You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

940 lines
28 KiB

/* A repl library that you can include in your own code to get a runtime
* interface to your program.
* var repl = require("repl");
* // start repl on stdin
* repl.start("prompt> ");
* // listen for unix socket connections and start repl on them
* net.createServer(function(socket) {
* repl.start("node via Unix socket> ", socket);
* }).listen("/tmp/node-repl-sock");
* // listen for TCP socket connections and start repl on them
* net.createServer(function(socket) {
* repl.start("node via TCP socket> ", socket);
* }).listen(5001);
* // expose foo to repl context
* repl.start("node > ") = "stdin is fun";
'use strict';
var util = require('util');
var inherits = require('util').inherits;
var Stream = require('stream');
var vm = require('vm');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var rl = require('readline');
var Console = require('console').Console;
var domain = require('domain');
var debug = util.debuglog('repl');
// If obj.hasOwnProperty has been overridden, then calling
// obj.hasOwnProperty(prop) will break.
// See:
function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
return, prop);
// hack for require.resolve("./relative") to work properly.
module.filename = path.resolve('repl');
// hack for repl require to work properly with node_modules folders
module.paths = require('module')._nodeModulePaths(module.filename);
// Can overridden with custom print functions, such as `probe` or `eyes.js`.
// This is the default "writer" value if none is passed in the REPL options.
exports.writer = util.inspect;
exports._builtinLibs = ['assert', 'buffer', 'child_process', 'cluster',
'crypto', 'dgram', 'dns', 'domain', 'events', 'fs', 'http', 'https', 'net',
'os', 'path', 'punycode', 'querystring', 'readline', 'stream',
'string_decoder', 'tls', 'tty', 'url', 'util', 'v8', 'vm', 'zlib',
function REPLServer(prompt, stream, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined) {
if (!(this instanceof REPLServer)) {
return new REPLServer(prompt, stream, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined);
var options, input, output, dom;
if (util.isObject(prompt)) {
// an options object was given
options = prompt;
stream = || options.socket;
input = options.input;
output = options.output;
eval_ = options.eval;
useGlobal = options.useGlobal;
ignoreUndefined = options.ignoreUndefined;
prompt = options.prompt;
dom = options.domain;
} else if (!util.isString(prompt)) {
throw new Error('An options Object, or a prompt String are required');
} else {
options = {};
var self = this;
self._domain = dom || domain.create();
self.useGlobal = !!useGlobal;
self.ignoreUndefined = !!ignoreUndefined;
// just for backwards compat, see
self.rli = this;
eval_ = eval_ || defaultEval;
function defaultEval(code, context, file, cb) {
var err, result;
// first, create the Script object to check the syntax
try {
var script = vm.createScript(code, {
filename: file,
displayErrors: false
} catch (e) {
debug('parse error %j', code, e);
if (isRecoverableError(e))
err = new Recoverable(e);
err = e;
if (!err) {
try {
if (self.useGlobal) {
result = script.runInThisContext({ displayErrors: false });
} else {
result = script.runInContext(context, { displayErrors: false });
} catch (e) {
err = e;
if (err && process.domain) {
debug('not recoverable, send to domain');
process.domain.emit('error', err);
cb(err, result);
self.eval = self._domain.bind(eval_);
self._domain.on('error', function(e) {
debug('domain error');
self.outputStream.write((e.stack || e) + '\n');
self.bufferedCommand = '';
self.lines.level = [];
if (!input && !output) {
// legacy API, passing a 'stream'/'socket' option
if (!stream) {
// use stdin and stdout as the default streams if none were given
stream = process;
if (stream.stdin && stream.stdout) {
// We're given custom object with 2 streams, or the `process` object
input = stream.stdin;
output = stream.stdout;
} else {
// We're given a duplex readable/writable Stream, like a `net.Socket`
input = stream;
output = stream;
self.inputStream = input;
self.outputStream = output;
self.bufferedCommand = '';
self.lines.level = [];
function complete(text, callback) {
self.complete(text, callback);
rl.Interface.apply(this, [
self.setPrompt(!util.isUndefined(prompt) ? prompt : '> ');
this.commands = {};
// figure out which "writer" function to use
self.writer = options.writer || exports.writer;
if (util.isUndefined(options.useColors)) {
options.useColors = self.terminal;
self.useColors = !!options.useColors;
if (self.useColors && self.writer === util.inspect) {
// Turn on ANSI coloring.
self.writer = function(obj, showHidden, depth) {
return util.inspect(obj, showHidden, depth, true);
self.on('close', function() {
var sawSIGINT = false;
self.on('SIGINT', function() {
var empty = self.line.length === 0;
if (!(self.bufferedCommand && self.bufferedCommand.length > 0) && empty) {
if (sawSIGINT) {
sawSIGINT = false;
self.output.write('(^C again to quit)\n');
sawSIGINT = true;
} else {
sawSIGINT = false;
self.bufferedCommand = '';
self.lines.level = [];
self.on('line', function(cmd) {
debug('line %j', cmd);
sawSIGINT = false;
var skipCatchall = false;
cmd = trimWhitespace(cmd);
// Check to see if a REPL keyword was used. If it returns true,
// display next prompt and return.
if (cmd && cmd.charAt(0) === '.' && isNaN(parseFloat(cmd))) {
var matches = cmd.match(/^\.([^\s]+)\s*(.*)$/);
var keyword = matches && matches[1];
var rest = matches && matches[2];
if (self.parseREPLKeyword(keyword, rest) === true) {
} else {
self.outputStream.write('Invalid REPL keyword\n');
skipCatchall = true;
if (!skipCatchall) {
var evalCmd = self.bufferedCommand + cmd;
if (/^\s*\{/.test(evalCmd) && /\}\s*$/.test(evalCmd)) {
// It's confusing for `{ a : 1 }` to be interpreted as a block
// statement rather than an object literal. So, we first try
// to wrap it in parentheses, so that it will be interpreted as
// an expression.
evalCmd = '(' + evalCmd + ')\n';
} else {
// otherwise we just append a \n so that it will be either
// terminated, or continued onto the next expression if it's an
// unexpected end of input.
evalCmd = evalCmd + '\n';
debug('eval %j', evalCmd);
self.eval(evalCmd, self.context, 'repl', finish);
} else {
function finish(e, ret) {
debug('finish', e, ret);
if (e && !self.bufferedCommand && cmd.trim().match(/^npm /)) {
self.outputStream.write('npm should be run outside of the ' +
'node repl, in your normal shell.\n' +
'(Press Control-D to exit.)\n');
self.bufferedCommand = '';
// If error was SyntaxError and not JSON.parse error
if (e) {
if (e instanceof Recoverable) {
// Start buffering data like that:
// {
// ... x: 1
// ... }
self.bufferedCommand += cmd + '\n';
} else {
self._domain.emit('error', e);
// Clear buffer if no SyntaxErrors
self.bufferedCommand = '';
// If we got any output - print it (if no error)
if (!e && (!self.ignoreUndefined || !util.isUndefined(ret))) {
self.context._ = ret;
self.outputStream.write(self.writer(ret) + '\n');
// Display prompt again
self.on('SIGCONT', function() {
inherits(REPLServer, rl.Interface);
exports.REPLServer = REPLServer;
// prompt is a string to print on each line for the prompt,
// source is a stream to use for I/O, defaulting to stdin/stdout.
exports.start = function(prompt, source, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined) {
var repl = new REPLServer(prompt, source, eval_, useGlobal, ignoreUndefined);
if (!exports.repl) exports.repl = repl;
return repl;
REPLServer.prototype.createContext = function() {
var context;
if (this.useGlobal) {
context = global;
} else {
context = vm.createContext();
for (var i in global) context[i] = global[i];
context.console = new Console(this.outputStream); = context; = context;
context.module = module;
context.require = require;
this.lines = [];
this.lines.level = [];
// make built-in modules available directly
// (loaded lazily)
exports._builtinLibs.forEach(function(name) {
Object.defineProperty(context, name, {
get: function() {
var lib = require(name);
context._ = context[name] = lib;
return lib;
// allow the creation of other globals with this name
set: function(val) {
delete context[name];
context[name] = val;
configurable: true
return context;
REPLServer.prototype.resetContext = function() {
this.context = this.createContext();
// Allow REPL extensions to extend the new context
this.emit('reset', this.context);
REPLServer.prototype.displayPrompt = function(preserveCursor) {
var prompt = this._initialPrompt;
if (this.bufferedCommand.length) {
prompt = '...';
var levelInd = new Array(this.lines.level.length).join('..');
prompt += levelInd + ' ';
// Do not overwrite `_initialPrompt` here, prompt);
// When invoked as an API method, overwrite _initialPrompt
REPLServer.prototype.setPrompt = function setPrompt(prompt) {
this._initialPrompt = prompt;, prompt);
// A stream to push an array into a REPL
// used in REPLServer.complete
function ArrayStream() {; = function(data) {
var self = this;
data.forEach(function(line) {
self.emit('data', line + '\n');
util.inherits(ArrayStream, Stream);
ArrayStream.prototype.readable = true;
ArrayStream.prototype.writable = true;
ArrayStream.prototype.resume = function() {};
ArrayStream.prototype.write = function() {};
var requireRE = /\brequire\s*\(['"](([\w\.\/-]+\/)?([\w\.\/-]*))/;
var simpleExpressionRE =
// Provide a list of completions for the given leading text. This is
// given to the readline interface for handling tab completion.
// Example:
// complete('var foo = util.')
// -> [['util.print', 'util.debug', 'util.log', 'util.inspect', 'util.pump'],
// 'util.' ]
// Warning: This eval's code like "", so it will run property
// getter code.
REPLServer.prototype.complete = function(line, callback) {
// There may be local variables to evaluate, try a nested REPL
if (!util.isUndefined(this.bufferedCommand) && this.bufferedCommand.length) {
// Get a new array of inputed lines
var tmp = this.lines.slice();
// Kill off all function declarations to push all local variables into
// global scope
this.lines.level.forEach(function(kill) {
if (kill.isFunction) {
tmp[kill.line] = '';
var flat = new ArrayStream(); // make a new "input" stream
var magic = new REPLServer('', flat); // make a nested REPL
magic.context = magic.createContext();; // eval the flattened code
// all this is only profitable if the nested REPL
// does not have a bufferedCommand
if (!magic.bufferedCommand) {
return magic.complete(line, callback);
var completions;
// list of completion lists, one for each inheritance "level"
var completionGroups = [];
var completeOn, match, filter, i, group, c;
// REPL commands (e.g. ".break").
var match = null;
match = line.match(/^\s*(\.\w*)$/);
if (match) {
completeOn = match[1];
if (match[1].length > 1) {
filter = match[1];
} else if (match = line.match(requireRE)) {
// require('...<Tab>')
var exts = Object.keys(require.extensions);
var indexRe = new RegExp('^index(' +'|') +
completeOn = match[1];
var subdir = match[2] || '';
var filter = match[1];
var dir, files, f, name, base, ext, abs, subfiles, s;
group = [];
var paths = module.paths.concat(require('module').globalPaths);
for (i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
dir = path.resolve(paths[i], subdir);
try {
files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
} catch (e) {
for (f = 0; f < files.length; f++) {
name = files[f];
ext = path.extname(name);
base = name.slice(0, -ext.length);
if (base.match(/-\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?/) || name === '.npm') {
// Exclude versioned names that 'npm' installs.
if (exts.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
if (!subdir || base !== 'index') {
group.push(subdir + base);
} else {
abs = path.resolve(dir, name);
try {
if (fs.statSync(abs).isDirectory()) {
group.push(subdir + name + '/');
subfiles = fs.readdirSync(abs);
for (s = 0; s < subfiles.length; s++) {
if (indexRe.test(subfiles[s])) {
group.push(subdir + name);
} catch (e) {}
if (group.length) {
if (!subdir) {
// Handle variable member lookup.
// We support simple chained expressions like the following (no function
// calls, etc.). That is for simplicity and also because we *eval* that
// leading expression so for safety (see WARNING above) don't want to
// eval function calls.
//<|> # completions for 'foo' with filter 'bar'
// spam.eggs.<|> # completions for 'spam.eggs' with filter ''
// foo<|> # all scope vars with filter 'foo'
// foo.<|> # completions for 'foo' with filter ''
} else if (line.length === 0 || line[line.length - 1].match(/\w|\.|\$/)) {
match = simpleExpressionRE.exec(line);
if (line.length === 0 || match) {
var expr;
completeOn = (match ? match[0] : '');
if (line.length === 0) {
filter = '';
expr = '';
} else if (line[line.length - 1] === '.') {
filter = '';
expr = match[0].slice(0, match[0].length - 1);
} else {
var bits = match[0].split('.');
filter = bits.pop();
expr = bits.join('.');
// Resolve expr and get its completions.
var memberGroups = [];
if (!expr) {
// If context is instance of vm.ScriptContext
// Get global vars synchronously
if (this.useGlobal ||
this.context.constructor && === 'Context') {
var contextProto = this.context;
while (contextProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(contextProto)) {
addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter);
} else {
this.eval('.scope', this.context, 'repl', function(err, globals) {
if (err || !globals) {
addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter);
} else if (util.isArray(globals[0])) {
// Add grouped globals
globals.forEach(function(group) {
} else {
addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter);
} else {
this.eval(expr, this.context, 'repl', function(e, obj) {
// if (e) console.log(e);
if (obj != null) {
if (util.isObject(obj) || util.isFunction(obj)) {
// works for non-objects
try {
var sentinel = 5;
var p;
if (util.isObject(obj) || util.isFunction(obj)) {
p = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
} else {
p = obj.constructor ? obj.constructor.prototype : null;
while (!util.isNull(p)) {
p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
// Circular refs possible? Let's guard against that.
if (sentinel <= 0) {
} catch (e) {
//console.log("completion error walking prototype chain:" + e);
if (memberGroups.length) {
for (i = 0; i < memberGroups.length; i++) {
completionGroups.push(memberGroups[i].map(function(member) {
return expr + '.' + member;
if (filter) {
filter = expr + '.' + filter;
} else {
} else {
// Will be called when all completionGroups are in place
// Useful for async autocompletion
function completionGroupsLoaded(err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Filter, sort (within each group), uniq and merge the completion groups.
if (completionGroups.length && filter) {
var newCompletionGroups = [];
for (i = 0; i < completionGroups.length; i++) {
group = completionGroups[i].filter(function(elem) {
return elem.indexOf(filter) == 0;
if (group.length) {
completionGroups = newCompletionGroups;
if (completionGroups.length) {
var uniq = {}; // unique completions across all groups
completions = [];
// Completion group 0 is the "closest"
// (least far up the inheritance chain)
// so we put its completions last: to be closest in the REPL.
for (i = completionGroups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
group = completionGroups[i];
for (var j = 0; j < group.length; j++) {
c = group[j];
if (!hasOwnProperty(uniq, c)) {
uniq[c] = true;
completions.push(''); // separator btwn groups
while (completions.length && completions[completions.length - 1] === '') {
callback(null, [completions || [], completeOn]);
* Used to parse and execute the Node REPL commands.
* @param {keyword} keyword The command entered to check.
* @return {Boolean} If true it means don't continue parsing the command.
REPLServer.prototype.parseREPLKeyword = function(keyword, rest) {
var cmd = this.commands[keyword];
if (cmd) {, rest);
return true;
return false;
REPLServer.prototype.defineCommand = function(keyword, cmd) {
if (util.isFunction(cmd)) {
cmd = {action: cmd};
} else if (!util.isFunction(cmd.action)) {
throw new Error('bad argument, action must be a function');
this.commands[keyword] = cmd;
REPLServer.prototype.memory = function memory(cmd) {
var self = this;
self.lines = self.lines || [];
self.lines.level = self.lines.level || [];
// save the line so I can do magic later
if (cmd) {
// TODO should I tab the level?
self.lines.push(new Array(self.lines.level.length).join(' ') + cmd);
} else {
// I don't want to not change the format too much...
// I need to know "depth."
// Because I can not tell the difference between a } that
// closes an object literal and a } that closes a function
if (cmd) {
// going down is { and ( e.g. function() {
// going up is } and )
var dw = cmd.match(/{|\(/g);
var up = cmd.match(/}|\)/g);
up = up ? up.length : 0;
dw = dw ? dw.length : 0;
var depth = dw - up;
if (depth) {
(function workIt() {
if (depth > 0) {
// going... down.
// push the line#, depth count, and if the line is a function.
// Since JS only has functional scope I only need to remove
// "function() {" lines, clearly this will not work for
// "function()
// {" but nothing should break, only tab completion for local
// scope will not work for this function.
line: self.lines.length - 1,
depth: depth,
isFunction: /\s*function\s*/.test(cmd)
} else if (depth < 0) {
// going... up.
var curr = self.lines.level.pop();
if (curr) {
var tmp = curr.depth + depth;
if (tmp < 0) {
//more to go, recurse
depth += curr.depth;
} else if (tmp > 0) {
//remove and push back
curr.depth += depth;
// it is possible to determine a syntax error at this point.
// if the REPL still has a bufferedCommand and
// self.lines.level.length === 0
// TODO? keep a log of level so that any syntax breaking lines can
// be cleared on .break and in the case of a syntax error?
// TODO? if a log was kept, then I could clear the bufferedComand and
// eval these lines and throw the syntax error
} else {
self.lines.level = [];
function addStandardGlobals(completionGroups, filter) {
// Global object properties
// (
completionGroups.push(['NaN', 'Infinity', 'undefined',
'eval', 'parseInt', 'parseFloat', 'isNaN', 'isFinite', 'decodeURI',
'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent',
'Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'String', 'Boolean', 'Number',
'Date', 'RegExp', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'RangeError',
'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError',
'Math', 'JSON']);
// Common keywords. Exclude for completion on the empty string, b/c
// they just get in the way.
if (filter) {
completionGroups.push(['break', 'case', 'catch', 'const',
'continue', 'debugger', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'else',
'export', 'false', 'finally', 'for', 'function', 'if',
'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'let', 'new', 'null', 'return',
'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeof', 'undefined',
'var', 'void', 'while', 'with', 'yield']);
function defineDefaultCommands(repl) {
// TODO remove me after 0.3.x
repl.defineCommand('break', {
help: 'Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out',
action: function() {
this.bufferedCommand = '';
var clearMessage;
if (repl.useGlobal) {
clearMessage = 'Alias for .break';
} else {
clearMessage = 'Break, and also clear the local context';
repl.defineCommand('clear', {
help: clearMessage,
action: function() {
this.bufferedCommand = '';
if (!this.useGlobal) {
this.outputStream.write('Clearing context...\n');
repl.defineCommand('exit', {
help: 'Exit the repl',
action: function() {
repl.defineCommand('help', {
help: 'Show repl options',
action: function() {
var self = this;
Object.keys(this.commands).sort().forEach(function(name) {
var cmd = self.commands[name];
self.outputStream.write(name + '\t' + ( || '') + '\n');
repl.defineCommand('save', {
help: 'Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file',
action: function(file) {
try {
fs.writeFileSync(file, this.lines.join('\n') + '\n');
this.outputStream.write('Session saved to:' + file + '\n');
} catch (e) {
this.outputStream.write('Failed to save:' + file + '\n');
repl.defineCommand('load', {
help: 'Load JS from a file into the REPL session',
action: function(file) {
try {
var stats = fs.statSync(file);
if (stats && stats.isFile()) {
var self = this;
var data = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
var lines = data.split('\n');
lines.forEach(function(line) {
if (line) {
self.write(line + '\n');
} catch (e) {
this.outputStream.write('Failed to load:' + file + '\n');
function trimWhitespace(cmd) {
var trimmer = /^\s*(.+)\s*$/m,
matches = trimmer.exec(cmd);
if (matches && matches.length === 2) {
return matches[1];
return '';
function regexpEscape(s) {
return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
* Converts commands that use var and function <name>() to use the
* local exports.context when evaled. This provides a local context
* on the REPL.
* @param {String} cmd The cmd to convert.
* @return {String} The converted command.
REPLServer.prototype.convertToContext = function(cmd) {
var self = this, matches,
scopeVar = /^\s*var\s*([_\w\$]+)(.*)$/m,
scopeFunc = /^\s*function\s*([_\w\$]+)/;
// Replaces: var foo = "bar"; with: = bar;
matches = scopeVar.exec(cmd);
if (matches && matches.length === 3) {
return 'self.context.' + matches[1] + matches[2];
// Replaces: function foo() {}; with: foo = function foo() {};
matches = scopeFunc.exec(self.bufferedCommand);
if (matches && matches.length === 2) {
return matches[1] + ' = ' + self.bufferedCommand;
return cmd;
// If the error is that we've unexpectedly ended the input,
// then let the user try to recover by adding more input.
function isRecoverableError(e) {
return e && === 'SyntaxError' &&
/^(Unexpected end of input|Unexpected token :)/.test(e.message);
function Recoverable(err) {
this.err = err;
inherits(Recoverable, SyntaxError);