You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

158 lines
4.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import optparse
import os
import random
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
# Skip special d8 functions.
"load", "os", "print", "read", "readline", "quit"
def GetRandomObject():
return random.choice([
"0", "1", "2.5", "0x1000", "\"string\"", "{foo: \"bar\"}", "[1, 2, 3]",
"function() { return 0; }"
g_var_index = 0
def GetVars(result, num, first = []):
global g_var_index
variables = []
for i in range(num):
variables.append("__v_%d" % g_var_index)
g_var_index += 1
for var in variables:
result.append("var %s = %s;" % (var, GetRandomObject()))
return ", ".join(first + variables)
# Wraps |string| in try..catch.
def TryCatch(result, string, exception_behavior = ""):
result.append("try { %s } catch(e) { %s }" % (string, exception_behavior))
def BuildTests(function, full_name, options):
assert function["type"] == "function"
global g_var_index
g_var_index = 0
result = ["// AUTO-GENERATED BY tools/\n"]
result.append("// Function call test:")
length = function["length"]
TryCatch(result, "%s(%s);" % (full_name, GetVars(result, length)))
if "prototype" in function:
proto = function["prototype"]
result.append("\n// Constructor test:")
"var recv = new %s(%s);" % (full_name, GetVars(result, length)),
"var recv = new Object();")
getters = []
methods = []
for prop in proto:
proto_property = proto[prop]
proto_property_type = proto_property["type"]
if proto_property_type == "getter":
result.append("recv.__defineGetter__(\"%s\", "
"function() { return %s; });" %
(proto_property["name"], GetVars(result, 1)))
if proto_property_type == "number":
result.append("recv.__defineGetter__(\"%s\", "
"function() { return %s; });" %
(proto_property["name"], GetVars(result, 1)))
if proto_property_type == "function":
if getters:
result.append("\n// Getter tests:")
for getter in getters:
result.append("print(recv.%s);" % getter["name"])
if methods:
result.append("\n// Method tests:")
for method in methods:
args = GetVars(result, method["length"], ["recv"])
call = "" % (full_name, method["name"], args)
TryCatch(result, call)
filename = os.path.join(options.outdir, "%s.js" % (full_name))
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def VisitObject(obj, path, options):
obj_type = obj["type"]
obj_name = "%s%s" % (path, obj["name"])
if obj_type == "function":
BuildTests(obj, obj_name, options)
if "properties" in obj:
for prop_name in obj["properties"]:
prop = obj["properties"][prop_name]
VisitObject(prop, "%s." % (obj_name), options)
def ClearGeneratedFiles(options):
if os.path.exists(options.outdir):
def GenerateTests(options):
ClearGeneratedFiles(options) # Re-generate everything.
output = subprocess.check_output(
"%s %s" % (options.d8, options.script), shell=True).strip()
objects = json.loads(output)
for obj_name in objects:
if obj_name in BLACKLIST: continue
obj = objects[obj_name]
VisitObject(obj, "", options)
def BuildOptions():
result = optparse.OptionParser()
result.add_option("--d8", help="d8 binary to use",
result.add_option("--outdir", help="directory where to place generated tests",
result.add_option("--script", help="builtins detector script to run in d8",
return result
def Main():
parser = BuildOptions()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1 or args[0] == "help":
return 1
action = args[0]
if action == "generate":
return 0
if action == "clear":
return 0
print("Unknown action: %s" % action)
return 1
if __name__ == "__main__":