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<h1><a href="../api/npm.html">npm</a></h1> <p>node package manager</p>
<pre><code>var npm = require(&quot;npm&quot;)
npm.load(configObject, function (er, npm) {
// use the npm object, now that it&#39;s loaded.
npm.config.set(key, val)
val = npm.config.get(key)
console.log(&quot;prefix = %s&quot;, npm.prefix)
npm.commands.install([&quot;package&quot;], cb)
<h2 id="VERSION">VERSION</h2>
<p>This is the API documentation for npm.
To find documentation of the command line
client, see <code><a href="../doc/npm.html">npm(1)</a></code>.</p>
<p>Prior to using npm&#39;s commands,
<code>npm.load()</code> must be called with an object hash of
top-level configs. In the npm command line client,
this set of configs is parsed from the command line options. Additional
configuration params are loaded from two configuration files. See
<code><a href="../doc/config.html">config(1)</a></code> for more information.</p>
<p>After that, each of the functions are accessible in the
commands object: <code>npm.commands.&lt;cmd&gt;</code>. See <code><a href="../doc/index.html">index(1)</a></code> for a list of
all possible commands.</p>
<p>All commands on the command object take an <strong>array</strong> of positional argument
<strong>strings</strong>. The last argument to any function is a callback. Some
commands take other optional arguments.</p>
<p>Configs cannot currently be set on a per function basis, as each call to
npm.config.set will change the value for <em>all</em> npm commands in that process.</p>
<p>To find API documentation for a specific command, run the <code>npm apihelp</code>
<ul><li><p><code>npm.load(configs, cb)</code></p><p>Load the configuration params, and call the <code>cb</code> function once the
globalconfig and userconfig files have been loaded as well, or on
nextTick if they&#39;ve already been loaded.</p></li><li><p><code>npm.config</code></p><p>An object for accessing npm configuration parameters.</p><ul><li><p><code>npm.config.get(key)</code></p></li><li><code>npm.config.set(key, val)</code></li><li><p><code>npm.config.del(key)</code></p></li></ul></li><li><p><code>npm.dir</code> or <code>npm.root</code></p><p>The <code>node_modules</code> directory where npm will operate.</p></li><li><p><code>npm.prefix</code></p><p>The prefix where npm is operating. (Most often the current working
directory.)</p></li><li><p><code>npm.cache</code></p><p>The place where npm keeps JSON and tarballs it fetches from the
registry (or uploads to the registry).</p></li><li><p><code>npm.tmp</code></p><p>npm&#39;s temporary working directory.</p></li><li><p><code>npm.deref</code></p><p>Get the &quot;real&quot; name for a command that has either an alias or
<h2 id="MAGIC">MAGIC</h2>
<p>For each of the methods in the <code>npm.commands</code> hash, a method is added to
the npm object, which takes a set of positional string arguments rather
than an array and a callback.</p>
<p>If the last argument is a callback, then it will use the supplied
callback. However, if no callback is provided, then it will print out
the error or results.</p>
<p>For example, this would work in a node repl:</p>
<pre><code>&gt; npm = require(&quot;npm&quot;)
&gt; npm.load() // wait a sec...
&gt; npm.install(&quot;dnode&quot;, &quot;express&quot;)</code></pre>
<p>Note that that <em>won&#39;t</em> work in a node program, since the <code>install</code>
method will get called before the configuration load is completed.</p>
<h2 id="ABBREVS">ABBREVS</h2>
<p>In order to support <code>npm ins foo</code> instead of <code>npm install foo</code>, the
<code>npm.commands</code> object has a set of abbreviations as well as the full
method names. Use the <code>npm.deref</code> method to find the real name.</p>
<p>For example:</p>
<pre><code>var cmd = npm.deref(&quot;unp&quot;) // cmd === &quot;unpublish&quot;</code></pre>
<p id="footer">npm &mdash; npm@1.1.57</p>
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