// Native
const {homedir} = require('os')
const {resolve: resolvePath, join: joinPaths} = require('path')
const EventEmitter = require('events')

// Packages
const bytes = require('bytes')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const resumer = require('resumer')
const retry = require('async-retry').default
const splitArray = require('split-array')
const {parse: parseIni} = require('ini')
const {readFile, stat, lstat} = require('fs-promise')

// Ours
const {npm: getNpmFiles, docker: getDockerFiles} = require('./get-files')
const ua = require('./ua')
const hash = require('./hash')
const Agent = require('./agent')
const readMetaData = require('./read-metadata')

// how many concurrent HTTP/2 stream uploads

// check if running windows
const IS_WIN = /^win/.test(process.platform)
const SEP = IS_WIN ? '\\' : '/'

module.exports = class Now extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(url, token, {forceNew = false, debug = false}) {
    this._token = token
    this._debug = debug
    this._forceNew = forceNew
    this._agent = new Agent(url, {debug})
    this._onRetry = this._onRetry.bind(this)

  async create(path, {
    quiet = false,
    env = {},
    followSymlinks = true,
    forceNew = false,
    forceSync = false,
    forwardNpm = false,
    deploymentType = 'npm',
    isStatic = false
  }) {
    this._path = path
    this._static = isStatic

    let files

    const meta = await readMetaData(path, {
    const {pkg, name, description, nowConfig, hasNowJson} = meta
    deploymentType = meta.deploymentType

    if (this._debug) {
      console.time('> [debug] Getting files')

    const opts = {debug: this._debug, hasNowJson}
    if (deploymentType === 'npm') {
      files = await getNpmFiles(path, pkg, nowConfig, opts)
    } else {
      files = await getDockerFiles(path, nowConfig, opts)

    if (this._debug) {
      console.timeEnd('> [debug] Getting files')

    forwardNpm = forwardNpm || (nowConfig && nowConfig.forwardNpm)

    // Read .npmrc
    let npmrc = {}
    let authToken
    if (deploymentType === 'npm' && forwardNpm) {
      try {
        npmrc = await readFile(resolvePath(path, '.npmrc'), 'utf8')
        npmrc = parseIni(npmrc)
        authToken = npmrc['//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken']
      } catch (err) {
        // Do nothing

      if (!authToken) {
        try {
          npmrc = await readFile(resolvePath(homedir(), '.npmrc'), 'utf8')
          npmrc = parseIni(npmrc)
          authToken = npmrc['//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken']
        } catch (err) {
          // Do nothing

    if (this._debug) {
      console.time('> [debug] Computing hashes')

    const pkgDetails = {}
    pkgDetails.name = name

    Object.assign(pkgDetails, pkg)

    const hashes = await hash(files, isStatic, pkgDetails)

    if (this._debug) {
      console.timeEnd('> [debug] Computing hashes')

    this._files = hashes

    const engines = (nowConfig && nowConfig.engines) || pkg.engines

    const deployment = await this.retry(async bail => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time('> [debug] /now/create')

      // Flatten the array to contain files to sync where each nested input
      // array has a group of files with the same sha but different path
      const files = await Promise.all(Array.prototype.concat.apply([], await Promise.all((Array.from(this._files)).map(async ([sha, {data, names}]) => {
        const statFn = followSymlinks ? stat : lstat

        return await names.map(async name => {
          let mode

          const getMode = async () => {
            const st = await statFn(name)
            return st.mode

          if (this._static) {
            if (toRelative(name, this._path) === 'package.json') {
              mode = 33261
            } else {
              mode = await getMode()
              name = this.pathInsideContent(name)
          } else {
            mode = await getMode()

          return {
            size: data.length,
            file: toRelative(name, this._path),

      const res = await this._fetch('/now/create', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: {
          public: wantsPublic,
          registryAuthToken: authToken,

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd('> [debug] /now/create')

      // no retry on 4xx
      let body
      try {
        body = await res.json()
      } catch (err) {
        throw new Error('Unexpected response')

      if (res.status === 429) {
        return bail(responseError(res))
      } else if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
        const err = new Error(body.error.message)
        err.userError = true
        return bail(err)
      } else if (res.status !== 200) {
        throw new Error(body.error.message)

      return body

    // we report about files whose sizes are too big
    let missingVersion = false
    if (deployment.warnings) {
      let sizeExceeded = 0
      deployment.warnings.forEach(warning => {
        if (warning.reason === 'size_limit_exceeded') {
          const {sha, limit} = warning
          const n = hashes.get(sha).names.pop()
          console.error('> \u001b[31mWarning!\u001b[39m Skipping file %s (size exceeded %s)',
          hashes.get(sha).names.unshift(n) // move name (hack, if duplicate matches we report them in order)
        } else if (warning.reason === 'node_version_not_found') {
          const {wanted, used} = warning
          console.error('> \u001b[31mWarning!\u001b[39m Requested node version %s is not available',
          missingVersion = true

      if (sizeExceeded) {
        console.error(`> \u001b[31mWarning!\u001b[39m ${sizeExceeded} of the files ` +
          'exceeded the limit for your plan.\n' +
          `> See ${chalk.underline('https://zeit.co/account')} to upgrade.`)

    if (!quiet && deploymentType === 'npm' && deployment.nodeVersion) {
      if (engines && engines.node) {
        if (missingVersion) {
          console.log(`> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(deployment.nodeVersion)} (default)`)
        } else {
          console.log(`> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(deployment.nodeVersion)} (requested: ${chalk.dim(`\`${engines.node}\``)})`)
      } else {
        console.log(`> Using Node.js ${chalk.bold(deployment.nodeVersion)} (default)`)

    this._id = deployment.deploymentId
    this._host = deployment.url
    this._missing = deployment.missing || []

    return this._url

  pathInsideContent(position) {
    const relativePath = toRelative(position, this._path)
    const contentDir = joinPaths(this._path, 'content')
    const newPath = joinPaths(contentDir, relativePath)

    return newPath

  upload() {
    const parts = splitArray(this._missing, MAX_CONCURRENT)

    if (this._debug) {
      console.log('> [debug] Will upload ' +
        `${this._missing.length} files in ${parts.length} ` +
        `steps of ${MAX_CONCURRENT} uploads.`)

    const uploadChunk = () => {
      Promise.all(parts.shift().map(sha => retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
        const file = this._files.get(sha)
        const {data, names} = file

        if (this._debug) {
          console.time(`> [debug] /sync #${attempt} ${names.join(' ')}`)

        const stream = resumer().queue(data).end()
        const res = await this._fetch('/now/sync', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
            'Content-Length': data.length,
            'x-now-deployment-id': this._id,
            'x-now-sha': sha,
            'x-now-file': names.map(name => {
              if (this._static) {
                name = this.pathInsideContent(name)

              return toRelative(encodeURIComponent(name), this._path)
            'x-now-size': data.length
          body: stream

        if (this._debug) {
          console.timeEnd(`> [debug] /sync #${attempt} ${names.join(' ')}`)

        // no retry on 4xx
        if (res.status !== 200 && (res.status >= 400 || res.status < 500)) {
          if (this._debug) {
            console.log('> [debug] bailing on creating due to %s', res.status)

          return bail(responseError(res))

        this.emit('upload', file)
      }, {retries: 3, randomize: true, onRetry: this._onRetry})))
      .then(() => parts.length ? uploadChunk() : this.emit('complete'))
      .catch(err => this.emit('error', err))


  async listSecrets() {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /secrets`)

      const res = await this._fetch('/now/secrets')

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /secrets`)

      const body = await res.json()
      return body.secrets

  async list(app) {
    const query = app ? `?app=${encodeURIComponent(app)}` : ''

    const {deployments} = await this.retry(async bail => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time('> [debug] /list')

      const res = await this._fetch('/now/list' + query)

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd('> [debug] /list')

      // no retry on 4xx
      if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
        if (this._debug) {
          console.log('> [debug] bailing on listing due to %s', res.status)
        return bail(responseError(res))

      if (res.status !== 200) {
        throw new Error('Fetching deployment list failed')

      return res.json()
    }, {retries: 3, minTimeout: 2500, onRetry: this._onRetry})

    return deployments

  async listAliases(deploymentId) {
    return this.retry(async () => {
      const res = await this._fetch(deploymentId ? `/now/deployments/${deploymentId}/aliases` : '/now/aliases')
      const body = await res.json()
      return body.aliases

  async last(app) {
    const deployments = await this.list(app)

    const last = deployments.sort((a, b) => {
      return b.created - a.created

    if (!last) {
      const e = Error(`No deployments found for "${app}"`)
      e.userError = true
      throw e

    return last

  async listDomains() {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /domains`)

      const res = await this._fetch('/domains')

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /domains`)

      const body = await res.json()
      return body.domains

  async getDomain(domain) {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /domains/${domain}`)

      const res = await this._fetch(`/domains/${domain}`)

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /domains/${domain}`)

      return await res.json()

  getNameservers(domain) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      let fallback = false

      this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
        if (this._debug) {
          console.time(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /whois-ns${fallback ? '-fallback' : ''}`)

        const res = await this._fetch(`/whois-ns${fallback ? '-fallback' : ''}?domain=${encodeURIComponent(domain)}`)

        if (this._debug) {
          console.timeEnd(`> [debug] #${attempt} GET /whois-ns${fallback ? '-fallback' : ''}`)

        const body = await res.json()

        if (res.status === 200) {
          if ((!body.nameservers || body.nameservers.length === 0) && !fallback) {
            // if the nameservers are `null` it's likely
            // that our whois service failed to parse it
            fallback = true
            throw new Error('Invalid whois response')

          return body

        if (attempt > 1) {
          fallback = true

        throw new Error(`Whois error (${res.status}): ${body.error.message}`)
      }).then(body => {
        body.nameservers = body.nameservers.filter(ns => {
          // temporary hack:
          // sometimes we get a response that looks like:
          // ['ns', 'ns', '', '']
          // so we filter the empty ones
          return ns.length
      }).catch(err => {

  // _ensures_ the domain is setup (idempotent)
  setupDomain(name, {isExternal} = {}) {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] #${attempt} POST /domains`)

      const res = await this._fetch('/domains', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: {name, isExternal: Boolean(isExternal)}

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd(`> [debug] #${attempt} POST /domains`)

      const body = await res.json()

      if (res.status === 403) {
        const code = body.error.code
        let err

        if (code === 'custom_domain_needs_upgrade') {
          err = new Error(`Custom domains are only enabled for premium accounts. Please upgrade at ${chalk.underline('https://zeit.co/account')}.`)
        } else {
          err = new Error(`Not authorized to access domain ${name}`)

        err.userError = true
        return bail(err)
      } else if (res.status === 409) { // domain already exists
        if (this._debug) {
          console.log('> [debug] Domain already exists (noop)')

        return {uid: body.error.uid, code: body.error.code}
      } else if (res.status === 401 && body.error && body.error.code === 'verification_failed') {
        const err = new Error(body.error.message)
        err.userError = true
        return bail(err)
      } else if (res.status !== 200) {
        throw new Error(body.error.message)

      return body

  createCert(domain, {renew} = {}) {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] /now/certs #${attempt}`)

      const res = await this._fetch('/now/certs', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: {
          domains: [domain],

      if (res.status === 304) {
        console.log('> Certificate already issued.')

      const body = await res.json()

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd(`> [debug] /now/certs #${attempt}`)

      if (body.error) {
        const {code} = body.error

        if (code === 'verification_failed') {
          const err = new Error('The certificate issuer failed to verify ownership of the domain. ' +
            'This likely has to do with DNS propagation and caching issues. Please retry later!')
          err.userError = true
          // retry
          throw err
        } else if (code === 'rate_limited') {
          const err = new Error(body.error.message)
          err.userError = true
          // dont retry
          return bail(err)

        throw new Error(body.error.message)

      if (res.status !== 200 && res.status !== 304) {
        throw new Error('Unhandled error')
      return body
    }, {retries: 5, minTimeout: 30000, maxTimeout: 90000})

  deleteCert(domain) {
    return this.retry(async (bail, attempt) => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time(`> [debug] /now/certs #${attempt}`)

      const res = await this._fetch(`/now/certs/${domain}`, {
        method: 'DELETE'

      if (res.status !== 200) {
        const err = new Error(res.body.error.message)
        err.userError = false

        if (res.status === 400 || res.status === 404) {
          return bail(err)

        throw err

  async remove(deploymentId, {hard}) {
    const data = {deploymentId, hard}

    await this.retry(async bail => {
      if (this._debug) {
        console.time('> [debug] /remove')

      const res = await this._fetch('/now/remove', {
        method: 'DELETE',
        body: data

      if (this._debug) {
        console.timeEnd('> [debug] /remove')

      // no retry on 4xx
      if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 500) {
        if (this._debug) {
          console.log('> [debug] bailing on removal due to %s', res.status)
        return bail(responseError(res))

      if (res.status !== 200) {
        throw new Error('Removing deployment failed')

    return true

  retry(fn, {retries = 3, maxTimeout = Infinity} = {}) {
    return retry(fn, {
      onRetry: this._onRetry

  _onRetry(err) {
    if (this._debug) {
      console.log(`> [debug] Retrying: ${err}\n${err.stack}`)

  close() {

  get id() {
    return this._id

  get url() {
    return `https://${this._host}`

  get host() {
    return this._host

  get syncAmount() {
    if (!this._syncAmount) {
      this._syncAmount = this._missing
      .map(sha => this._files.get(sha).data.length)
      .reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
    return this._syncAmount

  _fetch(_url, opts = {}) {
    opts.headers = opts.headers || {}
    opts.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${this._token}`
    opts.headers['user-agent'] = ua
    return this._agent.fetch(_url, opts)

function toRelative(path, base) {
  const fullBase = base.endsWith(SEP) ? base : base + SEP
  let relative = path.substr(fullBase.length)

  if (relative.startsWith(SEP)) {
    relative = relative.substr(1)

  return relative.replace(/\\/g, '/')

function responseError(res) {
  const err = new Error('Response error')
  err.status = res.status

  if (res.status === 429) {
    const retryAfter = res.headers.get('Retry-After')
    if (retryAfter) {
      err.retryAfter = parseInt(retryAfter, 10)

  return err