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var common = require('../common');
var assert = require('assert');
var vm = require('vm');
common.globalCheck = false;
console.error('run a string');
var result = vm.runInThisContext('\'passed\';');
assert.equal('passed', result);
console.error('thrown error');
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInThisContext('throw new Error(\'test\');');
}, /test/);
hello = 5;
vm.runInThisContext('hello = 2');
assert.equal(2, hello);
console.error('pass values');
code = 'foo = 1;' +
'bar = 2;' +
'if (typeof baz !== \'undefined\') throw new Error(\'test fail\');';
foo = 2;
obj = { foo: 0, baz: 3 };
var baz = vm.runInThisContext(code);
assert.equal(2, bar);
assert.equal(1, foo);
console.error('call a function');
f = function() { foo = 100 };
assert.equal(100, foo);