@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ const debug = require('debug')('now:sh:login')
const promptEmail = require ( 'email-prompt' )
const ms = require ( 'ms' )
const { validate : validateEmail } = require ( 'email-validator' )
const chalk = require ( 'chalk' )
const minimist = require ( 'minimist' )
// Utilities
const { version } = require ( '../../../util/pkg' )
@ -30,6 +32,34 @@ const {
} = require ( '../../../util/config-files' )
const getNowDir = require ( '../../../config/global-path' )
const hp = require ( '../../../util/humanize-path' )
const logo = require ( '../../../util/output/logo' )
const exit = require ( '../../../util/exit' )
const help = ( ) => {
console . log ( `
$ { chalk . bold ( ` ${ logo } now login ` ) } < email >
$ { chalk . dim ( 'Options:' ) }
- h , -- help Output usage information
- A $ { chalk . bold . underline ( 'FILE' ) } , -- local - config = $ { chalk . bold . underline (
) } Path to the local $ { '`now.json`' } file
- Q $ { chalk . bold . underline ( 'DIR' ) } , -- global - config = $ { chalk . bold . underline (
) } Path to the global $ { '`.now`' } directory
$ { chalk . dim ( 'Examples:' ) }
$ { chalk . gray ( '–' ) } Log into the Now platform
$ { chalk . cyan ( '$ now login' ) }
$ { chalk . gray ( '–' ) } Log in using a specific email address
$ { chalk . cyan ( '$ now login john@doe.com' ) }
` )
// POSTs to /now/registration – either creates an account or performs a login
// returns {token, securityCode}
@ -148,37 +178,39 @@ const readEmail = async () => {
return email
// TODO open issues: .co, error messages
const login = async ctx => {
const { argv } = ctx
const argv = minimist ( ctx . argv . slice ( 2 ) , {
boolean : [ 'help' ] ,
alias : {
help : 'h'
} )
if ( argv . help ) {
help ( )
await exit ( 0 )
argv . _ = argv . _ . slice ( 1 )
const apiUrl =
( ctx . config . sh && ctx . config . sh . apiUrl ) || 'https://api.zeit.co'
let email
let emailIsValid = false
let stopSpinner
// node file sh login [email|help]
const argvHasSh = argv [ 2 ] === 'sh'
const allowedNumberOfArgs = argvHasSh ? 5 : 4
if ( argv . length > allowedNumberOfArgs ) {
const _ cmd = argvHasSh ? 'now sh login' : 'now login'
console . log ( error ( ` Invalid number of arguments for ${ cmd ( _ cmd ) } ` ) )
console . log ( info ( ` See ${ cmd ( _ cmd + ' help' ) } ` ) )
return 1
const maybeEmail = argv [ argv . length - 1 ]
const possibleAddress = argv . _ [ 0 ]
// if the last arg is not the command itself, then maybe it's an email
if ( maybeEmail !== 'login' ) {
if ( ! validateEmail ( maybeEmail ) ) {
if ( possibleAddress ) {
if ( ! validateEmail ( possibleAddress ) ) {
// if it's not a valid email, let's just error
console . log ( error ( ` Invalid email: ${ param ( maybeEmail ) } . ` ) )
console . log ( error ( ` Invalid email: ${ param ( possibleAddress ) } . ` ) )
return 1
// valid email, no need to prompt the user
email = maybeEmail
email = possibleAddress
} else {
do {
try {
@ -221,7 +253,7 @@ const login = async ctx => {
stopSpinner ( )
// Clear up `Sending email` success message
process . stdout . write ( eraseLines ( 2 ) )
process . stdout . write ( eraseLines ( possibleAddress ? 1 : 2 ) )
console . log ( info (
` We sent an email to ${ highlight ( email ) } . Please follow the steps provided ` ,