#!/usr/bin/env node // Packages const minimist = require('minimist') const chalk = require('chalk') const ms = require('ms') const table = require('text-table') // Ours const Now = require('../lib') const login = require('../lib/login') const cfg = require('../lib/cfg') const {handleError, error} = require('../lib/error') const logo = require('../lib/utils/output/logo') const {normalizeURL} = require('../lib/utils/url') const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['config', 'token'], boolean: ['help', 'debug', 'hard', 'yes'], alias: { help: 'h', config: 'c', debug: 'd', token: 't', yes: 'y' } }); const ids = argv._; // Options const help = () => { console.log( ` ${chalk.bold(`${logo} now remove`)} deploymentId|deploymentName [...deploymentId|deploymentName] ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help Output usage information -c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')} Config file -d, --debug Debug mode [off] -t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')} Login token -y, --yes Skip confirmation ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Remove a deployment identified by ${chalk.dim('`deploymentId`')}: ${chalk.cyan('$ now rm deploymentId')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Remove all deployments with name ${chalk.dim('`my-app`')}: ${chalk.cyan('$ now rm my-app')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Remove two deployments with IDs ${chalk.dim('`eyWt6zuSdeus`')} and ${chalk.dim('`uWHoA9RQ1d1o`')}: ${chalk.cyan('$ now rm eyWt6zuSdeus uWHoA9RQ1d1o')} ${chalk.dim('Alias:')} rm ` ); }; if (argv.help || ids.length === 0) { help(); process.exit(0); } // Options const debug = argv.debug; const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co'; const hard = argv.hard || false; const skipConfirmation = argv.yes || false; if (argv.config) { cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config); } Promise.resolve().then(async () => { const config = await cfg.read(); let token; try { token = (await argv.token) || config.token || login(apiUrl); } catch (err) { error(`Authentication error – ${err.message}`); process.exit(1); } try { await remove({token, config}); } catch (err) { error(`Unknown error: ${err}\n${err.stack}`); process.exit(1); } }); function readConfirmation(matches) { return new Promise(resolve => { process.stdout.write( `> The following deployment${matches.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} will be removed permanently:\n` ); const tbl = table( matches.map(depl => { const time = chalk.gray(ms(new Date() - depl.created) + ' ago'); const url = depl.url ? chalk.underline(`https://${depl.url}`) : ''; return [depl.uid, url, time]; }), { align: ['l', 'r', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(6) } ); process.stdout.write(tbl + '\n'); for (const depl of matches) { for (const alias of depl.aliases) { process.stdout.write( `> ${chalk.yellow('Warning!')} Deployment ${chalk.bold(depl.uid)} ` + `is an alias for ${chalk.underline(`https://${alias.alias}`)} and will be removed.\n` ); } } process.stdout.write( `${chalk.bold.red('> Are you sure?')} ${chalk.gray('[y/N] ')}` ); process.stdin .on('data', d => { process.stdin.pause(); resolve(d.toString().trim()); }) .resume(); }); } async function remove({token, config: {currentTeam}}) { const now = new Now({apiUrl, token, debug, currentTeam }); const deployments = await now.list(); const matches = deployments.filter(d => { return ids.some(id => { return d.uid === id || d.name === id || d.url === normalizeURL(id) }) }) if (matches.length === 0) { error( `Could not find any deployments matching ${ids .map(id => chalk.bold(`"${id}"`)) .join(', ')}. Run ${chalk.dim(`\`now ls\``)} to list.` ); return process.exit(1); } const aliases = await Promise.all( matches.map(depl => now.listAliases(depl.uid)) ); for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { matches[i].aliases = aliases[i]; } try { if (!skipConfirmation) { const confirmation = (await readConfirmation(matches)).toLowerCase(); if (confirmation !== 'y' && confirmation !== 'yes') { console.log('\n> Aborted'); process.exit(0); } } const start = new Date(); await Promise.all(matches.map(depl => now.remove(depl.uid, { hard }))); const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start); console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Success!')} [${elapsed}]`); console.log( table( matches.map(depl => { return [`Deployment ${chalk.bold(depl.uid)} removed`]; }) ) ); } catch (err) { handleError(err); process.exit(1); } now.close(); }