You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1323 lines
33 KiB

'use strict';
const StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
const net = require('net');
const dgram = require('dgram');
const assert = require('assert');
const util = require('util');
const debug = util.debuglog('child_process');
const constants = require('constants');
const Process = process.binding('process_wrap').Process;
const WriteWrap = process.binding('stream_wrap').WriteWrap;
const uv = process.binding('uv');
const spawn_sync = process.binding('spawn_sync');
const Pipe = process.binding('pipe_wrap').Pipe;
const TTY = process.binding('tty_wrap').TTY;
const TCP = process.binding('tcp_wrap').TCP;
const UDP = process.binding('udp_wrap').UDP;
const errnoException = util._errnoException;
function createSocket(pipe, readable) {
var s = new net.Socket({ handle: pipe });
if (readable) {
s.writable = false;
s.readable = true;
} else {
s.writable = true;
s.readable = false;
return s;
// this object contain function to convert TCP objects to native handle objects
// and back again.
const handleConversion = {
'net.Native': {
simultaneousAccepts: true,
send: function(message, handle) {
return handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
'net.Server': {
simultaneousAccepts: true,
send: function(message, server) {
return server._handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var server = new net.Server();
server.listen(handle, function() {
'net.Socket': {
send: function(message, socket) {
if (!socket._handle)
// if the socket was created by net.Server
if (socket.server) {
// the slave should keep track of the socket
message.key = socket.server._connectionKey;
var firstTime = !this._channel.sockets.send[message.key];
var socketList = getSocketList('send', this, message.key);
// the server should no longer expose a .connection property
// and when asked to close it should query the socket status from
// the slaves
if (firstTime) socket.server._setupSlave(socketList);
// Act like socket is detached
// remove handle from socket object, it will be closed when the socket
// will be sent
var handle = socket._handle;
handle.onread = function() {};
socket._handle = null;
return handle;
postSend: function(handle) {
// Close the Socket handle after sending it
if (handle)
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var socket = new net.Socket({handle: handle});
socket.readable = socket.writable = true;
// if the socket was created by net.Server we will track the socket
if (message.key) {
// add socket to connections list
var socketList = getSocketList('got', this, message.key);
socket: socket
'dgram.Native': {
simultaneousAccepts: false,
send: function(message, handle) {
return handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
'dgram.Socket': {
simultaneousAccepts: false,
send: function(message, socket) {
message.dgramType = socket.type;
return socket._handle;
got: function(message, handle, emit) {
var socket = new dgram.Socket(message.dgramType);
socket.bind(handle, function() {
// This object keep track of the socket there are sended
function SocketListSend(slave, key) {;
this.key = key;
this.slave = slave;
util.inherits(SocketListSend, EventEmitter);
SocketListSend.prototype._request = function(msg, cmd, callback) {
var self = this;
if (!this.slave.connected) return onclose();
function onclose() {
self.slave.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply);
callback(new Error('Slave closed before reply'));
function onreply(msg) {
if (!(msg.cmd === cmd && msg.key === self.key)) return;
self.slave.removeListener('disconnect', onclose);
self.slave.removeListener('internalMessage', onreply);
callback(null, msg);
this.slave.once('disconnect', onclose);
this.slave.on('internalMessage', onreply);
SocketListSend.prototype.close = function close(callback) {
key: this.key
}, 'NODE_SOCKET_ALL_CLOSED', callback);
SocketListSend.prototype.getConnections = function getConnections(callback) {
key: this.key
}, 'NODE_SOCKET_COUNT', function(err, msg) {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, msg.count);
// This object keep track of the socket there are received
function SocketListReceive(slave, key) {;
var self = this;
this.connections = 0;
this.key = key;
this.slave = slave;
function onempty() {
if (!self.slave.connected) return;
key: self.key
this.slave.on('internalMessage', function(msg) {
if (msg.key !== self.key) return;
if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_NOTIFY_CLOSE') {
// Already empty
if (self.connections === 0) return onempty();
// Wait for sockets to get closed
self.once('empty', onempty);
} else if (msg.cmd === 'NODE_SOCKET_GET_COUNT') {
if (!self.slave.connected) return;
key: self.key,
count: self.connections
util.inherits(SocketListReceive, EventEmitter);
SocketListReceive.prototype.add = function(obj) {
var self = this;
// Notify previous owner of socket about its state change
obj.socket.once('close', function() {
if (self.connections === 0) self.emit('empty');
function getSocketList(type, slave, key) {
var sockets = slave._channel.sockets[type];
var socketList = sockets[key];
if (!socketList) {
var Construct = type === 'send' ? SocketListSend : SocketListReceive;
socketList = sockets[key] = new Construct(slave, key);
return socketList;
function handleMessage(target, message, handle) {
var eventName = 'message';
if (message !== null &&
typeof message === 'object' &&
typeof message.cmd === 'string' &&
message.cmd.length > INTERNAL_PREFIX.length &&
message.cmd.slice(0, INTERNAL_PREFIX.length) === INTERNAL_PREFIX) {
eventName = 'internalMessage';
target.emit(eventName, message, handle);
function setupChannel(target, channel) {
target._channel = channel;
target._handleQueue = null;
var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');
var jsonBuffer = '';
channel.buffering = false;
channel.onread = function(nread, pool, recvHandle) {
// TODO(bnoordhuis) Check that nread > 0.
if (pool) {
jsonBuffer += decoder.write(pool);
var i, start = 0;
//Linebreak is used as a message end sign
while ((i = jsonBuffer.indexOf('\n', start)) >= 0) {
var json = jsonBuffer.slice(start, i);
var message = JSON.parse(json);
// There will be at most one NODE_HANDLE message in every chunk we
// read because SCM_RIGHTS messages don't get coalesced. Make sure
// that we deliver the handle with the right message however.
if (message && message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE')
handleMessage(target, message, recvHandle);
handleMessage(target, message, undefined);
start = i + 1;
jsonBuffer = jsonBuffer.slice(start);
this.buffering = jsonBuffer.length !== 0;
} else {
this.buffering = false;
channel.onread = nop;
// object where socket lists will live
channel.sockets = { got: {}, send: {} };
// handlers will go through this
target.on('internalMessage', function(message, handle) {
// Once acknowledged - continue sending handles.
if (message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK') {
var queue = target._handleQueue;
target._handleQueue = null;
queue.forEach(function(args) {
target._send(args.message, args.handle, false);
// Process a pending disconnect (if any).
if (!target.connected && target._channel && !target._handleQueue)
if (message.cmd !== 'NODE_HANDLE') return;
// Acknowledge handle receival. Don't emit error events (for example if
// the other side has disconnected) because this call to send() is not
// initiated by the user and it shouldn't be fatal to be unable to ACK
// a message.
target._send({ cmd: 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK' }, null, true);
var obj = handleConversion[message.type];
// Update simultaneous accepts on Windows
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
handle._simultaneousAccepts = false;
// Convert handle object, message, handle, function(handle) {
handleMessage(target, message.msg, handle);
target.send = function(message, handle) {
if (!this.connected)
this.emit('error', new Error('channel closed'));
this._send(message, handle, false);
target._send = function(message, handle, swallowErrors) {
assert(this.connected || this._channel);
if (message === undefined)
throw new TypeError('message cannot be undefined');
// package messages with a handle object
if (handle) {
// this message will be handled by an internalMessage event handler
message = {
type: null,
msg: message
if (handle instanceof net.Socket) {
message.type = 'net.Socket';
} else if (handle instanceof net.Server) {
message.type = 'net.Server';
} else if (handle instanceof TCP || handle instanceof Pipe) {
message.type = 'net.Native';
} else if (handle instanceof dgram.Socket) {
message.type = 'dgram.Socket';
} else if (handle instanceof UDP) {
message.type = 'dgram.Native';
} else {
throw new TypeError("This handle type can't be sent");
// Queue-up message and handle if we haven't received ACK yet.
if (this._handleQueue) {
this._handleQueue.push({ message: message.msg, handle: handle });
var obj = handleConversion[message.type];
// convert TCP object to native handle object
handle =
handleConversion[message.type], message, handle);
// If handle was sent twice, or it is impossible to get native handle
// out of it - just send a text without the handle.
if (!handle)
message = message.msg;
// Update simultaneous accepts on Windows
if (obj.simultaneousAccepts) {
} else if (this._handleQueue &&
!(message && message.cmd === 'NODE_HANDLE_ACK')) {
// Queue request anyway to avoid out-of-order messages.
this._handleQueue.push({ message: message, handle: null });
var req = new WriteWrap();
req.oncomplete = nop;
var string = JSON.stringify(message) + '\n';
var err = channel.writeUtf8String(req, string, handle);
if (err) {
if (!swallowErrors)
this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'write'));
} else if (handle && !this._handleQueue) {
this._handleQueue = [];
if (obj && obj.postSend) {
req.oncomplete = obj.postSend.bind(null, handle);
/* If the master is > 2 read() calls behind, please stop sending. */
return channel.writeQueueSize < (65536 * 2);
// connected will be set to false immediately when a disconnect() is
// requested, even though the channel might still be alive internally to
// process queued messages. The three states are distinguished as follows:
// - disconnect() never requested: _channel is not null and connected
// is true
// - disconnect() requested, messages in the queue: _channel is not null
// and connected is false
// - disconnect() requested, channel actually disconnected: _channel is
// null and connected is false
target.connected = true;
target.disconnect = function() {
if (!this.connected) {
this.emit('error', new Error('IPC channel is already disconnected'));
// Do not allow any new messages to be written.
this.connected = false;
// If there are no queued messages, disconnect immediately. Otherwise,
// postpone the disconnect so that it happens internally after the
// queue is flushed.
if (!this._handleQueue)
target._disconnect = function() {
// This marks the fact that the channel is actually disconnected.
this._channel = null;
var fired = false;
function finish() {
if (fired) return;
fired = true;
// If a message is being read, then wait for it to complete.
if (channel.buffering) {
this.once('message', finish);
this.once('internalMessage', finish);
function nop() { }
exports.fork = function(modulePath /*, args, options*/) {
// Get options and args arguments.
var options, args, execArgv;
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1];
options = util._extend({}, arguments[2]);
} else {
args = [];
options = util._extend({}, arguments[1]);
// Prepare arguments for fork:
execArgv = options.execArgv || process.execArgv;
args = execArgv.concat([modulePath], args);
// Leave stdin open for the IPC channel. stdout and stderr should be the
// same as the parent's if silent isn't set.
options.stdio = options.silent ? ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'ipc'] :
[0, 1, 2, 'ipc'];
options.execPath = options.execPath || process.execPath;
return spawn(options.execPath, args, options);
exports._forkChild = function(fd) {
// set process.send()
var p = new Pipe(true);;
setupChannel(process, p);
var refs = 0;
process.on('newListener', function(name) {
if (name !== 'message' && name !== 'disconnect') return;
if (++refs === 1) p.ref();
process.on('removeListener', function(name) {
if (name !== 'message' && name !== 'disconnect') return;
if (--refs === 0) p.unref();
function normalizeExecArgs(command /*, options, callback */) {
var file, args, options, callback;
if (typeof arguments[1] === 'function') {
options = undefined;
callback = arguments[1];
} else {
options = arguments[1];
callback = arguments[2];
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
file = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe';
args = ['/s', '/c', '"' + command + '"'];
// Make a shallow copy before patching so we don't clobber the user's
// options object.
options = util._extend({}, options);
options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true;
} else {
file = '/bin/sh';
args = ['-c', command];
if (options &&
file =;
return {
cmd: command,
file: file,
args: args,
options: options,
callback: callback
exports.exec = function(command /*, options, callback */) {
var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments);
return exports.execFile(opts.file,
exports.execFile = function(file /* args, options, callback */) {
var args, callback;
var options = {
encoding: 'utf8',
timeout: 0,
maxBuffer: 200 * 1024,
killSignal: 'SIGTERM',
cwd: null,
env: null
// Parse the parameters.
if (typeof arguments[arguments.length - 1] === 'function') {
callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1];
options = util._extend(options, arguments[2]);
} else {
args = [];
options = util._extend(options, arguments[1]);
var child = spawn(file, args, {
cwd: options.cwd,
env: options.env,
gid: options.gid,
uid: options.uid,
windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments
var encoding;
var _stdout;
var _stderr;
if (options.encoding !== 'buffer' && Buffer.isEncoding(options.encoding)) {
encoding = options.encoding;
_stdout = '';
_stderr = '';
} else {
_stdout = [];
_stderr = [];
encoding = null;
var stdoutLen = 0;
var stderrLen = 0;
var killed = false;
var exited = false;
var timeoutId;
var ex = null;
function exithandler(code, signal) {
if (exited) return;
exited = true;
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = null;
if (!callback) return;
// merge chunks
var stdout;
var stderr;
if (!encoding) {
stdout = Buffer.concat(_stdout);
stderr = Buffer.concat(_stderr);
} else {
stdout = _stdout;
stderr = _stderr;
if (ex) {
// Will be handled later
} else if (code === 0 && signal === null) {
callback(null, stdout, stderr);
var cmd = file;
if (args.length !== 0)
cmd += ' ' + args.join(' ');
if (!ex) {
ex = new Error('Command failed: ' + cmd + '\n' + stderr);
ex.killed = child.killed || killed;
ex.code = code < 0 ? uv.errname(code) : code;
ex.signal = signal;
ex.cmd = cmd;
callback(ex, stdout, stderr);
function errorhandler(e) {
ex = e;
function kill() {
killed = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
ex = e;
if (options.timeout > 0) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
timeoutId = null;
}, options.timeout);
child.stdout.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
stdoutLen += chunk.length;
if (stdoutLen > options.maxBuffer) {
ex = new Error('stdout maxBuffer exceeded.');
} else {
if (!encoding)
_stdout += chunk;
child.stderr.addListener('data', function(chunk) {
stderrLen += chunk.length;
if (stderrLen > options.maxBuffer) {
ex = new Error('stderr maxBuffer exceeded.');
} else {
if (!encoding)
_stderr += chunk;
if (encoding) {
child.addListener('close', exithandler);
child.addListener('error', errorhandler);
return child;
var _deprecatedCustomFds = util.deprecate(function(options) {
options.stdio = {
return fd === -1 ? 'pipe' : fd;
}, 'child_process: customFds option is deprecated, use stdio instead.');
function _convertCustomFds(options) {
if (options && options.customFds && !options.stdio) {
function _validateStdio(stdio, sync) {
var ipc,
// Replace shortcut with an array
if (typeof stdio === 'string') {
switch (stdio) {
case 'ignore': stdio = ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']; break;
case 'pipe': stdio = ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']; break;
case 'inherit': stdio = [0, 1, 2]; break;
default: throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of stdio option: ' + stdio);
} else if (!Array.isArray(stdio)) {
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of stdio option: ' +
// At least 3 stdio will be created
// Don't concat() a new Array() because it would be sparse, and
// stdio.reduce() would skip the sparse elements of stdio.
// See
while (stdio.length < 3) stdio.push(undefined);
// Translate stdio into C++-readable form
// (i.e. PipeWraps or fds)
stdio = stdio.reduce(function(acc, stdio, i) {
function cleanup() {
acc.filter(function(stdio) {
return stdio.type === 'pipe' || stdio.type === 'ipc';
}).forEach(function(stdio) {
if (stdio.handle)
// Defaults
if (stdio === null || stdio === undefined) {
stdio = i < 3 ? 'pipe' : 'ignore';
if (stdio === null || stdio === 'ignore') {
acc.push({type: 'ignore'});
} else if (stdio === 'pipe' || typeof stdio === 'number' && stdio < 0) {
var a = {
type: 'pipe',
readable: i === 0,
writable: i !== 0
if (!sync)
a.handle = new Pipe();
} else if (stdio === 'ipc') {
if (sync || ipc !== undefined) {
// Cleanup previously created pipes
if (!sync)
throw new Error('Child process can have only one IPC pipe');
throw new Error('You cannot use IPC with synchronous forks');
ipc = new Pipe(true);
ipcFd = i;
type: 'pipe',
handle: ipc,
ipc: true
} else if (stdio === 'inherit') {
type: 'inherit',
fd: i
} else if (typeof stdio === 'number' || typeof stdio.fd === 'number') {
type: 'fd',
fd: stdio.fd || stdio
} else if (getHandleWrapType(stdio) || getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) ||
getHandleWrapType(stdio._handle)) {
var handle = getHandleWrapType(stdio) ?
stdio :
getHandleWrapType(stdio.handle) ? stdio.handle : stdio._handle;
type: 'wrap',
wrapType: getHandleWrapType(handle),
handle: handle
} else if (stdio instanceof Buffer || typeof stdio === 'string') {
if (!sync) {
throw new TypeError('Asynchronous forks do not support Buffer input: ' +
} else {
// Cleanup
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value for stdio stream: ' +
return acc;
}, []);
return {stdio: stdio, ipc: ipc, ipcFd: ipcFd};
function normalizeSpawnArguments(file /*, args, options*/) {
var args, options;
if (Array.isArray(arguments[1])) {
args = arguments[1].slice(0);
options = arguments[2];
} else if (arguments[1] !== undefined &&
(arguments[1] === null || typeof arguments[1] !== 'object')) {
throw new TypeError('Incorrect value of args option');
} else {
args = [];
options = arguments[1];
if (options === undefined)
options = {};
else if (options === null || typeof options !== 'object')
throw new TypeError('options argument must be an object');
options = util._extend({}, options);
var env = options.env || process.env;
var envPairs = [];
for (var key in env) {
envPairs.push(key + '=' + env[key]);
return {
file: file,
args: args,
options: options,
envPairs: envPairs
var spawn = exports.spawn = function(/*file, args, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var options = opts.options;
var child = new ChildProcess();
debug('spawn', opts.args, options);
file: opts.file,
args: opts.args,
cwd: options.cwd,
windowsVerbatimArguments: !!options.windowsVerbatimArguments,
detached: !!options.detached,
envPairs: opts.envPairs,
stdio: options.stdio,
uid: options.uid,
gid: options.gid
return child;
function maybeClose(subprocess) {
if (subprocess._closesGot == subprocess._closesNeeded) {
subprocess.emit('close', subprocess.exitCode, subprocess.signalCode);
function ChildProcess() {;
var self = this;
this._closesNeeded = 1;
this._closesGot = 0;
this.connected = false;
this.signalCode = null;
this.exitCode = null;
this.killed = false;
this.spawnfile = null;
this._handle = new Process();
this._handle.owner = this;
this._handle.onexit = function(exitCode, signalCode) {
// follow 0.4.x behaviour:
// - normally terminated processes don't touch this.signalCode
// - signaled processes don't touch this.exitCode
// new in 0.9.x:
// - spawn failures are reported with exitCode < 0
var syscall = self.spawnfile ? 'spawn ' + self.spawnfile : 'spawn';
var err = (exitCode < 0) ? errnoException(exitCode, syscall) : null;
if (signalCode) {
self.signalCode = signalCode;
} else {
self.exitCode = exitCode;
if (self.stdin) {
self._handle = null;
if (exitCode < 0) {
if (self.spawnfile)
err.path = self.spawnfile;
err.spawnargs = self.spawnargs.slice(1);
self.emit('error', err);
} else {
self.emit('exit', self.exitCode, self.signalCode);
// if any of the stdio streams have not been touched,
// then pull all the data through so that it can get the
// eof and emit a 'close' event.
// Do it on nextTick so that the user has one last chance
// to consume the output, if for example they only want to
// start reading the data once the process exits.
process.nextTick(flushStdio, self);
util.inherits(ChildProcess, EventEmitter);
function flushStdio(subprocess) {
if (subprocess.stdio == null) return;
subprocess.stdio.forEach(function(stream, fd, stdio) {
if (!stream || !stream.readable || stream._consuming)
function getHandleWrapType(stream) {
if (stream instanceof Pipe) return 'pipe';
if (stream instanceof TTY) return 'tty';
if (stream instanceof TCP) return 'tcp';
if (stream instanceof UDP) return 'udp';
return false;
ChildProcess.prototype.spawn = function(options) {
var self = this,
// If no `stdio` option was given - use default
stdio = options.stdio || 'pipe';
stdio = _validateStdio(stdio, false);
ipc = stdio.ipc;
ipcFd = stdio.ipcFd;
stdio = options.stdio = stdio.stdio;
if (ipc !== undefined) {
// Let child process know about opened IPC channel
options.envPairs = options.envPairs || [];
options.envPairs.push('NODE_CHANNEL_FD=' + ipcFd);
this.spawnfile = options.file;
this.spawnargs = options.args;
var err = this._handle.spawn(options);
// Run-time errors should emit an error, not throw an exception.
if (err === uv.UV_EAGAIN ||
err === uv.UV_EMFILE ||
err === uv.UV_ENFILE ||
err === uv.UV_ENOENT) {
process.nextTick(onErrorNT, self, err);
// There is no point in continuing when we've hit EMFILE or ENFILE
// because we won't be able to set up the stdio file descriptors.
// It's kind of silly that the de facto spec for ENOENT (the test suite)
// mandates that stdio _is_ set up, even if there is no process on the
// receiving end, but it is what it is.
if (err !== uv.UV_ENOENT) return err;
} else if (err) {
// Close all opened fds on error
stdio.forEach(function(stdio) {
if (stdio.type === 'pipe') {
this._handle = null;
throw errnoException(err, 'spawn');
} =;
stdio.forEach(function(stdio, i) {
if (stdio.type === 'ignore') return;
if (stdio.ipc) {
if (stdio.handle) {
// when i === 0 - we're dealing with stdin
// (which is the only one writable pipe)
stdio.socket = createSocket( !== 0 ? stdio.handle : null, i > 0);
if (i > 0 && !== 0) {
stdio.socket.on('close', function() {
this.stdin = stdio.length >= 1 && stdio[0].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[0].socket : null;
this.stdout = stdio.length >= 2 && stdio[1].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[1].socket : null;
this.stderr = stdio.length >= 3 && stdio[2].socket !== undefined ?
stdio[2].socket : null;
this.stdio = {
return stdio.socket === undefined ? null : stdio.socket;
// Add .send() method and start listening for IPC data
if (ipc !== undefined) setupChannel(this, ipc);
return err;
function onErrorNT(self, err) {
ChildProcess.prototype.kill = function(sig) {
var signal;
if (sig === 0) {
signal = 0;
} else if (!sig) {
signal = constants['SIGTERM'];
} else {
signal = constants[sig];
if (signal === undefined) {
throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + sig);
if (this._handle) {
var err = this._handle.kill(signal);
if (err === 0) {
/* Success. */
this.killed = true;
return true;
if (err === uv.UV_ESRCH) {
/* Already dead. */
} else if (err === uv.UV_EINVAL || err === uv.UV_ENOSYS) {
/* The underlying platform doesn't support this signal. */
throw errnoException(err, 'kill');
} else {
/* Other error, almost certainly EPERM. */
this.emit('error', errnoException(err, 'kill'));
/* Kill didn't succeed. */
return false;
ChildProcess.prototype.ref = function() {
if (this._handle) this._handle.ref();
ChildProcess.prototype.unref = function() {
if (this._handle) this._handle.unref();
function lookupSignal(signal) {
if (typeof signal === 'number')
return signal;
if (!(signal in constants))
throw new Error('Unknown signal: ' + signal);
return constants[signal];
function spawnSync(/*file, args, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var options = opts.options;
var i;
debug('spawnSync', opts.args, options);
options.file = opts.file;
options.args = opts.args;
options.envPairs = opts.envPairs;
if (options.killSignal)
options.killSignal = lookupSignal(options.killSignal);
options.stdio = _validateStdio(options.stdio || 'pipe', true).stdio;
if (options.input) {
var stdin = options.stdio[0] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[0]);
stdin.input = options.input;
// We may want to pass data in on any given fd, ensure it is a valid buffer
for (i = 0; i < options.stdio.length; i++) {
var input = options.stdio[i] && options.stdio[i].input;
if (input != null) {
var pipe = options.stdio[i] = util._extend({}, options.stdio[i]);
if (Buffer.isBuffer(input))
pipe.input = input;
else if (typeof input === 'string')
pipe.input = new Buffer(input, options.encoding);
throw new TypeError(util.format(
'stdio[%d] should be Buffer or string not %s',
typeof input));
var result = spawn_sync.spawn(options);
if (result.output && options.encoding) {
for (i = 0; i < result.output.length; i++) {
if (!result.output[i])
result.output[i] = result.output[i].toString(options.encoding);
result.stdout = result.output && result.output[1];
result.stderr = result.output && result.output[2];
if (result.error) {
result.error = errnoException(result.error, 'spawnSync ' + opts.file);
result.error.path = opts.file;
result.error.spawnargs = opts.args.slice(1);
util._extend(result, opts);
return result;
exports.spawnSync = spawnSync;
function checkExecSyncError(ret) {
if (ret.error || ret.status !== 0) {
var err = ret.error;
ret.error = null;
if (!err) {
var msg = 'Command failed: ' +
(ret.cmd ? ret.cmd : ret.args.join(' ')) +
(ret.stderr ? '\n' + ret.stderr.toString() : '');
err = new Error(msg);
util._extend(err, ret);
return err;
return false;
function execFileSync(/*command, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeSpawnArguments.apply(null, arguments);
var inheritStderr = !opts.options.stdio;
var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args.slice(1), opts.options);
if (inheritStderr)
var err = checkExecSyncError(ret);
if (err)
throw err;
return ret.stdout;
exports.execFileSync = execFileSync;
function execSync(/*comand, options*/) {
var opts = normalizeExecArgs.apply(null, arguments);
var inheritStderr = opts.options ? !opts.options.stdio : true;
var ret = spawnSync(opts.file, opts.args, opts.options);
ret.cmd = opts.cmd;
if (inheritStderr)
var err = checkExecSyncError(ret);
if (err)
throw err;
return ret.stdout;
exports.execSync = execSync;