You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

242 lines
6.1 KiB

var util = require('util');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var Stream = require('net').Stream;
var InternalChildProcess = process.binding('child_process').ChildProcess;
var constants;
var spawn = exports.spawn = function (path, args /*, options OR env, customFds */) {
var child = new ChildProcess();
child.spawn.apply(child, arguments);
return child;
exports.exec = function (command /*, options, callback */) {
if (arguments.length < 3) {
return exports.execFile("/bin/sh", ["-c", command], arguments[1]);
} else if (arguments.length < 4) {
return exports.execFile("/bin/sh", ["-c", command], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
} else {
return exports.execFile("/bin/sh", ["-c", command], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
// execFile("", { env: ENV }, funciton() { })
exports.execFile = function (file /* args, options, callback */) {
var options = { encoding: 'utf8'
, timeout: 0
, maxBuffer: 200*1024
, killSignal: 'SIGTERM'
, cwd: null
, env: null
var args, optionArg, callback;
// Parse the parameters.
if (typeof arguments[arguments.length-1] === "function") {
callback = arguments[arguments.length-1];
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1];
if (typeof arguments[2] === 'object') optionArg = arguments[2];
} else {
args = [];
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'object') optionArg = arguments[1];
// Merge optionArg into options
if (optionArg) {
var keys = Object.keys(options);
for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
var k = keys[i];
if (optionArg[k] !== undefined) options[k] = optionArg[k];
var child = spawn(file, args, {cwd: options.cwd, env: options.env});
var stdout = "";
var stderr = "";
var killed = false;
var exited = false;
var timeoutId;
function exithandler (code, signal) {
if (exited) return;
exited = true;
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = null;
if (!callback) return;
if (code === 0 && signal === null) {
callback(null, stdout, stderr);
} else {
var e = new Error("Command failed: " + stderr);
e.killed = child.killed || killed;
e.code = code;
e.signal = signal;
callback(e, stdout, stderr);
function kill () {
killed = true;
process.nextTick(function () {
exithandler(null, options.killSignal)
if (options.timeout > 0) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
timeoutId = null;
}, options.timeout);
child.stdout.addListener("data", function (chunk) {
stdout += chunk;
if (stdout.length > options.maxBuffer) {
child.stderr.addListener("data", function (chunk) {
stderr += chunk;
if (stderr.length > options.maxBuffer) {
child.addListener("exit", exithandler);
return child;
function ChildProcess () {;
var self = this;
this.killed = false;
var gotCHLD = false;
var exitCode;
var termSignal;
var internal = this._internal = new InternalChildProcess();
var stdin = this.stdin = new Stream();
var stdout = this.stdout = new Stream();
var stderr = this.stderr = new Stream();
var stderrClosed = false;
var stdoutClosed = false;
stderr.addListener('close', function () {
stderrClosed = true;
if (gotCHLD && (!self.stdout || stdoutClosed)) {
self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal);
stdout.addListener('close', function () {
stdoutClosed = true;
if (gotCHLD && (!self.stderr || stderrClosed)) {
self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal);
internal.onexit = function (code, signal) {
gotCHLD = true;
exitCode = code;
termSignal = signal;
if (self.stdin) {
if ( (!self.stdout || !self.stdout.readable)
&& (!self.stderr || !self.stderr.readable)) {
self.emit('exit', exitCode, termSignal);
this.__defineGetter__('pid', function () { return; });
util.inherits(ChildProcess, EventEmitter);
ChildProcess.prototype.kill = function (sig) {
if ( {
this.killed = true;
if (!constants) constants = process.binding("constants");
sig = sig || 'SIGTERM';
if (!constants[sig]) throw new Error("Unknown signal: " + sig);
return this._internal.kill(constants[sig]);
ChildProcess.prototype.spawn = function (path, args, options, customFds) {
args = args || [];
var cwd, env;
if (!options || options.cwd === undefined &&
options.env === undefined &&
options.customFds === undefined) {
// Deprecated API: (path, args, options, env, customFds)
cwd = "";
env = options || process.env;
customFds = customFds || [-1, -1, -1];
} else {
// Recommended API: (path, args, options)
cwd = options.cwd || "";
env = options.env || process.env;
customFds = options.customFds || [-1, -1, -1];
var envPairs = [];
var keys = Object.keys(env);
for (var index = 0, keysLength = keys.length; index < keysLength; index++) {
var key = keys[index];
envPairs.push(key + "=" + env[key]);
var fds = this.fds = this._internal.spawn(path, args, cwd, envPairs, customFds);
if (customFds[0] === -1 || customFds[0] === undefined) {[0]);
this.stdin.writable = true;
this.stdin.readable = false;
} else {
this.stdin = null;
if (customFds[1] === -1 || customFds[1] === undefined) {[1]);
this.stdout.writable = false;
this.stdout.readable = true;
} else {
this.stdout = null;
if (customFds[2] === -1 || customFds[2] === undefined) {[2]);
this.stderr.writable = false;
this.stderr.readable = true;
} else {
this.stderr = null;