/*global Buffer require exports console setTimeout */ var net = require("net"), sys = require("sys"), events = require("events"), default_port = 6379, default_host = ""; exports.debug_mode = false; function RedisReplyParser() { this.state = "type"; this.return_buffer = new Buffer(16384); this.tmp_buffer = new Buffer(512); events.EventEmitter.call(this); } sys.inherits(RedisReplyParser, events.EventEmitter); // Buffer.toString() is quite slow for small strings function small_toString(buf) { var tmp = "", i = 0, end = buf.end; while (i < end) { tmp += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); i += 1; } return tmp; } RedisReplyParser.prototype.execute = function (incoming_buf) { var pos = 0, state_times = {}, bd_tmp, bd_str, i; //, start_execute = new Date(), start_switch, end_switch, old_state; //start_switch = new Date(); while (pos < incoming_buf.length) { old_state = this.state; switch (this.state) { case "type": this.type = incoming_buf[pos]; pos += 1; switch (this.type) { case 43: // + this.state = "single line"; this.return_buffer.end = 0; break; case 42: // * this.state = "multi bulk count"; this.tmp_buffer.end = 0; break; case 58: // : this.state = "integer line"; this.return_buffer.end = 0; break; case 36: // $ this.state = "bulk length"; this.tmp_buffer.end = 0; break; case 45: // - this.state = "error line"; this.return_buffer.end = 0; break; default: this.state = "unknown type"; } break; case "integer line": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { this.send_reply(parseInt(small_toString(this.return_buffer), 10)); this.state = "final lf"; } else { this.return_buffer[this.return_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.return_buffer.end += 1; // TODO - check for return_buffer overflow and then grow, copy, continue, and drink. } pos += 1; break; case "error line": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { this.send_error(this.return_buffer.toString("ascii", 0, this.return_buffer.end)); this.state = "final lf"; } else { this.return_buffer[this.return_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.return_buffer.end += 1; } pos += 1; break; case "single line": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { if (this.return_buffer.end > 10) { bd_str = this.return_buffer.toString("utf8", 0, this.return_buffer.end); } else { bd_str = small_toString(this.return_buffer); } this.send_reply(bd_str); this.state = "final lf"; } else { this.return_buffer[this.return_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.return_buffer.end += 1; // TODO - check for return_buffer overflow and then grow, copy, continue, and drink. } pos += 1; break; case "multi bulk count": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { // \r this.state = "multi bulk count lf"; } else { this.tmp_buffer[this.tmp_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.tmp_buffer.end += 1; } pos += 1; break; case "multi bulk count lf": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 10) { // \n this.multi_bulk_length = parseInt(small_toString(this.tmp_buffer), 10); this.multi_bulk_replies = []; this.state = "type"; } else { this.emit("error", new Error("didn't see LF after NL reading multi bulk count")); this.state = "type"; // try to start over with next data chunk return; } pos += 1; break; case "bulk length": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { // \r this.state = "bulk lf"; } else { this.tmp_buffer[this.tmp_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.tmp_buffer.end += 1; } pos += 1; break; case "bulk lf": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 10) { // \n this.bulk_length = parseInt(small_toString(this.tmp_buffer), 10); if (this.bulk_length === -1) { this.send_reply(null); this.state = "type"; } else { this.state = "bulk data"; if (this.bulk_length > this.return_buffer.length) { console.log("Ran out of receive buffer space. Need to fix this."); // TODO - fix this } this.return_buffer.end = 0; } } else { this.emit("error", new Error("didn't see LF after NL while reading bulk length")); this.state = "type"; // try to start over with next chunk return; } pos += 1; break; case "bulk data": this.return_buffer[this.return_buffer.end] = incoming_buf[pos]; this.return_buffer.end += 1; pos += 1; // TODO - should be faster to use Bufer.copy() here, especially if the response is large. // However, when the response is small, Buffer.copy() seems a lot slower. Computers are hard. if (this.return_buffer.end === this.bulk_length) { bd_tmp = new Buffer(this.bulk_length); if (this.bulk_length > 10) { this.return_buffer.copy(bd_tmp, 0, 0, this.bulk_length); } else { for (i = this.bulk_length - 1; i >= 0 ; i -= 1) { bd_tmp[i] = this.return_buffer[i]; } } this.send_reply(bd_tmp); this.state = "final cr"; } break; case "final cr": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 13) { // \r this.state = "final lf"; pos += 1; } else { this.emit("error", new Error("saw " + incoming_buf[pos] + " when expecting final CR")); this.state = "type"; // try to start over with next data chunk return; } break; case "final lf": if (incoming_buf[pos] === 10) { // \n this.state = "type"; pos += 1; } else { this.emit("error", new Error("saw " + incoming_buf[pos] + " when expecting final LF")); this.state = "type"; // try to start over with next data chunk return; } break; default: throw new Error("invalid state " + this.state); } // end_switch = new Date(); // if (state_times[old_state] === undefined) { // state_times[old_state] = 0; // } // state_times[old_state] += (end_switch - start_switch); // start_switch = end_switch; } // console.log("execute ran for " + (Date.now() - start_execute) + " ms, on " + incoming_buf.length + " Bytes. "); // Object.keys(state_times).forEach(function (state) { // console.log(" " + state + ": " + state_times[state]); // }); }; RedisReplyParser.prototype.send_error = function (reply) { if (this.multi_bulk_length > 0) { // TODO - can this happen? Seems like maybe not. this.add_multi_bulk_reply(reply); } else { this.emit("reply error", reply); } }; RedisReplyParser.prototype.send_reply = function (reply) { if (this.multi_bulk_length > 0) { this.add_multi_bulk_reply(reply); } else { this.emit("reply", reply); } }; RedisReplyParser.prototype.add_multi_bulk_reply = function (reply) { this.multi_bulk_replies.push(reply); if (this.multi_bulk_replies.length === this.multi_bulk_length) { this.emit("reply", this.multi_bulk_replies); this.multi_bulk_length = 0; this.multi_bulk_replies = null; } }; // Queue class adapted from Tim Caswell's pattern library // http://github.com/creationix/pattern/blob/master/lib/pattern/queue.js var Queue = function () { this.tail = []; this.head = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); this.offset = 0; }; Queue.prototype.shift = function () { if (this.offset === this.head.length) { var tmp = this.head; tmp.length = 0; this.head = this.tail; this.tail = tmp; this.offset = 0; if (this.head.length === 0) return; } return this.head[this.offset++]; } Queue.prototype.push = function (item) { return this.tail.push(item); }; // Thanks Tim-Smart Queue.prototype.forEach = function () { var array = this.head.slice(this.offset); array.push.apply(array, this.tail); return array.forEach.apply(array, arguments); }; // Thanks Tim-Smart Object.defineProperty(Queue.prototype, 'length', { get: function () { return this.head.length - this.offset + this.tail.length; } }); function RedisClient(stream) { events.EventEmitter.call(this); this.stream = stream; this.connected = false; this.connections = 0; this.attempts = 1; this.command_queue = new Queue(); // holds sent commands to de-pipeline them this.offline_queue = new Queue(); // holds commands issued but not able to be sent this.commands_sent = 0; this.retry_delay = 250; this.retry_backoff = 1.7; var self = this; this.stream.on("connect", function () { self.connected = true; self.connections += 1; self.command_queue = new Queue(); self.reply_parser = new RedisReplyParser(); self.reply_parser.on("reply error", function (reply) { self.return_error(reply); }); self.reply_parser.on("reply", function (reply) { self.return_reply(reply); }); self.reply_parser.on("error", function (err) { console.log("Redis reply parser error: " + err.stack); }); self.retry_delay = 250; self.stream.setNoDelay(); self.stream.setTimeout(0); var command_obj; while (self.offline_queue.length > 0) { command_obj = self.offline_queue.shift(); if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("Sending offline command: " + command_obj.command); } self.send_command(command_obj.command, command_obj.args, command_obj.callback); } self.emit("connect"); }); this.stream.on("data", function (buffer_from_socket) { self.on_data(buffer_from_socket); }); this.stream.on("error", function (msg) { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.warn("Connecting to redis server: " + msg); } self.offline_queue.forEach(function (args) { if (typeof args[2] === "function") { args[2]("Server connection could not be established"); } }); self.connected = false; self.emit("error", msg); }); this.stream.on("close", function () { self.connection_gone(); }); this.stream.on("end", function () { self.connection_gone(); }); events.EventEmitter.call(this); } sys.inherits(RedisClient, events.EventEmitter); RedisClient.prototype.connection_gone = function () { var self = this; if (self.retry_timer) { return; } if (exports.debug_mode) { console.warn("Redis connection is gone."); } self.connected = false; self.emit("close"); self.command_queue.forEach(function (args) { if (typeof args[2] === "function") { args[2]("Server connection closed"); } }); if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("Retry conneciton in " + self.retry_delay + " ms"); } self.attempts += 1; self.emit("reconnecting", "delay " + self.retry_delay + ", attempt " + self.attempts); self.retry_timer = setTimeout(function () { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("Retrying conneciton..."); } self.retry_timer = null; self.retry_delay = self.retry_delay * self.retry_backoff; self.stream.destroy(); self.stream.connect(self.port, self.host); }, self.retry_delay); }; RedisClient.prototype.on_data = function (data) { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("on_data: " + data.toString()); } try { this.reply_parser.execute(data); } catch (err) { console.log("Exception in RedisReplyParser: " + err.stack); } }; RedisClient.prototype.return_error = function (err) { var command_obj = this.command_queue.shift(); if (command_obj && typeof command_obj.callback === "function") { command_obj.callback(err); } else { console.log("no callback to send error: " + err.stack); // this will probably not make it anywhere useful, but we might as well try throw err; } }; RedisClient.prototype.return_reply = function (reply_buffer) { var command_obj = this.command_queue.shift(); if (command_obj && typeof command_obj.callback === "function") { // HGETALL special case replies with keyed Buffers if ('HGETALL' == command_obj.command) { var obj = {}; for (var i = 0, len = reply_buffer.length; i < len; ++i) { var key = reply_buffer[i].toString(), val = reply_buffer[++i]; obj[key] = val; } reply_buffer = obj; } command_obj.callback(null, reply_buffer); } else { if (this.debug_mode) { console.log("no callback for reply: " + reply_buffer.toString()); } } }; RedisClient.prototype.send_command = function () { var command, callback, args, this_args, command_obj; this_args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // convert arguments into real array command = this_args[0]; if (this_args[1] && Array.isArray(this_args[1])) { args = this_args[1]; if (typeof this_args[2] === "function") { callback = this_args[2]; } } else { if (typeof this_args[this_args.length - 1] === "function") { callback = this_args[this_args.length - 1]; args = this_args.slice(1, this_args.length - 1); } else { args = this_args.slice(1, this_args.length); } } if (typeof command !== "string") { throw new Error("First argument of send_command must be the command name"); } command_obj = { command: command, args: args, callback: callback }; if (! this.connected) { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("Queueing " + command + " for next server connection."); } this.offline_queue.push(command_obj); return; } this.command_queue.push(command_obj); this.commands_sent += 1; var elem_count = 1, stream = this.stream, buffer_args = false, command_str = ""; elem_count += args.length; buffer_args = args.some(function (arg) { return arg instanceof Buffer; }); // Always use "Multi bulk commands", but if passed any Buffer args, then do multiple writes, one for each arg command_str = "*" + elem_count + "\r\n$" + command.length + "\r\n" + command + "\r\n"; if (! buffer_args) { // Build up a string and send entire command in one write args.forEach(function (arg) { if (typeof arg !== "string") { arg = String(arg); } command_str += "$" + arg.length + "\r\n" + arg + "\r\n"; }); if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("send command: " + command_str); } // Need to catch "Stream is not writable" exception here and error everybody in the command queue out stream.write(command_str); } else { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("send command: " + command_str); console.log("send command has Buffer arguments"); } stream.write(command_str); args.forEach(function (arg) { if (arg.length === undefined) { arg = String(arg); } if (arg instanceof Buffer) { stream.write("$" + arg.length + "\r\n"); stream.write(arg); stream.write("\r\n"); } else { stream.write("$" + arg.length + "\r\n" + arg + "\r\n"); } }); } }; RedisClient.prototype.end = function () { this.stream._events = {}; return this.stream.end(); }; // http://code.google.com/p/redis/wiki/CommandReference exports.commands = [ // Commands operating on all value types "EXISTS", "DEL", "TYPE", "KEYS", "RANDOMKEY", "RENAME", "RENAMENX", "DBSIZE", "EXPIRE", "TTL", "SELECT", "MOVE", "FLUSHDB", "FLUSHALL", // Commands operating on string values "SET", "GET", "GETSET", "MGET", "SETNX", "SETEX", "MSET", "MSETNX", "INCR", "INCRBY", "DECR", "DECRBY", "APPEND", "SUBSTR", // Commands operating on lists "RPUSH", "LPUSH", "LLEN", "LRANGE", "LTRIM", "LINDEX", "LSET", "LREM", "LPOP", "RPOP", "BLPOP", "BRPOP", "RPOPLPUSH", // Commands operating on sets "SADD", "SREM", "SPOP", "SMOVE", "SCARD", "SISMEMBER", "SINTER", "SINTERSTORE", "SUNION", "SUNIONSTORE", "SDIFF", "SDIFFSTORE", "SMEMBERS", "SRANDMEMBER", // Commands operating on sorted zsets (sorted sets) "ZADD", "ZREM", "ZINCRBY", "ZRANK", "ZREVRANK", "ZRANGE", "ZREVRANGE", "ZRANGEBYSCORE", "ZCOUNT", "ZCARD", "ZSCORE", "ZREMRANGEBYRANK", "ZREMRANGEBYSCORE", "ZUNIONSTORE", "ZINTERSTORE", // Commands operating on hashes "HSET", "HGET", "HMGET", "HMSET", "HINCRBY", "HEXISTS", "HDEL", "HLEN", "HKEYS", "HVALS", "HGETALL", // Sorting "SORT", // Persistence control commands "SAVE", "BGSAVE", "LASTSAVE", "SHUTDOWN", "BGREWRITEAOF", // Remote server control commands "INFO", "MONITOR", "SLAVEOF", "CONFIG", // Undocumented commands "PING" ]; exports.commands.forEach(function (command) { RedisClient.prototype[command] = function () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // convert "arguments" into a real Array args.unshift(command); // put command at the beginning this.send_command.apply(this, args); }; RedisClient.prototype[command.toLowerCase()] = function (args, callback) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); // convert "arguments" into a real Array args.unshift(command); // put command at the beginning this.send_command.apply(this, args); }; }); // Transactions // "MULTI", "EXEC", "DISCARD", "WATCH", "UNWATCH", // Publish/Subscribe // "SUBSCRIBE", "UNSUBSCRIBE", "PUBLISH", RedisClient.prototype.multi = function (commands) { var self = this; this.send_command("MULTI", function (err, reply) { if (err) { console.warn("Error starting MULTI request: " + err.stack); } }); commands.forEach(function (args, command_num) { self.send_command(args[0], args[1], function (err, reply) { if (err) { args[2](err); commands.splice(command_num, 1); // what if this runs before all commands are sent? } else { if (reply !== "QUEUED") { console.warn("Unexpected MULTI reply: " + reply + " instead of 'QUEUED'"); } } }); }); this.send_command("EXEC", function (err, replies) { replies.forEach(function (reply, reply_num) { if (typeof commands[reply_num][2] === "function") { commands[reply_num][2](null, reply); } else { if (exports.debug_mode) { console.log("no callback for multi response " + reply_num + ", skipping."); } } }); }); }; exports.createClient = function (port_arg, host_arg, options) { var port = port_arg || default_port, host = host || default_host, red_client, net_client; net_client = net.createConnection(port, host); red_client = new RedisClient(net_client); red_client.port = port; red_client.host = host; return red_client; }; exports.print = function (err, reply) { if (err) { console.log("Error: " + err); } else { console.log("Reply: " + reply); } };