You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

316 lines
8.7 KiB

Add `now billing` and `now upgrade` (#309) * Add the skeleton of `now cc` * Add the `ls` command * Add `inquirer` dependency * Add the `set-default` command * Fix typo * Show the real number of cards when selecting the default one * Add the `ls` command * Fix: Do not throw if there's no cards in the account * Add `blessed` dependency * Add the first sketch of `now cc add` * Add instructions * Add labels * Save every element in the `elements` array instead of variables * Tweaks * Fix: update the element attribute if it's not a special case * Add the `name` input; Add moving between inputs; Make the state more reliable * Auto "detect" if the input is losing focus * Remove useless stuff * Add the ability to move between the fields with tab/shift+tab * Add CCV field * Make the cycling between the fields "infinite" * Add expiration date field and allow only numbers in the CCV field * The form shouldn't have a fixed height * Add the address box and label * Add the address fields * Remove blessed stuff * Add preliminary input field * output utils * add prompt for booleans * fix @matheuss linting problems * remove example * lint * error and info helpers * helper for embedded commands * Remove useless stuff * Add `trailing` option * Add `resolveChars` option * Add `validate` option * Add `strip-ansi` dependency * Add `credit-card` dependency * Add credit card masking * Add support for expiration date mask * Make things simpler * Add auto completion support * Always show the `card_` id prefix * Add `@google/maps` dependency * Always print the initial value if it's available * Add `stripe` dependency * Add `add()` method * Add billing related utils * Add `now cc add` * Rename `cc` to `billing` * Fix: log only one blank line * Refactor * Add list input component * This shouldn't be here * Add `code` output util * Add `now upgrade | downgrade` * add build step * make it more future-proof * more reliable build * remove lock for now * Hide the CCV * Print the new line before `Saving card` * Use the new `success` component * Add confirmation steps for `cc rm` and `cc set-default` * Temporarily monket patch Inquirer * Build before testing * Run the tests using the built files * Fix the `prepublish` script and run the `build` one before packaging * Improve `now help`
8 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Native
const {resolve} = require('path')
// Packages
const chalk = require('chalk')
const minimist = require('minimist')
const ms = require('ms')
// Ours
const login = require('../lib/login')
const cfg = require('../lib/cfg')
const {error} = require('../lib/error')
const NowCreditCards = require('../lib/credit-cards')
const indent = require('../lib/indent')
const listInput = require('../lib/utils/input/list')
const success = require('../lib/utils/output/success')
const promptBool = require('../lib/utils/output/prompt-bool')
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ['config', 'token'],
boolean: ['help', 'debug'],
alias: {
help: 'h',
config: 'c',
debug: 'd',
token: 't'
const subcommand = argv._[0]
const help = () => {
${chalk.bold('𝚫 now billing')} <ls | add | rm | set-default>
-h, --help Output usage information
-c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')} Config file
-d, --debug Debug mode [off]
-t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')} Login token
${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all your credit cards:
${chalk.cyan('$ now billing ls')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Adds a credit card (interactively):
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing add`)}
${chalk.gray('–')} Removes a credit card:
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing rm <id>`)}
${chalk.gray('–')} If the id is ommitted, you can choose interactively
${chalk.gray('–')} Selects your default credit card:
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing set-default <id>`)}
${chalk.gray('–')} If the id is ommitted, you can choose interactively
// options
const debug = argv.debug
const apiUrl = argv.url || ''
if (argv.config) {
const exit = code => {
// we give stdout some time to flush out
// because there's a node bug where
// stdout writes are asynchronous
setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100)
if ( || !subcommand) {
} else {
const config =
Promise.resolve(argv.token || config.token || login(apiUrl))
.then(async token => {
try {
await run(token)
} catch (err) {
if (err.userError) {
} else {
error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`)
.catch(e => {
error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`)
// Builds a `choices` object that can be passesd to inquirer.prompt()
function buildInquirerChoices(cards) {
return => {
const _default = === cards.defaultCardId ? ' ' + chalk.bold('(default)') : ''
const id = `${chalk.cyan(`ID: ${}`)}${_default}`
const number = `${chalk.gray('#### ').repeat(3)}${card.last4}`
const str = [
indent(, 2),
indent(`${card.brand} ${number}`, 2)
return {
name: str, // Will be displayed by Inquirer
value:, // Will be used to identify the answer
short: // Will be displayed after the users answers
async function run(token) {
const start = new Date()
const creditCards = new NowCreditCards(apiUrl, token, {debug})
const args = argv._.slice(1)
switch (subcommand) {
case 'ls':
case 'list': {
const cards = await
const text = => {
const _default = === cards.defaultCardId ? ' ' + chalk.bold('(default)') : ''
const id = `${chalk.gray('-')} ${chalk.cyan(`ID: ${}`)}${_default}`
const number = `${chalk.gray('#### ').repeat(3)}${card.last4}`
let address = card.address_line1
if (card.address_line2) {
address += `, ${card.address_line2}.`
} else {
address += '.'
address += `\n${card.address_city}, `
if (card.address_state) {
address += `${card.address_state}, `
// TODO: Stripe is returning a two digit code for the country,
// but we want the full country name
address += `${card.address_zip}. ${card.address_country}`
return [
indent(, 2),
indent(`${card.brand} ${number}`, 2),
indent(address, 2)
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
console.log(`> ${} card${ === 1 ? '' : 's'} found ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)
if (text) {
case 'set-default': {
if (args.length > 1) {
error('Invalid number of arguments')
return exit(1)
const start = new Date()
const cards = await
if ( === 0) {
error('You have no credit cards to choose from')
return exit(0)
let cardId = args[0]
if (cardId === undefined) {
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
const message = `Selecting a new default payment card from ${} total ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`
const choices = buildInquirerChoices(cards)
cardId = await listInput({
separator: true,
abort: 'end'
// TODO: check if the provided cardId (in case the user
// typed `now billing set-default <some-id>`) is valid
if (cardId) {
const label = `Are you sure that you to set this card as the default?`
const confirmation = await promptBool(label)
console.log('') // new line
if (!confirmation) {
const start = new Date()
await creditCards.setDefault(cardId)
const card = => === cardId)
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
success(`${card.brand} ending in ${card.last4} is now the default ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`)
} else {
console.log('No changes made')
case 'rm':
case 'remove': {
if (args.length > 1) {
error('Invalid number of arguments')
return exit(1)
const start = new Date()
const cards = await
if ( === 0) {
error('You have no credit cards to choose from to delete')
return exit(0)
let cardId = args[0]
if (cardId === undefined) {
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
const message = `Selecting a card to ${chalk.underline('remove')} from ${} total ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`
const choices = buildInquirerChoices(cards)
cardId = await listInput({
separator: true,
abort: 'start'
// TODO: check if the provided cardId (in case the user
// typed `now billing rm <some-id>`) is valid
if (cardId) {
const label = `Are you sure that you want to remove this card?`
const confirmation = await promptBool(label)
console.log('') // new line
if (!confirmation) {
const start = new Date()
await creditCards.rm(cardId)
const deletedCard = => === cardId)
const remainingCards = => !== cardId)
let text = `${deletedCard.brand} ending in ${deletedCard.last4} was deleted`
// ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}
if (cardId === cards.defaultCardId) {
if (remainingCards.length === 0) {
// The user deleted the last card in their account
text += `\n${chalk.yellow('Warning!')} You have no default card`
} else {
// We can't guess the current default card – let's ask the API
const cards = await
const newDefaultCard = => === cards.defaultCardId)
text += `\n${newDefaultCard.brand} ending in ${newDefaultCard.last4} in now default`
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start)
text += ` ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}`
} else {
console.log('No changes made')
case 'add': {
require(resolve(__dirname, 'now-billing-add.js'))(creditCards)
error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | add | rm | set-default')