#!/usr/bin/env node
import Progress from 'progress';
import copy from '../lib/copy';
import { resolve } from 'path';
import login from '../lib/login';
import { stat } from 'fs-promise';
import * as cfg from '../lib/cfg';
import { version } from '../../package';
import Logger from '../lib/build-logger';
import bytes from 'bytes';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import minimist from 'minimist';
import Now from '../lib';
import toHumanPath from '../lib/utils/to-human-path';
import promptOptions from '../lib/utils/prompt-options';
import ms from 'ms';
import { handleError, error } from '../lib/error';
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
string: ['config', 'token'],
boolean: ['help', 'version', 'debug', 'force', 'login', 'no-clipboard', 'forward-npm', 'docker', 'npm'],
alias: {
env: 'e',
help: 'h',
config: 'c',
debug: 'd',
version: 'v',
force: 'f',
token: 't',
forceSync: 'F',
login: 'L',
public: 'p',
'no-clipboard': 'C',
'forward-npm': 'N'
const help = () => {
${chalk.bold('𝚫 now')} [options] <command | path>
deploy [path] performs a deployment ${chalk.bold('(default)')}
ls | list [app] list deployments
rm | remove [id] remove a deployment
ln | alias [id] [url] configures aliases for deployments
domains [name] manages your domain names
help [cmd] displays complete help for [cmd]
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
-c ${chalk.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.underline('FILE')} config file
-d, --debug debug mode [off]
-f, --force force a new deployment even if nothing has changed
-t ${chalk.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.underline('TOKEN')} login token
-L, --login configure login
-p, --public deployment is public (${chalk.dim('`/_src`')} is exposed) [on for oss, off for premium]
-e, --env include an env var (e.g.: ${chalk.dim('`-e KEY=value`')}). Can appear many times.
-C, --no-clipboard do not attempt to copy URL to clipboard
-N, --forward-npm forward login information to install private NPM modules
--npm force npm deployment (when both package.json and Dockerfile exist)
--docker force docker deployment (when both package.json and Dockerfile exist)
${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys the current directory
${chalk.cyan('$ now')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys a custom path ${chalk.dim('`/usr/src/project`')}
${chalk.cyan('$ now /usr/src/project')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all deployments with their IDs
${chalk.cyan('$ now ls')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Associates deployment ${chalk.dim('`deploymentId`')} with ${chalk.dim('`custom-domain.com`')}
${chalk.cyan('$ now alias deploymentId custom-domain.com')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Stores a secret
${chalk.cyan('$ now secret add mysql-password 123456')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Deploys with ENV vars (using the ${chalk.dim('`mysql-password`')} secret stored above)
${chalk.cyan('$ now -e NODE_ENV=production -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=@mysql-password')}
${chalk.gray('–')} Displays comprehensive help for the subcommand ${chalk.dim('`list`')}
${chalk.cyan('$ now help list')}
let path = argv._[0];
if (null != path) {
// if path is relative: resolve
// if path is absolute: clear up strange `/` etc
path = resolve(process.cwd(), path);
} else {
path = process.cwd();
const exit = (code) => {
// we give stdout some time to flush out
// because there's a node bug where
// stdout writes are asynchronous
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456
setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100);
// options
const debug = argv.debug;
const clipboard = !argv['no-clipboard'];
const forwardNpm = argv['forward-npm'];
const forceNew = argv.force;
const forceSync = argv.forceSync;
const shouldLogin = argv.login;
const wantsPublic = argv.public;
const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co';
const isTTY = process.stdout.isTTY;
const quiet = !isTTY;
if (argv.config) cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config);
const config = cfg.read();
const alwaysForwardNpm = config.forwardNpm;
if (argv.h || argv.help) {
} else if (argv.v || argv.version) {
console.log(chalk.bold('𝚫 now'), version);
} else if (!(argv.token || config.token) || shouldLogin) {
.then((token) => {
if (shouldLogin) {
console.log('> Logged in successfully. Token saved in ~/.now.json');
} else {
sync(token).catch((err) => {
error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`);
.catch((e) => {
error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`);
} else {
sync(argv.token || config.token).catch((err) => {
error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`);
async function sync (token) {
const start = Date.now();
if (!quiet) {
console.log(`> Deploying ${chalk.bold(toHumanPath(path))}`);
try {
await stat(path);
} catch (err) {
error(`Could not read directory ${chalk.bold(path)}`);
let deploymentType, hasPackage, hasDockerfile;
if (argv.docker) {
if (debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] Forcing \`deploymentType\` = \`docker\``);
deploymentType = 'docker';
} else {
if (argv.npm) {
deploymentType = 'npm';
} else {
try {
await stat(resolve(path, 'package.json'));
} catch (err) {
hasPackage = true;
[hasPackage, hasDockerfile] = await Promise.all([
await (async () => {
try {
await stat(resolve(path, 'package.json'));
} catch (err) {
return false;
return true;
await (async () => {
try {
await stat(resolve(path, 'Dockerfile'));
} catch (err) {
return false;
return true;
if (hasPackage && hasDockerfile) {
if (debug) console.log('[debug] multiple manifests found, disambiguating');
if (isTTY) {
try {
console.log(`> Two manifests found. Press [${chalk.bold('n')}] to deploy or re-run with --flag`);
deploymentType = await promptOptions([
['npm', `${chalk.bold('package.json')}\t${chalk.gray(' --npm')} `],
['docker', `${chalk.bold('Dockerfile')}\t${chalk.gray('--docker')} `]
} catch (err) {
} else {
error('Ambiguous deployment (`package.json` and `Dockerfile` found). ' +
'Please supply `--npm` or `--docker` to disambiguate.');
} else if (hasPackage) {
if (debug) console.log('[debug] `package.json` found, assuming `deploymentType` = `npm`');
deploymentType = 'npm';
} else if (hasDockerfile) {
if (debug) console.log('[debug] `Dockerfile` found, assuming `deploymentType` = `docker`');
deploymentType = 'docker';
} else {
error(`Could not access a ${chalk.dim('`package.json`')} or ${chalk.dim('`Dockerfile`')} in ${chalk.bold(path)}`);
console.log(`> To deploy statically, try: ${chalk.dim(chalk.underline('https://zeit.co/blog/serve-it-now'))}.`);
const now = new Now(apiUrl, token, { debug });
const envs = [].concat(argv.env || []);
let secrets;
const findSecret = async (uidOrName) => {
if (!secrets) secrets = await now.listSecrets();
return secrets.filter((secret) => {
return secret.name === uidOrName || secret.uid === uidOrName;
const env_ = await Promise.all(envs.map(async (kv) => {
const [key, ...rest] = kv.split('=');
let val;
if (rest.length) {
val = rest.join('=');
if (/[^A-z0-9_]/i.test(key)) {
error(`Invalid ${chalk.dim('-e')} key ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)}. Only letters, digits and underscores are allowed.`);
return process.exit(1);
if ('' === key || null == key) {
error(`Invalid env option ${chalk.bold(`"${kv}"`)}`);
return process.exit(1);
if (val == null) {
if (!(key in process.env)) {
error(`No value specified for env ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)} and it was not found in your env.`);
return process.exit(1);
} else {
console.log(`> Reading ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)} from your env (as no value was specified)`);
// escape value if it begins with @
val = process.env[key].replace(/^\@/, '\\@');
if ('@' === val[0]) {
const uidOrName = val.substr(1);
const secrets = await findSecret(uidOrName);
if (secrets.length === 0) {
if ('' === uidOrName) {
error(`Empty reference provided for env key ${chalk.bold(`"${chalk.bold(key)}"`)}`);
} else {
error(`No secret found by uid or name ${chalk.bold(`"${uidOrName}"`)}`);
return process.exit(1);
} else if (secrets.length > 1) {
error(`Ambiguous secret ${chalk.bold(`"${uidOrName}"`)} (matches ${chalk.bold(secrets.length)} secrets)`);
return process.exit(1);
} else {
val = { uid: secrets[0].uid };
return [
typeof val === 'string'
// add support for escaping the @ as \@
? val.replace(/^\\@/, '@')
: val
let env = {};
.filter(v => !!v)
.forEach(([key, val]) => {
if (key in env) console.log(`> ${chalk.yellow('NOTE:')} Overriding duplicate env key ${chalk.bold(`"${key}"`)}`);
env[key] = val
try {
await now.create(path, {
forwardNpm: alwaysForwardNpm || forwardNpm,
} catch (err) {
if (debug) console.log(`> [debug] error: ${err.stack}`);
const { url } = now;
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start);
if (isTTY) {
if (clipboard) {
try {
await copy(url);
console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Ready!')} ${chalk.bold(url)} (copied to clipboard) [${elapsed}]`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Ready!')} ${chalk.bold(url)} [${elapsed}]`);
} else {
console.log(`> ${url} [${elapsed}]`);
} else {
const start_u = new Date();
const complete = () => {
if (!quiet) {
const elapsed_u = ms(new Date() - start_u);
console.log(`> Sync complete (${bytes(now.syncAmount)}) [${elapsed_u}] `);
console.log('> Initializing…');
// close http2 agent
// show build logs
if (now.syncAmount) {
const bar = new Progress('> Upload [:bar] :percent :etas', {
width: 20,
complete: '=',
incomplete: '',
total: now.syncAmount
now.on('upload', ({ names, data }) => {
const amount = data.length;
if (debug) {
console.log(`> [debug] Uploaded: ${names.join(' ')} (${bytes(data.length)})`);
now.on('complete', complete);
now.on('error', (err) => {
error('Upload failed');
} else {
if (!quiet) {
console.log(`> Initializing…`);
// close http2 agent
// show build logs
function printLogs (host) {
// log build
const logger = new Logger(host, { debug, quiet });
logger.on('close', () => {
if (!quiet) {
console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Deployment complete!')}`);