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redis - a node.js redis client
9 years ago
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9 years ago
This is a complete and feature rich Redis client for node.js. It supports all Redis commands and focuses on performance.
14 years ago
Install with:
npm install redis
14 years ago
## Usage
Simple example, included as `examples/simple.js`:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
// if you'd like to select database 3, instead of 0 (default), call
//, function() { /* ... */ });
client.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("Error " + err);
client.set("string key", "string val", redis.print);
client.hset("hash key", "hashtest 1", "some value", redis.print);
client.hset(["hash key", "hashtest 2", "some other value"], redis.print);
client.hkeys("hash key", function (err, replies) {
console.log(replies.length + " replies:");
replies.forEach(function (reply, i) {
console.log(" " + i + ": " + reply);
This will display:
mjr:~/work/node_redis (master)$ node example.js
14 years ago
Reply: OK
Reply: 0
Reply: 0
2 replies:
0: hashtest 1
1: hashtest 2
mjr:~/work/node_redis (master)$
14 years ago
Note that the API is entire asynchronous. To get data back from the server,
you'll need to use a callback. The return value from most of the API is a
backpressure indicator.
### Promises
9 years ago
You can also use node_redis with promises by promisifying node_redis with [bluebird]( as in:
var redis = require('redis');
It'll add a *Async* to all node_redis functions (e.g. return client.getAsync().then())
// We expect a value 'foo': 'bar' to be present
// So instead of writing client.get('foo', cb); you have to write:
return client.getAsync('foo').then(function(res) {
console.log(res); // => 'bar'
// Using multi with promises looks like:
return client.multi().get('foo').execAsync().then(function(res) {
console.log(res); // => 'bar'
9 years ago
### Sending Commands
Each Redis command is exposed as a function on the `client` object.
All functions take either an `args` Array plus optional `callback` Function or
a variable number of individual arguments followed by an optional callback.
9 years ago
Here are examples how to use the api:
9 years ago
client.hmset(["key", "test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2"], function (err, res) {});
// Works the same as
client.hmset("key", ["test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2"], function (err, res) {});
// Or
client.hmset("key", "test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2", function (err, res) {});
Note that in either form the `callback` is optional:
client.set("some key", "some val");
client.set(["some other key", "some val"]);
14 years ago
9 years ago
If the key is missing, reply will be null. Only if the [Redis Command Reference]( states something else it will not be null.
client.get("missingkey", function(err, reply) {
// reply is null when the key is missing
For a list of Redis commands, see [Redis Command Reference](
14 years ago
9 years ago
The commands can be specified in uppercase or lowercase for convenience. `client.get()` is the same as `client.GET()`.
14 years ago
9 years ago
Minimal parsing is done on the replies. Commands that return a single line reply return JavaScript Strings,
integer replies return JavaScript Numbers, "bulk" replies return node Buffers, and "multi bulk" replies return a
9 years ago
JavaScript Array of node Buffers. `HGETALL` returns an Object with Buffers keyed by the hash keys.
14 years ago
## Connection Events
`client` will emit some events about the state of the connection to the Redis server.
### "ready"
9 years ago
`client` will emit `ready` once a connection is established. Commands issued before the `ready` event are queued,
then replayed just before this event is emitted.
### "connect"
`client` will emit `connect` at the same time as it emits `ready` unless `client.options.no_ready_check`
9 years ago
is set. If this options is set, `connect` will be emitted when the stream is connected.
### "reconnecting"
`client` will emit `reconnecting` when trying to reconnect to the Redis server after losing the connection. Listeners
are passed an object containing `delay` (in ms) and `attempt` (the attempt #) attributes.
14 years ago
### "error"
9 years ago
`client` will emit `error` when encountering an error connecting to the Redis server or when any other in node_redis occurs.
9 years ago
So please attach the error listener to node_redis.
14 years ago
### "end"
`client` will emit `end` when an established Redis server connection has closed.
### "drain"
`client` will emit `drain` when the TCP connection to the Redis server has been buffering, but is now
9 years ago
writable. This event can be used to stream commands in to Redis and adapt to backpressure. Right now,
9 years ago
you need to check `client.command_queue.length` to decide when to reduce your send rate and resume sending commands when you get `drain`.
### "idle"
`client` will emit `idle` when there are no outstanding commands that are awaiting a response.
## redis.createClient()
If you have `redis-server` running on the same computer as node, then the defaults for
9 years ago
port and host are probably fine and you don't need to supply any arguments. `createClient()` returns a `RedisClient` object.
### overloading
* `redis.createClient()`
* `redis.createClient(options)`
* `redis.createClient(unix_socket, options)`
* `redis.createClient('redis://user:pass@host:port', options)`
* `redis.createClient(port, host, options)`
`options` is an object with the following possible properties:
* `host`: **; The host to connect to
* `port`: *6370*; The port to connect to
9 years ago
* `parser`: *hiredis*; Which Redis protocol reply parser to use. If `hiredis` is not installed it will fallback to `javascript`.
* `return_buffers`: *false*; If set to `true`, then all replies will be sent to callbacks as Buffers instead of Strings.
* `detect_buffers`: *false*; If set to `true`, then replies will be sent to callbacks as Buffers
if any of the input arguments to the original command were Buffers.
This option lets you switch between Buffers and Strings on a per-command basis, whereas `return_buffers` applies to
every command on a client.
9 years ago
* `socket_nodelay`: *true*; Disables the [Nagle algorithm](
Setting this option to `false` can result in additional throughput at the cost of more latency.
Most applications will want this set to `true`.
* `socket_keepalive` *true*; Whether the keep-alive functionality is enabled on the underlying socket.
* `no_ready_check`: *false*; When a connection is established to the Redis server, the server might still
be loading the database from disk. While loading the server will not respond to any commands. To work around this,
9 years ago
`node_redis` has a "ready check" which sends the `INFO` command to the server. The response from the `INFO` command
indicates whether the server is ready for more commands. When ready, `node_redis` emits a `ready` event.
Setting `no_ready_check` to `true` will inhibit this check.
9 years ago
* `enable_offline_queue`: *true*; By default, if there is no active
connection to the redis server, commands are added to a queue and are executed
once the connection has been established. Setting `enable_offline_queue` to
9 years ago
`false` will disable this feature and the callback will be executed immediately
with an error, or an error will be emitted if no callback is specified.
* `retry_max_delay`: *null*; By default every time the client tries to connect and fails the reconnection delay almost doubles.
This delay normally grows infinitely, but setting `retry_max_delay` limits it to the maximum value, provided in milliseconds.
* `connect_timeout`: *86400000*; Setting `connect_timeout` limits total time for client to reconnect.
9 years ago
The value is provided in milliseconds and is counted once the disconnect occurred. The last retry is going to happen exactly at the timeout time.
That way the default is to try reconnecting until 24h passed.
* `max_attempts`: *0*; By default client will try reconnecting until connected. Setting `max_attempts`
limits total amount of connection tries. Setting this to 1 will prevent any reconnect tries.
* `auth_pass`: *null*; If set, client will run redis auth command on connect.
* `family`: *IPv4*; You can force using IPv6 if you set the family to 'IPv6'. See Node.js [net]( or [dns]( modules how to use the family type.
* `disable_resubscribing`: *false*; If set to `true`, a client won't resubscribe after disconnecting
* `rename_commands`: *null*; pass a object with renamed commands to use those instead of the original functions. See the [redis security topics]( for more info.
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient({detect_buffers: true});
client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "OK");
// This will return a JavaScript String
client.get("foo_rand000000000000", function (err, reply) {
console.log(reply.toString()); // Will print `OK`
// This will return a Buffer since original key is specified as a Buffer
client.get(new Buffer("foo_rand000000000000"), function (err, reply) {
console.log(reply.toString()); // Will print `<Buffer 4f 4b>`
## client.auth(password, callback)
9 years ago
When connecting to a Redis server that requires authentication, the `AUTH` command must be sent as the
9 years ago
first command after connecting. This can be tricky to coordinate with reconnections, the ready check,
etc. To make this easier, `client.auth()` stashes `password` and will send it after each connection,
including reconnections. `callback` is invoked only once, after the response to the very first
`AUTH` command sent.
NOTE: Your call to `client.auth()` should not be inside the ready handler. If
you are doing this wrong, `client` will emit an error that looks
something like this `Error: Ready check failed: ERR operation not permitted`.
## client.end([flush])
9 years ago
Forcibly close the connection to the Redis server. Note that this does not wait until all replies have been parsed.
If you want to exit cleanly, call `client.quit()` to send the `QUIT` command after you have handled all replies.
If flush is set to true, all commands will be rejected instead of ignored after using `.end`.
9 years ago
This example closes the connection to the Redis server before the replies have been read. You probably don't
want to do this:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "some fantastic value");
9 years ago
client.end(); // No further commands will be processed
client.get("foo_rand000000000000", function (err, reply) {
// This won't be called anymore, since flush has not been set to true!
9 years ago
`client.end()` is useful for timeout cases where something is stuck or taking too long and you want
to start over.
## client.unref()
Call `unref()` on the underlying socket connection to the Redis server, allowing the program to exit once no more commands are pending.
This is an **experimental** feature, and only supports a subset of the Redis protocol. Any commands where client state is saved on the Redis server, e.g. `*SUBSCRIBE` or the blocking `BL*` commands will *NOT* work with `.unref()`.
var redis = require("redis")
var client = redis.createClient()
Calling unref() will allow this program to exit immediately after the get command finishes. Otherwise the client would hang as long as the client-server connection is alive.
client.get("foo", function (err, value){
if (err) throw(err)
## Friendlier hash commands
Most Redis commands take a single String or an Array of Strings as arguments, and replies are sent back as a single String or an Array of Strings.
When dealing with hash values, there are a couple of useful exceptions to this.
### client.hgetall(hash)
9 years ago
The reply from an HGETALL command will be converted into a JavaScript Object by `node_redis`. That way you can interact
with the responses using JavaScript syntax.
client.hmset("hosts", "mjr", "1", "another", "23", "home", "1234");
client.hgetall("hosts", function (err, obj) {
{ mjr: '1', another: '23', home: '1234' }
### client.hmset(hash, obj, [callback])
Multiple values in a hash can be set by supplying an object:
client.HMSET(key2, {
"0123456789": "abcdefghij", // NOTE: key and value will be coerced to strings
"some manner of key": "a type of value"
The properties and values of this Object will be set as keys and values in the Redis hash.
### client.hmset(hash, key1, val1, ... keyn, valn, [callback])
Multiple values may also be set by supplying a list:
client.HMSET(key1, "0123456789", "abcdefghij", "some manner of key", "a type of value");
## Publish / Subscribe
9 years ago
Here is a simple example of the API for publish / subscribe. This program opens two
client connections, subscribes to a channel on one of them, and publishes to that
channel on the other:
var redis = require("redis"),
client1 = redis.createClient(), client2 = redis.createClient(),
msg_count = 0;
client1.on("subscribe", function (channel, count) {
client2.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a message.");
client2.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a second message.");
client2.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.");
client1.on("message", function (channel, message) {
console.log("client1 channel " + channel + ": " + message);
msg_count += 1;
if (msg_count === 3) {
client1.subscribe("a nice channel");
When a client issues a `SUBSCRIBE` or `PSUBSCRIBE`, that connection is put into a "subscriber" mode.
9 years ago
At that point, only commands that modify the subscription set are valid. When the subscription
set is empty, the connection is put back into regular mode.
If you need to send regular commands to Redis while in subscriber mode, just open another connection.
## Subscriber Events
If a client has subscriptions active, it may emit these events:
### "message" (channel, message)
Client will emit `message` for every message received that matches an active subscription.
Listeners are passed the channel name as `channel` and the message Buffer as `message`.
### "pmessage" (pattern, channel, message)
Client will emit `pmessage` for every message received that matches an active subscription pattern.
Listeners are passed the original pattern used with `PSUBSCRIBE` as `pattern`, the sending channel
name as `channel`, and the message Buffer as `message`.
### "subscribe" (channel, count)
9 years ago
Client will emit `subscribe` in response to a `SUBSCRIBE` command. Listeners are passed the
channel name as `channel` and the new count of subscriptions for this client as `count`.
### "psubscribe" (pattern, count)
9 years ago
Client will emit `psubscribe` in response to a `PSUBSCRIBE` command. Listeners are passed the
original pattern as `pattern`, and the new count of subscriptions for this client as `count`.
### "unsubscribe" (channel, count)
9 years ago
Client will emit `unsubscribe` in response to a `UNSUBSCRIBE` command. Listeners are passed the
channel name as `channel` and the new count of subscriptions for this client as `count`. When
`count` is 0, this client has left subscriber mode and no more subscriber events will be emitted.
### "punsubscribe" (pattern, count)
9 years ago
Client will emit `punsubscribe` in response to a `PUNSUBSCRIBE` command. Listeners are passed the
channel name as `channel` and the new count of subscriptions for this client as `count`. When
`count` is 0, this client has left subscriber mode and no more subscriber events will be emitted.
## client.multi([commands])
`MULTI` commands are queued up until an `EXEC` is issued, and then all commands are run atomically by
9 years ago
Redis. The interface in `node_redis` is to return an individual `Multi` object by calling `client.multi()`.
If any command fails to queue, all commands are rolled back and none is going to be executed (For further information look at [transactions](
var redis = require("./index"),
client = redis.createClient(), set_size = 20;
client.sadd("bigset", "a member");
client.sadd("bigset", "another member");
while (set_size > 0) {
client.sadd("bigset", "member " + set_size);
set_size -= 1;
// multi chain with an individual callback
.keys("*", function (err, replies) {
// NOTE: code in this callback is NOT atomic
// this only happens after the the .exec call finishes.
client.mget(replies, redis.print);
.exec(function (err, replies) {
console.log("MULTI got " + replies.length + " replies");
replies.forEach(function (reply, index) {
console.log("Reply " + index + ": " + reply.toString());
### Multi.exec( callback )
9 years ago
`client.multi()` is a constructor that returns a `Multi` object. `Multi` objects share all of the
same command methods as `client` objects do. Commands are queued up inside the `Multi` object
until `Multi.exec()` is invoked.
9 years ago
If your code contains an syntax error an EXECABORT error is going to be thrown and all commands are going to be aborted. That error contains a `.errors` property that contains the concret errors.
If all commands were queued successfully and an error is thrown by redis while processing the commands that error is going to be returned in the result array! No other command is going to be aborted though than the onces failing.
You can either chain together `MULTI` commands as in the above example, or you can queue individual
commands while still sending regular client command as in this example:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient(), multi;
// start a separate multi command queue
multi = client.multi();
multi.incr("incr thing", redis.print);
multi.incr("incr other thing", redis.print);
// runs immediately
client.mset("incr thing", 100, "incr other thing", 1, redis.print);
// drains multi queue and runs atomically
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {
console.log(replies); // 101, 2
// you can re-run the same transaction if you like
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {
console.log(replies); // 102, 3
In addition to adding commands to the `MULTI` queue individually, you can also pass an array
of commands and arguments to the constructor:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient(), multi;
["mget", "multifoo", "multibar", redis.print],
["incr", "multifoo"],
["incr", "multibar"]
]).exec(function (err, replies) {
## client.batch([commands])
`BATCH` commands are queued up until an `EXEC` is issued, and then all commands are run atomically by
Redis. The interface in `node_redis` is to return an individual `Batch` object by calling `client.batch()`.
The only difference between .batch and .multi is that no transaction is going to be used.
Be aware that the errors are - just like in multi statements - in the result. Otherwise both, errors and results could be returned at the same time.
If you fire many commands at once this is going to **boost the execution speed by up to 400%** [sic!] compared to fireing the same commands in a loop without waiting for the result! See the benchmarks for further comparison. Please remember that all commands are kept in memory until they are fired.
## Monitor mode
Redis supports the `MONITOR` command, which lets you see all commands received by the Redis server
across all client connections, including from other client libraries and other computers.
9 years ago
After you send the `MONITOR` command, no other commands are valid on that connection. `node_redis`
will emit a `monitor` event for every new monitor message that comes across. The callback for the
`monitor` event takes a timestamp from the Redis server and an array of command arguments.
Here is a simple example:
var client = require("redis").createClient(),
util = require("util");
client.monitor(function (err, res) {
console.log("Entering monitoring mode.");
client.on("monitor", function (time, args) {
console.log(time + ": " + util.inspect(args));
# Extras
Some other things you might like to know about.
## client.server_info
After the ready probe completes, the results from the INFO command are saved in the `client.server_info`
The `versions` key contains an array of the elements of the version string for easy comparison.
> client.server_info.redis_version
> client.server_info.versions
[ 2, 3, 0 ]
14 years ago
## redis.print()
9 years ago
A handy callback function for displaying return values when testing. Example:
var redis = require("redis"),
client = redis.createClient();
client.on("connect", function () {
client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "some fantastic value", redis.print);
client.get("foo_rand000000000000", redis.print);
This will print:
Reply: OK
Reply: some fantastic value
Note that this program will not exit cleanly because the client is still connected.
## Multi-word commands
To execute redis multi-word commands like `SCRIPT LOAD` or `CLIENT LIST` pass
the second word as first parameter:
client.script('load', 'return 1');
client.multi().script('load', 'return 1').exec(...);
client.multi([['script', 'load', 'return 1']]).exec(...);
14 years ago
## client.send_command(command_name, args, callback)
Used internally to send commands to Redis. Nearly all Redis commands have been added to the `client` object.
However, if new commands are introduced before this library is updated, you can use `send_command()` to send arbitrary commands to Redis.
The command has to be lower case.
9 years ago
All commands are sent as multi-bulk commands. `args` can either be an Array of arguments, or omitted / set to undefined.
14 years ago
## client.connected
Boolean tracking the state of the connection to the Redis server.
## client.command_queue.length
9 years ago
The number of commands that have been sent to the Redis server but not yet replied to. You can use this to
enforce some kind of maximum queue depth for commands while connected.
Don't mess with `client.command_queue` though unless you really know what you are doing.
## client.offline_queue.length
9 years ago
The number of commands that have been queued up for a future connection. You can use this to enforce
some kind of maximum queue depth for pre-connection commands.
## client.retry_delay
Current delay in milliseconds before a connection retry will be attempted. This starts at `200`.
## client.retry_backoff
9 years ago
Multiplier for future retry timeouts. This should be larger than 1 to add more time between retries.
Defaults to 1.7. The default initial connection retry is 200, so the second retry will be 340, followed by 578, etc.
### Commands with Optional and Keyword arguments
This applies to anything that uses an optional `[WITHSCORES]` or `[LIMIT offset count]` in the []( documentation.
var args = [ 'myzset', 1, 'one', 2, 'two', 3, 'three', 99, 'ninety-nine' ];
client.zadd(args, function (err, response) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('added '+response+' items.');
// -Infinity and +Infinity also work
var args1 = [ 'myzset', '+inf', '-inf' ];
client.zrevrangebyscore(args1, function (err, response) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('example1', response);
// write your code here
var max = 3, min = 1, offset = 1, count = 2;
var args2 = [ 'myzset', max, min, 'WITHSCORES', 'LIMIT', offset, count ];
client.zrevrangebyscore(args2, function (err, response) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('example2', response);
// write your code here
## Performance
Much effort has been spent to make `node_redis` as fast as possible for common
operations. As pipelining happens naturally from shared connections, overall
efficiency goes up.
Here are results of `multi_bench.js` which is similar to `redis-benchmark` from the Redis distribution.
hiredis parser (Lenovo T450s i7-5600U):
Client count: 5, node version: 4.1.2, server version: 3.0.3, parser: hiredis
PING, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 5/ 0.03/ 0.00 1537ms total, 32530.90 ops/sec
PING, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.49/ 1.00 491ms total, 101832.99 ops/sec
PING, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.17/ 1.00 178ms total, 280898.88 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.03/ 0.00 1400ms total, 35714.29 ops/sec
SET 4B str, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.61/ 1.00 610ms total, 81967.21 ops/sec
SET 4B str, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.19/ 1.00 198ms total, 252525.25 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.05/ 0.00 2349ms total, 21285.65 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 5/ 1.63/ 3.00 1632ms total, 30637.25 ops/sec
SET 4B buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.37/ 1.00 366ms total, 136612.02 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.03/ 0.00 1348ms total, 37091.99 ops/sec
GET 4B str, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.51/ 1.00 513ms total, 97465.89 ops/sec
GET 4B str, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.18/ 1.00 177ms total, 282485.88 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.03/ 0.00 1336ms total, 37425.15 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.52/ 1.00 525ms total, 95238.10 ops/sec
GET 4B buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.18/ 1.00 177ms total, 282485.88 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.03/ 0.00 1674ms total, 29868.58 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.77/ 1.00 775ms total, 64516.13 ops/sec
SET 4KiB str, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.50/ 1.00 500ms total, 100000.00 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.05/ 0.00 2410ms total, 20746.89 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 5/ 1.64/ 3.00 1643ms total, 30432.14 ops/sec
SET 4KiB buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.41/ 1.00 409ms total, 122249.39 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.03/ 0.00 1422ms total, 35161.74 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.68/ 1.00 680ms total, 73529.41 ops/sec
GET 4KiB str, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.39/ 1.00 391ms total, 127877.24 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.03/ 0.00 1420ms total, 35211.27 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.68/ 1.00 681ms total, 73421.44 ops/sec
GET 4KiB buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.39/ 1.00 387ms total, 129198.97 ops/sec
INCR, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.03/ 0.00 1334ms total, 37481.26 ops/sec
INCR, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.51/ 1.00 513ms total, 97465.89 ops/sec
INCR, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.18/ 1.00 179ms total, 279329.61 ops/sec
LPUSH, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.03/ 0.00 1351ms total, 37009.62 ops/sec
LPUSH, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.52/ 1.00 521ms total, 95969.29 ops/sec
LPUSH, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.20/ 1.00 200ms total, 250000.00 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 1/ 0.03/ 0.00 1562ms total, 32010.24 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 4/ 0.69/ 1.00 690ms total, 72463.77 ops/sec
LRANGE 10, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 2/ 0.39/ 1.00 393ms total, 127226.46 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 3/ 0.06/ 1.00 3009ms total, 16616.82 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 0/ 5/ 1.85/ 3.00 1850ms total, 27027.03 ops/sec
LRANGE 100, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 2/ 4/ 2.15/ 3.00 2153ms total, 23223.41 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 1/ 5/ 1.91/ 3.00 957ms total, 522.47 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 13/ 109/ 94.20/ 102.00 987ms total, 506.59 ops/sec
SET 4MiB buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 90/ 107/ 93.10/ 107.00 931ms total, 537.06 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 4/ 16/ 5.97/ 10.00 598ms total, 167.22 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 10/ 249/ 179.47/ 231.90 454ms total, 220.26 ops/sec
GET 4MiB str, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 215/ 226/ 220.50/ 226.00 441ms total, 226.76 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 1/5 min/max/avg/p95: 3/ 26/ 6.55/ 11.95 658ms total, 151.98 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 11/ 265/ 186.73/ 241.90 469ms total, 213.22 ops/sec
GET 4MiB buf, batch 50/5 min/max/avg/p95: 226/ 247/ 236.50/ 247.00 473ms total, 211.42 ops/sec
End of tests. Total time elapsed: 44952 ms
The hiredis and js parser should most of the time be on the same level. The js parser lacks speed for large responses though.
Therefor the hiredis parser is the default used in node_redis. To use `hiredis`, do:
npm install hiredis redis
## Debugging
To get debug output run your `node_redis` application with `NODE_DEBUG=redis`.
## How to Contribute
9 years ago
- Open a pull request or an issue about what you want to implement / change. We're glad for any help!
## Contributors
9 years ago
Many [people]( have have added features and fixed bugs in `node_redis`. Thanks to all of them!
## LICENSE - "MIT License"
9 years ago
Copyright (c) by NodeRedis
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
9 years ago
Originally developed by Matthew Ranney,