You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

364 lines
12 KiB

'use strict'
var fs = require('graceful-fs')
var path = require('path')
var zlib = require('zlib')
var log = require('npmlog')
var realizePackageSpecifier = require('realize-package-specifier')
var tar = require('tar')
var once = require('once')
var semver = require('semver')
var readPackageTree = require('read-package-tree')
var readPackageJson = require('read-package-json')
var iferr = require('iferr')
var rimraf = require('rimraf')
var clone = require('lodash.clonedeep')
var validate = require('aproba')
var unpipe = require('unpipe')
var normalizePackageData = require('normalize-package-data')
var npm = require('./npm.js')
var mapToRegistry = require('./utils/map-to-registry.js')
var cache = require('./cache.js')
var cachedPackageRoot = require('./cache/cached-package-root.js')
var tempFilename = require('./utils/temp-filename.js')
var getCacheStat = require('./cache/get-stat.js')
var unpack = require('./utils/tar.js').unpack
var pulseTillDone = require('./utils/pulse-till-done.js')
var parseJSON = require('./utils/parse-json.js')
function andLogAndFinish (spec, tracker, done) {
validate('SF', [spec, done])
return function (er, pkg) {
if (er) {
log.silly('fetchPackageMetaData', 'error for ' + spec, er)
if (tracker) tracker.finish()
return done(er, pkg)
module.exports = function fetchPackageMetadata (spec, where, tracker, done) {
if (!done) {
done = tracker || where
tracker = null
if (done === where) where = null
if (typeof spec === 'object') {
var dep = spec
spec = dep.raw
var logAndFinish = andLogAndFinish(spec, tracker, done)
if (!dep) {
log.silly('fetchPackageMetaData', spec)
return realizePackageSpecifier(spec, where, iferr(logAndFinish, function (dep) {
fetchPackageMetadata(dep, where, tracker, done)
if (dep.type === 'version' || dep.type === 'range' || dep.type === 'tag') {
fetchNamedPackageData(dep, addRequestedAndFinish)
} else if (dep.type === 'directory') {
fetchDirectoryPackageData(dep, where, addRequestedAndFinish)
} else {
fetchOtherPackageData(spec, dep, where, addRequestedAndFinish)
function addRequestedAndFinish (er, pkg) {
if (pkg) annotateMetadata(pkg, dep, spec, where)
logAndFinish(er, pkg)
var annotateMetadata = module.exports.annotateMetadata = function (pkg, requested, spec, where) {
validate('OOSS', arguments)
pkg._requested = requested
pkg._spec = spec
pkg._where = where
if (!pkg._args) pkg._args = []
pkg._args.push([requested, where])
// non-npm registries can and will return unnormalized data, plus
// even the npm registry may have package data normalized with older
// normalization rules. This ensures we get package data in a consistent,
// stable format.
try {
} catch (ex) {
// don't care
function fetchOtherPackageData (spec, dep, where, next) {
validate('SOSF', arguments)
log.silly('fetchOtherPackageData', spec)
cache.add(spec, null, where, false, iferr(next, function (pkg) {
var result = clone(pkg)
result._inCache = true
next(null, result)
function fetchDirectoryPackageData (dep, where, next) {
validate('OSF', arguments)
log.silly('fetchDirectoryPackageData', || dep.rawSpec)
readPackageJson(path.join(dep.spec, 'package.json'), false, next)
var regCache = {}
function fetchNamedPackageData (dep, next) {
validate('OF', arguments)
log.silly('fetchNamedPackageData', || dep.rawSpec)
mapToRegistry( || dep.rawSpec, npm.config, iferr(next, function (url, auth) {
if (regCache[url]) {
} else {
npm.registry.get(url, {auth: auth}, pulseTillDone('fetchMetadata', iferr(next, pickVersionFromRegistryDocument)))
function returnAndAddMetadata (pkg) {
pkg._from = dep.raw
pkg._resolved = pkg.dist.tarball
pkg._shasum = pkg.dist.shasum
next(null, pkg)
function pickVersionFromRegistryDocument (pkg) {
if (!regCache[url]) regCache[url] = pkg
var versions = Object.keys(pkg.versions)
var invalidVersions = versions.filter(function (v) { return !semver.valid(v) })
if (invalidVersions.length > 0) {
log.warn('pickVersion', 'The package %s has invalid semver-version(s): %s. This usually only happens for unofficial private registries. ' +
'You should delete or re-publish the invalid versions.',, invalidVersions.join(', '))
versions = versions.filter(function (v) { return semver.valid(v) }).sort(semver.rcompare)
if (dep.type === 'tag') {
var tagVersion = pkg['dist-tags'][dep.spec]
if (pkg.versions[tagVersion]) return returnAndAddMetadata(pkg.versions[tagVersion])
} else {
var latestVersion = pkg['dist-tags'][npm.config.get('tag')] || versions[0]
// Find the the most recent version less than or equal
// to latestVersion that satisfies our spec
for (var ii = 0; ii < versions.length; ++ii) {
if ([ii], latestVersion)) continue
if (semver.satisfies(versions[ii], dep.spec)) {
return returnAndAddMetadata(pkg.versions[versions[ii]])
// Failing that, try finding the most recent version that matches
// our spec
for (var jj = 0; jj < versions.length; ++jj) {
if (semver.satisfies(versions[jj], dep.spec)) {
return returnAndAddMetadata(pkg.versions[versions[jj]])
// Failing THAT, if the range was '*' uses latestVersion
if (dep.spec === '*') {
return returnAndAddMetadata(pkg.versions[latestVersion])
// We didn't manage to find a compatible version
// If this package was requested from cache, force hitting the network
if (pkg._cached) {
log.silly('fetchNamedPackageData', 'No valid target from cache, forcing network')
return npm.registry.get(url, {
auth: auth,
skipCache: true
}, pulseTillDone('fetchMetadata', iferr(next, pickVersionFromRegistryDocument)))
// And failing that, we error out
var targets = versions.length
? 'Valid install targets:\n' + versions.join(', ') + '\n'
: 'No valid targets found.'
var er = new Error('No compatible version found: ' +
dep.raw + '\n' + targets)
er.code = 'ETARGET'
return next(er)
function retryWithCached (pkg, asserter, next) {
if (!pkg._inCache) {
cache.add(pkg._spec, null, pkg._where, false, iferr(next, function (newpkg) {
Object.keys(newpkg).forEach(function (key) {
if (key[0] !== '_') return
pkg[key] = newpkg[key]
pkg._inCache = true
return asserter(pkg, next)
return !pkg._inCache
module.exports.addShrinkwrap = function addShrinkwrap (pkg, next) {
validate('OF', arguments)
if (pkg._shrinkwrap !== undefined) return next(null, pkg)
if (retryWithCached(pkg, addShrinkwrap, next)) return
pkg._shrinkwrap = null
// FIXME: cache the shrinkwrap directly
var pkgname =
var ver = pkg.version
var tarball = path.join(cachedPackageRoot({name: pkgname, version: ver}), 'package.tgz')
untarStream(tarball, function (er, untar) {
if (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOTTARBALL') {
pkg._shrinkwrap = null
return next()
} else {
return next(er)
if (er) return next(er)
var foundShrinkwrap = false
untar.on('entry', function (entry) {
if (!/^(?:[^\/]+[\/])npm-shrinkwrap.json$/.test(entry.path)) return
log.silly('addShrinkwrap', 'Found shrinkwrap in ' + pkgname + ' ' + entry.path)
foundShrinkwrap = true
var shrinkwrap = ''
entry.on('data', function (chunk) {
shrinkwrap += chunk
entry.on('end', function () {
log.silly('addShrinkwrap', 'Completed reading shrinkwrap in ' + pkgname)
try {
pkg._shrinkwrap = parseJSON(shrinkwrap)
} catch (ex) {
var er = new Error('Error parsing ' + pkgname + '@' + ver + "'s npm-shrinkwrap.json: " + ex.message)
er.type = 'ESHRINKWRAP'
return next(er)
next(null, pkg)
untar.on('end', function () {
if (!foundShrinkwrap) {
pkg._shrinkwrap = null
next(null, pkg)
module.exports.addBundled = function addBundled (pkg, next) {
validate('OF', arguments)
if (pkg._bundled !== undefined) return next(null, pkg)
if (!pkg.bundleDependencies) return next(null, pkg)
if (retryWithCached(pkg, addBundled, next)) return
pkg._bundled = null
var pkgname =
var ver = pkg.version
var tarball = path.join(cachedPackageRoot({name: pkgname, version: ver}), 'package.tgz')
var target = tempFilename('unpack')
getCacheStat(iferr(next, function (cs) {
log.verbose('addBundled', 'extract', tarball)
unpack(tarball, target, null, null, cs.uid, cs.gid, iferr(next, function () {
log.silly('addBundled', 'read tarball')
readPackageTree(target, function (er, tree) {
log.silly('cleanup', 'remove extracted module')
rimraf(target, function () {
if (tree) {
pkg._bundled = tree.children
next(null, pkg)
// FIXME: hasGzipHeader / hasTarHeader / untarStream duplicate a lot
// of code from lib/utils/tar.js– these should be brought together.
function hasGzipHeader (c) {
return c[0] === 0x1F && c[1] === 0x8B && c[2] === 0x08
function hasTarHeader (c) {
return c[257] === 0x75 && // tar archives have 7573746172 at position
c[258] === 0x73 && // 257 and 003030 or 202000 at position 262
c[259] === 0x74 &&
c[260] === 0x61 &&
c[261] === 0x72 &&
((c[262] === 0x00 &&
c[263] === 0x30 &&
c[264] === 0x30) ||
(c[262] === 0x20 &&
c[263] === 0x20 &&
c[264] === 0x00))
function untarStream (tarball, cb) {
validate('SF', arguments)
cb = once(cb)
var stream
var file = stream = fs.createReadStream(tarball)
var tounpipe = [file]
file.on('error', function (er) {
er = new Error('Error extracting ' + tarball + ' archive: ' + er.message)
er.code = 'EREADFILE'
file.on('data', function OD (c) {
if (hasGzipHeader(c)) {
} else if (hasTarHeader(c)) {
} else {
if (file.close) file.close()
if (file.destroy) file.destroy()
var er = new Error('Non-gzip/tarball ' + tarball)
er.code = 'ENOTTARBALL'
return cb(er)
file.removeListener('data', OD)
file.emit('data', c)
cb(null, stream)
function doGunzip () {
var gunzip = stream.pipe(zlib.createGunzip())
gunzip.on('error', function (er) {
er = new Error('Error extracting ' + tarball + ' archive: ' + er.message)
er.code = 'EGUNZIP'
stream = gunzip
function doUntar () {
var untar = stream.pipe(tar.Parse())
untar.on('error', function (er) {
er = new Error('Error extracting ' + tarball + ' archive: ' + er.message)
er.code = 'EUNTAR'
stream = untar
function addClose () {
stream.close = function () {
tounpipe.forEach(function (stream) {
if (file.close) file.close()
if (file.destroy) file.destroy()