#!/usr/bin/env node --harmony-async-await // Packages const chalk = require('chalk') const minimist = require('minimist') const table = require('text-table') const ms = require('ms') // Ours const strlen = require('../lib/strlen') const NowAlias = require('../lib/alias') const login = require('../lib/login') const cfg = require('../lib/cfg') const {error} = require('../lib/error') const toHost = require('../lib/to-host') const readMetaData = require('../lib/read-metadata') const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['config', 'token'], boolean: ['help', 'debug'], alias: { help: 'h', config: 'c', debug: 'd', token: 't' } }) const subcommand = argv._[0] // options const help = () => { console.log(` ${chalk.bold('𝚫 now alias')} ${chalk.dim('Options:')} -h, --help Output usage information -c ${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')}, --config=${chalk.bold.underline('FILE')} Config file -d, --debug Debug mode [off] -t ${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')}, --token=${chalk.bold.underline('TOKEN')} Login token ${chalk.dim('Examples:')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Lists all your aliases: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias ls')} ${chalk.gray('–')} Adds a new alias to ${chalk.underline('my-api.now.sh')}: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now alias set ${chalk.underline('api-ownv3nc9f8.now.sh')} ${chalk.underline('my-api.now.sh')}`)} The ${chalk.dim('`.now.sh`')} suffix can be ommited: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias set api-ownv3nc9f8 my-api')} The deployment id can be used as the source: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias set deploymentId my-alias')} Custom domains work as alias targets: ${chalk.cyan(`$ now alias set ${chalk.underline('api-ownv3nc9f8.now.sh')} ${chalk.underline('my-api.com')}`)} ${chalk.dim('–')} The subcommand ${chalk.dim('`set`')} is the default and can be skipped. ${chalk.dim('–')} ${chalk.dim('`http(s)://`')} in the URLs is unneeded / ignored. ${chalk.gray('–')} Removing an alias: ${chalk.cyan('$ now alias rm aliasId')} To get the list of alias ids, use ${chalk.dim('`now alias ls`')}. ${chalk.dim('Alias:')} ln `) } // options const debug = argv.debug const apiUrl = argv.url || 'https://api.zeit.co' if (argv.config) { cfg.setConfigFile(argv.config) } const exit = code => { // we give stdout some time to flush out // because there's a node bug where // stdout writes are asynchronous // https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/6456 setTimeout(() => process.exit(code || 0), 100) } if (argv.help) { help() exit(0) } else { const config = cfg.read() Promise.resolve(argv.token || config.token || login(apiUrl)) .then(async token => { try { await run(token) } catch (err) { if (err.userError) { error(err.message) } else { error(`Unknown error: ${err.stack}`) } exit(1) } }) .catch(e => { error(`Authentication error – ${e.message}`) exit(1) }) } async function run(token) { const alias = new NowAlias(apiUrl, token, {debug}) const args = argv._.slice(1) switch (subcommand) { case 'ls': case 'list': { if (args.length !== 0) { error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now alias ls`')}`) return exit(1) } const start_ = new Date() const list = await alias.list() const urls = new Map(list.map(l => [l.uid, l.url])) const aliases = await alias.ls() aliases.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.created) - new Date(a.created)) const current = new Date() const header = [['', 'id', 'source', 'url', 'created'].map(s => chalk.dim(s))] const text = list.length === 0 ? null : table(header.concat(aliases.map(_alias => { const _url = chalk.underline(`https://${_alias.alias}`) const target = _alias.deploymentId const _sourceUrl = urls.get(target) ? chalk.underline(`https://${urls.get(target)}`) : chalk.gray('') const time = chalk.gray(ms(current - new Date(_alias.created)) + ' ago') return [ '', // we default to `''` because some early aliases didn't // have an uid associated _alias.uid === null ? '' : _alias.uid, _sourceUrl, _url, time ] })), {align: ['l', 'r', 'l', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(2), stringLength: strlen}) const elapsed_ = ms(new Date() - start_) console.log(`> ${aliases.length} alias${aliases.length === 1 ? '' : 'es'} found ${chalk.gray(`[${elapsed_}]`)}`) if (text) { console.log('\n' + text + '\n') } break } case 'rm': case 'remove': { const _target = String(args[0]) if (!_target) { const err = new Error('No alias id specified') err.userError = true throw err } if (args.length !== 1) { error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now alias rm `')}`) return exit(1) } const _aliases = await alias.ls() const _alias = findAlias(_target, _aliases) if (!_alias) { const err = new Error(`Alias not found by "${_target}". Run ${chalk.dim('`now alias ls`')} to see your aliases.`) err.userError = true throw err } try { const confirmation = (await readConfirmation(alias, _alias, _aliases)).toLowerCase() if (confirmation !== 'y' && confirmation !== 'yes') { console.log('\n> Aborted') process.exit(0) } const start = new Date() await alias.rm(_alias) const elapsed = ms(new Date() - start) console.log(`${chalk.cyan('> Success!')} Alias ${chalk.bold(_alias.uid)} removed [${elapsed}]`) } catch (err) { error(err) exit(1) } break } case 'add': case 'set': { if (args.length !== 2) { error(`Invalid number of arguments. Usage: ${chalk.cyan('`now alias set `')}`) return exit(1) } await alias.set(String(args[0]), String(args[1])) break } default: { if (argv._.length === 0) { await realias(alias) break } if (argv._.length === 2) { await alias.set(String(argv._[0]), String(argv._[1])) } else if (argv._.length >= 3) { error('Invalid number of arguments') help() exit(1) } else { error('Please specify a valid subcommand: ls | set | rm') help() exit(1) } } } alias.close() } async function readConfirmation(alias, _alias) { const deploymentsList = await alias.list() const urls = new Map(deploymentsList.map(l => [l.uid, l.url])) return new Promise(resolve => { const time = chalk.gray(ms(new Date() - new Date(_alias.created)) + ' ago') const _sourceUrl = chalk.underline(`https://${urls.get(_alias.deploymentId)}`) const tbl = table( [[_alias.uid, _sourceUrl, chalk.underline(`https://${_alias.alias}`), time]], {align: ['l', 'r', 'l'], hsep: ' '.repeat(6)} ) process.stdout.write('> The following alias will be removed permanently\n') process.stdout.write(' ' + tbl + '\n') process.stdout.write(` ${chalk.bold.red('> Are you sure?')} ${chalk.gray('[y/N] ')}`) process.stdin.on('data', d => { process.stdin.pause() resolve(d.toString().trim()) }).resume() }) } function findAlias(alias, list) { let key let val if (/\./.test(alias)) { val = toHost(alias) key = 'alias' } else { val = alias key = 'uid' } const _alias = list.find(d => { if (d[key] === val) { if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] matched alias ${d.uid} by ${key} ${val}`) } return true } // match prefix if (`${val}.now.sh` === d.alias) { if (debug) { console.log(`> [debug] matched alias ${d.uid} by url ${d.host}`) } return true } return false }) return _alias } async function realias(alias) { const path = process.cwd() const {pkg, name} = await readMetaData(path, { deploymentType: 'npm', // hard coding settings… quiet: true // `quiet` }) const pkgConfig = pkg ? pkg.now || {} : {} const target = pkgConfig.alias // the user never intended to support aliases from the package if (!target) { help() return exit(0) } // now try to find the last deployment const source = await alias.last(name) await alias.set(source.url, target) } // vi:syntax=javascript