNumber(desc.getValue())) {
throw new $RangeError('defineProperty() array length out of range');
var length_desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, "length");
if (new_length != length && !length_desc.isWritable()) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
var threw = false;
var emit_splice = %IsObserved(obj) && new_length !== old_length;
var removed;
if (emit_splice) {
removed = [];
if (new_length < old_length)
removed.length = old_length - new_length;
while (new_length < length--) {
var index = ToString(length);
if (emit_splice) {
var deletedDesc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, index);
if (deletedDesc && deletedDesc.hasValue())
removed[length - new_length] = deletedDesc.getValue();
if (!Delete(obj, index, false)) {
new_length = length + 1;
threw = true;
// Make sure the below call to DefineObjectProperty() doesn't overwrite
// any magic "length" property by removing the value.
// TODO(mstarzinger): This hack should be removed once we have addressed the
// respective TODO in Runtime_DefineDataPropertyUnchecked.
// For the time being, we need a hack to prevent Object.observe from
// generating two change records.
obj.length = new_length;
desc.value_ = UNDEFINED;
desc.hasValue_ = false;
threw = !DefineObjectProperty(obj, "length", desc, should_throw) || threw;
if (emit_splice) {
new_length < old_length ? new_length : old_length,
new_length > old_length ? new_length - old_length : 0);
if (threw) {
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("redefine_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
return true;
// Step 4 - Special handling for array index.
if (!IS_SYMBOL(p)) {
var index = ToUint32(p);
var emit_splice = false;
if (ToString(index) == p && index != 4294967295) {
var length = obj.length;
if (index >= length && %IsObserved(obj)) {
emit_splice = true;
var length_desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, "length");
if ((index >= length && !length_desc.isWritable()) ||
!DefineObjectProperty(obj, p, desc, true)) {
if (emit_splice)
if (should_throw) {
throw MakeTypeError("define_disallowed", [p]);
} else {
return false;
if (index >= length) {
obj.length = index + 1;
if (emit_splice) {
EnqueueSpliceRecord(obj, length, [], index + 1 - length);
return true;
// Step 5 - Fallback to default implementation.
return DefineObjectProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw);
// ES5 section 8.12.9, ES5 section and Harmony proxies.
function DefineOwnProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw) {
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(p)) return false;
var attributes = FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc);
return DefineProxyProperty(obj, p, attributes, should_throw);
} else if (IS_ARRAY(obj)) {
return DefineArrayProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw);
} else {
return DefineObjectProperty(obj, p, desc, should_throw);
// ES5 section
function ObjectGetPrototypeOf(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.getPrototypeOf"]);
return %GetPrototype(obj);
// ES6 section
function ObjectSetPrototypeOf(obj, proto) {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(obj, "Object.setPrototypeOf");
if (proto !== null && !IS_SPEC_OBJECT(proto)) {
throw MakeTypeError("proto_object_or_null", [proto]);
if (IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
%SetPrototype(obj, proto);
return obj;
// ES5 section
function ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, p) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object",
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, p);
return FromPropertyDescriptor(desc);
// For Harmony proxies
function ToNameArray(obj, trap, includeSymbols) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("proxy_non_object_prop_names", [obj, trap]);
var n = ToUint32(obj.length);
var array = new $Array(n);
var realLength = 0;
var names = { __proto__: null }; // TODO(rossberg): use sets once ready.
for (var index = 0; index < n; index++) {
var s = ToName(obj[index]);
// TODO(rossberg): adjust once there is a story for symbols vs proxies.
if (IS_SYMBOL(s) && !includeSymbols) continue;
if (%HasOwnProperty(names, s)) {
throw MakeTypeError("proxy_repeated_prop_name", [obj, trap, s]);
array[index] = s;
names[s] = 0;
array.length = realLength;
return array;
function ObjectGetOwnPropertyKeys(obj, filter) {
var nameArrays = new InternalArray();
// Find all the indexed properties.
// Only get own element names if we want to include string keys.
if ((filter & PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES_STRING) === 0) {
var ownElementNames = %GetOwnElementNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < ownElementNames.length; ++i) {
ownElementNames[i] = %_NumberToString(ownElementNames[i]);
// Get names for indexed interceptor properties.
var interceptorInfo = %GetInterceptorInfo(obj);
if ((interceptorInfo & 1) != 0) {
var indexedInterceptorNames = %GetIndexedInterceptorElementNames(obj);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(indexedInterceptorNames)) {
// Find all the named properties.
// Get own property names.
nameArrays.push(%GetOwnPropertyNames(obj, filter));
// Get names for named interceptor properties if any.
if ((interceptorInfo & 2) != 0) {
var namedInterceptorNames =
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(namedInterceptorNames)) {
var propertyNames =
nameArrays[0], nameArrays, 1, nameArrays.length - 1);
// Property names are expected to be unique strings,
// but interceptors can interfere with that assumption.
if (interceptorInfo != 0) {
var seenKeys = { __proto__: null };
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propertyNames[i];
if (IS_SYMBOL(name)) {
} else {
if (filter & PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES_STRING) continue;
name = ToString(name);
if (seenKeys[name]) continue;
seenKeys[name] = true;
propertyNames[j++] = name;
propertyNames.length = j;
return propertyNames;
// ES5 section
function ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj) {
obj = ToObject(obj);
// Special handling for proxies.
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var names = CallTrap0(handler, "getOwnPropertyNames", UNDEFINED);
return ToNameArray(names, "getOwnPropertyNames", false);
return ObjectGetOwnPropertyKeys(obj, PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES_SYMBOLIC);
// ES5 section
function ObjectCreate(proto, properties) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(proto) && proto !== null) {
throw MakeTypeError("proto_object_or_null", [proto]);
var obj = {};
%InternalSetPrototype(obj, proto);
if (!IS_UNDEFINED(properties)) ObjectDefineProperties(obj, properties);
return obj;
// ES5 section
function ObjectDefineProperty(obj, p, attributes) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.defineProperty"]);
var name = ToName(p);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
// Clone the attributes object for protection.
// TODO(rossberg): not spec'ed yet, so not sure if this should involve
// non-own properties as it does (or non-enumerable ones, as it doesn't?).
var attributesClone = { __proto__: null };
for (var a in attributes) {
attributesClone[a] = attributes[a];
DefineProxyProperty(obj, name, attributesClone, true);
// The following would implement the spec as in the current proposal,
// but after recent comments on es-discuss, is most likely obsolete.
var defineObj = FromGenericPropertyDescriptor(desc);
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(attributes);
var standardNames =
{value: 0, writable: 0, get: 0, set: 0, enumerable: 0, configurable: 0};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var N = names[i];
if (!(%HasOwnProperty(standardNames, N))) {
var attr = GetOwnPropertyJS(attributes, N);
DefineOwnProperty(descObj, N, attr, true);
// This is really confusing the types, but it is what the proxies spec
// currently requires:
desc = descObj;
} else {
var desc = ToPropertyDescriptor(attributes);
DefineOwnProperty(obj, name, desc, true);
return obj;
function GetOwnEnumerablePropertyNames(object) {
var names = new InternalArray();
for (var key in object) {
if (%HasOwnProperty(object, key)) {
var symbols = %GetOwnPropertyNames(object, filter);
for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; ++i) {
var symbol = symbols[i];
if (IS_SYMBOL(symbol)) {
var desc = ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, symbol);
if (desc.enumerable) names.push(symbol);
return names;
// ES5 section
function ObjectDefineProperties(obj, properties) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.defineProperties"]);
var props = ToObject(properties);
var names = GetOwnEnumerablePropertyNames(props);
var descriptors = new InternalArray();
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
DefineOwnProperty(obj, names[i], descriptors[i], true);
return obj;
// Harmony proxies.
function ProxyFix(obj) {
var handler = %GetHandler(obj);
var props = CallTrap0(handler, "fix", UNDEFINED);
if (IS_UNDEFINED(props)) {
throw MakeTypeError("handler_returned_undefined", [handler, "fix"]);
if (%IsJSFunctionProxy(obj)) {
var callTrap = %GetCallTrap(obj);
var constructTrap = %GetConstructTrap(obj);
var code = DelegateCallAndConstruct(callTrap, constructTrap);
%Fix(obj); // becomes a regular function
%SetCode(obj, code);
// TODO(rossberg): What about length and other properties? Not specified.
// We just put in some half-reasonable defaults for now.
var prototype = new $Object();
$Object.defineProperty(prototype, "constructor",
{value: obj, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true});
// TODO(v8:1530): defineProperty does not handle prototype and length.
%FunctionSetPrototype(obj, prototype);
obj.length = 0;
} else {
ObjectDefineProperties(obj, props);
// ES5 section
function ObjectSeal(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.seal"]);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, name);
if (desc.isConfigurable()) {
DefineOwnProperty(obj, name, desc, true);
return obj;
// ES5 section
function ObjectFreezeJS(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.freeze"]);
var isProxy = %_IsJSProxy(obj);
if (isProxy || %HasSloppyArgumentsElements(obj) || %IsObserved(obj)) {
if (isProxy) {
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, name);
if (desc.isWritable() || desc.isConfigurable()) {
if (IsDataDescriptor(desc)) desc.setWritable(false);
DefineOwnProperty(obj, name, desc, true);
} else {
// TODO(adamk): Is it worth going to this fast path if the
// object's properties are already in dictionary mode?
return obj;
// ES5 section
function ObjectPreventExtension(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.preventExtension"]);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
return obj;
// ES5 section
function ObjectIsSealed(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.isSealed"]);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
return false;
if (%IsExtensible(obj)) {
return false;
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, name);
if (desc.isConfigurable()) {
return false;
return true;
// ES5 section
function ObjectIsFrozen(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.isFrozen"]);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
return false;
if (%IsExtensible(obj)) {
return false;
var names = ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var desc = GetOwnPropertyJS(obj, name);
if (IsDataDescriptor(desc) && desc.isWritable()) return false;
if (desc.isConfigurable()) return false;
return true;
// ES5 section
function ObjectIsExtensible(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
throw MakeTypeError("called_on_non_object", ["Object.isExtensible"]);
if (%_IsJSProxy(obj)) {
return true;
return %IsExtensible(obj);
// ECMA-262, Edition 6, section
function ObjectIs(obj1, obj2) {
return SameValue(obj1, obj2);
// ECMA-262, Edition 6, section B.
function ObjectGetProto() {
return %GetPrototype(ToObject(this));
// ECMA-262, Edition 6, section B.
function ObjectSetProto(proto) {
CHECK_OBJECT_COERCIBLE(this, "Object.prototype.__proto__");
if ((IS_SPEC_OBJECT(proto) || IS_NULL(proto)) && IS_SPEC_OBJECT(this)) {
%SetPrototype(this, proto);
function ObjectConstructor(x) {
if (%_IsConstructCall()) {
if (x == null) return this;
return ToObject(x);
} else {
if (x == null) return { };
return ToObject(x);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Object
function SetUpObject() {
%SetCode($Object, ObjectConstructor);
%AddNamedProperty($Object.prototype, "constructor", $Object, DONT_ENUM);
// Set up non-enumerable functions on the Object.prototype object.
InstallFunctions($Object.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"toString", NoSideEffectsObjectToString,
"toLocaleString", ObjectToLocaleString,
"valueOf", ObjectValueOf,
"hasOwnProperty", ObjectHasOwnProperty,
"isPrototypeOf", ObjectIsPrototypeOf,
"propertyIsEnumerable", ObjectPropertyIsEnumerable,
"__defineGetter__", ObjectDefineGetter,
"__lookupGetter__", ObjectLookupGetter,
"__defineSetter__", ObjectDefineSetter,
"__lookupSetter__", ObjectLookupSetter
InstallGetterSetter($Object.prototype, "__proto__",
ObjectGetProto, ObjectSetProto);
// Set up non-enumerable functions in the Object object.
InstallFunctions($Object, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"keys", ObjectKeys,
"create", ObjectCreate,
"defineProperty", ObjectDefineProperty,
"defineProperties", ObjectDefineProperties,
"freeze", ObjectFreezeJS,
"getPrototypeOf", ObjectGetPrototypeOf,
"setPrototypeOf", ObjectSetPrototypeOf,
"getOwnPropertyDescriptor", ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor,
"getOwnPropertyNames", ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames,
// getOwnPropertySymbols is added in symbol.js.
"is", ObjectIs,
"isExtensible", ObjectIsExtensible,
"isFrozen", ObjectIsFrozen,
"isSealed", ObjectIsSealed,
"preventExtensions", ObjectPreventExtension,
"seal", ObjectSeal
// deliverChangeRecords, getNotifier, observe and unobserve are added
// in object-observe.js.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Boolean
function BooleanConstructor(x) {
if (%_IsConstructCall()) {
%_SetValueOf(this, ToBoolean(x));
} else {
return ToBoolean(x);
function BooleanToString() {
// NOTE: Both Boolean objects and values can enter here as
// 'this'. This is not as dictated by ECMA-262.
var b = this;
if (!IS_BOOLEAN(b)) {
throw new $TypeError('Boolean.prototype.toString is not generic');
b = %_ValueOf(b);
return b ? 'true' : 'false';
function BooleanValueOf() {
// NOTE: Both Boolean objects and values can enter here as
// 'this'. This is not as dictated by ECMA-262.
if (!IS_BOOLEAN(this) && !IS_BOOLEAN_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw new $TypeError('Boolean.prototype.valueOf is not generic');
return %_ValueOf(this);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SetUpBoolean () {
%SetCode($Boolean, BooleanConstructor);
%FunctionSetPrototype($Boolean, new $Boolean(false));
%AddNamedProperty($Boolean.prototype, "constructor", $Boolean, DONT_ENUM);
InstallFunctions($Boolean.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"toString", BooleanToString,
"valueOf", BooleanValueOf
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Number
function NumberConstructor(x) {
var value = %_ArgumentsLength() == 0 ? 0 : ToNumber(x);
if (%_IsConstructCall()) {
%_SetValueOf(this, value);
} else {
return value;
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberToString(radix) {
// NOTE: Both Number objects and values can enter here as
// 'this'. This is not as dictated by ECMA-262.
var number = this;
if (!IS_NUMBER(this)) {
if (!IS_NUMBER_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw new $TypeError('Number.prototype.toString is not generic');
// Get the value of this number in case it's an object.
number = %_ValueOf(this);
// Fast case: Convert number in radix 10.
if (IS_UNDEFINED(radix) || radix === 10) {
return %_NumberToString(number);
// Convert the radix to an integer and check the range.
radix = TO_INTEGER(radix);
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
throw new $RangeError('toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36');
// Convert the number to a string in the given radix.
return %NumberToRadixString(number, radix);
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberToLocaleString() {
return %_CallFunction(this, NumberToString);
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberValueOf() {
// NOTE: Both Number objects and values can enter here as
// 'this'. This is not as dictated by ECMA-262.
if (!IS_NUMBER(this) && !IS_NUMBER_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw new $TypeError('Number.prototype.valueOf is not generic');
return %_ValueOf(this);
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberToFixedJS(fractionDigits) {
var x = this;
if (!IS_NUMBER(this)) {
if (!IS_NUMBER_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw MakeTypeError("incompatible_method_receiver",
["Number.prototype.toFixed", this]);
// Get the value of this number in case it's an object.
x = %_ValueOf(this);
var f = TO_INTEGER(fractionDigits);
if (f < 0 || f > 20) {
throw new $RangeError("toFixed() digits argument must be between 0 and 20");
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(x)) return "NaN";
if (x == INFINITY) return "Infinity";
if (x == -INFINITY) return "-Infinity";
return %NumberToFixed(x, f);
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberToExponentialJS(fractionDigits) {
var x = this;
if (!IS_NUMBER(this)) {
if (!IS_NUMBER_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw MakeTypeError("incompatible_method_receiver",
["Number.prototype.toExponential", this]);
// Get the value of this number in case it's an object.
x = %_ValueOf(this);
var f = IS_UNDEFINED(fractionDigits) ? UNDEFINED : TO_INTEGER(fractionDigits);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(x)) return "NaN";
if (x == INFINITY) return "Infinity";
if (x == -INFINITY) return "-Infinity";
if (IS_UNDEFINED(f)) {
f = -1; // Signal for runtime function that f is not defined.
} else if (f < 0 || f > 20) {
throw new $RangeError("toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 20");
return %NumberToExponential(x, f);
// ECMA-262 section
function NumberToPrecisionJS(precision) {
var x = this;
if (!IS_NUMBER(this)) {
if (!IS_NUMBER_WRAPPER(this)) {
throw MakeTypeError("incompatible_method_receiver",
["Number.prototype.toPrecision", this]);
// Get the value of this number in case it's an object.
x = %_ValueOf(this);
if (IS_UNDEFINED(precision)) return ToString(%_ValueOf(this));
var p = TO_INTEGER(precision);
if (NUMBER_IS_NAN(x)) return "NaN";
if (x == INFINITY) return "Infinity";
if (x == -INFINITY) return "-Infinity";
if (p < 1 || p > 21) {
throw new $RangeError("toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 21");
return %NumberToPrecision(x, p);
// Harmony isFinite.
function NumberIsFinite(number) {
return IS_NUMBER(number) && NUMBER_IS_FINITE(number);
// Harmony isInteger
function NumberIsInteger(number) {
return NumberIsFinite(number) && TO_INTEGER(number) == number;
// Harmony isNaN.
function NumberIsNaN(number) {
return IS_NUMBER(number) && NUMBER_IS_NAN(number);
// Harmony isSafeInteger
function NumberIsSafeInteger(number) {
if (NumberIsFinite(number)) {
var integral = TO_INTEGER(number);
if (integral == number)
return MathAbs(integral) <= $Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SetUpNumber() {
%SetCode($Number, NumberConstructor);
%FunctionSetPrototype($Number, new $Number(0));
%OptimizeObjectForAddingMultipleProperties($Number.prototype, 8);
// Set up the constructor property on the Number prototype object.
%AddNamedProperty($Number.prototype, "constructor", $Number, DONT_ENUM);
InstallConstants($Number, $Array(
// ECMA-262 section
"MAX_VALUE", 1.7976931348623157e+308,
// ECMA-262 section
"MIN_VALUE", 5e-324,
// ECMA-262 section
"NaN", NAN,
// ECMA-262 section
// ECMA-262 section
// --- Harmony constants (no spec refs until settled.)
"MAX_SAFE_INTEGER", %_MathPow(2, 53) - 1,
"MIN_SAFE_INTEGER", -%_MathPow(2, 53) + 1,
"EPSILON", %_MathPow(2, -52)
// Set up non-enumerable functions on the Number prototype object.
InstallFunctions($Number.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"toString", NumberToString,
"toLocaleString", NumberToLocaleString,
"valueOf", NumberValueOf,
"toFixed", NumberToFixedJS,
"toExponential", NumberToExponentialJS,
"toPrecision", NumberToPrecisionJS
// Harmony Number constructor additions
InstallFunctions($Number, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"isFinite", NumberIsFinite,
"isInteger", NumberIsInteger,
"isNaN", NumberIsNaN,
"isSafeInteger", NumberIsSafeInteger,
"parseInt", GlobalParseInt,
"parseFloat", GlobalParseFloat
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
function FunctionSourceString(func) {
while (%IsJSFunctionProxy(func)) {
func = %GetCallTrap(func);
if (!IS_FUNCTION(func)) {
throw new $TypeError('Function.prototype.toString is not generic');
var classSource = %ClassGetSourceCode(func);
if (IS_STRING(classSource)) {
return classSource;
var source = %FunctionGetSourceCode(func);
if (!IS_STRING(source) || %FunctionIsBuiltin(func)) {
var name = %FunctionGetName(func);
if (name) {
// Mimic what KJS does.
return 'function ' + name + '() { [native code] }';
} else {
return 'function () { [native code] }';
if (%FunctionIsArrow(func)) {
return source;
var name = %FunctionNameShouldPrintAsAnonymous(func)
? 'anonymous'
: %FunctionGetName(func);
var isGenerator = %FunctionIsGenerator(func);
var head = %FunctionIsConciseMethod(func)
? (isGenerator ? '*' : '')
: (isGenerator ? 'function* ' : 'function ');
return head + name + source;
function FunctionToString() {
return FunctionSourceString(this);
// ES5
function FunctionBind(this_arg) { // Length is 1.
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(this)) {
throw new $TypeError('Bind must be called on a function');
var boundFunction = function () {
// Poison .arguments and .caller, but is otherwise not detectable.
"use strict";
// This function must not use any object literals (Object, Array, RegExp),
// since the literals-array is being used to store the bound data.
if (%_IsConstructCall()) {
return %NewObjectFromBound(boundFunction);
var bindings = %BoundFunctionGetBindings(boundFunction);
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
if (argc == 0) {
return %Apply(bindings[0], bindings[1], bindings, 2, bindings.length - 2);
if (bindings.length === 2) {
return %Apply(bindings[0], bindings[1], arguments, 0, argc);
var bound_argc = bindings.length - 2;
var argv = new InternalArray(bound_argc + argc);
for (var i = 0; i < bound_argc; i++) {
argv[i] = bindings[i + 2];
for (var j = 0; j < argc; j++) {
argv[i++] = %_Arguments(j);
return %Apply(bindings[0], bindings[1], argv, 0, bound_argc + argc);
var new_length = 0;
var old_length = this.length;
// FunctionProxies might provide a non-UInt32 value. If so, ignore it.
if ((typeof old_length === "number") &&
((old_length >>> 0) === old_length)) {
var argc = %_ArgumentsLength();
if (argc > 0) argc--; // Don't count the thisArg as parameter.
new_length = old_length - argc;
if (new_length < 0) new_length = 0;
// This runtime function finds any remaining arguments on the stack,
// so we don't pass the arguments object.
var result = %FunctionBindArguments(boundFunction, this,
this_arg, new_length);
// We already have caller and arguments properties on functions,
// which are non-configurable. It therefore makes no sence to
// try to redefine these as defined by the spec. The spec says
// that bind should make these throw a TypeError if get or set
// is called and make them non-enumerable and non-configurable.
// To be consistent with our normal functions we leave this as it is.
// TODO(lrn): Do set these to be thrower.
return result;
function NewFunctionString(arguments, function_token) {
var n = arguments.length;
var p = '';
if (n > 1) {
p = ToString(arguments[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
p += ',' + ToString(arguments[i]);
// If the formal parameters string include ) - an illegal
// character - it may make the combined function expression
// compile. We avoid this problem by checking for this early on.
if (%_CallFunction(p, ')', StringIndexOfJS) != -1) {
throw MakeSyntaxError('paren_in_arg_string', []);
// If the formal parameters include an unbalanced block comment, the
// function must be rejected. Since JavaScript does not allow nested
// comments we can include a trailing block comment to catch this.
p += '\n/' + '**/';
var body = (n > 0) ? ToString(arguments[n - 1]) : '';
return '(' + function_token + '(' + p + ') {\n' + body + '\n})';
function FunctionConstructor(arg1) { // length == 1
var source = NewFunctionString(arguments, 'function');
var global_proxy = %GlobalProxy(global);
// Compile the string in the constructor and not a helper so that errors
// appear to come from here.
var f = %_CallFunction(global_proxy, %CompileString(source, true));
return f;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SetUpFunction() {
%SetCode($Function, FunctionConstructor);
%AddNamedProperty($Function.prototype, "constructor", $Function, DONT_ENUM);
InstallFunctions($Function.prototype, DONT_ENUM, $Array(
"bind", FunctionBind,
"toString", FunctionToString
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator related spec functions.
// ES6 rev 26, 2014-07-18
// 7.4.1 CheckIterable ( obj )
function ToIterable(obj) {
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(obj)) {
return obj[symbolIterator];
// ES6 rev 26, 2014-07-18
// 7.4.2 GetIterator ( obj, method )
function GetIterator(obj, method) {
if (IS_UNDEFINED(method)) {
method = ToIterable(obj);
if (!IS_SPEC_FUNCTION(method)) {
throw MakeTypeError('not_iterable', [obj]);
var iterator = %_CallFunction(obj, method);
if (!IS_SPEC_OBJECT(iterator)) {
throw MakeTypeError('not_an_iterator', [iterator]);
return iterator;