You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
842 B

'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const URLSearchParams = require('url').URLSearchParams;
const params = new URLSearchParams('a=b&c=d');
const keys = params.keys();
assert.strictEqual(typeof keys[Symbol.iterator], 'function');
assert.strictEqual(keys[Symbol.iterator](), keys);
assert.deepStrictEqual(, {
value: 'a',
done: false
assert.deepStrictEqual(, {
value: 'c',
done: false
assert.deepStrictEqual(, {
value: undefined,
done: true
assert.deepStrictEqual(, {
value: undefined,
done: true
assert.throws(() => {;
}, /^TypeError: Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParamsIterator$/);
assert.throws(() => {;
}, /^TypeError: Value of `this` is not a URLSearchParams$/);