You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.7 KiB

'use strict'
const pkg = require('../../package.json')
const silentlog = require('./silentlog')
function PacoteOptions (opts) {
opts = opts || {}
this._isPacoteOptions = true
this.agent = opts.agent
this.annotate = opts.annotate
this.auth = opts.auth
this.scopeTargets = opts.scopeTargets || {}
this.defaultTag = opts.defaultTag || 'latest'
this.cache = opts.cache =
this.cert = opts.cert
this.integrity = opts.integrity
this.key = opts.key
this.localAddress = opts.localAddress
this.log = opts.log || silentlog
this.memoize = opts.memoize
this.maxSockets = opts.maxSockets || 10
this.offline = opts.offline
this.preferOffline = opts.preferOffline
this.proxy = opts.proxy
this.noProxy = opts.noProxy
this.registry = opts.registry || ''
this.retry = opts.retry // for npm-registry-client
this.scope = opts.scope
this.userAgent = opts.userAgent || `${}@${pkg.version}/node@${process.version}+${process.arch} (${process.platform})`
this.where = opts.where
this.preferOnline = opts.preferOnline
this.strictSSL = !!opts.strictSSL
this.isFromCI = !!(
opts.isFromCI ||
process.env['CI'] === 'true' ||
process.env['TDDIUM'] ||
process.env['JENKINS_URL'] ||
this.npmSession = opts.npmSession
this.refer = opts.referer || opts.refer
this.projectScope = opts.projectScope
this.fullMetadata = opts.fullMetadata
this.alwaysAuth = opts.alwaysAuth
this.dirPacker = opts.dirPacker || null
this.uid = opts.uid
this.gid = opts.gid
this.dmode = opts.dmode
this.fmode = opts.fmode
this.umask = opts.umask
module.exports = optCheck
function optCheck (opts) {
return new PacoteOptions(opts)