// Packages
import chalk from 'chalk'
// Ours
import toHost from './to-host'
import resolve4 from './dns'
import isZeitWorld from './is-zeit-world'
import { DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR } from './errors'
import Now from './'
const domainRegex = /^((?=[a-z0-9-]{1,63}\.)(xn--)?[a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,63}$/
export default class Alias extends Now {
async ls ( deployment ) {
if ( deployment ) {
const target = await this . findDeployment ( deployment )
if ( ! target ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Aliases not found by " ${ deployment } ". Run ${ chalk . dim ( '`now alias ls`' ) } to see your aliases. ` )
err . userError = true
throw err
return this . listAliases ( target . uid )
return this . listAliases ( )
async rm ( _ alias ) {
return this . retry ( async bail => {
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /now/aliases/ ${ _ alias . uid } ` , {
method : 'DELETE'
} )
if ( res . status === 403 ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Unauthorized' ) )
if ( res . status !== 200 ) {
const err = new Error ( 'Deletion failed. Try again later.' )
throw err
} )
async findDeployment ( deployment ) {
const list = await this . list ( )
let key
let val
if ( /\./ . test ( deployment ) ) {
val = toHost ( deployment )
key = 'url'
} else {
val = deployment
key = 'uid'
const depl = list . find ( d => {
if ( d [ key ] === val ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] matched deployment ${ d . uid } by ${ key } ${ val } ` )
return true
// match prefix
if ( ` ${ val } .now.sh ` === d . url ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] matched deployment ${ d . uid } by url ${ d . url } ` )
return true
return false
} )
return depl
async set ( deployment , alias ) {
// make alias lowercase
alias = alias . toLowerCase ( )
// trim leading and trailing dots
// for example: `google.com.` => `google.com`
alias = alias
. replace ( /^\.+/ , '' )
. replace ( /\.+$/ , '' )
const depl = await this . findDeployment ( deployment )
if ( ! depl ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Deployment not found by " ${ deployment } ". Run ${ chalk . dim ( '`now ls`' ) } to see your deployments. ` )
err . userError = true
throw err
// evaluate the alias
if ( /\./ . test ( alias ) ) {
alias = toHost ( alias )
} else {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] suffixing \` .now.sh \` to alias ${ alias } ` )
alias = ` ${ alias } .now.sh `
if ( ! domainRegex . test ( alias ) ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Invalid alias " ${ alias } " ` )
err . userError = true
throw err
if ( ! /\.now\.sh$/ . test ( alias ) ) {
console . log ( ` > ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( alias ) ) } is a custom domain. ` )
console . log ( ` > Verifying the DNS settings for ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( alias ) ) } (see ${ chalk . underline ( 'https://zeit.world' ) } for help) ` )
const { domain , nameservers } = await this . getNameservers ( alias )
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] Found domain ${ domain } and nameservers ${ nameservers } ` )
try {
await this . verifyOwnership ( alias )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err . userError ) {
// a user error would imply that verification failed
// in which case we attempt to correct the dns
// configuration (if we can!)
try {
if ( isZeitWorld ( nameservers ) ) {
console . log ( ` > Detected ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( 'zeit.world' ) ) } nameservers! Configuring records. ` )
const record = alias . substr ( 0 , alias . length - domain . length )
// lean up trailing and leading dots
const _ record = record
. replace ( /^\./ , '' )
. replace ( /\.$/ , '' )
const _ domain = domain
. replace ( /^\./ , '' )
. replace ( /\.$/ , '' )
if ( _ record === '' ) {
await this . setupRecord ( _ domain , '*' )
await this . setupRecord ( _ domain , _ record )
this . recordSetup = true
console . log ( '> DNS Configured! Verifying propagation…' )
try {
await this . retry ( ( ) => this . verifyOwnership ( alias ) , { retries : 10 , maxTimeout : 8000 } )
} catch ( err2 ) {
const e = new Error ( '> We configured the DNS settings for your alias, but we were unable to ' +
'verify that they\'ve propagated. Please try the alias again later.' )
e . userError = true
throw e
} else {
console . log ( ` > Resolved IP: ${ err . ip ? ` ${ chalk . underline ( err . ip ) } (unknown) ` : chalk . dim ( 'none' ) } ` )
console . log ( ` > Nameservers: ${ nameservers && nameservers . length ? nameservers . map ( ns => chalk . underline ( ns ) ) . join ( ', ' ) : chalk . dim ( 'none' ) } ` )
throw err
} catch ( e ) {
if ( e . userError ) {
throw e
throw err
} else {
throw err
if ( ! isZeitWorld ( nameservers ) ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] Trying to register a non-ZeitWorld domain ${ domain } for the current user ` )
await this . setupDomain ( domain , { isExternal : true } )
console . log ( ` > Verification ${ chalk . bold ( 'OK' ) } ! ` )
// unfortunately there's a situation where the verification
// ownership code path in the `catch` above makes the
// agent unexpectedly close. this is a workaround until
// we figure out what's going on with `node-spdy`
this . _ agent . close ( )
this . _ agent . _ initAgent ( )
const newAlias = await this . createAlias ( depl , alias )
if ( ! newAlias ) {
throw new Error ( ` Unexpected error occurred while setting up alias: ${ JSON . stringify ( newAlias ) } ` )
const { created , uid } = newAlias
if ( created ) {
console . log ( ` ${ chalk . cyan ( '> Success!' ) } Alias created ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ uid } ) ` ) } : ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( ` https:// ${ alias } ` ) ) } now points to ${ chalk . bold ( ` https:// ${ depl . url } ` ) } ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ depl . uid } ) ` ) } ` )
} else {
console . log ( ` ${ chalk . cyan ( '> Success!' ) } Alias already exists ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ uid } ) ` ) } . ` )
createAlias ( depl , alias ) {
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . time ( ` > [debug] /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases # ${ attempt } ` )
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { alias }
} )
const body = await res . json ( )
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . timeEnd ( ` > [debug] /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases # ${ attempt } ` )
// 409 conflict is returned if it already exists
if ( res . status === 409 ) {
return { uid : body . error . uid }
// no retry on authorization problems
if ( res . status === 403 ) {
const code = body . error . code
if ( code === 'custom_domain_needs_upgrade' ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Custom domains are only enabled for premium accounts. Please upgrade at ${ chalk . underline ( 'https://zeit.co/account' ) } . ` )
err . userError = true
return bail ( err )
if ( code === 'alias_in_use' ) {
const err = new Error ( ` The alias you are trying to configure ( ${ chalk . underline ( chalk . bold ( alias ) ) } ) is already in use by a different account. ` )
err . userError = true
return bail ( err )
if ( code === 'forbidden' ) {
const err = new Error ( 'The domain you are trying to use as an alias is already in use by a different account.' )
err . userError = true
return bail ( err )
return bail ( new Error ( 'Authorization error' ) )
// all other errors
if ( body . error ) {
const code = body . error . code
if ( code === 'deployment_not_found' ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Deployment not found' ) )
if ( code === 'cert_missing' ) {
console . log ( ` > Provisioning certificate for ${ chalk . underline ( chalk . bold ( alias ) ) } ` )
try {
await this . createCert ( alias )
} catch ( err ) {
// we bail to avoid retrying the whole process
// of aliasing which would involve too many
// retries on certificate provisioning
return bail ( err )
// try again, but now having provisioned the certificate
return this . createAlias ( depl , alias )
if ( code === 'cert_expired' ) {
console . log ( ` > Renewing certificate for ${ chalk . underline ( chalk . bold ( alias ) ) } ` )
try {
await this . createCert ( alias , { renew : true } )
} catch ( err ) {
return bail ( err )
return bail ( new Error ( body . error . message ) )
// the two expected succesful cods are 200 and 304
if ( res . status !== 200 && res . status !== 304 ) {
throw new Error ( 'Unhandled error' )
return body
} )
async setupRecord ( domain , name ) {
await this . setupDomain ( domain )
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] Setting up record " ${ name } " for " ${ domain } " ` )
const type = name === '' ? 'ALIAS' : 'CNAME'
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . time ( ` > [debug] /domains/ ${ domain } /records # ${ attempt } ` )
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /domains/ ${ domain } /records ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
type ,
name : name === '' ? name : '*' ,
value : 'alias.zeit.co'
} )
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . timeEnd ( ` > [debug] /domains/ ${ domain } /records # ${ attempt } ` )
if ( res . status === 403 ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Unauthorized' ) )
const body = await res . json ( )
if ( res . status !== 200 ) {
throw new Error ( body . error . message )
return body
} )
verifyOwnership ( domain ) {
return this . retry ( async bail => {
const targets = await resolve4 ( 'alias.zeit.co' )
if ( targets . length <= 0 ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Unable to resolve alias.zeit.co' ) )
let ips = [ ]
try {
ips = await resolve4 ( domain )
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err . code === 'ENODATA' || err . code === 'ESERVFAIL' || err . code === 'ENOTFOUND' ) {
// not errors per se, just absence of records
if ( this . _ debug ) {
console . log ( ` > [debug] No records found for " ${ domain } " ` )
} else {
throw err
if ( ips . length <= 0 ) {
const err = new Error ( DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR )
err . userError = true
return bail ( err )
for ( const ip of ips ) {
if ( targets . indexOf ( ip ) === - 1 ) {
const err = new Error ( ` The domain ${ domain } has an A record ${ chalk . bold ( ip ) } that doesn't resolve to ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( 'alias.zeit.co' ) ) } . \n > ` + DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_ERROR )
err . ip = ip
err . userError = true
return bail ( err )
} )