You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

275 lines
7.5 KiB

'use strict';
const common = require('../common');
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const net = require('net');
const providers = Object.assign({}, process.binding('async_wrap').Providers);
const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures');
// Make sure that all Providers are tested.
const hooks = require('async_hooks').createHook({
init(id, type) {
if (type === 'NONE')
throw new Error('received a provider type of NONE');
delete providers[type];
process.on('beforeExit', common.mustCall(() => {
delete providers.NONE; // Should never be used.
// TODO(jasnell): Test for these
delete providers.HTTP2SESSION;
const obj_keys = Object.keys(providers);
if (obj_keys.length > 0)
assert.strictEqual(obj_keys.length, 0);
function testUninitialized(req, ctor_name) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof req.getAsyncId, 'function');
assert.strictEqual(req.getAsyncId(), -1);
assert.strictEqual(, ctor_name);
function testInitialized(req, ctor_name) {
assert.strictEqual(typeof req.getAsyncId, 'function');
assert(req.getAsyncId() > 0);
assert.strictEqual(, ctor_name);
const cares = process.binding('cares_wrap');
const dns = require('dns');
testUninitialized(new cares.GetAddrInfoReqWrap(), 'GetAddrInfoReqWrap');
testUninitialized(new cares.GetNameInfoReqWrap(), 'GetNameInfoReqWrap');
testUninitialized(new cares.QueryReqWrap(), 'QueryReqWrap');
testInitialized(dns.lookup('', () => {}), 'GetAddrInfoReqWrap');
testInitialized(dns.lookupService('::1', 22, () => {}), 'GetNameInfoReqWrap');
const resolver = new dns.Resolver();
testInitialized(resolver._handle, 'ChannelWrap');
testInitialized(resolver.resolve6('::1', () => {}), 'QueryReqWrap');
const FSEvent = process.binding('fs_event_wrap').FSEvent;
testInitialized(new FSEvent(), 'FSEvent');
const JSStream = process.binding('js_stream').JSStream;
testInitialized(new JSStream(), 'JSStream');
// We don't want to expose getAsyncId for promises but we need to construct
// one so that the corresponding provider type is removed from the
// providers list.
new Promise((res) => res(5));
if (common.hasCrypto) { // eslint-disable-line crypto-check
const tls = require('tls');
// SecurePair
testInitialized(tls.createSecurePair().ssl, 'Connection');
if (common.hasCrypto) { // eslint-disable-line crypto-check
const crypto = require('crypto');
// The handle for PBKDF2 and RandomBytes isn't returned by the function call,
// so need to check it from the callback.
const mc = common.mustCall(function pb() {
testInitialized(this, 'PBKDF2');
crypto.pbkdf2('password', 'salt', 1, 20, 'sha256', mc);
crypto.randomBytes(1, common.mustCall(function rb() {
testInitialized(this, 'RandomBytes');
const binding = process.binding('fs');
const path = require('path');
const FSReqWrap = binding.FSReqWrap;
const req = new FSReqWrap();
req.oncomplete = () => { };
testUninitialized(req, 'FSReqWrap');
binding.access(path._makeLong('../'), fs.F_OK, req);
testInitialized(req, 'FSReqWrap');
const StatWatcher = binding.StatWatcher;
testInitialized(new StatWatcher(), 'StatWatcher');
const HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser;
testInitialized(new HTTPParser(), 'HTTPParser');
const Gzip = require('zlib').Gzip;
testInitialized(new Gzip()._handle, 'Zlib');
const binding = process.binding('pipe_wrap');
const handle = new binding.Pipe();
testInitialized(handle, 'Pipe');
const req = new binding.PipeConnectWrap();
testUninitialized(req, 'PipeConnectWrap');
req.address = common.PIPE;
req.oncomplete = common.mustCall(() => handle.close());
handle.connect(req, req.address, req.oncomplete);
testInitialized(req, 'PipeConnectWrap');
const Process = process.binding('process_wrap').Process;
testInitialized(new Process(), 'Process');
const Signal = process.binding('signal_wrap').Signal;
testInitialized(new Signal(), 'Signal');
const binding = process.binding('stream_wrap');
testUninitialized(new binding.WriteWrap(), 'WriteWrap');
const stream_wrap = process.binding('stream_wrap');
const tcp_wrap = process.binding('tcp_wrap');
const server = net.createServer(common.mustCall((socket) => {
socket.on('data', (x) => {
})).listen(0, common.localhostIPv4, common.mustCall(() => {
const handle = new tcp_wrap.TCP();
const req = new tcp_wrap.TCPConnectWrap();
const sreq = new stream_wrap.ShutdownWrap();
const wreq = new stream_wrap.WriteWrap();
testInitialized(handle, 'TCP');
testUninitialized(req, 'TCPConnectWrap');
testUninitialized(sreq, 'ShutdownWrap');
sreq.oncomplete = common.mustCall(() => {
wreq.handle = handle;
wreq.oncomplete = common.mustCall(() => {
testInitialized(sreq, 'ShutdownWrap');
wreq.async = true;
req.oncomplete = common.mustCall(() => {
// Use a long string to make sure the write happens asynchronously.
const err = handle.writeLatin1String(wreq, 'hi'.repeat(100000));
if (err)
throw new Error(`write failed: ${process.binding('uv').errname(err)}`);
testInitialized(wreq, 'WriteWrap');
req.address = common.localhostIPv4;
req.port = server.address().port;
const err = handle.connect(req, req.address, req.port);
assert.strictEqual(err, 0);
testInitialized(req, 'TCPConnectWrap');
const TimerWrap = process.binding('timer_wrap').Timer;
testInitialized(new TimerWrap(), 'Timer');
if (common.hasCrypto) { // eslint-disable-line crypto-check
const TCP = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP;
const tcp = new TCP();
const ca = fixtures.readSync('test_ca.pem', 'ascii');
const cert = fixtures.readSync('test_cert.pem', 'ascii');
const key = fixtures.readSync('test_key.pem', 'ascii');
const credentials = require('tls').createSecureContext({ ca, cert, key });
// TLSWrap is exposed, but needs to be instantiated via tls_wrap.wrap().
const tls_wrap = process.binding('tls_wrap');
tls_wrap.wrap(tcp._externalStream, credentials.context, true), 'TLSWrap');
// Do our best to grab a tty fd.
const tty_fd = common.getTTYfd();
if (tty_fd >= 0) {
const tty_wrap = process.binding('tty_wrap');
// fd may still be invalid, so guard against it.
const handle = (() => {
try {
return new tty_wrap.TTY(tty_fd, false);
} catch (e) {
return null;
if (handle !== null)
testInitialized(handle, 'TTY');
delete providers.TTYWRAP;
} else {
delete providers.TTYWRAP;
const binding = process.binding('udp_wrap');
const handle = new binding.UDP();
const req = new binding.SendWrap();
testInitialized(handle, 'UDP');
testUninitialized(req, 'SendWrap');
handle.bind('', common.PORT, undefined);
req.address = '';
req.port = common.PORT;
req.oncomplete = () => handle.close();
handle.send(req, [Buffer.alloc(1)], 1, req.port, req.address, true);
testInitialized(req, 'SendWrap');