You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

218 lines
5.3 KiB

/*global require console setTimeout process */
var redis = require("./index"),
request = require("request"),
stats_url = "",
client_count = process.argv[2] || 50,
ops_count = 20000,
clients = new Array(client_count),
i, tests = {}, results = {}, test_list;
redis.debug_mode = false;
function init_test(name) {
results[name] = {
test_start: new Date(),
starts: new Array(client_count),
ends: new Array(client_count),
completed: 0
function test_complete(name) {
var min, max, sum, avg, res, i, sample, total_time, op_rate, buckets = {}, max_bucket;
results[name].test_end = new Date();
total_time = results[name].test_end - results[name].test_start;
res = results[name];
max_bucket = Number.MIN_VALUE;
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0, len = results[name].ends.length; i < len; i += 1) {
sample = results[name].ends[i] - results[name].starts[i];
if (isNaN(sample)) {
console.log("NaN: " + i + ", " + results[name].ends[i] + ", " + results[name].starts[i]);
sum += sample;
if (sample < min) {
min = sample;
if (sample > max) {
max = sample;
if (buckets[sample] === undefined) {
buckets[sample] = 0;
buckets[sample] += 1;
if (buckets[sample] > max_bucket) {
max_bucket = buckets[sample];
avg = (sum / ops_count).toFixed(2);
op_rate = ((i + 1) / (total_time/1000)).toFixed(2);
console.log(name + ": " + i + " ops " + op_rate + " ops/sec " + min + "/" + max + "/" + avg);
function lpad(val) {
var ret = val.toString();
while (ret.length < max_bucket.toString().length) {
ret = " " + ret;
return ret;
// Object.keys(buckets).forEach(function (bucket) {
// var bar = "", i, max_width = 100, cur_val = buckets[bucket];
// i = Math.round((cur_val / max_bucket) * max_width);
// while (i >= 0) {
// bar += "*";
// i--;
// }
// console.log(lpad(bucket) + ": " + bar);
// });
function get_result(name, index) {
results[name].starts[index] = new Date();
return function (err, reply) {
results[name].ends[index] = new Date();
results[name].completed += 1;
if (results[name].completed === ops_count) {
function spread_command(name, command, args) {
var remaining = ops_count - 1,
current = 0;
while (remaining >= 0) {
clients[current][command](args, get_result(name, remaining));
current += 1;
if (current >= client_count) {
current = 0;
remaining -= 1;
tests.connections = function () {
var name = "connections";
function handle_connection (num) {
return function () {
results[name].ends[num] = new Date();
results[name].completed += 1;
start_connection(num + 1);
function start_connection (num) {
results[name].starts[num] = new Date();
clients[num] = redis.createClient();
if (num < (client_count - 1)) {
clients[num].on("connect", handle_connection(num));
} else {
clients[num].on("connect", function () {
results[name].ends[num] = new Date();
results[name].completed += 1;
clients[num].on("error", function (msg) {
console.log("Connect problem:" + msg.stack);
console.log("Starting " + client_count + " connections.");
}; = function () {
var name = "PING (mb)";
spread_command(name, "ping", []);
tests.set = function () {
var name = "SET";
spread_command(name, "set", ["foo_rand000000000000", ops_count]);
tests.get = function () {
var name = "GET";
spread_command(name, "get", ["foo_rand000000000000"]);
tests.incr = function () {
var name = "incr";
spread_command(name, "incr", ["counter_rand000000000000"]);
tests.lpush = function () {
var name = "lpush";
spread_command(name, "lpush", ["mylist", "bar"]);
tests.lpop = function () {
var name = "lpop";
spread_command(name, "lpop", ["mylist"]);
tests.sadd = function () {
var name = "sadd";
spread_command(name, "sadd", ["myset", "counter_rand000000000000"]);
// need to randomize the counter
// tests.spop = function () {
// var name = "lpop";
// init_test(name);
// spread_command(name, "lpop", ["mylist"]);
// };
test_list = Object.keys(tests);
function run_next() {
var cur_test = test_list.shift();
if (typeof tests[cur_test] === "function") {
} else {
console.log("End of tests.");
clients.forEach(function (client) {