You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

705 lines
35 KiB

'use strict';
var assert = require("assert");
var config = require("./lib/config");
var helper = require('./helper');
var fork = require("child_process").fork;
var redis = config.redis;
describe("The node_redis client", function () {
helper.allTests(function(parser, ip, args) {
if (args[2]) { // skip if options are undefined
describe("testing parser existence", function () {
it('throws on non-existence', function (done) {
var mochaListener = helper.removeMochaListener();
process.once('uncaughtException', function (err) {
process.on('uncaughtException', mochaListener);
assert.equal(err.message, 'Couldn\'t find named parser nonExistingParser on this system');
return done();
// Don't pollute the args for the other connections
var tmp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args));
tmp[2].parser = 'nonExistingParser';
redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, tmp);
describe("using " + parser + " and " + ip, function () {
var client;
describe("when not connected", function () {
afterEach(function () {
if (client) {
it("connects correctly with args", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("error", done);
client.once("ready", function () {
client.removeListener("error", done);
client.get("recon 1", function (err, res) {
it("connects correctly with default values", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient();
client.on("error", done);
client.once("ready", function () {
client.removeListener("error", done);
client.get("recon 1", function (err, res) {
it("connects correctly to localhost", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient(null, null);
client.on("error", done);
client.once("ready", function () {
client.removeListener("error", done);
client.get("recon 1", function (err, res) {
it("throws on strange connection info", function () {
try {
throw new Error('failed');
} catch (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, 'unknown type of connection in createClient()');
if (ip === 'IPv4') {
it('allows connecting with the redis url and the default port', function (done) {
client = redis.createClient('redis://foo:porkchopsandwiches@' + config.HOST[ip]);
client.on("ready", function () {
return done();
it('allows connecting with the redis url and no auth', function (done) {
client = redis.createClient('redis://' + config.HOST[ip] + ':' + config.PORT, {
detect_buffers: false
client.on("ready", function () {
return done();
describe("when connected", function () {
beforeEach(function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.once("error", done);
client.once("connect", function () {
afterEach(function () {
describe("when redis closes unexpectedly", function () {
it("reconnects and can retrieve the pre-existing data", function (done) {
client.on("reconnecting", function on_recon(params) {
client.on("connect", function on_connect() {
var end = helper.callFuncAfter(function () {
client.removeListener("connect", on_connect);
client.removeListener("reconnecting", on_recon);
}, 4);
client.get("recon 1", helper.isString("one", end));
client.get("recon 1", helper.isString("one", end));
client.get("recon 2", helper.isString("two", end));
client.get("recon 2", helper.isString("two", end));
client.set("recon 1", "one");
client.set("recon 2", "two", function (err, res) {
// Do not do this in normal programs. This is to simulate the server closing on us.
// For orderly shutdown in normal programs, do client.quit();
it("reconnects properly when monitoring", function (done) {
client.on("reconnecting", function on_recon(params) {
client.on("ready", function on_ready() {
assert.strictEqual(client.monitoring, true, "monitoring after reconnect");
client.removeListener("ready", on_ready);
client.removeListener("reconnecting", on_recon);
assert.strictEqual(client.monitoring, false, "monitoring off at start");
client.set("recon 1", "one");
client.monitor(function (err, res) {
assert.strictEqual(client.monitoring, true, "monitoring on after monitor()");
client.set("recon 2", "two", function (err, res) {
// Do not do this in normal programs. This is to simulate the server closing on us.
// For orderly shutdown in normal programs, do client.quit();
// TODO: we should only have a single subscription in this this
// test but unsubscribing from the single channel indicates
// that one subscriber still exists, let's dig into this.
describe("and it's subscribed to a channel", function () {
// reconnect_select_db_after_pubsub
// Does not pass.
// "Connection in subscriber mode, only subscriber commands may be used"
it("reconnects, unsubscribes, and can retrieve the pre-existing data", function (done) {
client.on("ready", function on_connect() {
client.on('unsubscribe', function (channel, count) {
// we should now be out of subscriber mode.
client.set('foo', 'bar', helper.isString('OK', done));
client.set("recon 1", "one");
client.subscribe("recon channel", function (err, res) {
// Do not do this in normal programs. This is to simulate the server closing on us.
// For orderly shutdown in normal programs, do client.quit();
describe('domain', function () {
it('allows client to be executed from within domain', function (done) {
var domain;
try {
domain = require('domain').create();
} catch (err) {
console.log("Skipping test because this version of node doesn't have domains.");
return done();
if (domain) { () {
client.set('domain', 'value', function (err, res) {
throw new Error('ohhhh noooo');
// this is the expected and desired behavior
domain.on('error', function (err) {
return done();
describe('monitor', function () {
it('monitors commands on all other redis clients', function (done) {, client, [2, 6, 0]);
var monitorClient = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
var responses = [];
monitorClient.monitor(function (err, res) {
client.mget("some", "keys", "foo", "bar");
client.set("json", JSON.stringify({
foo: "123",
bar: "sdflkdfsjk",
another: false
monitorClient.on("monitor", function (time, args) {
if (responses.length === 2) {
assert.strictEqual(5, responses[0].length);
assert.strictEqual("mget", responses[0][0]);
assert.strictEqual("some", responses[0][1]);
assert.strictEqual("keys", responses[0][2]);
assert.strictEqual("foo", responses[0][3]);
assert.strictEqual("bar", responses[0][4]);
assert.strictEqual(3, responses[1].length);
assert.strictEqual("set", responses[1][0]);
assert.strictEqual("json", responses[1][1]);
assert.strictEqual('{"foo":"123","bar":"sdflkdfsjk","another":false}', responses[1][2]);
it('emits errors thrown from within an on("message") handler', function (done) {
var client2 = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
var name = 'channel';
client2.subscribe(name, function () {
client.publish(name, "some message");
client2.on("message", function (channel, data) {
if (channel === name) {
assert.equal(data, "some message");
throw Error('forced exception');
return done();
client2.once("error", function (err) {
assert.equal(err.message, 'forced exception');
return done();
describe('idle', function () {
it('emits idle as soon as there are no outstanding commands', function (done) {
client.on('idle', function onIdle () {
client.removeListener("idle", onIdle);
client.get('foo', helper.isString('bar', done));
client.set('foo', 'bar');
describe('utf8', function () {
it('handles utf-8 keys', function (done) {
var utf8_sample = "ಠ_ಠ";
client.set(["utf8test", utf8_sample], helper.isString("OK"));
client.get(["utf8test"], function (err, obj) {
assert.strictEqual(utf8_sample, obj);
return done(err);
describe('detect_buffers', function () {
var client;
var args = config.configureClient(parser, ip, {
detect_buffers: true
beforeEach(function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.once("error", done);
client.once("connect", function () {
client.flushdb(function (err) {
client.hmset("hash key 2", "key 1", "val 1", "key 2", "val 2");
client.set("string key 1", "string value");
return done(err);
describe('get', function () {
describe('first argument is a string', function () {
it('returns a string', function (done) {
client.get("string key 1", helper.isString("string value", done));
it('returns a string when executed as part of transaction', function (done) {
client.multi().get("string key 1").exec(helper.isString("string value", done));
describe('first argument is a buffer', function () {
it('returns a buffer', function (done) {
client.get(new Buffer("string key 1"), function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 73 74 72 69 6e 67 20 76 61 6c 75 65>", reply.inspect());
return done(err);
it('returns a bufffer when executed as part of transaction', function (done) {
client.multi().get(new Buffer("string key 1")).exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 73 74 72 69 6e 67 20 76 61 6c 75 65>", reply[0].inspect());
return done(err);
describe('multi.hget', function () {
it('can interleave string and buffer results', function (done) {
.hget("hash key 2", "key 1")
.hget(new Buffer("hash key 2"), "key 1")
.hget("hash key 2", new Buffer("key 2"))
.hget("hash key 2", "key 2")
.exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(4, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual("val 1", reply[0]);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[1]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 31>", reply[1].inspect());
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[2]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 32>", reply[2].inspect());
assert.strictEqual("val 2", reply[3]);
return done(err);
describe('hmget', function () {
describe('first argument is a string', function () {
it('returns strings for keys requested', function (done) {
client.hmget("hash key 2", "key 1", "key 2", function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(2, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual("val 1", reply[0]);
assert.strictEqual("val 2", reply[1]);
return done(err);
it('returns strings for keys requested in transaction', function (done) {
client.multi().hmget("hash key 2", "key 1", "key 2").exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual(2, reply[0].length);
assert.strictEqual("val 1", reply[0][0]);
assert.strictEqual("val 2", reply[0][1]);
return done(err);
it('handles array of strings with undefined values (repro #344)', function (done) {
client.hmget("hash key 2", "key 3", "key 4", function(err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(2, reply.length);
assert.equal(null, reply[0]);
assert.equal(null, reply[1]);
return done(err);
it('handles array of strings with undefined values in transaction (repro #344)', function (done) {
client.multi().hmget("hash key 2", "key 3", "key 4").exec(function(err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual(2, reply[0].length);
assert.equal(null, reply[0][0]);
assert.equal(null, reply[0][1]);
return done(err);
describe('first argument is a buffer', function () {
it('returns buffers for keys requested', function (done) {
client.hmget(new Buffer("hash key 2"), "key 1", "key 2", function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(2, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0]));
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[1]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 31>", reply[0].inspect());
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 32>", reply[1].inspect());
return done(err);
it("returns buffers for keys requested in transaction", function (done) {
client.multi().hmget(new Buffer("hash key 2"), "key 1", "key 2").exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(true, Array.isArray(reply));
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual(2, reply[0].length);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0][0]));
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0][1]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 31>", reply[0][0].inspect());
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 32>", reply[0][1].inspect());
return done(err);
describe('hgetall', function (done) {
describe('first argument is a string', function () {
it('returns string values', function (done) {
client.hgetall("hash key 2", function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual("object", typeof reply);
assert.strictEqual(2, Object.keys(reply).length);
assert.strictEqual("val 1", reply["key 1"]);
assert.strictEqual("val 2", reply["key 2"]);
return done(err);
it('returns string values when executed in transaction', function (done) {
client.multi().hgetall("hash key 2").exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual("object", typeof reply[0]);
assert.strictEqual(2, Object.keys(reply[0]).length);
assert.strictEqual("val 1", reply[0]["key 1"]);
assert.strictEqual("val 2", reply[0]["key 2"]);
return done(err);
describe('first argument is a buffer', function () {
it('returns buffer values', function (done) {
client.hgetall(new Buffer("hash key 2"), function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(null, err);
assert.strictEqual("object", typeof reply);
assert.strictEqual(2, Object.keys(reply).length);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply["key 1"]));
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply["key 2"]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 31>", reply["key 1"].inspect());
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 32>", reply["key 2"].inspect());
return done(err);
it('returns buffer values when executed in transaction', function (done) {
client.multi().hgetall(new Buffer("hash key 2")).exec(function (err, reply) {
assert.strictEqual(1, reply.length);
assert.strictEqual("object", typeof reply);
assert.strictEqual(2, Object.keys(reply[0]).length);
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0]["key 1"]));
assert.strictEqual(true, Buffer.isBuffer(reply[0]["key 2"]));
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 31>", reply[0]["key 1"].inspect());
assert.strictEqual("<Buffer 76 61 6c 20 32>", reply[0]["key 2"].inspect());
return done(err);
describe('unref', function () {
it('exits subprocess as soon as final command is processed', function (done) {
var args = config.HOST[ip] ? [config.HOST[ip], config.PORT] : [ip];
var external = fork("./test/lib/unref.js", args);
var id = setTimeout(function () {
return done(Error('unref subprocess timed out'));
}, 5000);
external.on("close", function (code) {
assert.strictEqual(code, 0);
return done();
describe('socket_nodelay', function () {
describe('true', function () {
var client;
var args = config.configureClient(parser, ip, {
socket_nodelay: true
it("fires client.on('ready')", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(true, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
it('client is functional', function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(true, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.set(["set key 1", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.set(["set key 2", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.get(["set key 1"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.get(["set key 2"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
describe('false', function () {
var client;
var args = config.configureClient(parser, ip, {
socket_nodelay: false
it("fires client.on('ready')", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(false, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
it('client is functional', function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(false, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.set(["set key 1", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.set(["set key 2", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.get(["set key 1"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.get(["set key 2"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
describe('defaults to true', function () {
var client;
var args = config.configureClient(parser, ip);
it("fires client.on('ready')", function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(true, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
it('client is functional', function (done) {
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on("ready", function () {
assert.strictEqual(true, client.options.socket_nodelay);
client.set(["set key 1", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.set(["set key 2", "set val"], helper.isString("OK"));
client.get(["set key 1"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.get(["set key 2"], helper.isString("set val"));
client.once('end', function () {
return done();
describe('retry_max_delay', function () {
var client;
var args = config.configureClient(parser, ip, {
retry_max_delay: 1
it("sets upper bound on how long client waits before reconnecting", function (done) {
var time = new Date().getTime();
var reconnecting = false;
client = redis.createClient.apply(redis.createClient, args);
client.on('ready', function() {
if (!reconnecting) {
reconnecting = true;
client.retry_delay = 1000;
client.retry_backoff = 1;;
} else {
var lasted = new Date().getTime() - time;
assert.ok(lasted < 1000);
return done();
describe('enable_offline_queue', function () {
describe('true', function () {
it("does not return an error and enqueues operation", function (done) {
var client = redis.createClient(9999, null, {
max_attempts: 1,
parser: parser
client.on('error', function(e) {
// ignore, b/c expecting a "can't connect" error
return setTimeout(function() {
client.set('foo', 'bar', function(err, result) {
// TODO: figure out why we emit an error on
// even though we've enabled the offline queue.
if (process.platform === 'win32') return;
if (err) return done(err);
return setTimeout(function(){
assert.strictEqual(client.offline_queue.length, 1);
return done();
}, 25);
}, 50);
describe('false', function () {
it("does not emit an error and enqueues operation", function (done) {
var client = redis.createClient(9999, null, {
parser: parser,
max_attempts: 1,
enable_offline_queue: false
client.on('error', function(err) {
assert(/send_command: stream not writeable|ECONNREFUSED/.test(err.message));
client.set('foo', 'bar');
assert.doesNotThrow(function () {
client.set('foo', 'bar', function (err) {
// should callback with an error
setTimeout(function () {
return done();
}, 50);