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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2008 (ita)
"base for all c/c++ programs and libraries"
import os, sys, re
import TaskGen, Task, Utils, preproc, Logs, Build, Options
from Logs import error, debug, warn
from Utils import md5
from TaskGen import taskgen, after, before, feature
from Constants import *
from Configure import conftest
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
import config_c # <- necessary for the configuration, do not touch
def get_cc_version(conf, cc, gcc=False, icc=False):
cmd = cc + ['-dM', '-E', '-']
p = Utils.pproc.Popen(cmd, stdin=Utils.pproc.PIPE, stdout=Utils.pproc.PIPE, stderr=Utils.pproc.PIPE)
out = p.communicate()[0]
conf.fatal('could not determine the compiler version %r' % cmd)
# PY3K: do not touch
out = str(out)
if gcc:
if out.find('__INTEL_COMPILER') >= 0:
conf.fatal('The intel compiler pretends to be gcc')
if out.find('__GNUC__') < 0:
conf.fatal('Could not determine the compiler type')
if icc and out.find('__INTEL_COMPILER') < 0:
conf.fatal('Not icc/icpc')
k = {}
if icc or gcc:
out = out.split('\n')
import shlex
for line in out:
lst = shlex.split(line)
if len(lst)>2:
key = lst[1]
val = lst[2]
k[key] = val
def isD(var):
return var in k
def isT(var):
return var in k and k[var] != '0'
# Some documentation is available at
# The names given to DEST_OS must match what Utils.unversioned_sys_platform() returns.
mp1 = {
'__linux__' : 'linux',
'__GNU__' : 'hurd',
'__FreeBSD__' : 'freebsd',
'__NetBSD__' : 'netbsd',
'__OpenBSD__' : 'openbsd',
'__sun' : 'sunos',
'__hpux' : 'hpux',
'__sgi' : 'irix',
'_AIX' : 'aix',
'__CYGWIN__' : 'cygwin',
'__MSYS__' : 'msys',
'_UWIN' : 'uwin',
'_WIN64' : 'win32',
'_WIN32' : 'win32',
for i in mp1:
if isD(i):
conf.env.DEST_OS = mp1[i]
if isD('__APPLE__') and isD('__MACH__'):
conf.env.DEST_OS = 'darwin'
elif isD('__unix__'): # unix must be tested last as it's a generic fallback
conf.env.DEST_OS = 'generic'
if isD('__ELF__'):
conf.env.DEST_BINFMT = 'elf'
mp2 = {
'__x86_64__' : 'x86_64',
'__i386__' : 'x86',
'__ia64__' : 'ia',
'__mips__' : 'mips',
'__sparc__' : 'sparc',
'__alpha__' : 'alpha',
'__arm__' : 'arm',
'__hppa__' : 'hppa',
'__powerpc__' : 'powerpc',
for i in mp2:
if isD(i):
conf.env.DEST_CPU = mp2[i]
debug('ccroot: dest platform: ' + ' '.join([conf.env[x] or '?' for x in ('DEST_OS', 'DEST_BINFMT', 'DEST_CPU')]))
conf.env['CC_VERSION'] = (k['__GNUC__'], k['__GNUC_MINOR__'], k['__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__'])
return k
"""Will disappear in waf 1.6"""
ULTRADEBUG = "ultradebug"
DEBUG = "debug"
RELEASE = "release"
OPTIMIZED = "optimized"
CUSTOM = "custom"
def scan(self):
"look for .h the .cpp need"
debug('ccroot: _scan_preprocessor(self, node, env, path_lst)')
# TODO waf 1.6 - assume the default input has exactly one file
if len(self.inputs) == 1:
node = self.inputs[0]
(nodes, names) = preproc.get_deps(node, self.env, nodepaths = self.env['INC_PATHS'])
if Logs.verbose:
debug('deps: deps for %s: %r; unresolved %r', str(node), nodes, names)
return (nodes, names)
all_nodes = []
all_names = []
seen = set()
for node in self.inputs:
(nodes, names) = preproc.get_deps(node, self.env, nodepaths = self.env['INC_PATHS'])
if Logs.verbose:
debug('deps: deps for %s: %r; unresolved %r', str(node), nodes, names)
for x in nodes:
if id(x) in seen: continue
for x in names:
if not x in all_names:
return (all_nodes, all_names)
class ccroot_abstract(TaskGen.task_gen):
"Parent class for programs and libraries in languages c, c++ and moc (Qt)"
def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
# COMPAT remove in waf 1.6 TODO
if len(k) > 1:
k = list(k)
if k[1][0] != 'c':
k[1] = 'c' + k[1]
TaskGen.task_gen.__init__(self, *k, **kw)
def get_target_name(self):
tp = 'program'
for x in self.features:
if x in ['cshlib', 'cstaticlib']:
tp = x.lstrip('c')
pattern = self.env[tp + '_PATTERN']
if not pattern: pattern = '%s'
dir, name = os.path.split(
if self.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'pe' and getattr(self, 'vnum', None) and 'cshlib' in self.features:
# include the version in the dll file name,
# the import lib file name stays unversionned.
name = name + '-' + self.vnum.split('.')[0]
return os.path.join(dir, pattern % name)
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
def default_cc(self):
"""compiled_tasks attribute must be set before the '.c->.o' tasks can be created"""
includes = '',
defines= '',
rpaths = '',
uselib = '',
uselib_local = '',
add_objects = '',
p_flag_vars = [],
p_type_vars = [],
compiled_tasks = [],
link_task = None)
# The only thing we need for cross-compilation is DEST_BINFMT.
# At some point, we may reach a case where DEST_BINFMT is not enough, but for now it's sufficient.
# Currently, cross-compilation is auto-detected only for the gnu and intel compilers.
if not self.env.DEST_BINFMT:
# Infer the binary format from the os name.
self.env.DEST_BINFMT = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform_to_binary_format(
self.env.DEST_OS or Utils.unversioned_sys_platform())
if not self.env.BINDIR: self.env.BINDIR = Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/bin', self.env)
if not self.env.LIBDIR: self.env.LIBDIR = Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/lib${LIB_EXT}', self.env)
@feature('cprogram', 'dprogram', 'cstaticlib', 'dstaticlib', 'cshlib', 'dshlib')
def apply_verif(self):
"""no particular order, used for diagnostic"""
if not (self.source or getattr(self, 'add_objects', None) or getattr(self, 'uselib_local', None) or getattr(self, 'obj_files', None)):
raise Utils.WafError('no source files specified for %s' % self)
if not
raise Utils.WafError('no target for %s' % self)
# TODO reference the d programs, shlibs in, not here
@feature('cprogram', 'dprogram')
def vars_target_cprogram(self):
self.default_install_path = self.env.BINDIR
self.default_chmod = O755
@feature('cshlib', 'dshlib')
def vars_target_cshlib(self):
if self.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'pe':
# set execute bit on libs to avoid 'permission denied' (issue 283)
self.default_chmod = O755
self.default_install_path = self.env.BINDIR
self.default_install_path = self.env.LIBDIR
@feature('cprogram', 'dprogram', 'cstaticlib', 'dstaticlib', 'cshlib', 'dshlib')
@after('apply_link', 'vars_target_cprogram', 'vars_target_cshlib')
def default_link_install(self):
"""you may kill this method to inject your own installation for the first element
any other install should only process its own nodes and not those from the others"""
if self.install_path:
self.bld.install_files(self.install_path, self.link_task.outputs[0], env=self.env, chmod=self.chmod)
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@after('apply_type_vars', 'apply_lib_vars', 'apply_core')
def apply_incpaths(self):
"""used by the scanner
after processing the uselib for CPPPATH
after apply_core because some processing may add include paths
lst = []
# TODO move the uselib processing out of here
for lib in self.to_list(self.uselib):
for path in self.env['CPPPATH_' + lib]:
if not path in lst:
if preproc.go_absolute:
for path in preproc.standard_includes:
if not path in lst:
for path in self.to_list(self.includes):
if not path in lst:
if preproc.go_absolute or not os.path.isabs(path):
self.env.prepend_value('CPPPATH', path)
for path in lst:
node = None
if os.path.isabs(path):
if preproc.go_absolute:
node = self.bld.root.find_dir(path)
elif path[0] == '#':
node = self.bld.srcnode
if len(path) > 1:
node = node.find_dir(path[1:])
node = self.path.find_dir(path)
if node:
self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', node)
# TODO WAF 1.6
self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', self.bld.srcnode)
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@after('init_cc', 'init_cxx')
def apply_type_vars(self):
"""before apply_lib_vars because we modify uselib
after init_cc and init_cxx because web need p_type_vars
for x in self.features:
if not x in ['cprogram', 'cstaticlib', 'cshlib']:
x = x.lstrip('c')
# if the type defines uselib to add, add them
st = self.env[x + '_USELIB']
if st: self.uselib = self.uselib + ' ' + st
# each compiler defines variables like 'shlib_CXXFLAGS', 'shlib_LINKFLAGS', etc
# so when we make a task generator of the type shlib, CXXFLAGS are modified accordingly
for var in self.p_type_vars:
compvar = '%s_%s' % (x, var)
#print compvar
value = self.env[compvar]
if value: self.env.append_value(var, value)
@feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cstaticlib')
def apply_link(self):
"""executes after apply_core for collecting 'compiled_tasks'
use a custom linker if specified ('name-of-custom-link-task')"""
link = getattr(self, 'link', None)
if not link:
if 'cstaticlib' in self.features: link = 'static_link'
elif 'cxx' in self.features: link = 'cxx_link'
else: link = 'cc_link'
tsk = self.create_task(link)
outputs = [t.outputs[0] for t in self.compiled_tasks]
self.link_task = tsk
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@after('apply_link', 'init_cc', 'init_cxx', 'apply_core')
def apply_lib_vars(self):
"""after apply_link because of 'link_task'
after default_cc because of the attribute 'uselib'"""
# after 'apply_core' in case if 'cc' if there is no link
env = self.env
# 1. the case of the libs defined in the project (visit ancestors first)
# the ancestors external libraries (uselib) will be prepended
self.uselib = self.to_list(self.uselib)
names = self.to_list(self.uselib_local)
seen = set([])
tmp = Utils.deque(names) # consume a copy of the list of names
while tmp:
lib_name = tmp.popleft()
# visit dependencies only once
if lib_name in seen:
y = self.name_to_obj(lib_name)
if not y:
raise Utils.WafError('object %r was not found in uselib_local (required by %r)' % (lib_name,
# object has ancestors to process (shared libraries): add them to the end of the list
if getattr(y, 'uselib_local', None):
lst = y.to_list(y.uselib_local)
if 'cshlib' in y.features or 'cprogram' in y.features:
lst = [x for x in lst if not 'cstaticlib' in self.name_to_obj(x).features]
# link task and flags
if getattr(y, 'link_task', None):
link_name =[ + 1:]
if 'cstaticlib' in y.features:
env.append_value('STATICLIB', link_name)
elif 'cshlib' in y.features or 'cprogram' in y.features:
# WARNING some linkers can link against programs
env.append_value('LIB', link_name)
# the order
# for the recompilation
dep_nodes = getattr(self.link_task, 'dep_nodes', [])
self.link_task.dep_nodes = dep_nodes + y.link_task.outputs
# add the link path too
tmp_path = y.link_task.outputs[0].parent.bldpath(self.env)
if not tmp_path in env['LIBPATH']: env.prepend_value('LIBPATH', tmp_path)
# add ancestors uselib too - but only propagate those that have no staticlib
for v in self.to_list(y.uselib):
if not env['STATICLIB_' + v]:
if not v in self.uselib:
self.uselib.insert(0, v)
# if the library task generator provides 'export_incdirs', add to the include path
# the export_incdirs must be a list of paths relative to the other library
if getattr(y, 'export_incdirs', None):
for x in self.to_list(y.export_incdirs):
node = y.path.find_dir(x)
if not node:
raise Utils.WafError('object %r: invalid folder %r in export_incdirs' % (, x))
self.env.append_unique('INC_PATHS', node)
# 2. the case of the libs defined outside
for x in self.uselib:
for v in self.p_flag_vars:
val = self.env[v + '_' + x]
if val: self.env.append_value(v, val)
@feature('cprogram', 'cstaticlib', 'cshlib')
@after('init_cc', 'init_cxx', 'apply_link')
def apply_objdeps(self):
"add the .o files produced by some other object files in the same manner as uselib_local"
if not getattr(self, 'add_objects', None): return
seen = []
names = self.to_list(self.add_objects)
while names:
x = names[0]
# visit dependencies only once
if x in seen:
names = names[1:]
# object does not exist ?
y = self.name_to_obj(x)
if not y:
raise Utils.WafError('object %r was not found in uselib_local (required by add_objects %r)' % (x,
# object has ancestors to process first ? update the list of names
if getattr(y, 'add_objects', None):
added = 0
lst = y.to_list(y.add_objects)
for u in lst:
if u in seen: continue
added = 1
names = [u]+names
if added: continue # list of names modified, loop
# safe to process the current object
for t in y.compiled_tasks:
@feature('cprogram', 'cshlib', 'cstaticlib')
def apply_obj_vars(self):
"""after apply_lib_vars for uselib"""
v = self.env
lib_st = v['LIB_ST']
staticlib_st = v['STATICLIB_ST']
libpath_st = v['LIBPATH_ST']
staticlibpath_st = v['STATICLIBPATH_ST']
rpath_st = v['RPATH_ST']
app = v.append_unique
v.append_value('LINKFLAGS', v['FULLSTATIC_MARKER'])
for i in v['RPATH']:
if i and rpath_st:
app('LINKFLAGS', rpath_st % i)
for i in v['LIBPATH']:
app('LINKFLAGS', libpath_st % i)
app('LINKFLAGS', staticlibpath_st % i)
if v['STATICLIB']:
v.append_value('LINKFLAGS', v['STATICLIB_MARKER'])
k = [(staticlib_st % i) for i in v['STATICLIB']]
app('LINKFLAGS', k)
# fully static binaries ?
if not v['FULLSTATIC']:
if v['STATICLIB'] or v['LIB']:
v.append_value('LINKFLAGS', v['SHLIB_MARKER'])
app('LINKFLAGS', [lib_st % i for i in v['LIB']])
def process_obj_files(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'obj_files'): return
for x in self.obj_files:
node = self.path.find_resource(x)
def add_obj_file(self, file):
"""Small example on how to link object files as if they were source
obj = bld.create_obj('cc')
if not hasattr(self, 'obj_files'): self.obj_files = []
if not 'process_obj_files' in self.meths: self.meths.append('process_obj_files')
c_attrs = {
'cxxflag' : 'CXXFLAGS',
'cflag' : 'CCFLAGS',
'ccflag' : 'CCFLAGS',
'linkflag' : 'LINKFLAGS',
'ldflag' : 'LINKFLAGS',
'lib' : 'LIB',
'libpath' : 'LIBPATH',
'staticlib': 'STATICLIB',
'staticlibpath': 'STATICLIBPATH',
'rpath' : 'RPATH',
'framework' : 'FRAMEWORK',
'frameworkpath' : 'FRAMEWORKPATH'
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@before('init_cxx', 'init_cc')
@before('apply_lib_vars', 'apply_obj_vars', 'apply_incpaths', 'init_cc')
def add_extra_flags(self):
"""case and plural insensitive
before apply_obj_vars for processing the library attributes
for x in self.__dict__.keys():
y = x.lower()
if y[-1] == 's':
y = y[:-1]
if c_attrs.get(y, None):
self.env.append_unique(c_attrs[y], getattr(self, x))
# ============ the code above must not know anything about import libs ==========
@after('apply_link', 'default_cc')
@before('apply_lib_vars', 'apply_objdeps', 'default_link_install')
def apply_implib(self):
"""On mswindows, handle dlls and their import libs
the .dll.a is the import lib and it is required for linking so it is installed too
if not self.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'pe':
bindir = self.install_path
if not bindir: return
# install the dll in the bin dir
dll = self.link_task.outputs[0]
self.bld.install_files(bindir, dll, self.env, self.chmod)
# add linker flags to generate the import lib
implib = self.env['implib_PATTERN'] % os.path.split([1]
implib = dll.parent.find_or_declare(implib)
self.bld.install_as('${LIBDIR}/%s' %, implib, self.env)
self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', (self.env['IMPLIB_ST'] % implib.bldpath(self.env)).split())
# ============ the code above must not know anything about vnum processing on unix platforms =========
@before('apply_lib_vars', 'default_link_install')
def apply_vnum(self):
""" is installed as
if not getattr(self, 'vnum', '') or not 'cshlib' in self.features or != 'posix' or self.env.DEST_BINFMT not in ('elf', 'mac-o'):
link = self.link_task
nums = self.vnum.split('.')
node = link.outputs[0]
libname =
if libname.endswith('.dylib'):
name3 = libname.replace('.dylib', '.%s.dylib' % self.vnum)
name2 = libname.replace('.dylib', '.%s.dylib' % nums[0])
name3 = libname + '.' + self.vnum
name2 = libname + '.' + nums[0]
if self.env.SONAME_ST:
v = self.env.SONAME_ST % name2
self.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', v.split())
bld = self.bld
nums = self.vnum.split('.')
path = self.install_path
if not path: return
bld.install_as(path + os.sep + name3, node, env=self.env)
bld.symlink_as(path + os.sep + name2, name3)
bld.symlink_as(path + os.sep + libname, name3)
# the following task is just to enable execution from the build dir :-/
tsk = self.create_task('vnum')
def exec_vnum_link(self):
path = self.outputs[0].abspath(self.env)
except OSError:
os.symlink(self.inputs[0].name, path)
except OSError:
return 1
cls = Task.task_type_from_func('vnum', func=exec_vnum_link, ext_in='.bin', color='CYAN')
cls.quiet = 1
# ============ the --as-needed flag should added during the configuration, not at runtime =========
def add_as_needed(conf):
if conf.env.DEST_BINFMT == 'elf' and 'gcc' in (conf.env.CXX_NAME, conf.env.CC_NAME):
conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', '--as-needed')