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'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const vm = require('vm');
var Script = vm.Script;
var script = new Script('"passed";');
console.error('run in a new empty context');
var context = vm.createContext();
var result = script.runInContext(context);
assert.equal('passed', result);
console.error('create a new pre-populated context');
context = vm.createContext({'foo': 'bar', 'thing': 'lala'});
assert.equal('lala', context.thing);
console.error('test updating context');
script = new Script('foo = 3;');
result = script.runInContext(context);
assert.equal('lala', context.thing);
// Issue GH-227:
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInNewContext('', null, 'some.js');
}, TypeError);
// Issue GH-1140:
console.error('test runInContext signature');
var gh1140Exception;
try {
vm.runInContext('throw new Error()', context, 'expected-filename.js');
} catch (e) {
gh1140Exception = e;
'expected appearance of filename in Error stack');
'expected exception from runInContext signature test');
// GH-558, non-context argument segfaults / raises assertion
[undefined, null, 0, 0.0, '', {}, []].forEach(function(e) {
assert.throws(function() { script.runInContext(e); }, TypeError);
assert.throws(function() { vm.runInContext('', e); }, TypeError);
// Issue GH-693:
console.error('test RegExp as argument to assert.throws');
script = vm.createScript('const assert = require(\'assert\'); assert.throws(' +
'function() { throw "hello world"; }, /hello/);',
script.runInNewContext({ require: require });
// Issue GH-7529
script = vm.createScript('delete b');
var ctx = {};
Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'b', { configurable: false });
ctx = vm.createContext(ctx);
assert.equal(script.runInContext(ctx), false);
// Error on the first line of a module should
// have the correct line and column number
assert.throws(function() {
vm.runInContext('throw new Error()', context, {
filename: 'expected-filename.js',
lineOffset: 32,
columnOffset: 123
}, function(err) {
return /expected-filename.js:33:130/.test(err.stack);
}, 'Expected appearance of proper offset in Error stack');
ctx = new Proxy({}, {});
assert.strictEqual(typeof vm.runInNewContext('String', ctx), 'function');
ctx = vm.createContext();
vm.runInContext('Object.defineProperty(this, "x", { value: 42 })', ctx);
assert.strictEqual(ctx.x, undefined); // Not copied out by cloneProperty().
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInContext('x', ctx), 42);
vm.runInContext('x = 0', ctx); // Does not throw but x...
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInContext('x', ctx), 42); // ...should be unaltered.
assert.throws(() => vm.runInContext('"use strict"; x = 0', ctx),
/Cannot assign to read only property 'x'/);
assert.strictEqual(vm.runInContext('x', ctx), 42);