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Node.js Core Working Groups

Node.js Core Working Groups are autonomous projects created by the Core Technical Committee (CTC).

Working Groups can be formed at any time but must be ratified by the CTC. Once formed the work defined in the Working Group charter is the responsibility of the WG rather than the CTC.

It is important that Working Groups are not formed pre-maturely. Working Groups are not formed to begin a set of tasks but instead are formed once that work is already underway and the contributors think it would benefit from being done as an autonomous project.

If the work defined in a Working Group's charter is complete, the charter should be revoked.

A Working Group's charter can be revoked either by consensus of the Working Group's members or by a CTC vote. Once revoked, any future work that arises becomes the responsibility of the CTC.

Joining a WG

To find out how to join a working group, consult the in the working group's repository, or in the working group's repository.

Starting A Core Working Group

The process to start a Core Working Group is identical to creating a Top Level Working Group.

Current Working Groups


The website Working Group's purpose is to build and maintain a public website for the Node.js project.

Responsibilities include:

  • Developing and maintaining a build and automation system for
  • Ensuring the site is regularly updated with changes made to Node.js, like releases and features.
  • Fostering and enabling a community of translators.


The Streams Working Group is dedicated to the support and improvement of the Streams API as used in Node.js and the npm ecosystem. We seek to create a composable API that solves the problem of representing multiple occurrences of an event over time in a humane, low-overhead fashion. Improvements to the API will be driven by the needs of the ecosystem; interoperability and backwards compatibility with other solutions and prior versions are paramount in importance.

Responsibilities include:

  • Addressing stream issues on the Node.js issue tracker.
  • Authoring and editing stream documentation within the Node.js project.
  • Reviewing changes to stream subclasses within the Node.js project.
  • Redirecting changes to streams from the Node.js project to this project.
  • Assisting in the implementation of stream providers within Node.js.
  • Recommending versions of readable-stream to be included in Node.js.
  • Messaging about the future of streams to give the community advance notice of changes.


The Build Working Group's purpose is to create and maintain a distributed automation infrastructure.

Responsibilities include:

  • Producing packages for all target platforms.
  • Running tests.
  • Running performance testing and comparisons.
  • Creating and managing build-containers.


The Diagnostics Working Group's purpose is to surface a set of comprehensive, documented, and extensible diagnostic interfaces for use by Node.js tools and JavaScript VMs.

Responsibilities include:

  • Collaborating with V8 to integrate v8_inspector into Node.js.
  • Collaborating with V8 to integrate trace_event into Node.js.
  • Collaborating with Core to refine async_wrap and async_hooks.
  • Maintaining and improving OS trace system integration (e.g. ETW, LTTNG, dtrace).
  • Documenting diagnostic capabilities and APIs in Node.js and its components.
  • Exploring opportunities and gaps, discussing feature requests, and addressing conflicts in Node.js diagnostics.
  • Fostering an ecosystem of diagnostics tools for Node.js.


The i18n Working Groups handle more than just translations. They are endpoints for community members to collaborate with each other in their language of choice.

Each team is organized around a common spoken language. Each language community might then produce multiple localizations for various project resources.

Responsibilities include:

  • Translating any Node.js materials they believe are relevant to their community.
  • Reviewing processes for keeping translations up to date and of high quality.
  • Managing and monitoring social media channels in their language.
  • Promoting Node.js speakers for meetups and conferences in their language.

Note that the i18n Working Groups are distinct from the Intl Working Group.

Each language community maintains its own membership.


The Intl Working Group is dedicated to support and improvement of Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) in Node.

Responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring functionality & compliance (standards: ECMA, Unicode…)
  • Supporting Globalization and Internationalization issues that come up in the tracker
  • Communicating guidance and best practices
  • Refining the existing Intl implementation

The Intl Working Group is not responsible for translation of content. That is the responsibility of the specific i18n group for each language.


The Evangelism Working Group promotes the accomplishments of Node.js and lets the community know how they can get involved.

Responsibilities include:

  • Facilitating project messaging.
  • Managing official project social media.
  • Handling the promotion of speakers for meetups and conferences.
  • Handling the promotion of community events.
  • Publishing regular update summaries and other promotional content.


The Docker Working Group's purpose is to build, maintain, and improve official Docker images for the Node.js project.

Responsibilities include:

  • Keeping the official Docker images updated in line with new Node.js releases.
  • Decide and implement image improvements and/or fixes.
  • Maintain and improve the images' documentation.

Addon API

The Addon API Working Group is responsible for maintaining the NAN project and corresponding nan package in npm. The NAN project makes available an abstraction layer for native add-on authors for Node.js, assisting in the writing of code that is compatible with many actively used versions of Node.js, V8 and libuv.

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the NAN GitHub repository, including code, issues and documentation.
  • Maintaining the addon-examples GitHub repository, including code, issues and documentation.
  • Maintaining the C++ Addon API within the Node.js project, in subordination to the Node.js CTC.
  • Maintaining the Addon documentation within the Node.js project, in subordination to the Node.js CTC.
  • Maintaining the nan package in npm, releasing new versions as appropriate.
  • Messaging about the future of the Node.js and NAN interface to give the community advance notice of changes.

The current members can be found in their README.


The purpose of the Benchmark Working Group is to gain consensus on an agreed set of benchmarks that can be used to:

  • track and evangelize performance gains made between Node.js releases
  • avoid performance regressions between releases

Responsibilities include:

  • Identifying 1 or more benchmarks that reflect customer usage. Likely will need more than one to cover typical Node.js use cases including low-latency and high concurrency
  • Working to get community consensus on the list chosen
  • Adding regular execution of chosen benchmarks to Node.js builds
  • Tracking/publicizing performance between builds/releases


The Post-mortem Diagnostics Working Group is dedicated to the support and improvement of postmortem debugging for Node.js. It seeks to elevate the role of postmortem debugging for Node, to assist in the development of techniques and tools, and to make techniques and tools known and available to Node.js users.

Responsibilities include:

  • Defining and adding interfaces/APIs in order to allow dumps to be generated when needed.
  • Defining and adding common structures to the dumps generated in order to support tools that want to introspect those dumps.


The Documentation Working Group exists to support the improvement of Node.js documentation, both in the core API documentation, and elsewhere, such as the Node.js website. Its intent is to work closely with the Evangelism, Website, and Intl Working Groups to make excellent documentation available and accessible to all.

Responsibilities include:

  • Defining and maintaining documentation style and content standards.
  • Producing documentation in a format acceptable for the Website Working Group to consume.
  • Ensuring that Node's documentation addresses a wide variety of audiences.
  • Creating and operating a process for documentation review that produces quality documentation and avoids impeding the progress of Core work.


The Node.js Testing Working Group's purpose is to extend and improve testing of the Node.js source code.

Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating an overall strategy for improving testing.
  • Documenting guidelines around tests.
  • Working with the Build Working Group to improve continuous integration.
  • Improving tooling for testing.