import {basename, resolve as resolvePath} from 'path'
import chalk from 'chalk'
import {readFile} from 'fs-promise'
import {parse as parseDockerfile} from 'docker-file-parser'
const listPackage = {
version: '0.0.0',
scripts: {
start: 'list ./content'
dependencies: {
list: 'latest'
export default async function (path, {
deploymentType = 'npm',
quiet = false,
isStatic = false
}) {
let pkg = {}
let name
let description
if (deploymentType === 'npm') {
if (isStatic) {
pkg = listPackage
} else {
try {
pkg = await readFile(resolvePath(path, 'package.json'))
pkg = JSON.parse(pkg)
} catch (err) {
const e = Error(`Failed to read JSON in "${path}/package.json"`)
e.userError = true
throw e
if (!pkg.scripts || (!pkg.scripts.start && !pkg.scripts['now-start'])) {
const e = Error('Missing `start` (or `now-start`) script in `package.json`. ' +
'See: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/start.')
e.userError = true
throw e
if (pkg.name === null || typeof pkg.name !== 'string') {
name = basename(path)
if (!quiet && !isStatic) {
console.log(`> No \`name\` in \`package.json\`, using ${chalk.bold(name)}`)
} else {
name = pkg.name
description = pkg.description
} else if (deploymentType === 'docker') {
let docker
try {
const dockerfile = await readFile(resolvePath(path, 'Dockerfile'), 'utf8')
docker = parseDockerfile(dockerfile, {includeComments: true})
} catch (err) {
const e = Error(`Failed to parse "${path}/Dockerfile"`)
e.userError = true
throw e
if (docker.length <= 0) {
const e = Error('No commands found in `Dockerfile`')
e.userError = true
throw e
if (!docker.some(cmd => cmd.name === 'CMD')) {
const e = Error('No `CMD` found in `Dockerfile`. ' +
'See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#/cmd')
e.userError = true
throw e
if (!docker.some(cmd => cmd.name === 'EXPOSE')) {
const e = Error('No `EXPOSE` found in `Dockerfile`. A port must be supplied. ' +
'See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#/expose')
e.userError = true
throw e
const labels = {}
.filter(cmd => cmd.name === 'LABEL')
.forEach(({args}) => {
for (const key in args) {
if (!{}.hasOwnProperty.call(args, key)) {
// unescape and convert into string
try {
labels[key] = JSON.parse(args[key])
} catch (err) {
const e = Error(`Error parsing value for LABEL ${key} in \`Dockerfile\``)
e.userError = true
throw e
if (labels.name === null) {
name = basename(path)
if (!quiet) {
console.log(`> No \`name\` LABEL in \`Dockerfile\`, using ${chalk.bold(name)}`)
} else {
name = labels.name
description = labels.description
return {