5 changed files with 670 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Packages
const chalk = require('chalk') |
const minimist = require('minimist') |
const ms = require('ms') |
// Utilities
const login = require('../lib/login') |
const cfg = require('../lib/cfg') |
const { handleError, error } = require('../lib/error') |
const NowCreditCards = require('../lib/credit-cards') |
const indent = require('../lib/indent') |
const listInput = require('../lib/utils/input/list') |
const success = require('../lib/utils/output/success') |
const promptBool = require('../lib/utils/input/prompt-bool') |
const info = require('../lib/utils/output/info') |
const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo') |
const addBilling = require('./billing/add') |
const help = () => { |
console.log(` |
${chalk.bold(`${logo} now billing`)} <ls | add | rm | set-default> |
${chalk.dim('Options:')} |
-h, --help Output usage information |
-c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline( |
'FILE' |
)} Config file |
-d, --debug Debug mode [off] |
-t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline( |
)} Login token |
${chalk.dim('Examples:')} |
${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all your credit cards: |
${chalk.cyan('$ now billing ls')} |
${chalk.gray('–')} Adds a credit card (interactively): |
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing add`)} |
${chalk.gray('–')} Removes a credit card: |
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing rm <id>`)} |
${chalk.gray('–')} If the id is omitted, you can choose interactively |
${chalk.gray('–')} Selects your default credit card: |
${chalk.cyan(`$ now billing set-default <id>`)} |
${chalk.gray('–')} If the id is omitted, you can choose interactively |
} |
const exit = code => { |
// We give stdout some time to flush out
// because there's a node bug where
// stdout writes are asynchronous
// https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456
setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100) |
} |
let argv |
let debug |
let apiUrl |
let subcommand |
const main = async ctx => { |
argv = minimist(ctx.argv.slice(2), { |
string: ['config', 'token'], |
boolean: ['help', 'debug'], |
alias: { |
help: 'h', |
config: 'c', |
debug: 'd', |
token: 't' |
} |
}) |
argv._ = argv._.slice(1) |
debug = argv.debug |
apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co' |
subcommand = argv._[0] |
if (argv.config) { |
cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config) |
} |
if (argv.help || !subcommand) { |
help() |
exit(0) |
} |
const config = await cfg.read({ token: argv.token }) |
let token |
try { |
token = config.token || (await login(apiUrl)) |
} catch (err) { |
error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`) |
exit(1) |
} |
try { |
await run({ token, config }) |
} catch (err) { |
if (err.userError) { |
error(err.message) |
} else { |
error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`) |
} |
exit(1) |
} |
} |
module.exports = async ctx => { |
try { |
await main(ctx) |
} catch (err) { |
handleError(err) |
process.exit(1) |
} |
} |
// Builds a `choices` object that can be passesd to inquirer.prompt()
function buildInquirerChoices(cards) { |
return cards.cards.map(card => { |
const _default = |
card.id === cards.defaultCardId ? ' ' + chalk.bold('(default)') : '' |
const id = `${chalk.cyan(`ID: ${card.id}`)}${_default}` |
const number = `${chalk.gray('#### ').repeat(3)}${card.last4}` |
const str = [ |
id, |
indent(card.name, 2), |
indent(`${card.brand} ${number}`, 2) |
].join('\n') |
return { |
name: str, // Will be displayed by Inquirer
value: card.id, // Will be used to identify the answer
short: card.id // Will be displayed after the users answers
} |
}) |
} |
async function run({ token, config: { currentTeam, user } }) { |
const start = new Date() |
const creditCards = new NowCreditCards({ apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }) |
const args = argv._.slice(1) |
switch (subcommand) { |
case 'ls': |
case 'list': { |
let cards |
try { |
cards = await creditCards.ls() |
} catch (err) { |
error(err.message) |
return |
} |
const text = cards.cards |
.map(card => { |
const _default = |
card.id === cards.defaultCardId ? ' ' + chalk.bold('(default)') : '' |
const id = `${chalk.gray('-')} ${chalk.cyan( |
`ID: ${card.id}` |
)}${_default}` |
const number = `${chalk.gray('#### ').repeat(3)}${card.last4}` |
let address = card.address_line1 |
if (card.address_line2) { |
address += `, ${card.address_line2}.` |
} else { |
address += '.' |
} |
address += `\n${card.address_city}, ` |
if (card.address_state) { |
address += `${card.address_state}, ` |
} |
// Stripe is returning a two digit code for the country,
// but we want the full country name
address += `${card.address_zip}. ${card.address_country}` |
return [ |
id, |
indent(card.name, 2), |
indent(`${card.brand} ${number}`, 2), |
indent(address, 2) |
].join('\n') |
}) |
.join('\n\n') |
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) |
console.log( |
`> ${cards.cards.length} card${cards.cards.length === 1 |
? '' |
: 's'} found under ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)} ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}` |
) |
if (text) { |
console.log(`\n${text}\n`) |
} |
break |
} |
case 'set-default': { |
if (args.length > 1) { |
error('Invalid number of arguments') |
return exit(1) |
} |
const start = new Date() |
let cards |
try { |
cards = await creditCards.ls() |
} catch (err) { |
error(err.message) |
return |
} |
if (cards.cards.length === 0) { |
error('You have no credit cards to choose from') |
return exit(0) |
} |
let cardId = args[0] |
if (cardId === undefined) { |
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) |
const message = `Selecting a new default payment card for ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)} ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}` |
const choices = buildInquirerChoices(cards) |
cardId = await listInput({ |
message, |
choices, |
separator: true, |
abort: 'end' |
}) |
} |
// Check if the provided cardId (in case the user
// typed `now billing set-default <some-id>`) is valid
if (cardId) { |
const label = `Are you sure that you to set this card as the default?` |
const confirmation = await promptBool(label, { |
trailing: '\n' |
}) |
if (!confirmation) { |
info('Aborted') |
break |
} |
const start = new Date() |
await creditCards.setDefault(cardId) |
const card = cards.cards.find(card => card.id === cardId) |
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) |
success( |
`${card.brand} ending in ${card.last4} is now the default ${chalk.gray( |
`[${elapsed}]` |
)}` |
) |
} else { |
console.log('No changes made') |
} |
break |
} |
case 'rm': |
case 'remove': { |
if (args.length > 1) { |
error('Invalid number of arguments') |
return exit(1) |
} |
const start = new Date() |
let cards |
try { |
cards = await creditCards.ls() |
} catch (err) { |
error(err.message) |
return |
} |
if (cards.cards.length === 0) { |
error( |
`You have no credit cards to choose from to delete under ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)}` |
) |
return exit(0) |
} |
let cardId = args[0] |
if (cardId === undefined) { |
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) |
const message = `Selecting a card to ${chalk.underline( |
'remove' |
)} under ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)} ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}` |
const choices = buildInquirerChoices(cards) |
cardId = await listInput({ |
message, |
choices, |
separator: true, |
abort: 'start' |
}) |
} |
// Shoud check if the provided cardId (in case the user
// typed `now billing rm <some-id>`) is valid
if (cardId) { |
const label = `Are you sure that you want to remove this card?` |
const confirmation = await promptBool(label) |
if (!confirmation) { |
console.log('Aborted') |
break |
} |
const start = new Date() |
await creditCards.rm(cardId) |
const deletedCard = cards.cards.find(card => card.id === cardId) |
const remainingCards = cards.cards.filter(card => card.id !== cardId) |
let text = `${deletedCard.brand} ending in ${deletedCard.last4} was deleted` |
// ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}
if (cardId === cards.defaultCardId) { |
if (remainingCards.length === 0) { |
// The user deleted the last card in their account
text += `\n${chalk.yellow('Warning!')} You have no default card` |
} else { |
// We can't guess the current default card – let's ask the API
const cards = await creditCards.ls() |
const newDefaultCard = cards.cards.find( |
card => card.id === cards.defaultCardId |
) |
text += `\n${newDefaultCard.brand} ending in ${newDefaultCard.last4} in now default for ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)}` |
} |
} |
const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) |
text += ` ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed}]`)}` |
success(text) |
} else { |
console.log('No changes made') |
} |
break |
} |
case 'add': { |
addBilling({ |
creditCards, |
currentTeam, |
user |
}) |
break |
} |
default: |
error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | add | rm | set-default') |
help() |
exit(1) |
} |
creditCards.close() |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Packages
const ansiEscapes = require('ansi-escapes') |
const chalk = require('chalk') |
const ccValidator = require('credit-card') |
// Utilities
const textInput = require('../../lib/utils/input/text') |
const countries = require('../../lib/utils/billing/country-list') |
const cardBrands = require('../../lib/utils/billing/card-brands') |
const geocode = require('../../lib/utils/billing/geocode') |
const success = require('../../lib/utils/output/success') |
const wait = require('../../lib/utils/output/wait') |
const { tick } = require('../../lib/utils/output/chars') |
const rightPad = require('../../lib/utils/output/right-pad') |
function expDateMiddleware(data) { |
return data |
} |
module.exports = async function({ |
creditCards, |
currentTeam, |
user, |
clear = false |
}) { |
const state = { |
error: undefined, |
cardGroupLabel: `> ${chalk.bold( |
`Enter your card details for ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)}` |
name: { |
label: rightPad('Full Name', 12), |
placeholder: 'John Appleseed', |
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0 |
}, |
cardNumber: { |
label: rightPad('Number', 12), |
mask: 'cc', |
placeholder: '#### #### #### ####', |
validateKeypress: (data, value) => /\d/.test(data) && value.length < 19, |
validateValue: data => { |
data = data.replace(/ /g, '') |
const type = ccValidator.determineCardType(data) |
if (!type) { |
return false |
} |
return ccValidator.isValidCardNumber(data, type) |
} |
}, |
ccv: { |
label: rightPad('CCV', 12), |
mask: 'ccv', |
placeholder: '###', |
validateValue: data => { |
const brand = state.cardNumber.brand.toLowerCase() |
return ccValidator.doesCvvMatchType(data, brand) |
} |
}, |
expDate: { |
label: rightPad('Exp. Date', 12), |
mask: 'expDate', |
placeholder: 'mm / yyyy', |
middleware: expDateMiddleware, |
validateValue: data => !ccValidator.isExpired(...data.split(' / ')) |
}, |
addressGroupLabel: `\n> ${chalk.bold('Enter your billing address')}`, |
country: { |
label: rightPad('Country', 12), |
async autoComplete(value) { |
for (const country in countries) { |
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(countries, country)) { |
continue |
} |
if (country.startsWith(value)) { |
return country.substr(value.length) |
} |
const lowercaseCountry = country.toLowerCase() |
const lowercaseValue = value.toLowerCase() |
if (lowercaseCountry.startsWith(lowercaseValue)) { |
return lowercaseCountry.substr(value.length) |
} |
} |
return false |
}, |
validateValue: value => { |
for (const country in countries) { |
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(countries, country)) { |
continue |
} |
if (country.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase()) { |
return true |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
}, |
zipCode: { |
label: rightPad('ZIP', 12), |
validadeKeypress: data => data.trim().length > 0, |
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0 |
}, |
state: { |
label: rightPad('State', 12), |
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0 |
}, |
city: { |
label: rightPad('City', 12), |
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0 |
}, |
address1: { |
label: rightPad('Address', 12), |
validateValue: data => data.trim().length > 0 |
} |
} |
async function render() { |
for (const key in state) { |
if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(state, key)) { |
continue |
} |
const piece = state[key] |
if (typeof piece === 'string') { |
console.log(piece) |
} else if (typeof piece === 'object') { |
let result |
try { |
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ |
result = await textInput({ |
label: '- ' + piece.label, |
initialValue: piece.initialValue || piece.value, |
placeholder: piece.placeholder, |
mask: piece.mask, |
validateKeypress: piece.validateKeypress, |
validateValue: piece.validateValue, |
autoComplete: piece.autoComplete |
}) |
piece.value = result |
if (key === 'cardNumber') { |
let brand = cardBrands[ccValidator.determineCardType(result)] |
piece.brand = brand |
if (brand === 'American Express') { |
state.ccv.placeholder = '#'.repeat(4) |
} else { |
state.ccv.placeholder = '#'.repeat(3) |
} |
brand = chalk.cyan(`[${brand}]`) |
const masked = chalk.gray('#### '.repeat(3)) + result.split(' ')[3] |
process.stdout.write( |
`${chalk.cyan(tick)} ${piece.label}${masked} ${brand}\n` |
) |
} else if (key === 'ccv') { |
process.stdout.write( |
`${chalk.cyan(tick)} ${piece.label}${'*'.repeat(result.length)}\n` |
) |
} else if (key === 'expDate') { |
let text = result.split(' / ') |
text = text[0] + chalk.gray(' / ') + text[1] |
process.stdout.write(`${chalk.cyan(tick)} ${piece.label}${text}\n`) |
} else if (key === 'zipCode') { |
const stopSpinner = wait(piece.label + result) |
const addressInfo = await geocode({ |
country: state.country.value, |
zipCode: result |
}) |
if (addressInfo.state) { |
state.state.initialValue = addressInfo.state |
} |
if (addressInfo.city) { |
state.city.initialValue = addressInfo.city |
} |
stopSpinner() |
process.stdout.write( |
`${chalk.cyan(tick)} ${piece.label}${result}\n` |
) |
} else { |
process.stdout.write( |
`${chalk.cyan(tick)} ${piece.label}${result}\n` |
) |
} |
} catch (err) { |
if (err.message === 'USER_ABORT') { |
process.exit(1) |
} else { |
console.error(err) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
console.log('') // New line
const stopSpinner = wait('Saving card') |
try { |
const res = await creditCards.add({ |
name: state.name.value, |
cardNumber: state.cardNumber.value, |
ccv: state.ccv.value, |
expDate: state.expDate.value, |
country: state.country.value, |
zipCode: state.zipCode.value, |
state: state.state.value, |
city: state.city.value, |
address1: state.address1.value |
}) |
stopSpinner() |
if (clear) { |
const linesToClear = state.error ? 15 : 14 |
process.stdout.write(ansiEscapes.eraseLines(linesToClear)) |
} |
success( |
`${state.cardNumber |
.brand} ending in ${res.last4} was added to ${chalk.bold( |
(currentTeam && currentTeam.slug) || user.username || user.email |
)}` |
) |
} catch (err) { |
stopSpinner() |
const linesToClear = state.error ? 15 : 14 |
process.stdout.write(ansiEscapes.eraseLines(linesToClear)) |
state.error = `${chalk.red( |
'> Error!' |
)} ${err.message} Please make sure the info is correct` |
await render() |
} |
} |
try { |
await render() |
} catch (err) { |
console.erorr(err) |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue