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244 lines
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npm outdated [pkg]
Does the following:
1. check for a new version of pkg
If no packages are specified, then run for all installed
module.exports = outdated
outdated.usage = "npm outdated [<pkg> [<pkg> ...]]"
outdated.completion = require("./utils/completion/installed-deep.js")
var path = require("path")
, fs = require("graceful-fs")
, readJson = require("read-package-json")
, cache = require("./cache.js")
, asyncMap = require("slide").asyncMap
, npm = require("./npm.js")
, url = require("url")
, isGitUrl = require("./utils/is-git-url.js")
, color = require("ansicolors")
, styles = require("ansistyles")
, table = require("text-table")
function outdated (args, silent, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = silent, silent = false
var dir = path.resolve(npm.dir, "..")
outdated_(args, dir, {}, 0, function (er, list) {
if (er || silent) return cb(er, list)
if (npm.config.get("json")) {
} else {
var outList = list.map(makePretty)
var outTable = [[ styles.underline("Package")
, styles.underline("Current")
, styles.underline("Wanted")
, styles.underline("Latest")
, styles.underline("Location")
var tableOpts = { align: ["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"]
, stringLength: function(s) { return ansiTrim(s).length }
console.log(table(outTable, tableOpts))
cb(null, list)
// [[ dir, dep, has, want ]]
function makePretty (p) {
var parseable = npm.config.get("parseable")
, long = npm.config.get("long")
, dep = p[1]
, dir = path.resolve(p[0], "node_modules", dep)
, has = p[2]
, want = p[3]
, latest = p[4]
// XXX add --json support
// Should match (more or less) the output of ls --json
if (parseable) {
var str = dir
if (npm.config.get("long")) {
str += ":" + dep + "@" + want
+ ":" + (has ? (dep + "@" + has) : "MISSING")
return str
if (!npm.config.get("global")) {
dir = path.relative(process.cwd(), dir)
return [ has === want ? color.yellow(dep) : color.red(dep)
, (has || "MISSING")
, color.green(want)
, color.magenta(latest)
, color.brightBlack(dirToPrettyLocation(dir))
function ansiTrim (str) {
var r = new RegExp("\x1b(?:\\[(?:\\d+[ABCDEFGJKSTm]|\\d+;\\d+[Hfm]|" +
"\\d+;\\d+;\\d+m|6n|s|u|\\?25[lh])|\\w)", "g");
return str.replace(r, "")
function dirToPrettyLocation (dir) {
return dir.replace(/^node_modules[/\\]/, "")
.replace(/[[/\\]node_modules[/\\]/g, " > ")
function makeJSON (list) {
var out = {}
list.forEach(function (p) {
var dir = path.resolve(p[0], "node_modules", p[1])
if (!npm.config.get("global")) {
dir = path.relative(process.cwd(), dir)
out[p[1]] = { current: p[2]
, wanted: p[3]
, latest: p[4]
, location: dir
return JSON.stringify(out, null, 2)
function outdated_ (args, dir, parentHas, depth, cb) {
// get the deps from package.json, or {<dir/node_modules/*>:"*"}
// asyncMap over deps:
// shouldHave = cache.add(dep, req).version
// if has === shouldHave then
// return outdated(args, dir/node_modules/dep, parentHas + has)
// else if dep in args or args is empty
// return [dir, dep, has, shouldHave]
if (depth > npm.config.get("depth")) {
return cb(null, [])
var deps = null
readJson(path.resolve(dir, "package.json"), function (er, d) {
if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
deps = (er) ? true : (d.dependencies || {})
var doUpdate = npm.config.get("dev") ||
(!npm.config.get("production") &&
!Object.keys(parentHas).length &&
if (!er && d && doUpdate) {
Object.keys(d.devDependencies || {}).forEach(function (k) {
if (!(k in parentHas)) {
deps[k] = d.devDependencies[k]
return next()
var has = null
fs.readdir(path.resolve(dir, "node_modules"), function (er, pkgs) {
if (er) {
has = Object.create(parentHas)
return next()
pkgs = pkgs.filter(function (p) {
return !p.match(/^[\._-]/)
asyncMap(pkgs, function (pkg, cb) {
var jsonFile = path.resolve(dir, "node_modules", pkg, "package.json")
readJson(jsonFile, function (er, d) {
if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
cb(null, er ? [] : [[d.name, d.version, d._from]])
}, function (er, pvs) {
if (er) return cb(er)
has = Object.create(parentHas)
pvs.forEach(function (pv) {
has[pv[0]] = {
version: pv[1],
from: pv[2]
function next () {
if (!has || !deps) return
if (deps === true) {
deps = Object.keys(has).reduce(function (l, r) {
l[r] = "*"
return l
}, {})
// now get what we should have, based on the dep.
// if has[dep] !== shouldHave[dep], then cb with the data
// otherwise dive into the folder
asyncMap(Object.keys(deps), function (dep, cb) {
shouldUpdate(args, dir, dep, has, deps[dep], depth, cb)
}, cb)
function shouldUpdate (args, dir, dep, has, req, depth, cb) {
// look up the most recent version.
// if that's what we already have, or if it's not on the args list,
// then dive into it. Otherwise, cb() with the data.
// { version: , from: }
var curr = has[dep]
function skip () {
outdated_( args
, path.resolve(dir, "node_modules", dep)
, has
, depth + 1
, cb )
function doIt (wanted, latest) {
cb(null, [[ dir, dep, curr && curr.version, wanted, latest, req ]])
if (args.length && args.indexOf(dep) === -1) {
return skip()
if (isGitUrl(url.parse(req)))
return doIt("git", "git")
var registry = npm.registry
// search for the latest package
registry.get(dep + "/latest", function (er, l) {
if (er) return cb()
// so, we can conceivably update this. find out if we need to.
cache.add(dep, req, function (er, d) {
// if this fails, then it means we can't update this thing.
// it's probably a thing that isn't published.
if (er) return skip()
// check that the url origin hasn't changed (#1727) and that
// there is no newer version available
var dFromUrl = d._from && url.parse(d._from).protocol
var cFromUrl = curr && curr.from && url.parse(curr.from).protocol
if (!curr || dFromUrl && cFromUrl && d._from !== curr.from
|| d.version !== curr.version
|| d.version !== l.version)
doIt(d.version, l.version)