import retry from 'async-retry' ;
import dns from 'dns' ;
import Now from '../lib' ;
import toHost from './to-host' ;
import chalk from 'chalk' ;
export default class Alias extends Now {
async ls ( deployment ) {
if ( deployment ) {
const target = await this . findDeployment ( deployment ) ;
if ( ! target ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Aliases not found by " ${ deployment } ". Run ${ chalk . dim ( '`now alias ls`' ) } to see your aliases. ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
throw err ;
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /now/deployments/ ${ target . uid } /aliases ` ) ;
const body = await res . json ( ) ;
return body . aliases ;
} ) ;
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
const res = await this . _ fetch ( '/now/aliases' ) ;
const body = await res . json ( ) ;
return body . aliases ;
} ) ;
async rm ( _ alias ) {
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /now/aliases/ ${ _ alias . uid } ` , {
method : 'DELETE'
} ) ;
if ( 403 === res . status ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Unauthorized' ) ) ;
if ( res . status !== 200 ) {
const err = new Error ( 'Deletion failed. Try again later.' ) ;
throw err ;
} ) ;
async findDeployment ( deployment ) {
const list = await this . list ( ) ;
let key , val ;
if ( /\./ . test ( deployment ) ) {
val = toHost ( deployment ) ;
key = 'url' ;
} else {
val = deployment ;
key = 'uid' ;
const depl = list . find ( ( d ) => {
if ( d [ key ] === val ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) console . log ( ` > [debug] matched deployment ${ d . uid } by ${ key } ${ val } ` ) ;
return true ;
// match prefix
if ( ` ${ val } ` === d . url ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) console . log ( ` > [debug] matched deployment ${ d . uid } by url ${ d . url } ` ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
return depl ;
async set ( deployment , alias ) {
alias = alias . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const depl = await this . findDeployment ( deployment ) ;
if ( ! depl ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Deployment not found by " ${ deployment } ". Run ${ chalk . dim ( '`now ls`' ) } to see your deployments. ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
throw err ;
// evaluate the alias
if ( ! /\./ . test ( alias ) ) {
if ( this . _ debug ) console . log ( ` > [debug] suffixing \` \` to alias ${ alias } ` ) ;
alias = ` ${ alias } ` ;
} else {
alias = toHost ( alias ) ;
if ( ! /\.now\.sh$/ . test ( alias ) ) {
console . log ( ` > ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( alias ) ) } is a custom domain. ` ) ;
console . log ( ` > Verifying that ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( alias ) ) } has a ${ chalk . cyan ( '`CNAME`' ) } or ${ chalk . cyan ( '`ALIAS`' ) } record pointing to ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( '' ) ) } . ` ) ;
await this . verifyOwnership ( alias ) ;
console . log ( ` > Verification ${ chalk . bold ( 'OK' ) } ! ` ) ;
const { created , uid } = await this . createAlias ( depl , alias ) ;
if ( created ) {
console . log ( ` ${ chalk . cyan ( '> Success!' ) } Alias created ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ uid } ) ` ) } : ${ chalk . bold ( ` https:// ${ depl . url } ` ) } ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ depl . uid } ) ` ) } now points to ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( ` https:// ${ alias } ` ) ) } ` ) ;
} else {
console . log ( ` ${ chalk . cyan ( '> Success!' ) } Alias already exists ${ chalk . dim ( ` ( ${ uid } ) ` ) } . ` ) ;
createAlias ( depl , alias ) {
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
if ( this . _ debug ) console . time ( ` > [debug] /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases # ${ attempt } ` ) ;
const res = await this . _ fetch ( ` /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases ` , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : { alias }
} ) ;
const body = await res . json ( ) ;
if ( this . _ debug ) console . timeEnd ( ` > [debug] /now/deployments/ ${ depl . uid } /aliases # ${ attempt } ` ) ;
// 409 conflict is returned if it already exists
if ( 409 === res . status ) return { uid : body . error . uid } ;
// no retry on authorization problems
if ( 403 === res . status ) {
const code = body . error . code ;
if ( 'custom_domain_needs_upgrade' === code ) {
const err = new Error ( ` Custom domains are only enabled for premium accounts. Please upgrade at ${ chalk . underline ( '' ) } . ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
return bail ( err ) ;
if ( 'alias_in_use' === code ) {
const err = new Error ( ` The alias you are trying to configure ( ${ chalk . underline ( chalk . bold ( alias ) ) } ) is already in use by a different account. ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
return bail ( err ) ;
return bail ( new Error ( 'Authorization error' ) ) ;
// all other errors
if ( body . error ) {
const code = body . error . code ;
if ( 'deployment_not_found' === code ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Deployment not found' ) ) ;
if ( 'cert_missing' === code ) {
console . log ( ` > Provisioning certificate for ${ chalk . underline ( chalk . bold ( alias ) ) } ` ) ;
await this . createCert ( ) ;
// try again, but now having provisioned the certificate
return this . createAlias ( depl , alias ) ;
return bail ( new Error ( body . error . message ) ) ;
// the two expected succesful cods are 200 and 304
if ( 200 !== res . status && 304 !== res . status ) {
throw new Error ( 'Unhandled error' ) ;
return body ;
} ) ;
verifyOwnership ( domain ) {
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
const targets = await resolve4 ( '' ) ;
if ( ! targets . length ) {
return bail ( new Error ( 'Unable to resolve' ) ) ;
const ips = await resolve4 ( domain ) ;
if ( ! ips . length ) {
const err = new Error ( 'The domain ${domain} A record in the DNS configuration is not returning any IPs.' ) ;
err . userError = true ;
return bail ( err ) ;
for ( const ip of ips ) {
if ( ! ~ targets . indexOf ( ip ) ) {
const err = new Error ( ` The domain ${ domain } has an A record ${ chalk . bold ( ip ) } that doesn \' t resolve to ${ chalk . bold ( chalk . underline ( '' ) ) } . Please check your DNS settings. ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
return bail ( err ) ;
} ) ;
createCert ( domain ) {
return this . retry ( async ( bail , attempt ) => {
if ( this . _ debug ) console . time ( ` > [debug] /certs # ${ attempt } ` ) ;
const res = await this . _ fetch ( '/certs' , {
method : 'POST' ,
body : {
domains : [ domain ]
} ) ;
if ( 304 === res . status ) {
console . log ( '> Certificate already issued.' ) ;
return ;
const body = await res . json ( ) ;
if ( this . _ debug ) console . timeEnd ( ` > [debug] /certs # ${ attempt } ` ) ;
if ( body . error ) {
const { code } = body . error ;
if ( 'verification_failed' === code ) {
const err = new Error ( ` We couldn't verify ownership of the domain ${ domain } . Make sure the appropriate \` ALIAS \` or \` CNAME \` records are configured and pointing to ${ chalk . bold ( '' ) } . ` ) ;
err . userError = true ;
return bail ( err ) ;
throw new Error ( body . message ) ;
if ( 200 !== res . status && 304 !== res . status ) {
throw new Error ( 'Unhandled error' ) ;
} ) ;
retry ( fn ) {
return retry ( fn , { retries : 5 , randomize : true , onRetry : this . _ onRetry } ) ;
function resolve4 ( host ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
return dns . resolve4 ( host , ( err , answer ) => {
if ( err ) return reject ( err ) ;
resolve ( answer ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;