You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

426 lines
15 KiB

#include <node_http_parser.h>
#include <v8.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <node_buffer.h>
#include <http_parser.h>
#include <strings.h> /* strcasecmp() */
#include <string.h> /* strdup() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* free() */
// This is a binding to http_parser (
// The goal is to decouple sockets from parsing for more javascript-level
// agility. A Buffer is read from a socket and passed to parser.execute().
// The parser then issues callbacks with slices of the data
// parser.onMessageBegin
// parser.onPath
// parser.onBody
// ...
// No copying is performed when slicing the buffer, only small reference
// allocations.
namespace node {
using namespace v8;
static Persistent<String> on_message_begin_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_path_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_query_string_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_url_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_fragment_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_header_field_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_header_value_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_headers_complete_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_body_sym;
static Persistent<String> on_message_complete_sym;
static Persistent<String> delete_sym;
static Persistent<String> get_sym;
static Persistent<String> head_sym;
static Persistent<String> post_sym;
static Persistent<String> put_sym;
static Persistent<String> connect_sym;
static Persistent<String> options_sym;
static Persistent<String> trace_sym;
static Persistent<String> copy_sym;
static Persistent<String> lock_sym;
static Persistent<String> mkcol_sym;
static Persistent<String> move_sym;
static Persistent<String> propfind_sym;
static Persistent<String> proppatch_sym;
static Persistent<String> unlock_sym;
static Persistent<String> report_sym;
static Persistent<String> mkactivity_sym;
static Persistent<String> checkout_sym;
static Persistent<String> merge_sym;
static Persistent<String> msearch_sym;
static Persistent<String> notify_sym;
static Persistent<String> subscribe_sym;
static Persistent<String> unsubscribe_sym;
static Persistent<String> unknown_method_sym;
static Persistent<String> method_sym;
static Persistent<String> status_code_sym;
static Persistent<String> http_version_sym;
static Persistent<String> version_major_sym;
static Persistent<String> version_minor_sym;
static Persistent<String> should_keep_alive_sym;
static Persistent<String> upgrade_sym;
static struct http_parser_settings settings;
// This is a hack to get the current_buffer to the callbacks with the least
// amount of overhead. Nothing else will run while http_parser_execute()
// runs, therefore this pointer can be set and used for the execution.
static Local<Value>* current_buffer;
static char* current_buffer_data;
static size_t current_buffer_len;
// Callback prototype for http_cb
#define DEFINE_HTTP_CB(name) \
static int name(http_parser *p) { \
Parser *parser = static_cast<Parser*>(p->data); \
Local<Value> cb_value = parser->handle_->Get(name##_sym); \
if (!cb_value->IsFunction()) return 0; \
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::Cast(cb_value); \
Local<Value> ret = cb->Call(parser->handle_, 0, NULL); \
if (ret.IsEmpty()) { \
parser->got_exception_ = true; \
return -1; \
} else { \
return 0; \
} \
// Callback prototype for http_data_cb
#define DEFINE_HTTP_DATA_CB(name) \
static int name(http_parser *p, const char *at, size_t length) { \
Parser *parser = static_cast<Parser*>(p->data); \
assert(current_buffer); \
Local<Value> cb_value = parser->handle_->Get(name##_sym); \
if (!cb_value->IsFunction()) return 0; \
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::Cast(cb_value); \
Local<Value> argv[3] = { *current_buffer \
, Integer::New(at - current_buffer_data) \
, Integer::New(length) \
}; \
Local<Value> ret = cb->Call(parser->handle_, 3, argv); \
assert(current_buffer); \
if (ret.IsEmpty()) { \
parser->got_exception_ = true; \
return -1; \
} else { \
return 0; \
} \
static inline Persistent<String>
method_to_str(unsigned short m) {
switch (m) {
case HTTP_DELETE: return delete_sym;
case HTTP_GET: return get_sym;
case HTTP_HEAD: return head_sym;
case HTTP_POST: return post_sym;
case HTTP_PUT: return put_sym;
case HTTP_CONNECT: return connect_sym;
case HTTP_OPTIONS: return options_sym;
case HTTP_TRACE: return trace_sym;
case HTTP_COPY: return copy_sym;
case HTTP_LOCK: return lock_sym;
case HTTP_MKCOL: return mkcol_sym;
case HTTP_MOVE: return move_sym;
case HTTP_PROPFIND: return propfind_sym;
case HTTP_PROPPATCH: return proppatch_sym;
case HTTP_UNLOCK: return unlock_sym;
case HTTP_REPORT: return report_sym;
case HTTP_MKACTIVITY: return mkactivity_sym;
case HTTP_CHECKOUT: return checkout_sym;
case HTTP_MERGE: return merge_sym;
case HTTP_MSEARCH: return msearch_sym;
case HTTP_NOTIFY: return notify_sym;
case HTTP_SUBSCRIBE: return subscribe_sym;
case HTTP_UNSUBSCRIBE:return unsubscribe_sym;
default: return unknown_method_sym;
class Parser : public ObjectWrap {
Parser(enum http_parser_type type) : ObjectWrap() {
~Parser() {
static int on_headers_complete(http_parser *p) {
Parser *parser = static_cast<Parser*>(p->data);
Local<Value> cb_value = parser->handle_->Get(on_headers_complete_sym);
if (!cb_value->IsFunction()) return 0;
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::Cast(cb_value);
Local<Object> message_info = Object::New();
if (p->type == HTTP_REQUEST) {
message_info->Set(method_sym, method_to_str(p->method));
if (p->type == HTTP_RESPONSE) {
message_info->Set(status_code_sym, Integer::New(p->status_code));
message_info->Set(version_major_sym, Integer::New(p->http_major));
message_info->Set(version_minor_sym, Integer::New(p->http_minor));
http_should_keep_alive(p) ? True() : False());
message_info->Set(upgrade_sym, p->upgrade ? True() : False());
Local<Value> argv[1] = { message_info };
Local<Value> head_response = cb->Call(parser->handle_, 1, argv);
if (head_response.IsEmpty()) {
parser->got_exception_ = true;
return -1;
} else {
return head_response->IsTrue() ? 1 : 0;
static Handle<Value> New(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
String::Utf8Value type(args[0]->ToString());
Parser *parser;
if (0 == strcasecmp(*type, "request")) {
parser = new Parser(HTTP_REQUEST);
} else if (0 == strcasecmp(*type, "response")) {
parser = new Parser(HTTP_RESPONSE);
} else {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("Constructor argument be 'request' or 'response'")));
return args.This();
// var bytesParsed = parser->execute(buffer, off, len);
static Handle<Value> Execute(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Parser *parser = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Parser>(args.This());
if (current_buffer) {
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
String::New("Already parsing a buffer")));
Local<Value> buffer_v = args[0];
if (!Buffer::HasInstance(buffer_v)) {
return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(
String::New("Argument should be a buffer")));
Local<Object> buffer_obj = buffer_v->ToObject();
char *buffer_data = Buffer::Data(buffer_obj);
size_t buffer_len = Buffer::Length(buffer_obj);
size_t off = args[1]->Int32Value();
if (off >= buffer_len) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("Offset is out of bounds")));
size_t len = args[2]->Int32Value();
if (off+len > buffer_len) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("Length is extends beyond buffer")));
// Assign 'buffer_' while we parse. The callbacks will access that varible.
current_buffer = &buffer_v;
current_buffer_data = buffer_data;
current_buffer_len = buffer_len;
parser->got_exception_ = false;
size_t nparsed =
http_parser_execute(&parser->parser_, &settings, buffer_data + off, len);
// Unassign the 'buffer_' variable
current_buffer = NULL;
current_buffer_data = NULL;
// If there was an exception in one of the callbacks
if (parser->got_exception_) return Local<Value>();
Local<Integer> nparsed_obj = Integer::New(nparsed);
// If there was a parse error in one of the callbacks
// TODO What if there is an error on EOF?
if (!parser->parser_.upgrade && nparsed != len) {
Local<Value> e = Exception::Error(String::NewSymbol("Parse Error"));
Local<Object> obj = e->ToObject();
obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("bytesParsed"), nparsed_obj);
return scope.Close(e);
} else {
return scope.Close(nparsed_obj);
static Handle<Value> Finish(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Parser *parser = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Parser>(args.This());
parser->got_exception_ = false;
int rv = http_parser_execute(&(parser->parser_), &settings, NULL, 0);
if (parser->got_exception_) return Local<Value>();
if (rv != 0) {
Local<Value> e = Exception::Error(String::NewSymbol("Parse Error"));
Local<Object> obj = e->ToObject();
obj->Set(String::NewSymbol("bytesParsed"), Integer::New(0));
return scope.Close(e);
return Undefined();
static Handle<Value> Reinitialize(const Arguments& args) {
HandleScope scope;
Parser *parser = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Parser>(args.This());
String::Utf8Value type(args[0]->ToString());
if (0 == strcasecmp(*type, "request")) {
} else if (0 == strcasecmp(*type, "response")) {
} else {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(
String::New("Argument be 'request' or 'response'")));
return Undefined();
void Init (enum http_parser_type type) {
http_parser_init(&parser_, type); = this;
bool got_exception_;
http_parser parser_;
void InitHttpParser(Handle<Object> target) {
HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> t = FunctionTemplate::New(Parser::New);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, "execute", Parser::Execute);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, "finish", Parser::Finish);
NODE_SET_PROTOTYPE_METHOD(t, "reinitialize", Parser::Reinitialize);
target->Set(String::NewSymbol("HTTPParser"), t->GetFunction());
on_message_begin_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onMessageBegin");
on_path_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onPath");
on_query_string_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onQueryString");
on_url_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onURL");
on_fragment_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onFragment");
on_header_field_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onHeaderField");
on_header_value_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onHeaderValue");
on_headers_complete_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onHeadersComplete");
on_body_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onBody");
on_message_complete_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("onMessageComplete");
delete_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("DELETE");
get_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("GET");
head_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("HEAD");
post_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("POST");
put_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("PUT");
connect_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("CONNECT");
options_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("OPTIONS");
trace_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("TRACE");
copy_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("COPY");
lock_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("LOCK");
mkcol_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("MKCOL");
move_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("MOVE");
propfind_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("PROPFIND");
proppatch_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("PROPPATCH");
unlock_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("UNLOCK");
report_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("REPORT");
mkactivity_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("MKACTIVITY");
checkout_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("CHECKOUT");
merge_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("MERGE");
msearch_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("M-SEARCH");
notify_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("NOTIFY");
subscribe_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("SUBSCRIBE");
unsubscribe_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("UNSUBSCRIBE");;
unknown_method_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("UNKNOWN_METHOD");
method_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("method");
status_code_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("statusCode");
http_version_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("httpVersion");
version_major_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("versionMajor");
version_minor_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("versionMinor");
should_keep_alive_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("shouldKeepAlive");
upgrade_sym = NODE_PSYMBOL("upgrade");
settings.on_message_begin = Parser::on_message_begin;
settings.on_path = Parser::on_path;
settings.on_query_string = Parser::on_query_string;
settings.on_url = Parser::on_url;
settings.on_fragment = Parser::on_fragment;
settings.on_header_field = Parser::on_header_field;
settings.on_header_value = Parser::on_header_value;
settings.on_headers_complete = Parser::on_headers_complete;
settings.on_body = Parser::on_body;
settings.on_message_complete = Parser::on_message_complete;
} // namespace node
NODE_MODULE(node_http_parser, node::InitHttpParser);