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477 lines
15 KiB

var assert = require('assert')
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var path = require('path')
var url = require('url')
var chownr = require('chownr')
var dezalgo = require('dezalgo')
var hostedFromURL = require('hosted-git-info').fromUrl
var inflight = require('inflight')
var log = require('npmlog')
var mkdir = require('mkdirp')
var normalizeGitUrl = require('normalize-git-url')
var npa = require('npm-package-arg')
var realizePackageSpecifier = require('realize-package-specifier')
var uniqueFilename = require('unique-filename')
var addLocal = require('./add-local.js')
var correctMkdir = require('../utils/correct-mkdir.js')
var git = require('../utils/git.js')
var npm = require('../npm.js')
var rm = require('../utils/gently-rm.js')
var tempFilename = require('../utils/temp-filename.js')
var remotes = path.resolve(npm.config.get('cache'), '_git-remotes')
var templates = path.join(remotes, '_templates')
module.exports = addRemoteGit
function addRemoteGit (uri, _cb) {
assert(typeof uri === 'string', 'must have git URL')
assert(typeof _cb === 'function', 'must have callback')
var cb = dezalgo(_cb)
log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'caching', uri)
// the URL comes in exactly as it was passed on the command line, or as
// normalized by normalize-package-data / read-package-json / read-installed,
// so figure out what to do with it using hosted-git-info
var parsed = hostedFromURL(uri)
if (parsed) {
// normalize GitHub syntax to org/repo (for now)
var from
if (parsed.type === 'github' && parsed.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut') {
from = parsed.path()
} else {
from = parsed.toString()
log.verbose('addRemoteGit', from, 'is a repository hosted by', parsed.type)
// prefer explicit URLs to pushing everything through shortcuts
if (parsed.getDefaultRepresentation() !== 'shortcut') {
return tryClone(from, parsed.toString(), false, cb)
// try git:, then git+ssh:, then git+https: before failing
tryGitProto(from, parsed, cb)
} else {
// verify that this is a Git URL before continuing
parsed = npa(uri)
if (parsed.type !== 'git') {
return cb(new Error(uri + 'is not a Git or GitHub URL'))
tryClone(parsed.rawSpec, uri, false, cb)
function tryGitProto (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
var gitURL = hostedInfo.git()
if (!gitURL) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
log.silly('tryGitProto', 'attempting to clone', gitURL)
tryClone(from, gitURL, true, function (er) {
if (er) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
cb.apply(this, arguments)
function tryHTTPS (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
var httpsURL = hostedInfo.https()
if (!httpsURL) {
return cb(new Error(from + ' can not be cloned via Git, SSH, or HTTPS'))
log.silly('tryHTTPS', 'attempting to clone', httpsURL)
tryClone(from, httpsURL, true, function (er) {
if (er) return trySSH(from, hostedInfo, cb)
cb.apply(this, arguments)
function trySSH (from, hostedInfo, cb) {
var sshURL = hostedInfo.ssh()
if (!sshURL) return tryHTTPS(from, hostedInfo, cb)
log.silly('trySSH', 'attempting to clone', sshURL)
tryClone(from, sshURL, false, cb)
function tryClone (from, combinedURL, silent, cb) {
log.silly('tryClone', 'cloning', from, 'via', combinedURL)
var normalized = normalizeGitUrl(combinedURL)
var cloneURL = normalized.url
var treeish = normalized.branch
// ensure that similarly-named remotes don't collide
var cachedRemote = uniqueFilename(remotes, combinedURL.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, '-'), cloneURL)
var repoID = path.relative(remotes, cachedRemote)
cachedRemote = path.join(remotes, repoID)
cb = inflight(repoID, cb)
if (!cb) {
return log.verbose('tryClone', repoID, 'already in flight; waiting')
log.verbose('tryClone', repoID, 'not in flight; caching')
// initialize the remotes cache with the correct perms
getGitDir(function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
fs.stat(cachedRemote, function (er, s) {
if (er) return mirrorRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, silent, finish)
if (!s.isDirectory()) return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, finish)
validateExistingRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, finish)
// always set permissions on the cached remote
function finish (er, data) {
if (er) return cb(er, data)
addModeRecursive(cachedRemote, npm.modes.file, function (er) {
return cb(er, data)
// don't try too hard to hold on to a remote
function resetRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {'resetRemote', 'resetting', cachedRemote, 'for', from)
rm(cachedRemote, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
mirrorRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, false, cb)
// reuse a cached remote when possible, but nuke it if it's in an
// inconsistent state
function validateExistingRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
['config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'],
{ cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
var originURL
if (stdout) {
originURL = stdout.trim()
log.silly('validateExistingRemote', from, 'remote.origin.url:', originURL)
if (stderr) stderr = stderr.trim()
if (stderr || er) {
log.warn('addRemoteGit', from, 'resetting remote', cachedRemote, 'because of error:', stderr || er)
return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
} else if (cloneURL !== originURL) {
'pre-existing cached repo', cachedRemote, 'points to', originURL, 'and not', cloneURL
return resetRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
log.verbose('validateExistingRemote', from, 'is updating existing cached remote', cachedRemote)
updateRemote(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
// make a complete bare mirror of the remote repo
// NOTE: npm uses a blank template directory to prevent weird inconsistencies
function mirrorRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, silent, cb) {
mkdir(cachedRemote, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
var args = [
'--template=' + templates,
cloneURL, cachedRemote
['clone', '--template=' + templates, '--mirror', cloneURL, cachedRemote],
{ cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
if (er) {
var combined = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
var command = 'git ' + args.join(' ') + ':'
if (silent) {
log.verbose(command, combined)
} else {
log.error(command, combined)
return cb(er)
log.verbose('mirrorRemote', from, 'git clone ' + cloneURL, stdout.trim())
setPermissions(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
function setPermissions (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
log.verbose('setPermissions', from, 'skipping chownr on Windows')
resolveHead(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
} else {
getGitDir(function (er, cs) {
if (er) {
log.error('setPermissions', from, 'could not get cache stat')
return cb(er)
chownr(cachedRemote, cs.uid, cs.gid, function (er) {
if (er) {
'Failed to change git repository ownership under npm cache for',
return cb(er)
log.verbose('setPermissions', from, 'set permissions on', cachedRemote)
resolveHead(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
// always fetch the origin, even right after mirroring, because this way
// permissions will get set correctly
function updateRemote (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
['fetch', '-a', 'origin'],
{ cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
if (er) {
var combined = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
log.error('git fetch -a origin (' + cloneURL + ')', combined)
return cb(er)
log.verbose('updateRemote', 'git fetch -a origin (' + cloneURL + ')', stdout.trim())
setPermissions(from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb)
// branches and tags are both symbolic labels that can be attached to different
// commits, so resolve the commit-ish to the current actual treeish the label
// corresponds to
// important for shrinkwrap
function resolveHead (from, cloneURL, treeish, cachedRemote, cb) {
log.verbose('resolveHead', from, 'original treeish:', treeish)
var args = ['rev-list', '-n1', treeish]
{ cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
if (er) {
log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
return cb(er)
var resolvedTreeish = stdout.trim()
log.silly('resolveHead', from, 'resolved treeish:', resolvedTreeish)
var resolvedURL = getResolved(cloneURL, resolvedTreeish)
if (!resolvedURL) {
return cb(new Error(
'unable to clone ' + from + ' because git clone string ' +
cloneURL + ' is in a form npm can\'t handle'
log.verbose('resolveHead', from, 'resolved Git URL:', resolvedURL)
// generate a unique filename
var tmpdir = path.join(tempFilename('git-cache'), resolvedTreeish)
log.silly('resolveHead', 'Git working directory:', tmpdir)
mkdir(tmpdir, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
cloneResolved(from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, cachedRemote, tmpdir, cb)
// make a clone from the mirrored cache so we have a temporary directory in
// which we can check out the resolved treeish
function cloneResolved (from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, cachedRemote, tmpdir, cb) {
var args = ['clone', cachedRemote, tmpdir]
{ cwd: cachedRemote, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
stdout = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
if (er) {
log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
return cb(er)
log.verbose('cloneResolved', from, 'clone', stdout)
checkoutTreeish(from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, tmpdir, cb)
// there is no safe way to do a one-step clone to a treeish that isn't
// guaranteed to be a branch, so explicitly check out the treeish once it's
// cloned
function checkoutTreeish (from, resolvedURL, resolvedTreeish, tmpdir, cb) {
var args = ['checkout', resolvedTreeish]
{ cwd: tmpdir, env: gitEnv() },
function (er, stdout, stderr) {
stdout = (stdout + '\n' + stderr).trim()
if (er) {
log.error('git ' + args.join(' ') + ':', stderr)
return cb(er)
log.verbose('checkoutTreeish', from, 'checkout', stdout)
// convince addLocal that the checkout is a local dependency
realizePackageSpecifier(tmpdir, function (er, spec) {
if (er) {
log.error('addRemoteGit', 'Failed to map', tmpdir, 'to a package specifier')
return cb(er)
// ensure pack logic is applied
addLocal(spec, null, function (er, data) {
if (data) {
if (npm.config.get('save-exact')) {
log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._from:', resolvedURL, '(save-exact)')
data._from = resolvedURL
} else {
log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._from:', from)
data._from = from
log.verbose('addRemoteGit', 'data._resolved:', resolvedURL)
data._resolved = resolvedURL
cb(er, data)
function getGitDir (cb) {
correctMkdir(remotes, function (er, stats) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// We don't need global templates when cloning. Use an empty directory for
// the templates, creating it (and setting its permissions) if necessary.
mkdir(templates, function (er) {
if (er) return cb(er)
// Ensure that both the template and remotes directories have the correct
// permissions.
fs.chown(templates, stats.uid, stats.gid, function (er) {
cb(er, stats)
var gitEnv_
function gitEnv () {
// git responds to env vars in some weird ways in post-receive hooks
// so don't carry those along.
if (gitEnv_) return gitEnv_
// allow users to override npm's insistence on not prompting for
// passphrases, but default to just failing when credentials
// aren't available
gitEnv_ = { GIT_ASKPASS: 'echo' }
for (var k in process.env) {
if (!~VALID_VARIABLES.indexOf(k) && k.match(/^GIT/)) continue
gitEnv_[k] = process.env[k]
return gitEnv_
addRemoteGit.getResolved = getResolved
function getResolved (uri, treeish) {
// normalize hosted-git-info clone URLs back into regular URLs
// this will only work on URLs that hosted-git-info recognizes
var rehydrated = hostedFromURL(uri)
if (rehydrated) uri = rehydrated.toString()
var parsed = url.parse(uri)
// Checks for known protocols:
// http:, https:, ssh:, and git:, with optional git+ prefix.
if (!parsed.protocol ||
!parsed.protocol.match(/^(((git\+)?(https?|ssh))|git|file):$/)) {
uri = 'git+ssh://' + uri
if (!/^git[+:]/.test(uri)) {
uri = 'git+' + uri
// Not all URIs are actually URIs, so use regex for the treeish.
return uri.replace(/(?:#.*)?$/, '#' + treeish)
// similar to chmodr except it add permissions rather than overwriting them
// adapted from
function addModeRecursive (cachedRemote, mode, cb) {
fs.readdir(cachedRemote, function (er, children) {
// Any error other than ENOTDIR means it's not readable, or doesn't exist.
// Give up.
if (er && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er)
if (er || !children.length) return addMode(cachedRemote, mode, cb)
var len = children.length
var errState = null
children.forEach(function (child) {
addModeRecursive(path.resolve(cachedRemote, child), mode, then)
function then (er) {
if (errState) return undefined
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (--len === 0) return addMode(cachedRemote, dirMode(mode), cb)
function addMode (cachedRemote, mode, cb) {
fs.stat(cachedRemote, function (er, stats) {
if (er) return cb(er)
mode = stats.mode | mode
fs.chmod(cachedRemote, mode, cb)
// taken from
function dirMode (mode) {
if (mode & parseInt('0400', 8)) mode |= parseInt('0100', 8)
if (mode & parseInt('040', 8)) mode |= parseInt('010', 8)
if (mode & parseInt('04', 8)) mode |= parseInt('01', 8)
return mode