You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

237 lines
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var common = require('../common');
var assert = require('assert');
var util = require('util');
// test the internal isDate implementation
var Date2 = require('vm').runInNewContext('Date');
var d = new Date2();
var orig = util.inspect(d); = 'bar';
var after = util.inspect(d);
assert.equal(orig, after);
// test positive/negative zero
assert.equal(util.inspect(0), '0');
assert.equal(util.inspect(-0), '-0');
// test for sparse array
var a = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
assert.equal(util.inspect(a), '[ \'foo\', \'bar\', \'baz\' ]');
delete a[1];
assert.equal(util.inspect(a), '[ \'foo\', , \'baz\' ]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(a, true), '[ \'foo\', , \'baz\', [length]: 3 ]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Array(5)), '[ , , , , ]');
// test for property descriptors
var getter = Object.create(null, {
a: {
get: function() { return 'aaa'; }
var setter = Object.create(null, {
b: {
set: function() {}
var getterAndSetter = Object.create(null, {
c: {
get: function() { return 'ccc'; },
set: function() {}
assert.equal(util.inspect(getter, true), '{ [a]: [Getter] }');
assert.equal(util.inspect(setter, true), '{ [b]: [Setter] }');
assert.equal(util.inspect(getterAndSetter, true), '{ [c]: [Getter/Setter] }');
// exceptions should print the error message, not '{}'
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Error()), '[Error]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Error('FAIL')), '[Error: FAIL]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new TypeError('FAIL')), '[TypeError: FAIL]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new SyntaxError('FAIL')), '[SyntaxError: FAIL]');
try {
} catch (e) {
assert.equal(util.inspect(e), '[ReferenceError: undef is not defined]');
var ex = util.inspect(new Error('FAIL'), true);
assert.ok(ex.indexOf('[Error: FAIL]') != -1);
assert.ok(ex.indexOf('[stack]') != -1);
assert.ok(ex.indexOf('[message]') != -1);
// GH-1941
// should not throw:
assert.equal(util.inspect(Object.create(Date.prototype)), '{}');
// GH-1944
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
var d = new Date();
d.toUTCString = null;
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
var r = /regexp/;
r.toString = null;
// bug with user-supplied inspect function returns non-string
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
inspect: function() { return 123; }
// GH-2225
var x = { inspect: util.inspect };
assert.ok(util.inspect(x).indexOf('inspect') != -1);
// util.inspect should not display the escaped value of a key.
var w = {
'\\': 1,
'\\\\': 2,
'\\\\\\': 3,
'\\\\\\\\': 4,
var y = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
y['\\\\\\'] = 'd';
'{ \'\\\': 1, \'\\\\\': 2, \'\\\\\\\': 3, \'\\\\\\\\\': 4 }');
assert.ok(util.inspect(y), '[ \'a\', \'b\', \'c\', \'\\\\\\\': \'d\' ]');
// util.inspect.styles and util.inspect.colors
function test_color_style(style, input, implicit) {
var color_name = util.inspect.styles[style];
var color = ['', ''];
color = util.inspect.colors[color_name];
var without_color = util.inspect(input, false, 0, false);
var with_color = util.inspect(input, false, 0, true);
var expect = '\u001b[' + color[0] + 'm' + without_color +
'\u001b[' + color[1] + 'm';
assert.equal(with_color, expect, 'util.inspect color for style '+style);
test_color_style('special', function(){});
test_color_style('number', 123.456);
test_color_style('boolean', true);
test_color_style('undefined', undefined);
test_color_style('null', null);
test_color_style('string', 'test string');
test_color_style('date', new Date);
test_color_style('regexp', /regexp/);
// an object with "hasOwnProperty" overwritten should not throw
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
hasOwnProperty: null
// new API, accepts an "options" object
var subject = { foo: 'bar', hello: 31, a: { b: { c: { d: 0 } } } };
Object.defineProperty(subject, 'hidden', { enumerable: false, value: null });
assert(util.inspect(subject, { showHidden: false }).indexOf('hidden') === -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { showHidden: true }).indexOf('hidden') !== -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { colors: false }).indexOf('\u001b[32m') === -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { colors: true }).indexOf('\u001b[32m') !== -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { depth: 2 }).indexOf('c: [Object]') !== -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { depth: 0 }).indexOf('a: [Object]') !== -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { depth: null }).indexOf('{ d: 0 }') !== -1);
// "customInspect" option can enable/disable calling inspect() on objects
subject = { inspect: function() { return 123; } };
assert(util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: true }).indexOf('123') !== -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: true }).indexOf('inspect') === -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: false }).indexOf('123') === -1);
assert(util.inspect(subject, { customInspect: false }).indexOf('inspect') !== -1);
// custom inspect() functions should be able to return other Objects
subject.inspect = function() { return { foo: 'bar' }; };
assert.equal(util.inspect(subject), '{ foo: \'bar\' }');
subject.inspect = function(depth, opts) {
assert.strictEqual(opts.customInspectOptions, true);
util.inspect(subject, { customInspectOptions: true });
// util.inspect with "colors" option should produce as many lines as without it
function test_lines(input) {
var count_lines = function(str) {
return (str.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
var without_color = util.inspect(input);
var with_color = util.inspect(input, {colors: true});
assert.equal(count_lines(without_color), count_lines(with_color));
test_lines([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
test_lines(function() {
var big_array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
return big_array;
test_lines({foo: 'bar', baz: 35, b: {a: 35}});
foo: 'bar',
baz: 35,
b: {a: 35},
very_long_key: 'very_long_value',
even_longer_key: ['with even longer value in array']
// test boxed primitives output the correct values
assert.equal(util.inspect(new String('test')), '[String: \'test\']');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Boolean(false)), '[Boolean: false]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Boolean(true)), '[Boolean: true]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Number(0)), '[Number: 0]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Number(-0)), '[Number: -0]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Number(-1.1)), '[Number: -1.1]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(new Number(13.37)), '[Number: 13.37]');
// test boxed primitives with own properties
var str = new String('baz'); = 'bar';
assert.equal(util.inspect(str), '{ [String: \'baz\'] foo: \'bar\' }');
var bool = new Boolean(true); = 'bar';
assert.equal(util.inspect(bool), '{ [Boolean: true] foo: \'bar\' }');
var num = new Number(13.37); = 'bar';
assert.equal(util.inspect(num), '{ [Number: 13.37] foo: \'bar\' }');
// test es6 Symbol
if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') {
assert.equal(util.inspect(Symbol()), 'Symbol()');
assert.equal(util.inspect(Symbol(123)), 'Symbol(123)');
assert.equal(util.inspect(Symbol('hi')), 'Symbol(hi)');
assert.equal(util.inspect([Symbol()]), '[ Symbol() ]');
assert.equal(util.inspect({ foo: Symbol() }), '{ foo: Symbol() }');
var options = { showHidden: true };
var subject = {};
subject[Symbol('symbol')] = 42;
assert.equal(util.inspect(subject), '{}');
assert.equal(util.inspect(subject, options), '{ [Symbol(symbol)]: 42 }');
subject = [1, 2, 3];
subject[Symbol('symbol')] = 42;
assert.equal(util.inspect(subject), '[ 1, 2, 3 ]');
assert.equal(util.inspect(subject, options), '[ 1, 2, 3, [length]: 3, [Symbol(symbol)]: 42 ]');