#!/usr/bin/env node
// Packages
const ansiEscapes = require("ansi-escapes");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const ccValidator = require("credit-card");
// Ours
const textInput = require("../lib/utils/input/text");
const countries = require("../lib/utils/billing/country-list");
const cardBrands = require("../lib/utils/billing/card-brands");
const geocode = require("../lib/utils/billing/geocode");
const success = require("../lib/utils/output/success");
const wait = require("../lib/utils/output/wait");
function rightPad(string, n = 12) {
n -= string.length;
return string + " ".repeat(n > -1 ? n : 0);
function expDateMiddleware(data) {
return data;
module.exports = function(creditCards) {
const state = {
error: undefined,
cardGroupLabel: `> ${chalk.bold("Enter your card details")}`,
name: {
label: rightPad("Full Name"),
placeholder: "John Appleseed",
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0
cardNumber: {
label: rightPad("Number"),
mask: "cc",
placeholder: "#### #### #### ####",
validateKeypress: (data, value) => /\d/.test(data) && value.length < 19,
validateValue: data => {
data = data.replace(/ /g, "");
const type = ccValidator.determineCardType(data);
if (!type) {
return false;
return ccValidator.isValidCardNumber(data, type);
ccv: {
label: rightPad("CCV"),
mask: "ccv",
placeholder: "###",
validateValue: data => {
const brand = state.cardNumber.brand.toLowerCase();
return ccValidator.doesCvvMatchType(data, brand);
expDate: {
label: rightPad("Exp. Date"),
mask: "expDate",
placeholder: "mm / yyyy",
middleware: expDateMiddleware,
validateValue: data => !ccValidator.isExpired(...data.split(" / "))
addressGroupLabel: `\n> ${chalk.bold("Enter your billing address")}`,
country: {
label: rightPad("Country"),
async autoComplete(value) {
for (const country in countries) {
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(countries, country)) {
if (country.startsWith(value)) {
return country.substr(value.length);
return false;
validateValue: value => countries[value] !== undefined
zipCode: {
label: rightPad("ZIP"),
validadeKeypress: data => data.trim().length > 0,
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0
state: {
label: rightPad("State"),
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0
city: {
label: rightPad("City"),
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0
address1: {
label: rightPad("Address"),
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0
async function render() {
for (const key in state) {
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(state, key)) {
const piece = state[key];
if (typeof piece === "string") {
} else if (typeof piece === "object") {
let result;
try {
result = await textInput({
label: "- " + piece.label,
initialValue: piece.initialValue || piece.value,
placeholder: piece.placeholder,
mask: piece.mask,
validateKeypress: piece.validateKeypress,
validateValue: piece.validateValue,
autoComplete: piece.autoComplete
piece.value = result;
if (key === "cardNumber") {
let brand = cardBrands[ccValidator.determineCardType(result)];
piece.brand = brand;
if (brand === "American Express") {
state.ccv.placeholder = "#".repeat(4);
} else {
state.ccv.placeholder = "#".repeat(3);
brand = chalk.cyan(`[${brand}]`);
const masked = chalk.gray("#### ".repeat(3)) + result.split(" ")[3];
`${chalk.cyan("✓")} ${piece.label}${masked} ${brand}\n`
} else if (key === "ccv") {
`${chalk.cyan("✓")} ${piece.label}${"*".repeat(result.length)}\n`
} else if (key === "expDate") {
let text = result.split(" / ");
text = text[0] + chalk.gray(" / ") + text[1];
process.stdout.write(`${chalk.cyan("✓")} ${piece.label}${text}\n`);
} else if (key === "zipCode") {
const stopSpinner = wait(piece.label + result);
const addressInfo = await geocode({
country: state.country.value,
zipCode: result
if (addressInfo.state) {
state.state.initialValue = addressInfo.state;
if (addressInfo.city) {
state.city.initialValue = addressInfo.city;
`${chalk.cyan("✓")} ${piece.label}${result}\n`
} else {
`${chalk.cyan("✓")} ${piece.label}${result}\n`
} catch (err) {
if (err.message === "USER_ABORT") {
} else {
console.log(""); // new line
const stopSpinner = wait("Saving card");
try {
const res = await creditCards.add({
name: state.name.value,
cardNumber: state.cardNumber.value,
ccv: state.ccv.value,
expDate: state.expDate.value,
country: state.country.value,
zipCode: state.zipCode.value,
state: state.state.value,
city: state.city.value,
address1: state.address1.value
`${state.cardNumber.brand} ending in ${res.last4} was added to your account`
} catch (err) {
const linesToClear = state.error ? 13 : 12;
state.error = `${chalk.red("> Error!")} ${err.message} Please make sure the info is correct`;
await render();