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'use strict';
const NativeModule = require('native_module');
const util = require('util');
const internalModule = require('internal/module');
const internalUtil = require('internal/util');
const runInThisContext = require('vm').runInThisContext;
const assert = require('assert').ok;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const internalModuleReadFile = process.binding('fs').internalModuleReadFile;
const internalModuleStat = process.binding('fs').internalModuleStat;
const splitRe = process.platform === 'win32' ? /[\/\\]/ : /\//;
const isIndexRe = /^index\.\w+?$/;
const shebangRe = /^\#\!.*/;
// If obj.hasOwnProperty has been overridden, then calling
// obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) will break.
// See:
function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
return, prop);
function Module(id, parent) { = id;
this.exports = {};
this.parent = parent;
if (parent && parent.children) {
this.filename = null;
this.loaded = false;
this.children = [];
module.exports = Module;
Module._cache = {};
Module._pathCache = {};
Module._extensions = {};
var modulePaths = [];
Module.globalPaths = [];
Module.wrapper = NativeModule.wrapper;
Module.wrap = NativeModule.wrap;
Module._debug = util.debuglog('module');
// We use this alias for the preprocessor that filters it out
const debug = Module._debug;
// given a module name, and a list of paths to test, returns the first
// matching file in the following precedence.
// require("a.<ext>")
// -> a.<ext>
// require("a")
// -> a
// -> a.<ext>
// -> a/index.<ext>
// check if the directory is a package.json dir
const packageMainCache = {};
function readPackage(requestPath) {
if (hasOwnProperty(packageMainCache, requestPath)) {
return packageMainCache[requestPath];
var jsonPath = path.resolve(requestPath, 'package.json');
var json = internalModuleReadFile(path._makeLong(jsonPath));
if (json === undefined) {
return false;
try {
var pkg = packageMainCache[requestPath] = JSON.parse(json).main;
} catch (e) {
e.path = jsonPath;
e.message = 'Error parsing ' + jsonPath + ': ' + e.message;
throw e;
return pkg;
function tryPackage(requestPath, exts) {
var pkg = readPackage(requestPath);
if (!pkg) return false;
var filename = path.resolve(requestPath, pkg);
return tryFile(filename) || tryExtensions(filename, exts) ||
tryExtensions(path.resolve(filename, 'index'), exts);
// In order to minimize unnecessary lstat() calls,
// this cache is a list of known-real paths.
// Set to an empty object to reset.
Module._realpathCache = {};
// check if the file exists and is not a directory
function tryFile(requestPath) {
const rc = internalModuleStat(path._makeLong(requestPath));
return rc === 0 && toRealPath(requestPath);
function toRealPath(requestPath) {
return fs.realpathSync(requestPath, Module._realpathCache);
// given a path check a the file exists with any of the set extensions
function tryExtensions(p, exts) {
for (var i = 0, EL = exts.length; i < EL; i++) {
var filename = tryFile(p + exts[i]);
if (filename) {
return filename;
return false;
var warned = false;
Module._findPath = function(request, paths) {
if (path.isAbsolute(request)) {
paths = [''];
var cacheKey = JSON.stringify({request: request, paths: paths});
if (Module._pathCache[cacheKey]) {
return Module._pathCache[cacheKey];
const exts = Object.keys(Module._extensions);
const trailingSlash = request.slice(-1) === '/';
// For each path
for (var i = 0, PL = paths.length; i < PL; i++) {
// Don't search further if path doesn't exist
if (paths[i] && internalModuleStat(path._makeLong(paths[i])) < 1) continue;
var basePath = path.resolve(paths[i], request);
var filename;
if (!trailingSlash) {
const rc = internalModuleStat(path._makeLong(basePath));
if (rc === 0) { // File.
filename = toRealPath(basePath);
} else if (rc === 1) { // Directory.
filename = tryPackage(basePath, exts);
if (!filename) {
// try it with each of the extensions
filename = tryExtensions(basePath, exts);
if (!filename) {
filename = tryPackage(basePath, exts);
if (!filename) {
// try it with each of the extensions at "index"
filename = tryExtensions(path.resolve(basePath, 'index'), exts);
if (filename) {
// Warn once if '.' resolved outside the module dir
if (request === '.' && i > 0) {
warned = internalUtil.printDeprecationMessage(
'warning: require(\'.\') resolved outside the package ' +
'directory. This functionality is deprecated and will be removed ' +
'soon.', warned);
Module._pathCache[cacheKey] = filename;
return filename;
return false;
// 'from' is the __dirname of the module.
Module._nodeModulePaths = function(from) {
// guarantee that 'from' is absolute.
from = path.resolve(from);
// note: this approach *only* works when the path is guaranteed
// to be absolute. Doing a fully-edge-case-correct path.split
// that works on both Windows and Posix is non-trivial.
var paths = [];
var parts = from.split(splitRe);
for (var tip = parts.length - 1; tip >= 0; tip--) {
// don't search in .../node_modules/node_modules
if (parts[tip] === 'node_modules') continue;
var dir = parts.slice(0, tip + 1).concat('node_modules').join(path.sep);
return paths;
Module._resolveLookupPaths = function(request, parent) {
if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(request)) {
return [request, []];
var start = request.substring(0, 2);
if (start !== './' && start !== '..') {
var paths = modulePaths;
if (parent) {
if (!parent.paths) parent.paths = [];
paths = parent.paths.concat(paths);
// Maintain backwards compat with certain broken uses of require('.')
// by putting the module's directory in front of the lookup paths.
if (request === '.') {
if (parent && parent.filename) {
paths.splice(0, 0, path.dirname(parent.filename));
} else {
paths.splice(0, 0, path.resolve(request));
return [request, paths];
// with --eval, is not set and parent.filename is null
if (!parent || ! || !parent.filename) {
// make require('./path/to/foo') work - normally the path is taken
// from realpath(__filename) but with eval there is no filename
var mainPaths = ['.'].concat(modulePaths);
mainPaths = Module._nodeModulePaths('.').concat(mainPaths);
return [request, mainPaths];
// Is the parent an index module?
// We can assume the parent has a valid extension,
// as it already has been accepted as a module.
var isIndex = isIndexRe.test(path.basename(parent.filename));
var parentIdPath = isIndex ? : path.dirname(;
var id = path.resolve(parentIdPath, request);
// make sure require('./path') and require('path') get distinct ids, even
// when called from the toplevel js file
if (parentIdPath === '.' && id.indexOf('/') === -1) {
id = './' + id;
debug('RELATIVE: requested: %s set ID to: %s from %s', request, id,;
return [id, [path.dirname(parent.filename)]];
// Check the cache for the requested file.
// 1. If a module already exists in the cache: return its exports object.
// 2. If the module is native: call `NativeModule.require()` with the
// filename and return the result.
// 3. Otherwise, create a new module for the file and save it to the cache.
// Then have it load the file contents before returning its exports
// object.
Module._load = function(request, parent, isMain) {
if (parent) {
debug('Module._load REQUEST %s parent: %s', request,;
var filename = Module._resolveFilename(request, parent);
var cachedModule = Module._cache[filename];
if (cachedModule) {
return cachedModule.exports;
if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(filename)) {
debug('load native module %s', request);
return NativeModule.require(filename);
var module = new Module(filename, parent);
if (isMain) {
process.mainModule = module; = '.';
Module._cache[filename] = module;
var hadException = true;
try {
hadException = false;
} finally {
if (hadException) {
delete Module._cache[filename];
return module.exports;
Module._resolveFilename = function(request, parent) {
if (NativeModule.nonInternalExists(request)) {
return request;
var resolvedModule = Module._resolveLookupPaths(request, parent);
var id = resolvedModule[0];
var paths = resolvedModule[1];
// look up the filename first, since that's the cache key.
debug('looking for %j in %j', id, paths);
var filename = Module._findPath(request, paths);
if (!filename) {
var err = new Error("Cannot find module '" + request + "'");
err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND';
throw err;
return filename;
// Given a file name, pass it to the proper extension handler.
Module.prototype.load = function(filename) {
debug('load %j for module %j', filename,;
this.filename = filename;
this.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(filename));
var extension = path.extname(filename) || '.js';
if (!Module._extensions[extension]) extension = '.js';
Module._extensions[extension](this, filename);
this.loaded = true;
// Loads a module at the given file path. Returns that module's
// `exports` property.
Module.prototype.require = function(path) {
assert(path, 'missing path');
assert(typeof path === 'string', 'path must be a string');
return Module._load(path, this);
// Resolved path to process.argv[1] will be lazily placed here
// (needed for setting breakpoint when called with --debug-brk)
var resolvedArgv;
// Run the file contents in the correct scope or sandbox. Expose
// the correct helper variables (require, module, exports) to
// the file.
// Returns exception, if any.
Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) {
// remove shebang
content = content.replace(shebangRe, '');
// create wrapper function
var wrapper = Module.wrap(content);
var compiledWrapper = runInThisContext(wrapper,
{ filename: filename, lineOffset: 0 });
if (global.v8debug) {
if (!resolvedArgv) {
// we enter the repl if we're not given a filename argument.
if (process.argv[1]) {
resolvedArgv = Module._resolveFilename(process.argv[1], null);
} else {
resolvedArgv = 'repl';
// Set breakpoint on module start
if (filename === resolvedArgv) {
// Installing this dummy debug event listener tells V8 to start
// the debugger. Without it, the setBreakPoint() fails with an
// 'illegal access' error.
global.v8debug.Debug.setListener(function() {});
global.v8debug.Debug.setBreakPoint(compiledWrapper, 0, 0);
const dirname = path.dirname(filename);
const require =;
Object.defineProperty(require, 'paths', { get: function() {
throw new Error('require.paths is removed. Use ' +
'node_modules folders, or the NODE_PATH ' +
'environment variable instead.');
require.registerExtension = function() {
throw new Error('require.registerExtension() removed. Use ' +
'require.extensions instead.');
const args = [this.exports, require, this, filename, dirname];
return compiledWrapper.apply(this.exports, args);
// Native extension for .js
Module._extensions['.js'] = function(module, filename) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
module._compile(internalModule.stripBOM(content), filename);
// Native extension for .json
Module._extensions['.json'] = function(module, filename) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
try {
module.exports = JSON.parse(internalModule.stripBOM(content));
} catch (err) {
err.message = filename + ': ' + err.message;
throw err;
//Native extension for .node
Module._extensions['.node'] = function(module, filename) {
return process.dlopen(module, path._makeLong(filename));
// bootstrap main module.
Module.runMain = function() {
// Load the main module--the command line argument.
Module._load(process.argv[1], null, true);
// Handle any nextTicks added in the first tick of the program
Module._initPaths = function() {
const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32';
var homeDir;
if (isWindows) {
homeDir = process.env.USERPROFILE;
} else {
homeDir = process.env.HOME;
var paths = [path.resolve(process.execPath, '..', '..', 'lib', 'node')];
if (homeDir) {
paths.unshift(path.resolve(homeDir, '.node_libraries'));
paths.unshift(path.resolve(homeDir, '.node_modules'));
var nodePath = process.env['NODE_PATH'];
if (nodePath) {
paths = nodePath.split(path.delimiter).filter(function(path) {
return !!path;
modulePaths = paths;
// clone as a read-only copy, for introspection.
Module.globalPaths = modulePaths.slice(0);
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Unused, remove in the future.
Module.requireRepl = internalUtil.deprecate(function() {
return NativeModule.require('internal/repl');
}, 'Module.requireRepl is deprecated.');
Module._preloadModules = function(requests) {
if (!Array.isArray(requests))
// Preloaded modules have a dummy parent module which is deemed to exist
// in the current working directory. This seeds the search path for
// preloaded modules.
var parent = new Module('internal/preload', null);
try {
parent.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(process.cwd());
catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw e;
requests.forEach(function(request) {
// backwards compatibility
Module.Module = Module;